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Is it possible to level a new toon to 80 in 4 days and enjoy it?


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I just plan to return to GW2 with PoF (already bought it) and want to level a new character I feel attached to with it. Problem: I am visiting my family and can only start leveling on Tuesday morning. I still have vacations and a lot of free time. So is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (until evening when PoF launches in Europe) enough time to level a new toon to 80? I am not going to not sleep to achieve it lol. Just want to hear if it's a realistic goal or it isn't.


What do you think?


(I own HoT as well but never played it. Going to play it when I am done with PoF)

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It is absolutely possible... but it depends heavily on how much time you plan to spend each day on the character and your access to boosters. If you have a lvl 40 or 50 scroll from birthdays that will cut a lot of time off from your leveling. Depending on where you are at in your daily login rewards you could potentially get 9 tomes of knowledge. Running a Birthday XP Booster will speed things up a lot as well. Under the best circumstances you'll instantly jump to level 50, power level to level 71 with XP boosters, then finish it off with 9 tomes of knowledge.


If you don't have access to those options then it'd require a lot of time investment each day... but with those options you could actually hit level 80 in as little as 1 day honestly.

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> @Panda.1967 said:

> It is absolutely possible... but it depends heavily on how much time you plan to spend each day on the character and your access to boosters. If you have a lvl 40 or 50 scroll from birthdays that will cut a lot of time off from your leveling. Depending on where you are at in your daily login rewards you could potentially get 9 tomes of knowledge. Running a Birthday XP Booster will speed things up a lot as well. Under the best circumstances you'll instantly jump to level 50, power level to level 71 with XP boosters, then finish it off with 9 tomes of knowledge.


> If you don't have access to those options then it'd require a lot of time investment each day... but with those options you could actually hit level 80 in as little as 1 day honestly.


Well, I have a level 20 booster, the level 80 booster etc. but that's something I don't wanna use. If I boost a character I don't feel any sympathy for it - might sound strange but that's how it is for me. Maybe I should have been clearer about it. I don't want to skip story and grind my way to 80, I want to "powerlevel" but without feeling nothing while I do it.

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I have a feeling that if you try to get a char to level 80 without boosters in 4 days that it will start to feel like a chore. Every zone will still be covered in a shroud: uncovering them and unlocking all the waypoints, Hearts and such to get those events and that XP going will start to feel forced, imo. You may start at it leasurely, but XP does not come *that* fast, and you will need those Events to really start the XP rolling. And for those events you will want to unlock a zone asap so you can hop around.


I have tried numerous times to see how fast I could get some levels on a new character and I felt that the shrouded undiscovered zones were a real hurdle.


Off course if you have the time (not 4 days) then it's a different ball game. Then you go with the flow and just enjoy the events that you run into.

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OP you will only enjoy rushing to level 80 if you enjoy skipping content, only you can answer that but it is going to be harder to connect to a character if you only care about getting to max level asap. IMO its far better not to rush and start from level 1 and play through the game and stories - bear in mind there is absolutely no race at end game, so it doesn't matter if you get there now or in 3 months.

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> I just plan to return to GW2 with PoF (already bought it) and want to level a new character I feel attached to with it. Problem: I am visiting my family and can only start leveling on Tuesday morning. I still have vacations and a lot of free time. So is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (until evening when PoF launches in Europe) enough time to level a new toon to 80? I am not going to not sleep to achieve it lol. Just want to hear if it's a realistic goal or it isn't.


> What do you think?


> (I own HoT as well but never played it. Going to play it when I am done with PoF)


Yea, I've leveled characters to 80 in a day and a half with crafting. It's not terribly fun. And you'll have no clue how to play once you get there. But sure, it's possible.

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I said other because I'm an altaholic with tons of level 80s of every class (except revanent even though I've technically had about 5 of them that I've deleted each time) and for me, since I've leveled every class from 1-80 "normally", I don't lose out on the experience by fast leveling and then enjoying play at level 80. For a new player however, I think there is something lost my rushing through the leveling experience, both in class knowledge and mechanics and in world/story exploration.

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What's the rush? Path of Fire content is permanent, and won't be disappearing. Take your time leveling your character(s), and enjoy the journey. If later, you feel you are missing out on something in Path of Fire, you can always use your L80 Boost to either finish leveling your character or use the Boost on a different character.


Welcome return, and good luck.

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I'll be honest.


You can level a character to lvl 80 provided you have acces to some useful things:

1 a guild for the guildhall bonus

2 some cash for food (think of the cost in silvers not in gold), you need it for the 2nd thing (so not related to buffs of 10 (or in expensive cases 15%) added experience

3 acces to boosters. If you're lucky you can get a 50% experience booster form your lvl 10 black lion key,

4 mine, farm, ressurect but most of all explore as fast as you can...


This considered you should start running and killing yellow named critters for the XP boost due to their longivety on the map, if you eradicated 1 group you explore the mapo further and start killing th enext group of yellows you meet. to explore fast and kill fast you'll ned a power build with a movement modifer or swiftness.


If you can do it. I'd say yes. If it's your goal and you want to reach it, you might enjoy achieving the progression and the result...


If it would be a fun and worthwhile experience to repeat... I doubt it...


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Well, I already have a 80 Mesmer and Elementalist, my Necro is stuck at 73 or so. I did not play for a long time and lost the "sympathy" for the characters, that's why I want to create a new one. I love the GW2 lore and want to experience it as well. I will start on Tuesday and see how far I come with usual playing (+10 hours a day until Friday). I really want to play as Scourge that's why I want to get to PoF as fast as I can. How do I unlock the new specs?

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You unlock the new specs with hero points. like all specs.


But you'll neeed to be lvl 80 To play scourge AND you'll need to enter the story of PoF at launch and unlock the elite spoecialisation and get then get enough heropoints.


I hope the specialistion costs are 250 heropoints (25 HoT (,and likely PoF,) herochallenges, or 200 hero challenges from vanilla Guild Wars 2 (including dry top and silverwastes) + 5 from HoT or PoF ) like HoT but we'll see. Then you'll have your elite secialisation


Masteries will take longer. I expect new mastery points and again XP costs to level these up. Using boosters and food, guildboosters, and banners will help.


I do want to warn you birthdays in GW1 are per character, not per account! If you delet old characters you'll restart from yr 0 birthday on.

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I voted other because it depends on a number of factors such as what methods you're willing and able to use and what you consider fun. Levelling to 80 in 4 days is definitely possible, and there's many options for how to do it, but I couldn't say if any of them would be enjoyable for you, especially not by the end when you might well be sick of it.


For example I suspect some people are more than capable of making enough gold on the TP to convert to gems and buy a level 80 boost and they would find it fun, whereas I'd find it extremely boring...if I even knew where to begin. Same for gaining tomes from WvW or PvP, levelling from crafting, or grinding PvE events/map completion for XP. There are many options which require varying amounts of time but even doing something you normally enjoy can get boring if you're under pressure to do as much of it as possible in a short time. (Which is one reason many of us normally say not to rush.)


This is why I always make sure I have enough scrolls/tomes of knowledge to level at least 1 character to 80 instantly, just in case I find myself needing to do exactly that. There's only been once it's happened to me so far* but I wouldn't rule out it happening again so I like to have the option. I realise that probably isn't an option for the OP (or they wouldn't have asked) but it might be something to bear in mind for the future.


*That was when the personal story was re-worked into chapters every 10 levels, and in the process the story from level 70 onwards was completely messed up. I wanted to document all the changes to show how messed up it was (to help argue that it should be changed back) so I needed a new level 80, quickly. I didn't have enough tomes so I got the remaining levels by grinding WvW (which at the time gave XP directly) and story XP of course. It worked but I was glad when it was over.

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Of course there are many ways to reach level 80 within a few days but probably they are not enjoyable because they need effort and make playing the game a full-time job for few days. Anyway there is still the option left to boost a character but you mentioned in one of your posts that you already have a character, a necro to be precise and you wanna find a way to level a new one for the next expac to play as scourge.

Additionally , you said you already have a necro at lv73 but you´ve lost the sympathy for this character, well, accordingly to that I would recommend to try it again with this already nearly lv80 character.

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  • 7 months later...

Firstly, i want to apologise for necroing this thread, was returning to playing a fresh new account and not doing smt like crafting to 80 in 3hrs was a challenge but yes you can level up to 80 fairly quickly, have spend a day and 1 hr leveling a fresh new account and fresh new ranger, been clearing simple low level map completions over 3 real life days about 2-4 hours per day and have already hit 54. So i would highly suggest doing that even thought that might be boring or tiring. We personally i plan to complete 80 within the next day or two and start on PoF Story line since i didnt get the HoT Expansion then maybe after getting enought gear and mounts, i might just craft my way to 80 on a second character and the third...

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A matter of a personal opinion. Personally, I like to raise up toons and mostly, I have two ways to do it, depending on the objective I have:

- Either I raise it up the basic way: In that case, I don't use any boosters and feel no hurry to reach 80 because my interests are elsewhere than with reaching max level. I then don't care about how long it takes, rather nicely taking my time at it.

- Or I need a toon level 80 for a specific objective: In that case, I use boosters/scrolls/tome of knowledges and get it to 80 within less than 5 minutes (the time needed to consume/double click all that). Nothing to be proud of and also nothing really enjoyable else than the fact to skip a entire part of the game I do not need in that moment.


So, I never had the case to try to level up a toon to 80 within such short time slot like two days and cannot really answer yes or no. I can only imagine: Based on how I like to play, doing several things with several toons, I don't think I would enjoy to focus on just one toon for 4 days.

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I can level from 1 to 80 without moving a single step in 1 minute :P


Dunno, It's certainly possible at others have pointed out but if it's fun is just for you to decide. Keep in mind if you started right now you could probably do it if you have an idea of how. Double exp makes the world go round

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