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[Suggestion] New Daily Login Reward System


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> @MMAI.5892 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > Why would you want to add USELESS stuff as daily login rewards? To discourage people from loging in?

> > > Karma and Obsidian Shards are interchangeable, and pretty much useless after a point. Karma was always a pretty useless currency, and it hasn't improved much, even though LS3 maps make it extremely easy to get a ton of it.

> > >

> > > And why shouldn't it be worth gold?

> > >

> > > What other sources of Mystic coins do you suggest?

> > >

> > > They paid for alt accounts, it's a legit account, and because you're envious you want everyone to get useless crap from daily logins.

> > >

> > > And let me explain something to you:

> > > The thing about alt accounts being rewarding isn't the daily login rewards. It's the Silver Doubloons. Sure those 2 gold are nice, and the laurels and Mystic coins are handy, but having 4-5 lvl 21 chars parked at a JP's chest getting sometimes as many as 6 silver doubloons a day... That's where it makes gold.

> > > Knowing this, now you're going to ask Silver doubloons to be removed from the game?

> > >

> > > It's a crappy suggestion stemming from envy and lazyness, would create more issues than it solves (there isn't an issue to start with).

> > >

> > > There are some issues, but the daily logins being worth gold directly or indirectly isn't one of them:

> > >

> > > The issue is pretty much the opposite of what you suggested, it's that stuff like spirit shards, ToKs, Transmutation Shards, and Luck Essences can become obsolete due to over-abundance. Obsidian Shards are also not something that you don't need, there's an abundance of supply of those, and not enough uses for them to be merited as a daily login reward.

> > >

> > > The fix needed to the Daily Login system is change The ToK and Luck rewards to something else entirely. ToK are the cure-all filler in every Reward track, you end up with so much of that junk that even converting to spirit shards doesn't cut it.

> >

> > Lvling characters, bring em to jp and also log every single one for a chance?

> > I am sorry but i prefer to have 3/4 extra account ( depends how many charas you'd like to login for jp chests ) instead, since the time spent is almost the same.

> > Overall time spent on simply login beats the rng on jps and time spent to lvl charas.

> >

> > Or if it was a joke the "chance on 73s" compared to 60g in 28 mins, i took the bait.

> > I was talking about make money in the most efficient way.

> >


> Except this *is* something people do with alt accounts. The set up takes a little leg work (but not all that much) , but after that it's open the chest > salvage > sell/keep. It takes 2 minutes tops per character and no real effort. This is the same with flax farms and other such popular spots. I've got all of my characters except my main parked at places like that for the same purpose. It may not be the only reason people get an alt account, but it's one way they're maximized.


They managed their resources in the best way, but compared to spend the same time on other logins is way less efficient.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @MMAI.5892 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > > Why would you want to add USELESS stuff as daily login rewards? To discourage people from loging in?

> > > > Karma and Obsidian Shards are interchangeable, and pretty much useless after a point. Karma was always a pretty useless currency, and it hasn't improved much, even though LS3 maps make it extremely easy to get a ton of it.

> > > >

> > > > And why shouldn't it be worth gold?

> > > >

> > > > What other sources of Mystic coins do you suggest?

> > > >

> > > > They paid for alt accounts, it's a legit account, and because you're envious you want everyone to get useless crap from daily logins.

> > > >

> > > > And let me explain something to you:

> > > > The thing about alt accounts being rewarding isn't the daily login rewards. It's the Silver Doubloons. Sure those 2 gold are nice, and the laurels and Mystic coins are handy, but having 4-5 lvl 21 chars parked at a JP's chest getting sometimes as many as 6 silver doubloons a day... That's where it makes gold.

> > > > Knowing this, now you're going to ask Silver doubloons to be removed from the game?

> > > >

> > > > It's a crappy suggestion stemming from envy and lazyness, would create more issues than it solves (there isn't an issue to start with).

> > > >

> > > > There are some issues, but the daily logins being worth gold directly or indirectly isn't one of them:

> > > >

> > > > The issue is pretty much the opposite of what you suggested, it's that stuff like spirit shards, ToKs, Transmutation Shards, and Luck Essences can become obsolete due to over-abundance. Obsidian Shards are also not something that you don't need, there's an abundance of supply of those, and not enough uses for them to be merited as a daily login reward.

> > > >

> > > > The fix needed to the Daily Login system is change The ToK and Luck rewards to something else entirely. ToK are the cure-all filler in every Reward track, you end up with so much of that junk that even converting to spirit shards doesn't cut it.

> > >

> > > Lvling characters, bring em to jp and also log every single one for a chance?

> > > I am sorry but i prefer to have 3/4 extra account ( depends how many charas you'd like to login for jp chests ) instead, since the time spent is almost the same.

> > > Overall time spent on simply login beats the rng on jps and time spent to lvl charas.

> > >

> > > Or if it was a joke the "chance on 73s" compared to 60g in 28 mins, i took the bait.

> > > I was talking about make money in the most efficient way.

> > >

> >

> > Except this *is* something people do with alt accounts. The set up takes a little leg work (but not all that much) , but after that it's open the chest > salvage > sell/keep. It takes 2 minutes tops per character and no real effort. This is the same with flax farms and other such popular spots. I've got all of my characters except my main parked at places like that for the same purpose. It may not be the only reason people get an alt account, but it's one way they're maximized.


> They managed their resources in the best way, but compared to spend the same time on other logins is way less efficient.



I don't disagree, the time/effort investment is more, but I'd argue that it's not by much. I'll also add that the people I know that have alt accounts do so not to generate gold by selling MCs or certain mats but because they need them and having an alt account is cheaper and far less time consuming in the long run to get those things for the legendaries that they want to make. So, the better avenue to take, I still think, would be change acquisition in ways that are fun. But, I'll leave my 2c there.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Here's my proposal

> (...)

> Do any of you feel the same about this?

No. I don't see the problem you're trying to solve. Unless of course your idea is to make people _less_ interested in logging in. Or you want for MC's to increase in price explosively (which i definitely would not support).


> @OriOri.8724 said:

> The only real change I want to see to the daily login rewards is to add an option to get 20-25MC from the chest of loyalty as one of the options


Agreed, that's a good idea.



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To me, giving out Mystic Coins and Laurels makes sense. By themselves they have no value, but they do allow you to trade them into items that do have value and can benefit your account whether it be via items or into materials or into gold. I am less in favor into giving daily rewards for things that are earned thru activities. Example giving out unbound magic or dungeon tokens or pvp/wvw tokens. These are things that players should have play to earn. Even if Mystic coins were craft-able, which might be an interesting side conversation, I wouldn't want to see them replaced by these other tokens since players should have play those game modes to earn them. Exception to the rule here might be the chest of loyalty but still would need to ponder that one.


If the biggest concern is players getting free gold from having multiple accounts I am not certain if this is way to do it. Maybe instead roll that into the dailies. Receive your daily for doing some number of dailies and advance your account for the chest of loyalty. That way they didn't just login but had to do something too while logged in to earn that extra. Just some thoughts if I understand your core issue.

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:-1: to this proposal.

And there's enough verbiage above mine to explain why.


Maybe, *maybe*, if certain other things happened:

A way to once/day craft Mystic Coins out of gold/silver. (Say 100 gold ingots + 100 silver ingots + 10 mystic crystals )

Remove Luck and Tomes from the reward list and replace them with better options (materials, clovers, random currencies, etc).


Because the notion of replacing Mystic Coins for useless junk as a daily "reward" is worthy of :-1:


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As a mental exercise, I decided to ignore the very real possibility that the OP has an ulterior motive and consider the suggestion at face value.


1) More crafting? No, thanks. Crafting is mind-numbing and about as boring as it gets. With Anet's approach to crafting anything valuable, the possibility of needing another spreadsheet to keep track of what's needed to make MC's seems likely. As Fleshie's sig (used to?) say, "Be careful what you ask for, ANet might give it to you."

2) Changing the system is questionable unless the use of alt accounts is having a negative impact on something. Just how large is the impact of alt accounts? How many players have multiple accounts and use them for farming? If that number is small, the overall impact on the game would be small. If that number is large, then what is the negative impact? Who loses? People who want more coins than they get each month can buy these MC's. If a large number of coins are introduced this way each month, then added supply contributes to offsetting demand, which helps keeps MC prices in equilibrium.

3) The only negative impact I'm seeing is the OP's dislike for the idea of people getting MC's this way. Since I don't care if some people are making gold this way (no, I only have one account), don't mind the little bit of extra gold I get from selling mine and despise crafting as implemented by ANet, I have no motive for wanting the OP's change.

4) The current MC coin faucet is also beneficial for players without alt accounts. It remains to be seen whether the OP's proposal would make the game better for these people, or worse. This is largely so because "create some way to craft MC's" is vague. With that in mind, I'm going to go with leave the system as is.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> Because the notion of replacing Mystic Coins for useless junk as a daily "reward" is worthy of :-1:


Because the people join the thread and reply before reading the post itself, they won't be able to read the disclaimer part, and that the whole image is something made up in few seconds, with the reason to remove only the rewards which could have been traded for golds.


@"TheGrimm.5624" :

> Maybe instead roll that into the dailies. Receive your daily for doing some number of dailies and advance your account for the chest of loyalty.


That could be really a good idea.

Reward which needs to be earned.


@"IndigoSundown.5419" : You probably don't get any of what i wrote, though the concept is simple.

It's not a dislike for MC, it's a dislike for reward, in terms of golds, without playing the game, which can be used as a way of sustain in terms of earnings ( and the fact that you can do it with multiple accounts in order to give your main more rewards ).


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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> The only real change I want to see to the daily login rewards is to add an option to get 20-25MC from the chest of loyalty as one of the options


This would rock. Taking a year to collect the mats needed for a legendary is a very long time.

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This seems like a change that would do more harm than good. Enough of the game requires specific housekeeping on a daily basis for high-end crafting without adding additional requirements. The login rewards do need to have enough inherent value to fulfill their purpose, which is to encourage players to log in frequently, and they're at a good balance to achieve that. If someone wants to manage a dozen alt accounts like a second job in order to sell Mystic Coins and convert Laurels for gold, more power to them.


> @OriOri.8724 said:

> The only real change I want to see to the daily login rewards is to add an option to get 20-25MC from the chest of loyalty as one of the options


That would be nice, but I'm pretty sure it would also flood the market, and I'm not enough of an economist to tell whether that would be too much of a good thing. Perhaps adding 6 Mystic Coins to the Chest of Legendary Crafting Materials to go with the 8 Obsidian Shards and 7 Mystic Clovers could work, though.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> But ofc if mystic coins return to 1s price per piece, everybody would be able to benefit, **with the difference that nobody instead will be able to make money by selling 'em**.


On the contrary, that benefits the wealthiest players the most: they'd no longer have to use some of their gold for luxury items. And it hurts the poorest: they'd no longer have access to easy money from logging on.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Because i don't like the idea that players receive a reward which is worth gold by simply log in. This has been a problem since ...

Problem? If you can't log in game but want ingame items, if you wanna be in the same league as everyday player, maybe it's a promblem **for you** Do you realize that you've been playing MMORPG video game? There is rule in MMORPGs: more time you spent in game - more fancy items, gold you have.

What kind of player are you? The one with money or the one that has free time? Or neither of those? There are 2 roads to the gold, to the honor, items, fun etc **in every** game. Don't forget to have fun while you are chasing your goals...

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > But ofc if mystic coins return to 1s price per piece, everybody would be able to benefit, **with the difference that nobody instead will be able to make money by selling 'em**.


> On the contrary, that benefits the wealthiest players the most: they'd no longer have to use some of their gold for luxury items. And it hurts the poorest: they'd no longer have access to easy money from logging on.


So it would be the normal way?

If you play you gain something, if you don't you don't gain anything.


Complains about those who decide, or can afford, to play the game more than those who can't is something which i was waiting for.


@"Nilson.9865" There's no need to have money for a X eur purchase. If you consider rich somebody who chose to spend 40 eur for 4 core accounts, bad news for you.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > But ofc if mystic coins return to 1s price per piece, everybody would be able to benefit, **with the difference that nobody instead will be able to make money by selling 'em**.

> >

> > On the contrary, that benefits the wealthiest players the most: they'd no longer have to use some of their gold for luxury items. And it hurts the poorest: they'd no longer have access to easy money from logging on.


> So it would be the normal way?

> If you play you gain something, if you don't you don't gain anything.


> Complains about those who decide, or can afford, to play the game more than those who can't is something which i was waiting for.


Um, you seem to be the one complaining about the status quo: you don't like ANet providing anything for free. I'm just offering their explanation as to why mystic coins are distributed in this fashion, rather than having a true faucet.


If the game only follows the "if you play, you gain something" logic, then too many new players would struggle to get started and not stay long enough to become veterans. The current system provides them with the tools to get a jump start and it's funded by veterans who can afford to give up some coin. (Thus also reducing the inflationary pressures suffered in all MMOs.)


Besides that, the very concept of "login rewards" means that you get it for logging in, not for playing.


The current system provides strong benefits to the game's entire ecosystem rather than benefiting the richest, as any crafting system would. You don't have to like ANet's decision, but I would hope you would take the time to understand the concept before suggesting changes to it.


PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?


The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.


And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

I mean, it's more like "wtf man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".


RNG apart, obviously ;)


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?


> The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.


> And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".


You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

> >

> > The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.

> >

> > And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> > I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".


> You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

> Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.



It is only meant to show stakeholders how many players to play everyday ( and it's something which could be extend to f2p players too if the rewards would be bound on account, like other games. So there couldn't be any loss of login to begin with ).


Btw, you have to chose a side dude.

First you find strange that poor players will be even poor and rich players slightly less rich, trying to being a sort of robin hood, then you side with ANET pov.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

> > >

> > > The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.

> > >

> > > And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> > > I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".

> >

> > You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

> > Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.

> >


> It is only meant to show stakeholders how many players to play everyday ( and it's something which could be extend to f2p players too if the rewards would be bound on account, like other games. So there couldn't be any loss of login to begin with ).


> Btw, you have to chose a side dude.

> First you find strange that poor players will be even poor and rich players slightly less rich, trying to being a sort of robin hood, then you side with ANET pov.


Yes, the login reward is to get as many as possible to log in. I, like so many others in this thread, assert that your suggestion will NOT be a driver for people who don't really play the game at this stage to log in at all, thus acting against the intent of the reward. Now, why would Anet want to do such a thing? I would assume that Anet wants to keep the incentive high for people to keep logging in and frankly getting obby shards and bloodstone dust isn't really an incentive for anyone.

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> @Zohane.7208 said:

> Yes, the login reward is to get as many as possible to log in. I, like so many others in this thread, assert that your suggestion will NOT be a driver for people who don't really play the game at this stage to log in at all, thus acting against the intent of the reward. Now, why would Anet want to do such a thing? I would assume that Anet wants to keep the incentive high for people to keep logging in and frankly getting obby shards and bloodstone dust isn't really an incentive for anyone.


Different games have the same purpose with DL, and still the reward is for the user itself ( account bound ie ).


Remember that currently the DL is not something extended to all accounts but only to those who paid the game.

Remember also that many players are F2p.


A rework could allow anet to share DL to f2p accounts, which could decide just to login in order to get something, also while the don't play at all ( as many of us could do if bored ).


Btw, and really i don't know how to say this, don't focus yourself on the draft i made, because the only purpose was to remove everything which could have been exchanged for golds through TP.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> It's not a dislike for MC, it's a dislike for reward, in terms of golds, without playing the game, which can be used as a way of sustain in terms of earnings ( and the fact that you can do it with multiple accounts in order to give your main more rewards ).

First, the daily earning is not that significant for anyone except the most casual players. It's nothing ore than a little extra. Second, as what you ask for is removing from the rewards those with the highest value, and replace them with low walue ones, it's exactly "replacing rewards with trash". In that case it would be better to scrap the whole daily login system altogether - it would defeat the purpose of introducing the system in the first place. Third, you're not even consistent, as the things you proposed to replace MCs can also be monetized easily.


Besides, you've still not explained why the current situation is a problem (well, other than because you don't like it).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

> > >

> > > The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.

> > >

> > > And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> > > I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".

> >

> > You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

> > Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.

> >


> It is only meant to show stakeholders how many players to play everyday ( and it's something which could be extend to f2p players too if the rewards would be bound on account, like other games. So there couldn't be any loss of login to begin with ).


> Btw, you have to chose a side dude.

> First you find strange that poor players will be even poor and rich players slightly less rich, trying to being a sort of robin hood, then you side with ANET pov.


(a) I always side with the evidence.

(b) ANet's point has specifically stated that their goal is to help the poor be less poor, by giving them the option to sell mystic coins, that are bought by the rich.


Regardless of anyone's point of view, convincing ANet to change the system requires some understanding of why they chose the current system in the first place. It also means being able to clearly state what the issue is that makes it worth spending effort to rebalance (or change the mechanics). When you're ready to do that, I'm willing to help you draft your rhetoric to make a strong case. Until then, I'll leave you to keep repeating the same opinions based on faith rather than evidence.

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The daily log in system is fine as it is. We do not need a reduction in the amount of mystic coins in the game. People want and need a reliable method to get them. People can sell or save them at their desire, not your imposed upon method.


The proposed rewards give you just as much gold as the current rewards and in fact give you better rewards as you can trade the fractal relics you propose into ascended trinkets which you cannot do with the current system. Your idea has no sound reasoning or follow through. You say you don't want people to get the gold that mystic coins give them now yet propose multiple ways to give them gold in the method you proposed. You substitute items for value (mystic coins) for other items of value (instant karma, dungone/fractal tokens) and have to tone down the amount of gold you add by adding in obsidian shards and spirit shards both items that are easily obtainable in game and anyone who actually plays the game gets on a regular basis but have very few uses (ie. almost worthless).


No thanks, keep the system as it is.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Don't worry, you won't see me siding one post with something and the other with another.

> I leave it to you, because remember:


> > I always side with evidence, _the same evidence which tell me that is unfair that those who play few hours have less than those who play more hours or simply better_.


> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Don't worry, you won't see me siding one post with something and the other with another.

> I leave it to you, because remember:


> > I always side with evidence, _the same evidence which tell me that is unfair that those who play few hours have less than those who play more hours or simply better_.


> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Don't worry, you won't see me siding one post with something and the other with another.

> I leave it to you, because remember:


> > I always side with evidence, _the same evidence which tell me that is unfair that those who play few hours have less than those who play more hours or simply better_.


And there it is, finally out in the open... "it is unfair that those who play few hours have less than those who play more hours or simply better".

By this reasoning no one should be allowed to earn anything that not all get. So those playing raids should not be allowed to make money or get loot since they already made their 2g for today, and already had their 4 pieces of armor drops.

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