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I don't like Transmutation Charges


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Lion's Arch, Rata Sum, Black Citidel, Divinity's Reach, Hoelbrak, and The Grove are all guaranteed to give 1 transmutation charge each for map completion.


If you have a free character slot: create new character, map complete your racial city, use the Asura gate in the city to go to Lion's Arch, map complete LA, then use the Asura gates in LA to go to all the other racial cities to map complete. Delete character, and repeat, for as many transmutation charges you want for free.


It can take a little time, but you get 6 charges each time you do this, enough to change a full set of armor.


And as others have pointed out, there are various other sources to get free charges in the game.


But, to be honest, I wish they would just do away with transmutation charges all together and let us change skins on gear freely like we can with outfits and mount skins.


It makes no sense to sell something like that in the gem shop when a dedicated player can get as many as they want free of charge in the game from many sources. My only guess as to why they haven't done this is because enough weirdos actually spend gems on them. I wouldn't exactly say transmutation charges are profitable, since they sell gems, not individual items. So it really wouldn't matter what you spent your gems on anyway.


But knowing ArenaNet, they'd probably just nerf how many charges we can get a week. (A long time ago you use to be able to get 1 guaranteed black lion chest key from completing the first chapter of the personal story. Players would create characters, get the key, delete character, and repeat for as many free keys as they wanted. At one point a dev said they were OK with players doing this, but eventually they changed it so you can only get 1 key per account per week from chapter 1 of the personal story.)

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> @Charrbeque.8729 said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/City#Rewards


> Lion's Arch, Rata Sum, Black Citidel, Divinity's Reach, Hoelbrak, and The Grove are all guaranteed to give 1 transmutation charge each for map completion.


> If you have a free character slot: create new character, map complete your racial city, use the Asura gate in the city to go to Lion's Arch, map complete LA, then use the Asura gates in LA to go to all the other racial cities to map complete. Delete character, and repeat, for as many transmutation charges you want for free.


> It can take a little time, but you get 6 charges each time you do this, enough to change a full set of armor.


> And as others have pointed out, there are various other sources to get free charges in the game.


> But, to be honest, I wish they would just do away with transmutation charges all together and let us change skins on gear freely like we can with outfits and mount skins.


> It makes no sense to sell something like that in the gem shop when a dedicated player can get as many as they want free of charge in the game from many sources. My only guess as to why they haven't done this is because enough weirdos actually spend gems on them. I wouldn't exactly say transmutation charges are profitable, since they sell gems, not individual items. So it really wouldn't matter what you spent your gems on anyway.


> But knowing ArenaNet, they'd probably just nerf how many charges we can get a week. (A long time ago you use to be able to get 1 guaranteed black lion chest key from completing the first chapter of the personal story. Players would create characters, get the key, delete character, and repeat for as many free keys as they wanted. At one point a dev said they were OK with players doing this, but eventually they changed it so you can only get 1 key per account per week from chapter 1 of the personal story.)


meh, it's faster if you afk in ranked pvp

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You don't need to buy transmutation charges. You can earn plenty of them just by playing the game. However, if you anticipate using charges frequently I recommend getting into sPvP. Ranked PvP is the best way I've found to get a lot of transmutation charges at no cost. I played one season of ranked PvP, fewer than 250 games played, and I probably gained around 100 transmute charges, which is likely more than I've used in my entire GW2 career going on two years now!

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Lots of emotion here. First, I'd say before getting too mad about things, ask the community. Even the jerks here are pretty nice compared to most other MMOs :pensive:


Second, don't transmute low level armor. You will constantly be upgrading as you level. Just be content with looking however until 80. You'll get to 80 pretty quickly.


Finally, you will get plenty of Transmutation Charges along the way. I have never bought any ever and I have 4 characters looking exactly how I want (and I've switched up looks plenty). If you really need lots of them, do some PvP. In fact, you get so many of these things if you want, that I don't know why Anet bothers selling them in the cash shop.

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> @Knacker.9520 said:

> I just worked out how the wardrobe feature works and im completely blown away by the IN-YOUR-FACE money grab on this feature. I'm beside myself. Its like $1 to change each item, and if you want to keep looking the same throughout your leveling experience, you need to keep spending a $1 for each piece of Armour you change out during the leveling progress...This is incredible. You guys make EA look like a bunch of school kids with this blatant money grab.


> Not a bad game buy the way. Enjoying it so far.


Glad you are enjoying it so far. As others have said, don't buy any transmutation charges you will end up with a lot by just playing the game. Wouldn't recommend changing gear appearances until you have crafted your level 80 exotic or ascended gear, before that its kind of a waste since you will out-level that gear anyway. And you do get quite a few from WvW and PvP reward tracks so if you want to change earlier gear try that route, but no don't buy them. To give you perspective I do change gear appearances on a simi-frequent basis across 23 toons and am still sitting on 2110 charges. They stack faster than you might expect.

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> @Knacker.9520 said:

> I just worked out how the wardrobe feature works and im completely blown away by the IN-YOUR-FACE money grab on this feature. I'm beside myself. Its like $1 to change each item, and if you want to keep looking the same throughout your leveling experience, you need to keep spending a $1 for each piece of Armour you change out during the leveling progress...This is incredible. You guys make EA look like a bunch of school kids with this blatant money grab.


> Not a bad game buy the way. Enjoying it so far.


I've got like 200 Transmutation stones... Never bought one in the store...

And i transmute stuff all the time.. I fuss a lot on how many of my characters look.


It USED to be a bit of a cash grab because they had two separate kinds of transmutation stone... One that worked only on lvl 80 armor, and ones that only worked at lvl 1-79.

And only the later would consistently drop ingame. They changed it to the current system, 2 years into the game (give or take) which is MUCH better. And even then i had many of my characters looking how i wanted.


And honestly, a LOT of MMORPGs sell their version of the transmutation stone on their microtransactions, and a lot of them WITHOUT the ingame option to obtain the item through normal playing. If your basis for comparison is a game that BY DEFAULT asks you to pay 10+ € a month just to play, maybe you're mad at the wrong game?

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I don't PvP, so I am always short on transmutation charges. However, I would never purchase them from the store- I'd rather do without. I, too, find being charged to change my shirt pretty ridiculous, and in no other game I've played have I been charged for it. These other games had far better wardrobe systems than GW2. For 2 very different implementations, check LOTRO and RIFT.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> I think we can agree you all got baited hard. And with every response you only encourage OP to repeat his actions in the future.


> If we consider that some new players may be confused about transmutation system, it is not a surprise. Game has basically no tutorial. If I was to start the game today I would be spending more time reading wiki instead of exploring Tyria. However, at this point, there is no hope for the change. After 5 years game is more or less on life support stage of its existance - new players are not interested in old games so it should be catering to old players mostly to not lose whatever people are still playing.


> I feel for new players entering the game. The whole "learning the game" has been forced upon community. So if any new player is confused as OP you shold find a non-raiding guild for yourself so people will teach you about the game.


No he wasn't baiting us.. but we successfully baited you into chirping in with a typically dumb response.

If you cant understand GW2 easywin mechanics and tools then maybe tiddlywinks maybe a better pass time for you.

As for life support.. plz do provide the proof to substantiate your claims.. it may not be as busy as day one, but show me an MMO that is, 5 years into its life.

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> I don't PvP, so I am always short on transmutation charges. However, I would never purchase them from the store- I'd rather do without. I, too, find being charged to change my shirt pretty ridiculous, and in no other game I've played have I been charged for it. These other games had far better wardrobe systems than GW2. For 2 very different implementations, check LOTRO and RIFT.


LOTRO and RIFT have different monetization systems, which is what enables them to have a different wardrobe system.


In GW2, you get all the game content for free (after you buy the game) and spend money on meaningless cosmetics or convenience items. In those other two, players who spend money on the game get better gear, higher stats, more power, more quests, and more content.

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> @Drew.1865 said:

> If you wvw you get the transmutation charges ALL the time. I think I can get about 25 or more a day just doing wvw a few hours. The devs for this game are the least greedy of ANY mmo I have played. Criticism requires an educated critique.


25 or more for a few hours?! I have never experienced that.

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> I don't PvP, so I am always short on transmutation charges. However, I would never purchase them from the store- I'd rather do without. I, too, find being charged to change my shirt pretty ridiculous, and in no other game I've played have I been charged for it. These other games had far better wardrobe systems than GW2. For 2 very different implementations, check LOTRO and RIFT.


You have to look at the bigger picture. GW2's cash shop is almost entirely cosmetic, I would prefer GW2 as is over what most games actually do. How a game is monetized impacts it greatly, and I've quit many due to it.

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This game has a fantastic way of wardrobe feature: Before, I had no chance to dye my iLevel 100 stuff in FF14, because of their super dumb system of dying clothes.

Here I just bought my colour and dyed it. The other step, the "change looks" thing, is also beautifully easy, again super dumb in FF14 and not achievable (back when I quitted in 2015) for a poor player with low gil.


I often just dyed my stuff black and updated my clothes every 30 levels. It was actually normal for me to have one or two Level 20 items (transmuted) amongst my gear until I hit a certain mark. Then I purchased my outfit and that's it. Using my sets now for one year, and change it back and forth whenver I feel like.



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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Drew.1865 said:

> > If you wvw you get the transmutation charges ALL the time. I think I can get about 25 or more a day just doing wvw a few hours. The devs for this game are the least greedy of ANY mmo I have played. Criticism requires an educated critique.


> 25 or more for a few hours?! I have never experienced that.




I have plenty without needing to buy any, but 25 a day is way beyond my experience.

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I do the 'free key a week' run with a character each week. That character can do map completion of each of the main cities after that (some time during the week before you delete the character and start again) and get another 5 transmutes for the week.


Granted, that is not something you can do 'out of the gate', and requires keeping a free character slot open to do it, but you can eventually get to the point where that is pretty self-sustaining, besides all the ones you get that others have mentioned (including what I just mentioned, if someone already mentioned it, and I'm just repeating).

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> @Knacker.9520 said:

> I just worked out how the wardrobe feature works and im completely blown away by the IN-YOUR-FACE money grab on this feature. I'm beside myself. Its like $1 to change each item, and if you want to keep looking the same throughout your leveling experience, you need to keep spending a $1 for each piece of Armour you change out during the leveling progress...This is incredible. You guys make EA look like a bunch of school kids with this blatant money grab.


> Not a bad game buy the way. Enjoying it so far.


Do PvP and get them for free, I have 250 lying around and don't even PvP much.

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