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"PoF is all about content!" is it?


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It's all about content as long as you don't care about fractals, dungeons, raids, guild missions, sPvP, WvW.. and don't give me the "they just aren't part of the release schedule!" excuse - fact remains they don't have anything to show for the expansion in those areas.


Sure we get new features like mounts but how is this any different to HoT? At least HoT had Stronghold for PvP, new border for WvW, and raids shortly after release. There might not even be new masteries outside of mounts. How is this expansion not smaller than the previous?

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> Didn't they say the new LW season starts pretty quick after release? Could totally see them adding a raid with it.


They COULD. But what about the other 80% of this game? Probably nothing. I know everyone is hyped and I'm such a downer but I feel everyone wants to believe in MO and GW2 that they are completely blinded by it. This expansion's going to backfire.

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Fractals, raids, sPvP, and WvW have their own content schedules. Instead waiting for the next expansion to release a new fractal, PvP arena or mode or WvW improvements, they are released when they ar done. You may want to wait 2 years until the next expansion to get any of that. But I'd rather get it when it's done.


Dungeons are considered "done content" at this point, there may be bug fixes and adjustements but they have low priority.


Guild missions are definitely something that needs more love. But I still don't see why we should ahve to wait for an expansion to have more, except for any possible mission happening in expansion content.

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> @GloriousAlkaid.5104 said:

> I mean, even if you don't like it, the fact is they're on a separate schedule from the other game modes. I enjoy fractals and WvW a ton! And would love to hear about what they have been working on. But trying to frontload everything made HoT crash and burn.


Every other company can pull it off.. it's the norm for MMO expansions.. but poor indie developer Anet shouldn't be expected to dish out anything but gemstore stuff I guess.

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Ok let me get this straight. 5 biggest maps arenanet designed compared to other maps. new masteries.... 4 new mounts that are designed also for jumping puzzles. All mounts for different purposes for jumping puzzles. A new story about balthazar to kill him. And living world season 4..... hmmmmm and theres new bounties. And 9 new elite specializations... hmmm. Ok and then check this out in the faq.


Q: Do I need to own Path of Fire to play future content releases?


A: Living World Season 4 episodes and raid releases will require Path of Fire to play. The raids released during Season 4 may use both Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns masteries. As long as you log in while a Living World episode is live, you’ll still unlock it for free and can play it after you upgrade your account.


So raids are also going to be added. Idk about fractals which would be nice though.


This isn't a lot to you?


PVP can be updated anytime... so can wvw so do they need to be included in pof? No, PVP and wvw are on their own updated schedule. We shouldn't worry about those. And wvw and pvp Just got updated before pof no? The only thing missing is fractals but im not sure about that.


What makes pof different than hot? Are we really going there? Was hot not fun enough for u?


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You may want to keep that quote in context. HoT was a release which focused on building mechanics into the game, from re-structuring traits, to adding masteries, to creating guild halls with all of their own set of mechanics, etc. That's where the developer time was sunk. It was a release designed to be a foundation, and as such it started out with noticeably limited content.


Now that the foundations have been set, developers can build content right away on top of it. Sure, PoF is coming with its own unique mechanics, but content has been the focus of the developers for this release.

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Imagine all of the pvp content they could have created if everything was focused on pvp and proffessions one large pve map development time could be multiple arena maps and in/having multiple formats. They didnt care about appealing to people in pvp or they woulda had more formats. Limiting formats aims for a restricted playerbases appeal (that I really dont belong in conquest is a bad choice for an mmo to main) rather than appealing to everyone with multiple formats. I said conquest would be a bad decision before release so it has nothing to do with being abd at the format the format itself is fuckin horrible compared to other options to base a game around.


On another note I'm more excited about the expack for gw1 they didnt release before deciding to do gw2 than i am pof.


I want to make a pvp only game without pve content being a thing that takes development time development cost/time goes way down with minor amounts of pve and pvp gets all the attention.

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I mean its true they havent shown anything in terms of the content other than some event. But ye if raids require pof then its pof content. Sadly its not advertised so we dont know even that.


But then again content is subjective. For someone open world might not be meaningful but for others their main jam.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> PVP can be updated anytime... so can wvw so do they need to be included in pof? No, PVP and wvw are on their own updated schedule. We shouldn't worry about those. And wvw and pvp Just got updated before pof no? The only thing missing is fractals but im not sure about that.


Yes, it can be updated at any time, but it hasn't. Yes, PvP recently got automated tournaments, which is great for 5 man groups, but what about solo players or new game modes? Deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc.? The last time a new map was released into the ranked pool was July 2016. What about improving the matchmaking system which is in very rough shape at the moment? There was a new 2v2 map released, but it's only for custom matches, and as such has no matchmaking, no rankings, etc. WvW just received a Legendary backpack, which I must admit looks great, and a new reward track. What about new maps, new siege weaponry, improved net code? Then we have Edge of the Mists, which has been completely abandoned; go to EotM during primetime on just about any world and it's completely dead save for the extremely rare commander running a group with 5 or so guildies.


For those that prefer this content to raids and fractals, we are worrying, because we haven't seen significant improvements in years. It's great that PoF brings new maps, mounts, and new elite specs, but for the PvP focused players, the only thing relevant coming with PoF is the new specs, and Living World certainly doesn't address that either.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > PVP can be updated anytime... so can wvw so do they need to be included in pof? No, PVP and wvw are on their own updated schedule. We shouldn't worry about those. And wvw and pvp Just got updated before pof no? The only thing missing is fractals but im not sure about that.


> Yes, it can be updated at any time, but it hasn't. Yes, PvP recently got automated tournaments, which is great for 5 man groups, but what about solo players or new game modes? Deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc.? The last time a new map was released into the ranked pool was July 2016. What about improving the matchmaking system which is in very rough shape at the moment? There was a new 2v2 map released, but it's only for custom matches, and as such has no matchmaking, no rankings, etc. WvW just received a Legendary backpack, which I must admit looks great, and a new reward track. What about new maps, new siege weaponry, improved net code? Then we have Edge of the Mists, which has been completely abandoned; go to EotM during primetime on just about any world and it's completely dead save for the extremely rare commander running a group with 5 or so guildies.


> For those that prefer this content to raids and fractals, we are worrying, because we haven't seen significant improvements in years. It's great that PoF brings new maps, mounts, and new elite specs, but for the PvP focused players, the only thing relevant coming with PoF is the new specs, and Living World certainly doesn't address that either.


Wvw hasnt also recieved new content in quite a while.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > PVP can be updated anytime... so can wvw so do they need to be included in pof? No, PVP and wvw are on their own updated schedule. We shouldn't worry about those. And wvw and pvp Just got updated before pof no? The only thing missing is fractals but im not sure about that.

> >

> > Yes, it can be updated at any time, but it hasn't. Yes, PvP recently got automated tournaments, which is great for 5 man groups, but what about solo players or new game modes? Deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc.? The last time a new map was released into the ranked pool was July 2016. What about improving the matchmaking system which is in very rough shape at the moment? There was a new 2v2 map released, but it's only for custom matches, and as such has no matchmaking, no rankings, etc. WvW just received a Legendary backpack, which I must admit looks great, and a new reward track. What about new maps, new siege weaponry, improved net code? Then we have Edge of the Mists, which has been completely abandoned; go to EotM during primetime on just about any world and it's completely dead save for the extremely rare commander running a group with 5 or so guildies.

> >

> > For those that prefer this content to raids and fractals, we are worrying, because we haven't seen significant improvements in years. It's great that PoF brings new maps, mounts, and new elite specs, but for the PvP focused players, the only thing relevant coming with PoF is the new specs, and Living World certainly doesn't address that either.


> Wvw hasnt also recieved new content in quite a while.


Ok you said it hasnt been updated since 2016. Thats great. Now what has happened during that time of 2016? living world season 3, which took atleast 6 months to dev in itself. The devs also said they started making pof since hots release. So how long was that? Its not a matter of them not improving it yet, its the fact that they did 2 big projects first. Now when others will be updated? I do not know but there is always a priority. I do wish there was more but give them some credit. They gave a lot of content for the time that was ghost of not giving anything. Be happy for a little bit for something to do. Even though pvp and wvw havent been updated. They are still top notch compared to other mmos. PVP is still the best in gw2 even without king of the hill and juggernaut, etc. However if you dont think capturing the three zones isnt king of the hill then idk what you think king of the hill is.... You basically have 3 hills that you have to be kept captured the whole time to get the most points faster. So is king of the hill really not already implemented?


I agree with you though. Some things I do wish were updated. I do wish we had 1v1 duels. And trading to actual people instead of always mailing people. I do wish we had housing, build templates, etc, etc. But to say pof isnt a lot of content. Thats a slap in the face especially since arenanet gave people what they want by dropping the price from 50 into 30 for expansion. Right now people just be happy at this moment. Because its a new beginning. As far as what else will be updated, who knows. Its by what they want to surprise people with, and what our community wants the most. If pvp is not the most what people want, pvp wont be updated as quickly, and same for wvw. Its our job as a community of making people love pvp and wvw more so we can get faster updates.


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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> Ok you said it hasnt been updated since 2016. Thats great. Now what has happened during that time of 2016? living world season 3, which took atleast 6 months to dev in itself. The devs also said they started making pof since hots release. So how long was that? Its not a matter of them not improving it yet, its the fact that they did 2 big projects first. Now when others will be updated? I do not know but there is always a priority. I do wish there was more but give them some credit. They gave a lot of content for the time that was ghost of not giving anything. Be happy for a little bit for something to do. Even though pvp and wvw havent been updated. They are still top notch compared to other mmos. PVP is still the best in gw2 even without king of the hill and juggernaut, etc. However if you dont think capturing the three zones isnt king of the hill then idk what you think king of the hill is.... You basically have 3 hills that you have to be kept captured the whole time to get the most points faster. So is king of the hill really not already implemented?


> I agree with you though. Some things I do wish were updated. I do wish we had 1v1 duels. And trading to actual people instead of always mailing people. I do wish we had housing, build templates, etc, etc. But to say pof isnt a lot of content. Thats a slap in the face especially since arenanet gave people what they want by dropping the price from 50 into 30 for expansion. Right now people just be happy at this moment. Because its a new beginning. As far as what else will be updated, who knows. Its by what they want to surprise people with, and what our community wants the most. If pvp is not the most what people want, pvp wont be updated as quickly, and same for wvw. Its our job as a community of making people love pvp and wvw more so we can get faster updates.


You quoted the wrong person, but no, sPvP was not updated in 2016, it received a new map. I wouldn't exactly call a single map an update. It's content, yes, but it's a very, very, very, small piece of content. Yes, Living World is great and all for those that care about PvE, but again, I'm talking about the players that enjoy PvP content, whether it be through sPvP or WvW, and we seem to have been forgotten about. You do make a fair point regarding conquest being similar to king of the hill, but I was just listing examples of different game modes, seeing as we've only had conquest since launch.


Also, I never claimed PoF didn't come with content, I stated that it didn't include any sPvP or WvW content, which is a concern for a significant portion of the playerbase. Again, it's great that people that are interested in PvE are getting new content, and don't get me wrong, I love the lore, I've been playing since Prophecies, I participated in all the betas, but PvE has always been a means to an end for me, with that end being killing other players.


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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > Ok you said it hasnt been updated since 2016. Thats great. Now what has happened during that time of 2016? living world season 3, which took atleast 6 months to dev in itself. The devs also said they started making pof since hots release. So how long was that? Its not a matter of them not improving it yet, its the fact that they did 2 big projects first. Now when others will be updated? I do not know but there is always a priority. I do wish there was more but give them some credit. They gave a lot of content for the time that was ghost of not giving anything. Be happy for a little bit for something to do. Even though pvp and wvw havent been updated. They are still top notch compared to other mmos. PVP is still the best in gw2 even without king of the hill and juggernaut, etc. However if you dont think capturing the three zones isnt king of the hill then idk what you think king of the hill is.... You basically have 3 hills that you have to be kept captured the whole time to get the most points faster. So is king of the hill really not already implemented?

> >

> > I agree with you though. Some things I do wish were updated. I do wish we had 1v1 duels. And trading to actual people instead of always mailing people. I do wish we had housing, build templates, etc, etc. But to say pof isnt a lot of content. Thats a slap in the face especially since arenanet gave people what they want by dropping the price from 50 into 30 for expansion. Right now people just be happy at this moment. Because its a new beginning. As far as what else will be updated, who knows. Its by what they want to surprise people with, and what our community wants the most. If pvp is not the most what people want, pvp wont be updated as quickly, and same for wvw. Its our job as a community of making people love pvp and wvw more so we can get faster updates.


> You quoted the wrong person, but no, sPvP was not updated in 2016, it received a new map. I wouldn't exactly call a single map an update. It's content, yes, but it's a very, very, very, small piece of content. Yes, Living World is great and all for those that care about PvE, but again, I'm talking about the players that enjoy PvP content, whether it be through sPvP or WvW, and we seem to have been forgotten about. You do make a fair point regarding conquest being similar to king of the hill, but I was just listing examples of different game modes, seeing as we've only had conquest since launch.


> Also, I never claimed PoF didn't come with content, I stated that it didn't include any sPvP or WvW content, which is a concern for a significant portion of the playerbase. Again, it's great that people that are interested in PvE are getting new content, and don't get me wrong, I love the lore, I've been playing since Prophecies, I participated in all the betas, but PvE has always been a means to an end for me, with that end being killing other players.



lol oops. Yes i know what you mean. Cause I love pvp. I do wish a lot of more things were updated. Capture the flag would be awesome. Actually that would be awesome to have wvw have capture the flag as a feature also. Would be hard to do it but it would be an awesome way to play.



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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> It's all about content as long as you don't care about fractals, dungeons, raids, guild missions, sPvP, WvW.. and don't give me the "they just aren't part of the release schedule!" BS - fact remains they don't have anything to show for the expansion in those areas.


> Sure we get new features like mounts but how is this any different to HoT? At least HoT had Stronghold for PvP, new border for WvW, and raids shortly after release. There might not even be new masteries outside of mounts. How is this expansion not smaller than the previous?


TBH, PvP, WvW, fractals, and guild missions should not be showcased as part of an expansion because none of them will be - or should be at least - blocked by said expansion.


Go back to HoT's release and the Fractals and WvW stuff talked about. Except for a small handful of fractal things, you do not need to own HoT to get access to any of that. And now, what needed HoT to access (a mastery line, some dailies, and 2 more infusion slots) is now just "own any expansion". And because HoT advertised so many things that actually didn't need HoT, and HoT's team spent time on those things, HoT itself felt even smaller than it was (imagine if instead of Desert BL we got a fifth map in Heart of Maguuma; imagine instead of fractals 51-100 and fractal dailies, the second half of the HoT plot was twice as long; imagine if instead of Stronghold we had a dungeon in HoT... give or take, that could have been things HoT had instead of "released with HoT but not needing HoT" like PvP, WvW, fractals, and guild missions would be if added with PoF).


So it would be best saving that stuff for 2 months after PoF release, letting PoF focus on PvE content that is gated by owning PoF.


Raids and dungeons I can see being part of PoF specific content (just as the current four raid wings are HoT specific content). I'm sure there will be a raid released with or shortly after PoF - there's been enough time for such - and dungeons are... well... yeah.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > Ok you said it hasnt been updated since 2016. Thats great. Now what has happened during that time of 2016? living world season 3, which took atleast 6 months to dev in itself. The devs also said they started making pof since hots release. So how long was that? Its not a matter of them not improving it yet, its the fact that they did 2 big projects first. Now when others will be updated? I do not know but there is always a priority. I do wish there was more but give them some credit. They gave a lot of content for the time that was ghost of not giving anything. Be happy for a little bit for something to do. Even though pvp and wvw havent been updated. They are still top notch compared to other mmos. PVP is still the best in gw2 even without king of the hill and juggernaut, etc. However if you dont think capturing the three zones isnt king of the hill then idk what you think king of the hill is.... You basically have 3 hills that you have to be kept captured the whole time to get the most points faster. So is king of the hill really not already implemented?

> >

> > I agree with you though. Some things I do wish were updated. I do wish we had 1v1 duels. And trading to actual people instead of always mailing people. I do wish we had housing, build templates, etc, etc. But to say pof isnt a lot of content. Thats a slap in the face especially since arenanet gave people what they want by dropping the price from 50 into 30 for expansion. Right now people just be happy at this moment. Because its a new beginning. As far as what else will be updated, who knows. Its by what they want to surprise people with, and what our community wants the most. If pvp is not the most what people want, pvp wont be updated as quickly, and same for wvw. Its our job as a community of making people love pvp and wvw more so we can get faster updates.


> You quoted the wrong person, but no, sPvP was not updated in 2016, it received a new map. I wouldn't exactly call a single map an update. It's content, yes, but it's a very, very, very, small piece of content. Yes, Living World is great and all for those that care about PvE, but again, I'm talking about the players that enjoy PvP content, whether it be through sPvP or WvW, and we seem to have been forgotten about. You do make a fair point regarding conquest being similar to king of the hill, but I was just listing examples of different game modes, seeing as we've only had conquest since launch.


> Also, I never claimed PoF didn't come with content, I stated that it didn't include any sPvP or WvW content, which is a concern for a significant portion of the playerbase. Again, it's great that people that are interested in PvE are getting new content, and don't get me wrong, I love the lore, I've been playing since Prophecies, I participated in all the betas, but PvE has always been a means to an end for me, with that end being killing other players.



Pretty much this^ I always thought an expansion should try and atract lots of diff demographics of players. But pof looks more like it will atract ppl from 1 niche part of the game rather than ppl lots diff niches.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > Also, I never claimed PoF didn't come with content, I stated that it didn't include any sPvP or WvW content, which is a concern for a significant portion of the playerbase. Again, it's great that people that are interested in PvE are getting new content, and don't get me wrong, I love the lore, I've been playing since Prophecies, I participated in all the betas, but PvE has always been a means to an end for me, with that end being killing other players.

> >


> Pretty much this^ I always thought an expansion should try and atract lots of diff demographics of players. But pof looks more like it will atract ppl from 1 niche part of the game rather than ppl lots diff niches.


To be fair only having one pvp format is limiting appeal. We'd have playerbases playing each type of format that don't exist.

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