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Precursor crafting, more like gold sink simulator.

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I highly dislike the implementation of the latest set being nothing more than hoarding a bank full of mithril and elder wood, but I can understand the collections were probably too time consuming. I think they could be reduced a bit either way, especially as they're the only method of obtainment versus the gen 1 that you can just buy.



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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> A necro-ed thread I posted in, but putting in my updated two cents.


> If only they pushed that crafting and material sink step to the final collection and let players enjoy the content made. Some of these collections are hand tailored, unique content that no one plays because of collection two.


Yeah, I agree, that was an odd design choice.

Also, it's not a simulator, it's the real deal.

Also, holy necro batman.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> A necro-ed thread I posted in, but putting in my updated two cents.


> If only they pushed that crafting and material sink step to the final collection and let players enjoy the content made. Some of these collections are hand tailored, unique content that no one plays because of collection two.


They are mostly reusing existing content. Most of the uniqueness/story is in the flavor text. There are bits of interesting things but people who didn't do them aren't really missing out on much. For actual content https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Knight_of_the_Thorn provides more than any of the legendary collections. Also much more relevant to the game's plot.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> They are mostly reusing existing content. Most of the uniqueness/story is in the flavor text. There are bits of interesting things but people who didn't do them aren't really missing out on much. For actual content https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Knight_of_the_Thorn provides more than any of the legendary collections. Also much more relevant to the game's plot.


It still is dev work wasted.

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> @"Salonikios.3154" said:

> What the title says, it was supposed to be a great adventurous voyage, yet all i saw from crafting dusk was a major gold sink that chewed up my funds and soul. Yeah it had a few small parts which were actually fun, like the collect the gloom and find the missing pieces here and there, actual fun stuff to do, then came the gold sink which was really a major failure in my eyes and failed to deliver.

> I know it cant be modified differently at this point cause people already made their legendaries and payed the premium to do so, so it would be taking the kitten to them if any monetary change was to take place. All i want by making this thread is to first off blow some steam off, and secondly to show to all new players what we could have gotten and what we got instead.

> Crafted price of a dusk:1000gold Buy it from the Trading Post :650g......

> I mean, good job arena net on this one.I think that people dont talk much about it cause they are interested only in the new legendaries which are account bound, cause the old ones are a joke to try and make these days. Its actually cheaper to outright buy them from the TP and skip the whole "adventure" of crafting one.


> PS. I should note also that RNG is really heavy in this game, as 5 years down the drain in this game i have yet to "drop" one from the billions of mobs i have killed.


> I would like to know what do u guys think about this? Do u share my opinion on this? Am i right or wrong to be in this mind set?

> Thanks for reading :)


I think what people are failing to grasp because there so hung up on people thinking they want to get the legendary faster that they don't realize the biggest issue with the collection. Buying from the trading post is the same as doing the collection because you will be spending the same amount of gold and make no mistake you will be spending gold. There is no way to grind for the matts to make the legendary. if you realize on grinding the matt your being trying to make the legendary till the game ends I can count on my hand how often the material necessary for making the legendary actually drop and it is very low. so people have to buy from the trading post it is literally unavoidable if you actually want to make the legendary. Ask anyone who made the legendary how often they grinding the matts and not the gold to make it, i am 100 percent certain no one single person grinding the individual stuff to make the legendary they had no choice but to buy the stuff from the trading post which means making gold. The rng percent for the t 6 mats will make it in possible for you to grind for individual so you will have no choice but to grind gold no matter what you do. The collection did not change this it just made it were you will get a pre if you finish. The sad reality is if you buy the pre off the trading post your probably save yourself the gold. The fact is you be saving yourself some extra steps if you just grind the gold to make the pre rather than doing the collection. Your be grinding for gold regardless


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> @"Salonikios.3154" said:

> What the title says, it was supposed to be a great adventurous voyage, yet all i saw from crafting dusk was a major gold sink that chewed up my funds and soul. Yeah it had a few small parts which were actually fun, like the collect the gloom and find the missing pieces here and there, actual fun stuff to do, then came the gold sink which was really a major failure in my eyes and failed to deliver.



When I made my first Gen1 weapon, I decided I wanted the full experience, and opted to craft the precursor and do the full collection.


The first Tier went as expected, with some scavenger hunt still requirements, and it was good fun. But Tier 2? That I didn't expect - it was just a massive material sink and wasn't fun in the slightest. But then you go to Tier 3 and you're back on the hunt.


That all said, compared to Gen 2.5 weapons where it is a material sink of epic proportions, I'd say crafting Gen 1's are a lot more "fun" to do (provided you don't hate JPs or fractals).


So I don't feel your statement above is accurate, since only 1/3rd of a Gen 1 precursor collection is a mindless material sink, compared to Gen 2.5 where the entire process is nothing but crafting.


AND, if you really don't enjoy crafting legendary items, I guess it's a good thing that they are entirely optional and offer zero advantages over ascended gear.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > They are mostly reusing existing content. Most of the uniqueness/story is in the flavor text. There are bits of interesting things but people who didn't do them aren't really missing out on much. For actual content https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Knight_of_the_Thorn provides more than any of the legendary collections. Also much more relevant to the game's plot.


> It still is dev work wasted.


![](https://i.imgur.com/cYHjKAI.png "")


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> @"xXMapcoXx.9614" said:

> > @"Salonikios.3154" said:

> > What the title says, it was supposed to be a great adventurous voyage, yet all i saw from crafting dusk was a major gold sink that chewed up my funds and soul. Yeah it had a few small parts which were actually fun, like the collect the gloom and find the missing pieces here and there, actual fun stuff to do, then came the gold sink which was really a major failure in my eyes and failed to deliver.

> > I know it cant be modified differently at this point cause people already made their legendaries and payed the premium to do so, so it would be taking the kitten to them if any monetary change was to take place. All i want by making this thread is to first off blow some steam off, and secondly to show to all new players what we could have gotten and what we got instead.

> > Crafted price of a dusk:1000gold Buy it from the Trading Post :650g......

> > I mean, good job arena net on this one.I think that people dont talk much about it cause they are interested only in the new legendaries which are account bound, cause the old ones are a joke to try and make these days. Its actually cheaper to outright buy them from the TP and skip the whole "adventure" of crafting one.

> >

> > PS. I should note also that RNG is really heavy in this game, as 5 years down the drain in this game i have yet to "drop" one from the billions of mobs i have killed.

> >

> > I would like to know what do u guys think about this? Do u share my opinion on this? Am i right or wrong to be in this mind set?

> > Thanks for reading :)

> >

> I think what people are failing to grasp because there so hung up on people thinking they want to get the legendary faster that they don't realize the biggest issue with the collection. Buying from the trading post is the same as doing the collection because you will be spending the same amount of gold and make no mistake you will be spending gold.


Actually in many cases buying from the TP will be both cheaper and faster.


> There is no way to grind for the matts to make the legendary. if you realize on grinding the matt your being trying to make the legendary till the game ends I can count on my hand how often the material necessary for making the legendary actually drop and it is very low. so people have to buy from the trading post it is literally unavoidable if you actually want to make the legendary. Ask anyone who made the legendary how often they grinding the matts and not the gold to make it


Anyone? ;)

Making a legendary is easy on a 11 month schedule. Actually it is 308 days.


Lets take a look at the cost for the most expensive gen1(gen1 to match the other stuff mentioned in this thread). Eternity is technically more expensive but it is just the price of two legendaries.


+1367g Crafting Cost of Twilight using Buy Orders

-423g for Mystic Clover since we are getting all from the Chest of Loyalty

-616g for completing 308 dailies

-220g selling the Mystic Coins(this is assuming you get 1g per coin which is underpricing them) from login rewards


This puts the remaining balance at 108g and things becomes a bit trickier.

The easy way out would be to say "just get an additional 35s per day somehow".


Alternatively we can factor in the Laurels. Gift of Might and Magic will require 8 stacks of t6 materials or 2000 total. 11 login cycles gives 385 Laurels. Heavy Crafting bags are 1 Laurel each and give 3 t6 items. That is 1155 t6s or 57.75% of what is needed. The combined cost of Gift of Might and Magic is around 340g. 57% of that is 193g


That 193g can now be subtracted from the previous balance of 108g and now we have come in under budget by 90g which can be used to speed up the whole thing a bit.


So where is the grind?

4-8 hours of WvW to get a Gift of Battle, possibly less with the help of WvW dailies

20? hours for World Completion to get Gift of Exploration. Actually since I am not sure lets just make this 62 hours(31 zones, 2 hours each). 62+8=70 hours total. 70*60 is 4200 minutes so on average that is split over 308 days that is around 14 minutes a day.


The most frequently cited number I've seen for daily completion is 30 minutes.


Lets just add 150 minutes for the dungeon tokens


With everything combined the answer to "what does it take to craft a gen1 legendary in GW2?" can be reduced to a single value: 13860 minutes.


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