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Whats Coming Next Expansion

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> Now for next expansion however will atleast be next year or long. I'd assume the staples will happen.


> New elites.

> Maps.

> Story.

> Masteries.

> Lws5

> raids.

> Fractals


> However there is much for arenanet to make gw2 grow. The theme of the next expansion we will not know till the end of living world season 4. There's also things they haven't added when they could..

> Housing.

> 1v1 dueling in open map.

> Trading.

> Possibility of new race?

> New class besides the new elites.


> A underwater mount.


> What to expect? I don't know. They could already be planning plenty of things we don't know. We didn't know we would get mounts. Or a griffon but we did. Let's just watch.





I think housing is next

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The next expansion would be locked behind RNG.

When you come to a point where your character needs to decide on something, something like "We must decide on what to give Aurene to eat, but we don't know what's toxic to her. Should we give her Marshmallows, a baby Quaggan, or the leftover corpse of that Risen over there that has been dead for centuries now?


You can only pick the option with gems and it's RNG, but don't worry. After you get that choice, it won't be in the RNG selection again in your next playthrough on another character.

If you're lucky, you give her marshmallows and she's all happy. If not, she dies a horrible death from eating the Risen.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Spirit Vale was released in November 17, 2015, not with Heart of Thorns


> which is 1 month after the release of HOT October 23, 2015. We are past that time with POF and we get a new gem store system to look back at. Add for the stuff that players didnt like in HOT pvp and wpvp at least Anet tried. So , POF gets nothing for pvp and Wpvp because of some failed attempts of innovation in HOT?


Note how we got a revamped Halloween with Path of Fire, or did you expect the new Raid to be released on top of a festival?

Also do remember that after release, all we got with Heart of Thorns was 3 Raid Wings and a Shatterer Revamp. That's 8 full months of no extra non-Raid content.

Let's see in 8 months how Path of Fire will be like. I'm positive Living World Season 4 will be under way by then, and beyond the half point.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > @Erulogos.2591 said:

> > > @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > > compare HOT to POF the content is diminishing of what to do in game

> >

> > This seems like a misunderstanding to me to some extent. PoF seems to have almost as much content as HoT, it is just more accessible, with a less punishing mastery grind. Also PoF hasn't had its Living Story season yet, a lot of the value of HoT was truly realized in the LS3 maps and goodies (gear and collections.) Give PoF its year, year and a half to accumulate LS maps and goodies before passing judgement.


> POF is missing alot compared to HOT. Everything you mentioned is just the story of the game. POF has no raid, spvp map, Wpvp map, and Legendary weapons. All of these things were mentioned and showed to the community before the release of HOT


Fair enough from one point of view.


But in my personal opinion, all of your missing stuff is irrelevant for my enjoyment of the game. Wvw could use some love, but PvP already got tons of love in the past and failed to soar. I have played GW2 since release and I can very well live on and play on without ever making legendary or finishing a raid.

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OP you fail to mention the long PvE/open world content drought caused by trying to do too much in Heart of Thorns. Many players were extremely unhappy to see raids being added but no new Living World content for some time after the expansion launched.


Moreover, Anet bit off far more than they could chew with creating the 2nd generation legendary weapons and armor. So they made a shift in production schedule, putting raids, WvW, sPvP, fractals, and even legendary weapons on a different, and largely free, release schedule to the open world/expansion/living world.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> When you look at this from a business stand point, the whole expansion was designed for this one moment. Ask yourself were is the new RAID, Legendary Weapons, WvW Map, and Spvp map? When you think about it we were given the bare minimum in order to get mounts in the game. A new Pve zone, a story for the new zone, and the new specs because if not then people would riot. Games that run this RNG cash shop model only make expansion that continue to feed the RNG cash model no game has broken away from that. Look at POF and ask yourself whats really coming next expansion. If you want to go back in history look at games expansion before RNG was a thing and after the RNG. Hate to mention World of Warcraft but there patch was bigger then POF, for a small price of 15 month, and im pretty sure majority of gw2 players spend atleast 10 a month.


Small price of $360 every two years, plus expac box cost ($60?) for WoW vs expac cost ($60?) for GW2. Both games have cash shops.


I am pretty sure that most GW2 players dont spend any money on the cash shop.

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World of Warcraft isn't really a good reference, the differences between the quality and quantity of their patches and expansions are massive.

I'd sooner compare it to blizzard's card game Hearthstone, where the RNG in the cards has increased and made it a game of chance more than a game of skill, with each expansion it got worse and worse.


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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> When you look at this from a business stand point, the whole expansion was designed for this one moment. Ask yourself were is the new RAID, Legendary Weapons, WvW Map, and Spvp map? When you think about it we were given the bare minimum in order to get mounts in the game. A new Pve zone, a story for the new zone, and the new specs because if not then people would riot. Games that run this RNG cash shop model only make expansion that continue to feed the RNG cash model no game has broken away from that. Look at POF and ask yourself whats really coming next expansion. If you want to go back in history look at games expansion before RNG was a thing and after the RNG. Hate to mention World of Warcraft but there patch was bigger then POF, for a small price of 15 month, and im pretty sure majority of gw2 players spend atleast 10 a month.


Yeah, this is really making me wish GW2 had a successful subscription-based model. I know subscriptions aren't popular among casual gamers and so it would be a disaster to attempt to shift to a subscription at this point. But the expansions in this game simply offer far, FAR less content than WoW does in their expansions. It's not even a competition. And the comparison gets worse from there because WoW delivers a great deal more content between expansions as well.


I budget $10/month on this game, which is insignificant in relation to the amount of time I generally spend playing my favorite MMO of the moment. I like to support the games I play and that small amount of money provides me with most of the fun and useful things I want from the gemshop. The trouble with GW2 for me is that it simply doesn't provide the same value for my dollar as the subscription-based WoW. They really deliver content over there where this game has always felt anemic in that sense.


I don't know what the answer is, but this game seems to release far too many skins in the gemshop while providing a bare skeleton in the game itself. Mounts, for instance. Great addition! But you only gave us the base skins, then managed to design over 30 recolored and/or slightly altered versions from the gemshop. Why couldn't you have made some effort to provide us with skins available in the game itself? Why am I not returning to PoF right now to embark on a quest that rewards me with a mount skin?


The answer, of course, is that it cuts into their bottom line. But so does NOT providing these things in the game. That's why I'm here on the forums, complaining about the fact that expansions and patches in this game never seem to deliver very much. I'd MUCH rather pay $15/month for this game and have it deliver the way WoW does. But, of course, that isn't going to work.

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Something to keep in mind is that WoW doesnt deliver as much content as it does for $15 per month, it does so for $15 x 10,000,000 (?) Per month. So, if another game has, for example, 1/10th the paying population they would need to charge $150 per month, per player, to have the same revenue stream.


Now that is within the realm of what I have been willing to spend on this game in the past, but no longer, but I imagine most would balk at that amount even if it meant larger expansions (which would need to cost ten times as much as well.


$600 expansion and $150 per month fee to be able to play the expansion you just paid for? Not going to work.

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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > @Erulogos.2591 said:

> > > @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > > compare HOT to POF the content is diminishing of what to do in game

> >

> > This seems like a misunderstanding to me to some extent. PoF seems to have almost as much content as HoT, it is just more accessible, with a less punishing mastery grind. Also PoF hasn't had its Living Story season yet, a lot of the value of HoT was truly realized in the LS3 maps and goodies (gear and collections.) Give PoF its year, year and a half to accumulate LS maps and goodies before passing judgement.


> POF is missing alot compared to HOT. Everything you mentioned is just the story of the game. POF has no raid, spvp map, Wpvp map, and Legendary weapons. All of these things were mentioned and showed to the community before the release of HOT


Regarding Raids and legendary weapons. ANet have already stated that they are working on new Raid wings to be released after PoF, there just isn't a deadline stated for it. When it comes to legendary weapons, ANet have also stated that the rest of the G2 set will be released with future LS chapters and that they are a feature of HoT and not PoF (so you need HoT to get them, not PoF).


I presume the reason there have been no updates on sPvP and WvW is because June was the month they made major changes to both. Not all changes are tied to expansions. Quarterly patches are just as important when it comes to releasing new content/systems.

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> @Rikkagin.9472 said:

> OP you fail to mention the long PvE/open world content drought caused by trying to do too much in Heart of Thorns. Many players were extremely unhappy to see raids being added but no new Living World content for some time after the expansion launched.


> Moreover, Anet bit off far more than they could chew with creating the 2nd generation legendary weapons and armor. So they made a shift in production schedule, putting raids, WvW, sPvP, fractals, and even legendary weapons on a different, and largely free, release schedule to the open world/expansion/living world.


this is very true sadly to say anet still has not gotten that message at all yet. and keep going down this same road and not looking back. thus when they hit the wall bus or tree. honestly i think it be too late for them then. even tho i think it now . they keep on the raids and so forth road. makes me wonder even more so after that if they will get it. :o

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I am pretty sure that most GW2 players dont spend any money on the cash shop.


If most gw2 players did not spend money on the cash shop the game would close down, and there would be no point to try to make money on mounts, because no one spent anyone money on glider skins. Yea look at all those glider skins that no one buys.



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> @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > I am pretty sure that most GW2 players dont spend any money on the cash shop.


> If most gw2 players did not spend money on the cash shop the game would close down, and there would be no point to try to make money on mounts, because no one spent anyone money on glider skins. Yea look at all those glider skins that no one buys.




It doesnt take most players spending money in the cash shop to fund a microtransaction business model...it takes a minority of the player base spending sufficiently to make up for the majority not doing so. I would be shocked if a majority of (current) players had ever spent a dime on the game.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @ThenCameThree.4163 said:

> > > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > > HoT and PoF seem pretty equal to me... comparing to when HoT was first released at least.

> > > Also... gliders were not accessable as ingame rewards... not at first... and even now only a very very few are accessable ingame and they are legendary tier, so hardly accessable unless you want to grind for legendary backpacks. Why anyone expected mount skins to be anything but gemstore surprises me. The rng aspect of the mount skins (besides the forged hount and halloween pack) is a surprise indeed, and one that is fair to complain about. But it was fully predictable and expected that they would be gemstore.

> > > Actually if you really want to compare HoT and PoF and say PoF was made solely so they could cash in on mount skins, then HoT was made solely to cash in on glider skins. Really doubt that is the case... for either expansion.

> >

> > Hot List of features

> > --------------------------------

> > Pve story

> > New Zone

> > gliders

> > new specs

> > raids

> > new spvp mode

> > spvp map

> > wpvp map

> > new legendary weapons

> > redid the combat system to allow condi stacking

> > created mastery system

> >

> > Pof List of features

> > --------------------------------------------

> > Pve story

> > New Zone

> > mounts

> > new specs

> >

> >

> >

> > See where the list cuts off so i do not think Hot Was made to cash in on gliders, but Pof is for mounts. All those Hot Systems where in the game by this time after release Hot


> Perhaps, you missed the Dev statements about the timelines for release on all your 'missing' content. Patience, young padawan, they are coming.


I have, do you have a link?

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> @Fenom.9457 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > Now for next expansion however will atleast be next year or long. I'd assume the staples will happen.

> >

> > New elites.

> > Maps.

> > Story.

> > Masteries.

> > Lws5

> > raids.

> > Fractals

> >

> > However there is much for arenanet to make gw2 grow. The theme of the next expansion we will not know till the end of living world season 4. There's also things they haven't added when they could..

> > Housing.

> > 1v1 dueling in open map.

> > Trading.

> > Possibility of new race?

> > New class besides the new elites.

> >

> > A underwater mount.

> >

> > What to expect? I don't know. They could already be planning plenty of things we don't know. We didn't know we would get mounts. Or a griffon but we did. Let's just watch.

> >




> I think housing is next


Hopefully it will.

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When GW2 was released there wouldn't be another expansion.

Then HoT was announced, great surprise! No mounts yet but new ways of traveling included.

PoF gives new content, mounts and.....


What I'm trying to say is that this game development is a living season itself. It can go anywhere. Maybe they will add some things that people miss in PoF before the next expansion. Somewhere between/during living season 4 or after?


Anyway hopefully everyone get what they want from PoF! For me this game is a huge playground, lvl 1 or 80. There's always something to do.




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I hope the next expansion is less what you want and more of what was delivered with PoF but with more reason to play on the maps. I dont really care for WvW, raids, sPvP or even crafting legendaries. If bounties which is a unique game mode of PoF was more comparable to meta events in HoT in terms of rewards Id prob play there more often. That and a new expansion will prob be a long way off.. who knows I wouldve thought even GW 3 would be about due in that timeframe since GW2 was late 2012 release and this game is 5 years old already.

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Arenanet loves testing new things in interesting ways.

Mounts were already in the game in the form of toys. With the Bazaar of the Four Winds they added those aspect crystals that gave us unique movement abilities, which some of them were given as special Mount abilities. The Springer is a toy mount with the blue aspect crystal ability to jump high, the Raptor has a mix of the purple and red crystal, leaping forward. I think it's safe to assume that they've been toying with the idea of unique movement skills since back then, and it made sense to put those skills in Mounts.

Now let's go to Path of Fire, what is "new" and unique in it that could be used as a Mastery?

Although I'm not a fan of Heroes/Henchmen and I don't think they would be a good addition to the game, in the story *Seek the aid of Troopmarshal Olori Ogun* you get some unique skills that allow you to command an army of mummies, perhaps that code could be used to direct an army of allies? Of course they'd need different shortcuts and many UI changes to support this, as if they were Hero command options, they wouldn't hide your own skills. But it's one likely candidate.

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The next expansion will be in the form of a single $50 loot box. Depending on your roll, you will get ten of the following items:


* Up to 5 new maps

* Up to 3 new raid wings

* Up to 1 new PvP mode

* Up to 9 new elite specs

* Up to 5 new mastery lines

* Up to 7 new story missions.


If you don't get the items you want, you can pay another $50 to roll again, but don't worry, you can't get the same item twice. This allows them to support variety. Using a grab bag mechanic gives them leeway to create game experiences to suit a wide range of player tastes while offering a lower price per option.

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