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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" there IS a TLDR in there.... :#

> >

> > You know something's wrong when the TLDR is TLDR. :lol:

> > I read the whole thing though, some good points in there, worth a read.


> It looks REALLY long on a phone.


It *is* really long. :smile:

Even the TLDR part is long lol.

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I already barely ever play because pvp is in such crappy state and i actually got this game for pvp only originally.

I stopped playing wvw long time ago for various reasons.

If they did remove pvp, i would uninstall completely and never come back (tbh close to it already).

I used to play another game from NCSOFT long ago, pvp died there and so did the game not so long after that because jokes on the company it turned out that pvp'ers were also carriers of the raids and another pve and trade content.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> Unless they were able to make pve enemies as interesting to fight as players - eg NO million hp bullet sponges, properly unpredictable AI, stomping (I really want stomping in pve), etc - if they could do that then maybe. My primary reason for playing pvp is unpredictability of opponents and faster ttk, more like action rpg/tps fight mechanics - compared with usual mmo style of memorising highly predictable "bosses" and performing an indefinite set of skill rotations which I find ludicrously boring.


> They could model pve enemies on hotm class npcs and increase their diversity and skill set - but that's pretty unlikely tbh.


> Current pve combat is too boring so I'd only continue playing for fashion wars and casual story.


This, completely agreed.


I'd probably stay, but play much much less, and likely only play very rarely or when playing coop with friends. PvE enemies just too dull.

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > And would you really quit the game if they chose to remove WvW/PvP from the game to focus on more PvE related stuff.


> Yes because I only do PvE to prepare for WvW.


I think Fogleg hit it on the head here. WvW is the endgame and all the PvE steps are just supply chain steps for that game.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Now, this is just a wondering. Theory Crafting the Worst case as it were.


> # What IF, they removed PvP/WvW from GW2?

> #


> Above and beyond the people who enjoy WvW quitting the game, What is the worst that would happen to the overall game?


> And would you really quit the game if they chose to remove WvW/PvP from the game to focus on more PvE related stuff.


Worst thing that could happen is shrinking player population and dying out. I doubt it will go that far though.


On the second question, I couldn't care less if PvP was removed, but I'd be very unhappy if WvW did. I wouldn't quit immediately, but WvW is one of the activities holding me in the game in the recent months. Most likely I'd only log in for the weekly raid clears and gradually phase do a different game.


But realistically speaking, neither will happen. No dev would take such a drastic measure within the lifespan of the game. They might reconsider these features for GW3. In this game? They are both safe and will be supported/improved.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Now, this is just a wondering. Theory Crafting the Worst case as it were.

> >

> > # What IF, they removed PvP/WvW from GW2?

> > #

> >

> > Above and beyond the people who enjoy WvW quitting the game, What is the worst that would happen to the overall game?

> >

> > And would you really quit the game if they chose to remove WvW/PvP from the game to focus on more PvE related stuff.


> Worst thing that could happen is shrinking player population and dying out. I doubt it will go that far though.


> On the second question, I couldn't care less if PvP was removed, but I'd be very unhappy if WvW did. I wouldn't quit immediately, but WvW is one of the activities holding me in the game in the recent months. Most likely I'd only log in for the weekly raid clears and gradually phase do a different game.


> But realistically speaking, neither will happen. No dev would take such a drastic measure within the lifespan of the game. They might reconsider these features for GW3. In this game? They are both safe and will be supported/improved.


Supposedly WvW hasn't been touched in quite a while, so i wouldn't say Anet is focusing their efforts on WvW or that WvW will be improved, they're probably busy making new Raids, Fractals, and living story.

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Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:


1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society


2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy


3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded



- Bullying is bad. We all learned about this in school and now it is evident in our games. Whenever I die in spvp or WvW I get the same aggressive remarked spammed at me including "ez", "get better noob" and the common "you didn't even use a single skill you idiot." Excuse me for taking my time to plan out my actions and not rush into a fight like a headless horseman- it takes minutes to dissect what I want to do and then execute whereas these bully's just rush in and use all their skills.

The worst experiences are in WvW when I try to join a squad with a commander and I get denied. I am a great ranger that provides insane covering fire for any group I join but I'm told by the elitiest that ranger is "shit." I sit there and explain my woes in team chat so I can shed light on this isssue and I am met with even more bullying of "stop writing a dissertation in /t chat" and "kill yourself". If WvW and pvp were to disappear I know the game and world would be a much better place for me to be and I would be free of any sort of unwanted criticism.


- When I was a young lad I would use my pillow as a way to vent my anger when my mom would limit me to only 30 minutes of sword practice a day. I would plead my case, "mom you don't understand I need more time so I can become a master to save the world from villains like Boku no Picu. My mom soon sent me to a therapist and told me that every child is sent to therapists so it is completely normal. When these bullies rage at me and others I know they are just letting out their anger but this rage should be contained. I bet these kids stopped paying and seeing their therapists because they found a new anger outlet and don't think they need the help anymore. This in turns takes money from out of the economy and will eventually lead to another depression. Please, I implore you to go back to your therapists so you can help yourselves and in turn help the economy.


- When I finally got my first kill in 5 years of playing last week on an AFK legend in WvW I was ecstatic but also painfully in despair. On one hand I had finally been able to take someone down but the other hand was that I was rewarded for doing so with a "heavy loot bag". Why am I being rewarded for killing? This is not sending a good message to our kids and it will translate into them thinking that they will receive a reward irl for harming others.

I find it deplorable that after my character kills that he would rummage through the corpse and steal items into a heavy loot bag, that's some Necrophilia stuff. What else does my character do to the body that I'm unaware of?? And now we have these monthly spvp tournaments in which the winners are rewarded with gold and statues for killing! This isn't the Roman era where gladiators are rewarded for brutally killing others in a ring, this is the current year and we should not condone this behavior.


Overall, I have wrote many papers to Anet imploring them to delete these game modes so our society won't suffer but they refuse to listen. I beg you all to really look at what these game modes provide and ask yourselves if bullying, glorified killing and hurting the economy are something you really want to be apart of.


Thank you


Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow

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> @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:


> 1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society


> 2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy


> 3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded



> - Bullying is bad. We all learned about this in school and now it is evident in our games. Whenever I die in spvp or WvW I get the same aggressive remarked spammed at me including "ez", "get better noob" and the common "you didn't even use a single skill you idiot." Excuse me for taking my time to plan out my actions and not rush into a fight like a headless horseman- it takes minutes to dissect what I want to do and then execute whereas these bully's just rush in and use all their skills.

> The worst experiences are in WvW when I try to join a squad with a commander and I get denied. I am a great ranger that provides insane covering fire for any group I join but I'm told by the elitiest that ranger is "kitten." I sit there and explain my woes in team chat so I can shed light on this isssue and I am met with even more bullying of "stop writing a dissertation in /t chat" and "kill yourself". If WvW and pvp were to disappear I know the game and world would be a much better place for me to be and I would be free of any sort of unwanted criticism.


> - When I was a young lad I would use my pillow as a way to vent my anger when my mom would limit me to only 30 minutes of sword practice a day. I would plead my case, "mom you don't understand I need more time so I can become a master to save the world from villains like Boku no Picu. My mom soon sent me to a therapist and told me that every child is sent to therapists so it is completely normal. When these bullies rage at me and others I know they are just letting out their anger but this rage should be contained. I bet these kids stopped paying and seeing their therapists because they found a new anger outlet and don't think they need the help anymore. This in turns takes money from out of the economy and will eventually lead to another depression. Please, I implore you to go back to your therapists so you can help yourselves and in turn help the economy.


> - When I finally got my first kill in 5 years of playing last week on an AFK legend in WvW I was ecstatic but also painfully in despair. On one hand I had finally been able to take someone down but the other hand was that I was rewarded for doing so with a "heavy loot bag". Why am I being rewarded for killing? This is not sending a good message to our kids and it will translate into them thinking that they will receive a reward irl for harming others.

> I find it deplorable that after my character kills that he would rummage through the corpse and steal items into a heavy loot bag, that's some Necrophilia stuff. What else does my character do to the body that I'm unaware of?? And now we have these monthly spvp tournaments in which the winners are rewarded with gold and statues for killing! This isn't the Roman era where gladiators are rewarded for brutally killing others in a ring, this is the current year and we should not condone this behavior.


> Overall, I have wrote many papers to Anet imploring them to delete these game modes so our society won't suffer but they refuse to listen. I beg you all to really look at what these game modes provide and ask yourselves if bullying, glorified killing and hurting the economy are something you really want to be apart of.


> Thank you


> Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow


I will offer another thorough and well thought out suggestion. Don't play.

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> @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:


> 1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society


> 2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy


> 3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded


> Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow


Your premises are wrong invalidating all the other information that follows.


No elitism and bullying are not inherent to the game modes, elitism is a personality trait which is independent of them. You also claim that it is not welcome in society. Wrong again. Because someone may feel that everyone is created equal - we are not. Yes, everyone should have an equal chance but some folks are just better at some things and they know it and they flaunt it (hello NFL touchdown end-zone foolishness).


Number 2 is to ludicrous to even spend time on.


Its a video game, no violence is perpetrated (unless you consider banging your keyboard on the desk because of Anets inability to provide true skill balance) on anyone or anything.



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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> > Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:

> >

> > 1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society

> >

> > 2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy

> >

> > 3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded

> >

> > Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow


> Your premises are wrong invalidating all the other information that follows.


> No elitism and bullying are not inherent to the game modes, elitism is a personality trait which is independent of them. You also claim that it is not welcome in society. Wrong again. Because someone may feel that everyone is created equal - we are not. Yes, everyone should have an equal chance but some folks are just better at some things and they know it and they flaunt it (hello NFL touchdown end-zone foolishness).


> Number 2 is to ludicrous to even spend time on.


> Its a video game, no violence is perpetrated (unless you consider banging your keyboard on the desk because of Anets inability to provide true skill balance) on anyone or anything.




Agree to disagree, but I feel very strongly about player vs player combat.

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> @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:


> 1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society


> 2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy


> 3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded



> - Bullying is bad. We all learned about this in school and now it is evident in our games. Whenever I die in spvp or WvW I get the same aggressive remarked spammed at me including "ez", "get better noob" and the common "you didn't even use a single skill you idiot." Excuse me for taking my time to plan out my actions and not rush into a fight like a headless horseman- it takes minutes to dissect what I want to do and then execute whereas these bully's just rush in and use all their skills.

> The worst experiences are in WvW when I try to join a squad with a commander and I get denied. I am a great ranger that provides insane covering fire for any group I join but I'm told by the elitiest that ranger is "kitten." I sit there and explain my woes in team chat so I can shed light on this isssue and I am met with even more bullying of "stop writing a dissertation in /t chat" and "kill yourself". If WvW and pvp were to disappear I know the game and world would be a much better place for me to be and I would be free of any sort of unwanted criticism.


> - When I was a young lad I would use my pillow as a way to vent my anger when my mom would limit me to only 30 minutes of sword practice a day. I would plead my case, "mom you don't understand I need more time so I can become a master to save the world from villains like Boku no Picu. My mom soon sent me to a therapist and told me that every child is sent to therapists so it is completely normal. When these bullies rage at me and others I know they are just letting out their anger but this rage should be contained. I bet these kids stopped paying and seeing their therapists because they found a new anger outlet and don't think they need the help anymore. This in turns takes money from out of the economy and will eventually lead to another depression. Please, I implore you to go back to your therapists so you can help yourselves and in turn help the economy.


> - When I finally got my first kill in 5 years of playing last week on an AFK legend in WvW I was ecstatic but also painfully in despair. On one hand I had finally been able to take someone down but the other hand was that I was rewarded for doing so with a "heavy loot bag". Why am I being rewarded for killing? This is not sending a good message to our kids and it will translate into them thinking that they will receive a reward irl for harming others.

> I find it deplorable that after my character kills that he would rummage through the corpse and steal items into a heavy loot bag, that's some Necrophilia stuff. What else does my character do to the body that I'm unaware of?? And now we have these monthly spvp tournaments in which the winners are rewarded with gold and statues for killing! This isn't the Roman era where gladiators are rewarded for brutally killing others in a ring, this is the current year and we should not condone this behavior.


> Overall, I have wrote many papers to Anet imploring them to delete these game modes so our society won't suffer but they refuse to listen. I beg you all to really look at what these game modes provide and ask yourselves if bullying, glorified killing and hurting the economy are something you really want to be apart of.


> Thank you


> Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow


Actually, from my experience...


1. PvP can trigger people a bit, but it's all in good fun, and WvW is the most inclusive competitive game mode i've seen in any game. Sure both have salty people but that's to be expected in an competitive environment. Do you work? Work is also a competitive environment and you'll find the same people there so i'm not sure what's your point. Raids (aka the endgame PvE content) on the other hand is where all the elitism and toxicity comes from in this game, not WvW.

2. What are you on about? It's a game about taking points of interest and holding forts. KInda like capture points but with tons of people. What economy?

3. Life is violent. Have you seen nature in general recently? I'm sure it's not pleasant to think about for you but games just mimic our life experiences because they are created by people. Stuff like cartoon violence is really the least of your concerns.


I don't know what WvW mode you're playing but i've never been denied a squad join and if it takes you ages to plan a course of action when in front of the player, well, maybe WvW is not for you, but that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everybody by advocating it's removal. Go play PvE.


Also, reading the rest of your post, you're probably bringing your real life issues into the game, and people are either picking up on it depending on your behaviour or maybe it's something you said that set them off, there's always 2 sides of the story and we have heard you side only so far. But judging from what you say happened to you in life, you might be getting a bit too personal on certain issues, and i would kindly recommend for you not to play WvW mode for your own good.


That doesn't mean WvW is evil, it only means it's not for you, and there's no reason to go on a crusade over that.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> > Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:

> >

> > 1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society

> >

> > 2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy

> >

> > 3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded

> >

> >

> > - Bullying is bad. We all learned about this in school and now it is evident in our games. Whenever I die in spvp or WvW I get the same aggressive remarked spammed at me including "ez", "get better noob" and the common "you didn't even use a single skill you idiot." Excuse me for taking my time to plan out my actions and not rush into a fight like a headless horseman- it takes minutes to dissect what I want to do and then execute whereas these bully's just rush in and use all their skills.

> > The worst experiences are in WvW when I try to join a squad with a commander and I get denied. I am a great ranger that provides insane covering fire for any group I join but I'm told by the elitiest that ranger is "kitten." I sit there and explain my woes in team chat so I can shed light on this isssue and I am met with even more bullying of "stop writing a dissertation in /t chat" and "kill yourself". If WvW and pvp were to disappear I know the game and world would be a much better place for me to be and I would be free of any sort of unwanted criticism.

> >

> > - When I was a young lad I would use my pillow as a way to vent my anger when my mom would limit me to only 30 minutes of sword practice a day. I would plead my case, "mom you don't understand I need more time so I can become a master to save the world from villains like Boku no Picu. My mom soon sent me to a therapist and told me that every child is sent to therapists so it is completely normal. When these bullies rage at me and others I know they are just letting out their anger but this rage should be contained. I bet these kids stopped paying and seeing their therapists because they found a new anger outlet and don't think they need the help anymore. This in turns takes money from out of the economy and will eventually lead to another depression. Please, I implore you to go back to your therapists so you can help yourselves and in turn help the economy.

> >

> > - When I finally got my first kill in 5 years of playing last week on an AFK legend in WvW I was ecstatic but also painfully in despair. On one hand I had finally been able to take someone down but the other hand was that I was rewarded for doing so with a "heavy loot bag". Why am I being rewarded for killing? This is not sending a good message to our kids and it will translate into them thinking that they will receive a reward irl for harming others.

> > I find it deplorable that after my character kills that he would rummage through the corpse and steal items into a heavy loot bag, that's some Necrophilia stuff. What else does my character do to the body that I'm unaware of?? And now we have these monthly spvp tournaments in which the winners are rewarded with gold and statues for killing! This isn't the Roman era where gladiators are rewarded for brutally killing others in a ring, this is the current year and we should not condone this behavior.

> >

> > Overall, I have wrote many papers to Anet imploring them to delete these game modes so our society won't suffer but they refuse to listen. I beg you all to really look at what these game modes provide and ask yourselves if bullying, glorified killing and hurting the economy are something you really want to be apart of.

> >

> > Thank you

> >

> > Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow


> Actually, from my experience...


> 1. PvP can trigger people a bit, but it's all in good fun, and WvW is the most inclusive competitive game mode i've seen in any game. Sure both have salty people but that's to be expected in an competitive environment. Do you work? Work is also a competitive environment and you'll find the same people there so i'm not sure what's your point. Raids (aka the endgame PvE content) on the other hand is where all the elitism and toxicity comes from in this game, not WvW.

> 2. What are you on about? It's a game about taking points of interest and holding forts. KInda like capture points but with tons of people. What economy?

> 3. Life is violent. Have you seen nature in general recently? I'm sure it's not pleasant to think about for you but games just mimic our life experiences because they are created by people. Stuff like cartoon violence is really the least of your concerns.


> I don't know what WvW mode you're playing but i've never been denied a squad join and if it takes you ages to plan a course of action when in front of the player, well, maybe WvW is not for you, but that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everybody by advocating it's removal. Go play PvE.


> Also, reading the rest of your post, you're probably bringing your real life issues into the game, and people are either picking up on it depending on your behaviour or maybe it's something you said that set them off, there's always 2 sides of the story and we have heard you side only so far. But judging from what you say happened to you in life, you might be getting a bit too personal on certain issues, and i would kindly recommend for you not to play WvW mode for your own good.


> That doesn't mean WvW is evil, it only means it's not for you, and there's no reason to go on a crusade over that.


If the Christians started the Crusades in 1091 for religious beliefs then I can crusade a video game for my beliefs

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> @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @"Robin Hood.3850" said:

> > > Thank you for making this topic as I have been advocating for this since the Guild Wars 2 release and I will outline my reasoning below with 3 simple points:

> > >

> > > 1. Pvp/WvW creates a sense of elitism and bullying that is not welcomed in society

> > >

> > > 2. It fuctions as a way for angry people to let out their feelings instead of talking to their therapists which in turn affects the economy

> > >

> > > 3. It is violent by nature and we are furthering the idea that being violent to others is rewarded

> > >

> > >

> > > - Bullying is bad. We all learned about this in school and now it is evident in our games. Whenever I die in spvp or WvW I get the same aggressive remarked spammed at me including "ez", "get better noob" and the common "you didn't even use a single skill you idiot." Excuse me for taking my time to plan out my actions and not rush into a fight like a headless horseman- it takes minutes to dissect what I want to do and then execute whereas these bully's just rush in and use all their skills.

> > > The worst experiences are in WvW when I try to join a squad with a commander and I get denied. I am a great ranger that provides insane covering fire for any group I join but I'm told by the elitiest that ranger is "kitten." I sit there and explain my woes in team chat so I can shed light on this isssue and I am met with even more bullying of "stop writing a dissertation in /t chat" and "kill yourself". If WvW and pvp were to disappear I know the game and world would be a much better place for me to be and I would be free of any sort of unwanted criticism.

> > >

> > > - When I was a young lad I would use my pillow as a way to vent my anger when my mom would limit me to only 30 minutes of sword practice a day. I would plead my case, "mom you don't understand I need more time so I can become a master to save the world from villains like Boku no Picu. My mom soon sent me to a therapist and told me that every child is sent to therapists so it is completely normal. When these bullies rage at me and others I know they are just letting out their anger but this rage should be contained. I bet these kids stopped paying and seeing their therapists because they found a new anger outlet and don't think they need the help anymore. This in turns takes money from out of the economy and will eventually lead to another depression. Please, I implore you to go back to your therapists so you can help yourselves and in turn help the economy.

> > >

> > > - When I finally got my first kill in 5 years of playing last week on an AFK legend in WvW I was ecstatic but also painfully in despair. On one hand I had finally been able to take someone down but the other hand was that I was rewarded for doing so with a "heavy loot bag". Why am I being rewarded for killing? This is not sending a good message to our kids and it will translate into them thinking that they will receive a reward irl for harming others.

> > > I find it deplorable that after my character kills that he would rummage through the corpse and steal items into a heavy loot bag, that's some Necrophilia stuff. What else does my character do to the body that I'm unaware of?? And now we have these monthly spvp tournaments in which the winners are rewarded with gold and statues for killing! This isn't the Roman era where gladiators are rewarded for brutally killing others in a ring, this is the current year and we should not condone this behavior.

> > >

> > > Overall, I have wrote many papers to Anet imploring them to delete these game modes so our society won't suffer but they refuse to listen. I beg you all to really look at what these game modes provide and ask yourselves if bullying, glorified killing and hurting the economy are something you really want to be apart of.

> > >

> > > Thank you

> > >

> > > Elrond, King of the Elves, First of his Name, Master of the Bow

> >

> > Actually, from my experience...

> >

> > 1. PvP can trigger people a bit, but it's all in good fun, and WvW is the most inclusive competitive game mode i've seen in any game. Sure both have salty people but that's to be expected in an competitive environment. Do you work? Work is also a competitive environment and you'll find the same people there so i'm not sure what's your point. Raids (aka the endgame PvE content) on the other hand is where all the elitism and toxicity comes from in this game, not WvW.

> > 2. What are you on about? It's a game about taking points of interest and holding forts. KInda like capture points but with tons of people. What economy?

> > 3. Life is violent. Have you seen nature in general recently? I'm sure it's not pleasant to think about for you but games just mimic our life experiences because they are created by people. Stuff like cartoon violence is really the least of your concerns.

> >

> > I don't know what WvW mode you're playing but i've never been denied a squad join and if it takes you ages to plan a course of action when in front of the player, well, maybe WvW is not for you, but that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everybody by advocating it's removal. Go play PvE.

> >

> > Also, reading the rest of your post, you're probably bringing your real life issues into the game, and people are either picking up on it depending on your behaviour or maybe it's something you said that set them off, there's always 2 sides of the story and we have heard you side only so far. But judging from what you say happened to you in life, you might be getting a bit too personal on certain issues, and i would kindly recommend for you not to play WvW mode for your own good.

> >

> > That doesn't mean WvW is evil, it only means it's not for you, and there's no reason to go on a crusade over that.


> If the Christians started the Crusades in 1091 for religious beliefs then I can crusade a video game for my beliefs


Well, you do you, i just wanted to offer a counterpoint and some friendly advice. If PvP and WvW in this game bothers you so much and you get so much abuse from it, then you probably shouldn't do it based on your previous life experiences, that's all.

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