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Anyone here want a new wvw map?


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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > I really don't buy into that "DBL too big" argument people have against that map.

> > > Even if you dont buy into it, its a fact. The towers and keeps are too far from each other, hence it feel "too big" and thats the easiest way to accurately describe it without going into details. That is a square map as opposed to a rectangle make it even worse. If it had EB density of objectives it would have been another matter, but it doesnt.

> > >

> > > I have an image that overlayed the rough outlines of ABL keeps and towers on DBL terrain and its a *massive* difference. Unfortunetly cant post it now, maybe in a couple of hours.

> >

> > And that would be an opinion not a fact. Is there more space? Sure. Does that mean the map is too big? No.

> >

> > People like to point to ESO as RvR done right. That map has massive area between objectives. I'm not an expert on ESO RvR but if I had to guess I'd say riding on a mount sprinting with major gallop it would take 15 min to cross it. Stringing together 2 alpine bl maps legthwise with ebg map in middle it might take a player with swiftness 10min to run that distance?

> >

> > DBL feels bigger in an important way because there are simply no small scale players on it compared to ABL. No small scale means no scouts.

> No, it still isnt an opionion, it is fact. It doesnt "feel" bigger, it *is* bigger* because objectives are further apart in a ring configuration on a physically bigger map.


> On the below image you can see the ABL objectives superimposed on the DBL. Notice how the northern towers are literally *half* the distance to garrison and ABL bay/hills lordroom almost end up on DBL outer walls of the same keeps. Everything is much tighter.


> As I said this wouldnt be an issue if DBL had EB level density (4 keeps and 12 towers, as opposed to 3 keeps and 4 towers) but it doesnt. Because it's too big for the amount of objectives it have. There are tons of small scale players on DBL. Its **only** small scale players on DBL most of the time. And I bet you they think its too big too.


> ![](https://imgur.com/BV5ygS8.jpg "")



I'm not sure that image is a true representation of the map sizes. I recall when it was about to be released someone from Anet made a post talking about how much bigger it was going to be and they used a unit of measurement that is common in 3D modeling. That information is out there but I'm too lazy to go dig it up lol.

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to all this, is there a development team that only works in WvW? Because in the past few years I've seen few changes in the maps in general ... I think it's time to review their maps and try to make them more balanced. And try to make a siege feel like a siege, not to throw all the catapults 2cm from a wall and destroy it in a matter of seconds.


Likewise, my biggest fear is that people are so used to map errors that the slightest change to "balance" unleashes a maelstrom of complaints ... well, in fact that happened with the new desertic border map.


God, is there someone from anet who is reading all this? because it seems that in the end we are all crazy locked in a room without anyone listening to us :s :s

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> @Kapax.3801 said:

> to all this, is there a development team that only works in WvW? Because in the past few years I've seen few changes in the maps in general ... I think it's time to review their maps and try to make them more balanced. And try to make a siege feel like a siege, not to throw all the catapults 2cm from a wall and destroy it in a matter of seconds.


> Likewise, my biggest fear is that people are so used to map errors that the slightest change to "balance" unleashes a maelstrom of complaints ... well, in fact that happened with the new desertic border map.


> God, is there someone from anet who is reading all this? because it seems that in the end we are all crazy locked in a room without anyone listening to us :s :s


Ya know Anet employees might read this and think they are locked in the office all day and our post are driving them crazy? lol. Just playing and I gave you a +1 :)

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Fixing the maps would be the ideal.


But since we feel red gets a disadvantage, why not go back to the BLs and their colors rotating between the 'first second and third' place teams.


There was a span of several months where that was the case before 1 up 1 down.


It's not a perfect solution, but it might be an interim.

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> @potatocity.6470 said:

> anyone here want a new wvw map. one with new and different objectives and different goals. how about one with hidden pathways and tunnels with treasure and or relics you have to get and bring back for your realm. idk somthing that differs from the siege vs siege


That other RvR title has crafting to support your team's war efforts. Maybe that could be an alternative objective: to provide your team better weapons/armor/siege/fortifications/improvements/passages. Those things would not carry over to the next matchup.


That doesn't necessarily need a map of its own. Better crafting resources would be placed deeper into enemy territory. For example close to the Citadel or inside keeps. Carrying resources back to your base could be exciting game play; you become marked and unable to waypoint while holding the stolen resources.


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> @Justine.6351 said:


> Lol ok...

> Well when I'm on DBL it's always empty. Never has scouts...

> The map is too wasteland... The real question is why anet thought making a desert borderland was going to be a sustainable pvp environment after the first couple months of novelty wore off.


Different servers will get varied results. Usually see EB then DBL capped before ABLs, also more likely to find 3 way fight there. Can usually find outnumbered on ABLs.


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I'd love a new map, but it would be hard to appease everyone. It would have to be a different environment, yet still not be visually cluttered with things like trees or foresty areas. As much as I like DBL and it's vertical layers, It would not be a good idea to have that again, since many commanders dislike that aspect. Extremely limited underwater like Alpine has - either equal to, less, or none at all. Unfortunately the only environment I can think of that is open enough for WvW (and is NOT a desert or tundra) is rolling green hills/farmland such as what you see in queensdale.

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