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Whats Coming Next Expansion

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I'm more concerned about how they are going to design the next expansion. Since mounts are part of PoF how will that effect future expansion maps for players who don't have it? Will they add mounts to Central Tyria to make up for it?


Here is what they are gonna end up doing imo. They are going to make PoF a free bundle with the purchase of the next expansion (and keep HoT as an additional purchase). That way they can make the new maps still require the mounts without locking out the new players (except for the minor inconvenience to first play through PoF to play the newest expansion).

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Well one thing is sure why HoT has a lot more to offer then PoF as simply HoT had and still have very active meta events that let you interact with the whole map and PoF just have some events and bounty runs kinda similar to core content, and now few months later nobody is doing anything in PoF even bounties, so whatever else PoF has that makes you believe that it is as good as HoT, well then the numbers dont lie, and indeed there isnt much to do in PoF except for getting the mounts.

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> @"ThenCameThree.4163" said:

> When you look at this from a business stand point, the whole expansion was designed for this one moment. Ask yourself were is the new RAID, Legendary Weapons, WvW Map, and Spvp map? When you think about it we were given the bare minimum in order to get mounts in the game. A new Pve zone, a story for the new zone, and the new specs because if not then people would riot. Games that run this RNG cash shop model only make expansion that continue to feed the RNG cash model no game has broken away from that. Look at POF and ask yourself whats really coming next expansion. If you want to go back in history look at games expansion before RNG was a thing and after the RNG. Hate to mention World of Warcraft but there patch was bigger then POF, for a small price of 15 month, and im pretty sure majority of gw2 players spend atleast 10 a month.


Yeah. Anet still needs to up their game quite a bit with expansions. Simply put, neither HoT or PoF offered enough content. In the 6 years since launch we have only a handful of new dungeons, two raids, no new weapon types, no new races, one new class, more or less no pvp modes, and one or two new maps.


The only thing that's been released at a reasonable pace are new PvE maps. And that's just not enough.

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  • 4 months later...

> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Now for next expansion however will atleast be next year or long. I'd assume the staples will happen.


> New elites.

> Maps.

> Story.

> Masteries.

> Lws5

> raids.

> Fractals


> However there is much for arenanet to make gw2 grow. The theme of the next expansion we will not know till the end of living world season 4. There's also things they haven't added when they could..

> Housing.

> 1v1 dueling in open map.

> Trading.

> Possibility of new race?

> New class besides the new elites.


> A underwater mount.


> What to expect? I don't know. They could already be planning plenty of things we don't know. We didn't know we would get mounts. Or a griffon but we did. Let's just watch.



-LWS5 is coming before the next xpac. So the next xpac would have Lwss6 and maybe 7.

Open world 1v1 won't happen. Wanna duel go to GH arena, WvW or get a private pvp arena.

New race highly unlikely (least playable) even though myself and many others would enjoy having a new race to play.

New classes won't happen. We got 3 of each weight class and the elites are their answer to new classes.

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> @"ThenCameThree.4163" said:

> > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > HoT and PoF seem pretty equal to me... comparing to when HoT was first released at least.

> > Also... gliders were not accessable as ingame rewards... not at first... and even now only a very very few are accessable ingame and they are legendary tier, so hardly accessable unless you want to grind for legendary backpacks. Why anyone expected mount skins to be anything but gemstore surprises me. The rng aspect of the mount skins (besides the forged hount and halloween pack) is a surprise indeed, and one that is fair to complain about. But it was fully predictable and expected that they would be gemstore.

> > Actually if you really want to compare HoT and PoF and say PoF was made solely so they could cash in on mount skins, then HoT was made solely to cash in on glider skins. Really doubt that is the case... for either expansion.


> Hot List of features

> --------------------------------

> Pve story

> New Zone

> gliders

> new specs

> raids

> new spvp mode

> spvp map

> wpvp map

> new legendary weapons

> redid the combat system to allow condi stacking

> created mastery system


> Pof List of features

> --------------------------------------------

> Pve story

> New Zone

> mounts

> new specs




> See where the list cuts off so i do not think Hot Was made to cash in on gliders, but Pof is for mounts. All those Hot Systems where in the game by this time after release Hot


Also that HoT had a retail cost of $60 while PoF had a retail cost of $30.

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For those that are asking for a console version, the main problem is that GW2 wouldn't run very well on current gen consoles. The game relies heavily on single core performance and PCs with 3 or even 4GHz CPU cores struggle. Xbox One has a speed of 1.75GHz and even Xbox one X is only clocked at 2.3GHz, this is terrible single core performance. Playstation 4 is only clocked at 1.6GHz, so even slower. At ultra low settings, a 3GHz CPU core isn't performing very well, so even if financially it was ok to release GW2 on console, performance-wise it's not.


On the plus side though, if they were going to release the game on consoles, they'd have to create a new, better multi-threaded, engine, so in the end it would be a huge plus for PC gamers too, provided the cost of the console version is paid up by the console release of course.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Open world 1v1 won't happen. Wanna duel go to GH arena, WvW or get a private pvp arena.

> New race highly unlikely (least playable) even though myself and many others would enjoy having a new race to play.

> New classes won't happen. We got 3 of each weight class and the elites are their answer to new classes.


##### Relevant developer comments on new race & new class

tl;dr they aren't working on it now, have no plans to do so


> [Massively OP Summarizes Mike Zadorojny's (April 2018) Comments on New Professions, new Races](http://massivelyop.com/2018/04/09/pax-east-2018-guild-wars-2-game-director-mike-zadorojny-on-path-of-fire-monetization-and-more/)


> We also talked a bit about things that are probably not happening. New professions, for example, have probably been sidelined forever in favor of new elite specializations; they allow the team to change the feel of a given profession without actually forcing you to play a new character along the way. New races, too, are a lot of work for limited rewards, and any sort of console development is also not something the team is focused on.


> Obviously, none of this is set in stone; he stressed that the quote to take away is not that new races will never be added. It’s just not the current direction.


##### Relevant developer comments on open world dueling

tl;dr not working on it now; no plans to do so


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" [wrote in September 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/695146/#Comment_695146):

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.



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Well there is going to be a long wait for the next expansion and personally I am not bothered by this since it gives me a lot of hope that the next expansion is going to be the big content dump that many Gw2 players, myself included have been wanting since we completed the personal story.


I enjoyed HoT and PoF and I am very much enjoying the direction this game is going in terms of story etc so I have big hopes that the upcoming living world 4 and 5 are leading us to one massive expansion.. one I am seriously hoping will be based in Cantha and giving us something more akin to a Gw1 level expansion which were pretty much entire stand alone games O.o


With the next expansion not even expected until after living world 5 I think there is a good chance it will at least be a lot bigger than what we've come to expect with HoT and PoF and I really can't wait to see where this story is going to take us.

Cantha is where I really want to go more than anything and I really want to see how this situation with Kralkatorrik plays out and hopefully drives us there.

I want that thing to kick our hides so bad we jump on the first boat fleeing the continent.


We all know Aurine aint no match for him in her current state.. but she's not the only dragon we know of who could potentially replace an Elder dragon.. and Kralkatorrik isn't the only dragon awake and roaming the world either..


We challenge Kralkatorrik and fail.

Karlkatorrik forces us out of Tyria and into Cantha.

Aurine embraces Kuunavang (and maybe even Albax) as dragon mentors to help her better learn to control and enhance her powers so she may better use them to defeat Kralkatorrik.

In return we help Kuunavang (and maybe even Albax) as well as the Canthans deal with the threat of the Sea Elder Dragon.

We lure and trap the Sea Dragon in the Jade sea where the combined forces of the Tyrian guild, Aurine, Kuunavang (and maybe Albax) the united factions of Cantha confront, overwhelm and destroy the sea dragon allowing Kuunavang (and maybe even Albvax) to replace it by becoming Elder dragons themselves.

We return to Tyria with an older more powerful and experienced Aurine who is now ready to overthrow a godlike powerful Kralkatorrik along with some new canthan allies incuding a new Elder dragon (or two) in Kunnavang (and Albax).

Kralkatorrik upon sensing Aurines return to Tyria confronts her to finally eliminate the threat and is met with a force not even he with all his godlike power can stand against.. Dragons Watch, Aurine, a Canthan army and 2 Elder Sea Dragons who proceed to decimate his branded legions and finally after a battle of legendary proportions.. the crystal dragon draws it's last breath and our little Aurine becomes the 2nd (or 3rd) Elder dragon ally.


That's how I want the next Gw2 expansion to play out XD

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I have several doubt on housing/swimsuits in nearest future, when you see they just add 5 bones to guild decorations.... housing will simply be guildhall at this point, several questions when you take a look at sunspear refuge.... And about swimsuits meh... just create a female norn with eagle armor set, no chestplate + leystone pants for male. (Ah and heavy class, eventually light. But not medium, they don't have the right to show their skin.)


I really think that housing + underwear customization /swimsuit could bring a fair amount of money. I mean mounts skin are great but after you found your favourite... they are meaningless.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Now for next expansion however will atleast be next year or long. I'd assume the staples will happen.

> >

> > New elites.

> > Maps.

> > Story.

> > Masteries.

> > Lws5

> > raids.

> > Fractals

> >

> > However there is much for arenanet to make gw2 grow. The theme of the next expansion we will not know till the end of living world season 4. There's also things they haven't added when they could..

> > Housing.

> > 1v1 dueling in open map.

> > Trading.

> > Possibility of new race?

> > New class besides the new elites.

> >

> > A underwater mount.

> >

> > What to expect? I don't know. They could already be planning plenty of things we don't know. We didn't know we would get mounts. Or a griffon but we did. Let's just watch.

> >


> -LWS5 is coming before the next xpac. So the next xpac would have Lwss6 and maybe 7.

> Open world 1v1 won't happen. Wanna duel go to GH arena, WvW or get a private pvp arena.

> New race highly unlikely (least playable) even though myself and many others would enjoy having a new race to play.

> New classes won't happen. We got 3 of each weight class and the elites are their answer to new classes.


Yea when I said that, didn’t expect them to come into another season. So assuming after season 5 in the new expansion.

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