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Whats Coming Next Expansion

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When you look at this from a business stand point, the whole expansion was designed for this one moment. Ask yourself were is the new RAID, Legendary Weapons, WvW Map, and Spvp map? When you think about it we were given the bare minimum in order to get mounts in the game. A new Pve zone, a story for the new zone, and the new specs because if not then people would riot. Games that run this RNG cash shop model only make expansion that continue to feed the RNG cash model no game has broken away from that. Look at POF and ask yourself whats really coming next expansion. If you want to go back in history look at games expansion before RNG was a thing and after the RNG. Hate to mention World of Warcraft but there patch was bigger then POF, for a small price of 15 month, and im pretty sure majority of gw2 players spend atleast 10 a month.

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Ummmm the next expansion won't be soon. And POF content hasn't been fully released. POF content also includes living world season 4. New raids. Maybe fractals. Possibility of more masteries from tyria.


However to say that things we didn't get. Most of those will be happening next month of the month after.


So far what is for sure coming.


Raids. And also informed raids will require both POF and hot since some raids will be designed for you to have them.


Living world season 4.


Weapons from the raids.


More maps. Since each chapter of lvs4s chapter adds a map.


Wvw. I don't know what they will add however there is a rumor of something that arenanet is doing at the moment. I will include this. Since gliding has been added to wvw. There is a possibility of mounts being added also. When? IDK. But it will happen.




Maybe these are happening.


Dungeons. however idk since fractals are considered dungeons.


New masteries.


PvP. Since PvP just got the new season and the balance happened I don't know what arena net will do something. But IDC I love PvP even if nothing is gonna be added. But thats my opinion.


Arenanet has spoken on trinkets getting legendary. Assuming this. Jewels will be to 500 for crafting. However when? I don't know.






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Now for next expansion however will atleast be next year or long. I'd assume the staples will happen.


New elites.








However there is much for arenanet to make gw2 grow. The theme of the next expansion we will not know till the end of living world season 4. There's also things they haven't added when they could..


1v1 dueling in open map.


Possibility of new race?

New class besides the new elites.


A underwater mount.


What to expect? I don't know. They could already be planning plenty of things we don't know. We didn't know we would get mounts. Or a griffon but we did. Let's just watch.


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> @DocRimpel.5280 said:

> Boo. I have no idea what your point is.


His point is supposedly that they built an entire expansion just so they could add a new skin type to the store to make money. The whole point of the expansion wasnt to give us "content" but to find a way for them to "sneak" mounts into the game so they could monetize them.


He is implying that they wont add anything to the game in the future that they cannot capitalize on via the gem store.


He further goes on to imply that games with a monthly sub get better content more often. Which may or may not necessarily be true. He neglects to mention that in addition to that "minor" $15 a month fee to simply play each month, you must _also_ purchase that new expansion content for $50.

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no matter how they did it coming out with a new pack would not be worth it and another waste of game dev time . that could be put to far more better use fixing things in the game that have been and are still broken since the game came out in 2012. this is part of my reason as to and why i did not buy the path of fire pack that just came out . and nor will i do so even more so now with the loot box RNG and 30 useless mount skins pack at $140.00 yeah NO THANKS

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> He further goes on to imply that games with a monthly sub get better content more often. Which may or may not necessarily be true. He neglects to mention that in addition to that "minor" $15 a month fee to simply play each month, you must _also_ purchase that new expansion content for $50.


I Did forget to mention buying the game, but i ask one thing with 30+ mount skins added after the expansion not one skin could of been achieved by in game means? I say pure greed. I mean its been a month and some days since expansion, but you have this much time to invest in the gem store



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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > @DocRimpel.5280 said:

> > Boo. I have no idea what your point is.


> compare HOT to POF the content is diminishing of what to do in game


I will stop you here.


>Ask yourself were is the new RAID, Legendary Weapons, WvW Map, and Spvp map


Spirit Vale was released in November 17, 2015, not with Heart of Thorns

The Legendary Weapons weren't available on release either, they were added much later and some G2 are still missing to this day


As for the competitive modes:

SPvP map, I think you are talking about Stronghold, was a disaster and the pvp community didn't like it

WvW map, the desert borderlands had many updates and fixes to make it better but on release it was so bad that Arenanet had to make only one border use it, instead of all of them


Don't compare Heart of Thorns + all content up to Path of Fire with Path of Fire.

Either compare Heart of Thorns on release day with Path of Fire on release day, or wait at least 1 year for the Living World Season 4 to end before doing such a thing.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > He further goes on to imply that games with a monthly sub get better content more often. Which may or may not necessarily be true. He neglects to mention that in addition to that "minor" $15 a month fee to simply play each month, you must _also_ purchase that new expansion content for $50.


> I Did forget to mention buying the game, but i ask one thing with 30+ mount skins added after the expansion not one skin could of been achieved by in game means? I say pure greed. I mean its been a month and some days since expansion, but you have this much time to invest in the gem store




Different teams. I've said it once, I will say it a hundred thousand times before this is over an done with I'm sure. DIFFERENT TEAMS. Yes, there is some cross work between assorted teams for things, but when it comes to skins, it's primarily art, maybe some animation tweaks.


We already know its much faster and easier for them to make the skins that go into the gem store (because they've said so). There is also absolutely nothing tied to those skins, its a direct exchange of one thing for another. Putting those things into the game (which, I agree, they need to do) requires more teams, more people, and more coordination. Hopefully we see some collections or such that come into the game that reward unique mount skins. Additionally, we'll likely also see more direct purchase skins in the store over time, similar to glider skins. This was their way of dropping a bunch of skins at once and was probably part of the expansion development itself or the tail end of it, just like the spooky mount pack. We knew they were going to monetize mounts just as soon as we had confirmation of them, and that's perfectly ok. They just may not have been the wisest about implementing those skins options.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Spirit Vale was released in November 17, 2015, not with Heart of Thorns


which is 1 month after the release of HOT October 23, 2015. We are past that time with POF and we get a new gem store system to look back at. Add for the stuff that players didnt like in HOT pvp and wpvp at least Anet tried. So , POF gets nothing for pvp and Wpvp because of some failed attempts of innovation in HOT?

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> compare HOT to POF the content is diminishing of what to do in game


This seems like a misunderstanding to me to some extent. PoF seems to have almost as much content as HoT, it is just more accessible, with a less punishing mastery grind. Also PoF hasn't had its Living Story season yet, a lot of the value of HoT was truly realized in the LS3 maps and goodies (gear and collections.) Give PoF its year, year and a half to accumulate LS maps and goodies before passing judgement.

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> @Erulogos.2591 said:

> > @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > compare HOT to POF the content is diminishing of what to do in game


> This seems like a misunderstanding to me to some extent. PoF seems to have almost as much content as HoT, it is just more accessible, with a less punishing mastery grind. Also PoF hasn't had its Living Story season yet, a lot of the value of HoT was truly realized in the LS3 maps and goodies (gear and collections.) Give PoF its year, year and a half to accumulate LS maps and goodies before passing judgement.


POF is missing alot compared to HOT. Everything you mentioned is just the story of the game. POF has no raid, spvp map, Wpvp map, and Legendary weapons. All of these things were mentioned and showed to the community before the release of HOT

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HoT and PoF seem pretty equal to me... comparing to when HoT was first released at least.

Also... gliders were not accessable as ingame rewards... not at first... and even now only a very very few are accessable ingame and they are legendary tier, so hardly accessable unless you want to grind for legendary backpacks. Why anyone expected mount skins to be anything but gemstore surprises me. The rng aspect of the mount skins (besides the forged hount and halloween pack) is a surprise indeed, and one that is fair to complain about. But it was fully predictable and expected that they would be gemstore.

Actually if you really want to compare HoT and PoF and say PoF was made solely so they could cash in on mount skins, then HoT was made solely to cash in on glider skins. Really doubt that is the case... for either expansion.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> POF is missing alot compared to HOT. Everything you mentioned is just the story of the game. POF has no raid, spvp map, Wpvp map, and Legendary weapons. All of these things were mentioned and showed to the community before the release of HOT


At half the price for the xpac, does that seem unreasonable?

Also, it is a matter of perspective. Every thing you've listed as missing I don't partake in, so I don't notice their absence. Neither of us has proper data on how many people fall into which camp (caring about Pvp and/or raids vs not) but Anet probably knows what percentage of their active playerbase logs into those game modes. Given what was and was not included at launch, if I had to guess, i'd guess most of the playerbase doesn't involve itself in those modes, so spending dev effort there vs story and open world wasn't a wise allocation of resources.

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We know another Raid wing is coming. Raids are 'tied' to expansions (if I recall the AMA correctly) but they are on their own schedule. They were introduced with HoT, but they release as they are ready to do so. They have their own team handling them.


LS4 is tied to PoF and we know that's coming in the next month or 2. Mo said it would release 'shortly' after PoF and that they were still trying to stick to the same 2-3 month cadence for LS episodes. This also has its own team.


Pvp received 2 new maps (Capricorn and Eternal) in 2016, and 2 others received over hauls (Khylo and Skyhammer). 2 others have seen minor adjustments (Forest and Foefire) and automated tournaments where built into the game as well. They've also added a 2v2 map for custom arenas. I'm not sure what the pvp team is presently working on beyond some changes to AT's, per Ben's comment in that forum. But as pvp is considered a 'core' part of the game, things release for this (per the AMA iirc) as they are done.


WvW is also a 'core' part of the game and not tied to expansions (again per the AMA iirc). I have no idea what this team is working on. They are very quiet. WvW has gotten minor changes since the debacle that was desert borderlands. I think the most recent was the addition of gliding, but I don't track that mode very closely. Like other components, this is also not tied to expansions being a 'core' component, and as such has been stated to simply release things as its ready. Honestly, I have no idea where they can go with the mode, anything they try to do, everyone seems to hate. Even if it's something that was asked for. _shrug_


HoT had a set of legendary weapons as part of its announcement, but the implementation ended up being too hard / a flop and they were temporarily suspended. They then resumed with simpler collections and we started getting one with each LS episode. We've been told this will resume with LS4, so we should see the last few Gen2 legendaries "soon." After Gen2 is done, we will hopefully see a Gen3, and they will likely follow in the same vein in how they are released. So they have be decoupled from expansions, to some extent.

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> @Zeefa.3915 said:

> HoT and PoF seem pretty equal to me... comparing to when HoT was first released at least.

> Also... gliders were not accessable as ingame rewards... not at first... and even now only a very very few are accessable ingame and they are legendary tier, so hardly accessable unless you want to grind for legendary backpacks. Why anyone expected mount skins to be anything but gemstore surprises me. The rng aspect of the mount skins (besides the forged hount and halloween pack) is a surprise indeed, and one that is fair to complain about. But it was fully predictable and expected that they would be gemstore.

> Actually if you really want to compare HoT and PoF and say PoF was made solely so they could cash in on mount skins, then HoT was made solely to cash in on glider skins. Really doubt that is the case... for either expansion.


Hot List of features


Pve story

New Zone


new specs


new spvp mode

spvp map

wpvp map

new legendary weapons

redid the combat system to allow condi stacking

created mastery system


Pof List of features


Pve story

New Zone


new specs




See where the list cuts off so i do not think Hot Was made to cash in on gliders, but Pof is for mounts. All those Hot Systems where in the game by this time after release Hot

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> Hot List of features

> --------------------------------

> Pve story

> New Zone

> gliders

> new specs

> raids

> new spvp mode

> spvp map

> wpvp map

> new legendary weapons

> redid the combat system to allow condi stacking

> created mastery system


> Pof List of features

> --------------------------------------------

> Pve story

> New Zone

> mounts

> new specs




> See where the list cuts off so i do not think Hot Was made to cash in on gliders, but Pof is for mounts. All those Hot Systems where in the game by this time after release Hot


So my earlier comment dove into the story and open PvE vs raids and PvP, and another commenter also dove into raid and PvP releases. But I want to call out the bit about systems. A wise and sane developer doesn't add systems just to add systems, and check off a box on some nebulous 'xpac requirements' list. Doing that leads to the sort of graveyard of orphaned systems certain other MMOs suffer with. Might just be difference of opinion time, but I prefer that they don't add entire new, game changing systems just for lulz every xpac, and instead use and refine existing systems. And the combat change is really more of a balance change that coincided with an xpac than a feature you sell an xpac with.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > HoT and PoF seem pretty equal to me... comparing to when HoT was first released at least.

> > Also... gliders were not accessable as ingame rewards... not at first... and even now only a very very few are accessable ingame and they are legendary tier, so hardly accessable unless you want to grind for legendary backpacks. Why anyone expected mount skins to be anything but gemstore surprises me. The rng aspect of the mount skins (besides the forged hount and halloween pack) is a surprise indeed, and one that is fair to complain about. But it was fully predictable and expected that they would be gemstore.

> > Actually if you really want to compare HoT and PoF and say PoF was made solely so they could cash in on mount skins, then HoT was made solely to cash in on glider skins. Really doubt that is the case... for either expansion.


> Hot List of features

> --------------------------------

> Pve story

> New Zone

> gliders

> new specs

> raids

> new spvp mode

> spvp map

> wpvp map

> new legendary weapons

> redid the combat system to allow condi stacking

> created mastery system


> Pof List of features

> --------------------------------------------

> Pve story

> New Zone

> mounts

> new specs




> See where the list cuts off so i do not think Hot Was made to cash in on gliders, but Pof is for mounts. All those Hot Systems where in the game by this time after release Hot


Perhaps, you missed the Dev statements about the timelines for release on all your 'missing' content. Patience, young padawan, they are coming.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the next expansion tries to cater to the more casual crowd and finally introduces housing and fishing. Housing could be even easier to sell than mounts, which I'm surprised they haven't tried with guild halls, but that gets into the issue of who pays.


> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> Ask yourself were is the new RAID, Legendary Weapons, WvW Map, and Spvp map?


They couldn't advertise a raid with PoF because they're planning to require both HoT and PoF. They can't do that while also saying that HoT isn't required for PoF. Legendary weapons are the same deal and although they could have hidden one in with PoF, the remainder from HoT will fill out S4. WvW, SPvP and fractals are on their own schedule, though they could hold back content to pad the expansion if you really wanted, just as they did with HoT.


The next raid, legendary and living world episode should be revealed next week, if they're on schedule.


> @blambidy.3216 said:

> POF content also includes living world season 4.


You wouldn't have to pay for it if it was included (when you miss the free period). The reason it's not simply free is because it acts as an incentive to login, which is more profitable than a 200 gem episode.

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