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I remember the first time I did/witness X in GW2


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Ever since the beta weekends I just wanted to WvW with my crazy cool Asura and nothing else. I dropped playing Dark Ages of Camelot and found my new mmo PvP home. My account is full of every profession maxed out and of course all of em are still Asura. Now I play every night with the same mate I have gamed with for over 16 years. Snaff and Kranxx were inspiring. Also I like knowing those big bookahs got stomped by a tiny dude. ;)



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not very heroic, but during my first playthrough I came across a certain unsuspicious rabbit. being a gw1 player, I was naturally suspicious of unsuspicious, innocent looking rabbits. I spent an absurd amount of time watching that rabbit, only for it to do absolutely nothing. eventually it was added to my ambient creature kill count. it continues to be an ambient creature kill even today. it's still a bit too suspicious for me.

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I came to this game a month after release having not played the first one. My fiance who'd played GW told me about all the interesting places I'd see and tried to catch me up on some of the lore.


One place he told me about was Lions Arch, so I created a Human character and made it to LA (the central hub) fairly quickly.


The second week playing the game I created a Charr, leveled her a bit (To somewhere around level 30 I believe, but could've been much lower) and decided to take her to LA. My fiance neglected to tell me about asura gates and sat watching as I attempted to take this level 30 charr across all maps between Black Citadel and LA. I honestly don't remember where I died most, but I remember dying alot and I remember I ran out of money to Wp and had to resort to revive orbs.


So, I remember the first time I:


1) Was so poor I couldn't WP


2) Successfully making it across high level maps on an oh so low, non stealthing but with practice spontaneous detour learning toon


3) Used a revive orb


4) Discovered there's an asura gate in Black Citadel that goes to LA :)

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I remember during betas hearing a lot of chatter about melee being impossible to survive in.

I'm somewhat certain numbers were balanced a few times afterward, but even then I had no problems getting used to the dodge mechanic and circle strafing to avoid most damage.


I remember similar things happening in 1st iteration Orr, but that was also compounded by everyone having blue and green armor quite a few levels below 80.


Playing Branded or Alive at the end of the betas was also pretty unique.


As someone who doesn't pvp, winning a match with a few Anet devs and a professional player as my opponents was pretty memorable. I guarantee I was carried by my teammates, though I'm pretty sure team Anet also had someone around my skill level.

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My first real memory is the old Queensdale champ train. I was such a n00b then, but everyone made me feel welcome and passed along a lot of tips and things to help me build my character. It was like being in a guild, only ... not. Still, was a lot of fun logging in and having everyone say Hello -- just like Cheers. :)

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Oh, too many to mention all.


* 2009, first GW2 trailer. Still playing Eye of the North at this point. The hype for GW2 was tremendous.

02:01 "It is time for Legends to become Real"


* The first beta login screen, with the "2" dragon logo


* Spending more than an hour, creating my first character in the headstart weekend. Aranimda, which still is my main.


* Actually walking around in Divinity's Reach and gazing to the beauty of the city and the beautifully animated and modelled NPC characters.


* My first world boss encounter, the [shadow Behemoth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Behemoth "Shadow Behemoth")



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The trailers leading up to GW2 launch.


The Hunger Games in the final beta was a blast!


Also the first time me and my friend tried to tackle the Ascaloninan Catacombs.

**So. Many. Deaths.**


Exploring the maps in Orr (and the rest of the world for that matter) for the very first time was incredible. Such fantastic eviromental design.

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I remember a lot of great 1rst times in this game.

But 2 of them will always be with me.


1- First time I went southeast from Lion's Arch and saw that weird windmill, and some guy just disappeared behind it. I spent quite a few minutes trying to follow him, then discovered the way to get over the hay, and then I got to cross the leaf wall, and suddenly I wasn't in any logical, civilized, predictable place anymore. I was climbing an unknown mount, going from clue to clue, trying to discover the route, fighting to find "something" I can't even imagine, and then there were teeth in the ground, a gaping rock mouth full of menace and challenge, and I just stop thinked and jumped in!

I spent 2 or 3 hours past midnight on Weyandt's Revenge, sometimes following others, sometimes on my own, trying to figure out every trap and puzzle, the insubstantial walls, the dark room, etc... amazed and excited about every single detail, until I finally defeated that old mean pirate and got the price (That looked so shiny then).

It was my first Jumping Puzzle, and I love them since. It was AWESOME.


2- Simply gliding for the first time through Verdant Brink, with the basic, ugly glider and without any QoL mastery, after surviving the first night just running and screaming around looking for some blessed waipoint. The sense of accomplishment, of freedom, the enormity and threat and beauty of the environment, the vertigo during the falls and the peace during the slow drifting, the deadly details of the bottom, the marvel of discovering every little accessible place... It was fresh, original, dangerous, intrincated, simple and complex at the same time: mindblowingly FUN. I got dizzy just by remembering.

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"I can... salvage?" - took me a while to figure that one out (probably like 60 levels) on first character. Little did i know that half of my playtime i will spend with storage management.

"You can use teleporters to travel around the map. No mounts needed - weeee".


Also will never forget how i farmed my first dungeon set (from TA) that looked 10000000 times better than generic armor for low levels.

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > In the dawn of the game world bosses were fought without mega servers. I remember fighting the fire elemental with a small group. That was epic. Now it's 150 people in legendary gear bashing on a defenceless boss.. I'm afraid the epicness of world bosses is gone now


> Yeah, I remember the first time seeing Shadow Behemoth spawn. It was amazing and only a small group taking him down. It did feel epic at the time, but now world bosses are a joke. Scheduled zergs on defenseless bosses is neither epic nor fun (I don't do them at all anymore)


I tend to agree, but as a player who's seen this content it's bound to lose it's appeal after a while. I still see new players being amazed by the Shadow Behemoth. The event seems foregone to you and I, but to them it's an unknown, chaotic and intriguing.


You are right though - they need to improve the bosses so beating them isn't such a by-the-numbers practice.

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I don't even remember. I've even forgotten the original main theme, too. But I'm traumatized by few Jump Puzzles. They are absolutely unforgettable. Once I had sun reflect from a white wall on my screen (through the useless white curtain ofc), and the JP was a dark cave... Hmm, oh.

There was once a talk about religions and koran was one topic in the map chat (charr starting map), it was amusing to follow and partake. I would wish for people to argue more in the chats :d ...but that's just plain evil.

Maybe I'm just missing the party. I forget too easily, it's time for new experiences.


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First time I went into Blazeridge to open up the map, I saw a couple of tags and went to investigate. As I got closer, I could see more and more players standing around on some wreckage. I'd almost reached them when the Shatterer fell out of the sky right next to me and sent my poor character bouncing away. Almost dropped my laptop. Definitely let loose with a string of profanity. So adrenaline. Much eep.

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I distinctly remember several things from beta:

- Holding a GIANT rabbit in my hands to take back to its pen. (The rabbits VS watermelons event near the Shaemoor WP--which sadly was removed with the NPE.)

- Discovering the gloriousness of massive female norn characters. A friend of mine had created a female norn elementalist. Seeing this majestic, strong, tall woman running around in that lovely little floofy mini with those long legs... yup, from that moment on its been Norn for Life for me! \o/

- Discovering the gloriousness of a pink dye on my massive female norn's heavy armor. (The whole Dye Seed thing was weird though, so glad that was completely changed before launch!)

- The silly bugged out Snake mini spazzing and going very... erect when not moving. That mini never did make it into the game, apparently.

- Defeating a Veteran mob with a woefully under/non-geared character and feeling like it was an amazing accomplishment.

- Running around as a Branded Human Female in one of the Beta Weekend Finales. SO wish we could get a Branded Tonic, I love that look!


Probably one of the most wonderful memories from this game was discovering the Dwarven Rune puzzle/adventure/odyssey in Desert Highlands. All by myself, no one else around, and it just kept getting more and more awesome. It was a very special experience for me. :)

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