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Warriors got kinda stiffed by Anet when it comes to raiding


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Before the patch, Warriors had pretty much two guaranteed spots on a raiding team.


Then they dumpstered our PS potential while buffing other classes' ability to do so.


Which might look fair and OK on the surface, but then you consider that those other classes (such as Druid) already had other raid roles they could fill - whereas Warriors were always forced to go the PS route.


So our PS position in raids got cut to just one Warrior, without anything being done to make us viable in other roles. This sucks AND blows. The fact that Anet basically gave our only ace in the hole to other classes without giving us anything in return to make us viable in, let's say, the role of DPS. Sure, Warrior has always been able to pump out respectable DPS for a "support" role in raids, but nowhere near enough for a "proper" DPS spot to be given to us.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Malicious.3716 said:

> >We are forced to be a support class and condition damage dealer.


> And now we don't really excel at either.


> We've literally been reduced to a person throwing flags about.


> No more, no less.




Warrior was always just there cause everything it did was passive.

Passive might, passive buffs. . .

But now they removed the might part with nothing to fill the void.

And then they left us with only 1 decent DPS build which just so sadly happens to be a condi one.


The next balance patch, warrior needs some serious DPS buffs to power.

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> The next balance patch, warrior needs some serious DPS buffs to power.


See you in 3 months! On a serious note, the time between these balance patches is painful. They need to at least tweak these balance decisions more often and leave the big changes to quarterly patches.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> Cause we're the red headed stepchild.


Only to someone who lacks any sort of objectivity or understanding of the game, if you think warrior has been hard done by in PvE over the last 5 years then maybe consider classes that have had periods with not even 1 spot (let alone two) in raids, or were not meta in dungeons for years.

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> @zinkz.7045 said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > Cause we're the red headed stepchild.


> Only to someone who lacks any sort of objectivity or understanding of the game, if you think warrior has been hard done by in PvE over the last 5 years then maybe consider classes that have had periods with not even 1 spot (let alone two) in raids, or were not meta in dungeons for years.


Well it is a little disheartening to have the thing we've been known for since before raiding for years be be stripped away. Also you're questioning the red head on being the red headed stepchild. :lol:

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> @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Well, on the bright side for me... I didn't have a CPS and a little bit before the balance patch, my raid guild asked me to make one... Then the balance patch came out and they were like, oh, nevermind about that CPS. :)


Yep.. nothing worst than Balance team throwing nerfs based on what meta building sites do.. then you work hard to make all the gear.. next balance patch, BAM it's useless good job doing all that hard work mate, but use something else.

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So wait ... warriors are stiffed because they don't have 2 guaranteed spots anymore? That's just WOW. You do realize that even having one guaranteed spot is a luxury most classes don't have right? If the game was well balanced, NO classes would have guaranteed spots. So basically, you are complaining the game took a more balanced direction ... >

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I'm inclined to agree with Obtena here. No class should ever be guaranteed 2 spots in a raid group. And honestly its bad that some classes are already guaranteed a spot period. That shouldn't happen in a perfectly balanced game, and it should rarely happen in a well balanced game. Should warrior have gotten something else to replace PS? Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that warrior is still one of the classes to be guaranteed a spot in raids. Its weird to complain about that when other classes don't even have that luxury.

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Yes, it is easy to say as mesmer, which has 2 guaranteed spots all the time + mirages as broken DPS atm. Such nice class diversity in squads :)

It is really strange that they gave main might stacking source to druids which were already super strong in terms of providing various buffs and heals.

Oh well.

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> @CedarDog.9723 said:

> Well, on the bright side for me... I didn't have a CPS and a little bit before the balance patch, my raid guild asked me to make one... Then the balance patch came out and they were like, oh, nevermind about that CPS. :)


Don't worry, qT updated things and yes warrior leave behind him the infamous cPS and welcome his new meta build the cBS... Sorry, the only thing that changed is that you no longer take _Phalanx Strength_ but take _powerfull synergy_ instead... (Well not exactly, your rune/sigil will be more dps oriented as well but overall there is no great change in the build: same tratiline, same weapon, same utilities, same viper gear)

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> So wait ... warriors are stiffed because they don't have 2 guaranteed spots anymore? That's just WOW. You do realize that even having one guaranteed spot is a luxury most classes don't have right? If the game was well balanced, NO classes would have guaranteed spots. So basically, you are complaining the game took a more balanced direction ... ><


Way to selectively read just one part of my post.


That is not my argument at all.


If you had just read a teeny, tiny bit more you'll notice that I actually agree with the move to make other classes viable Might-sharers.


The issue is that Warriors got nothing as compensation for this. You're not going to join as DPS, or tank or anything as other classes do that better.


As I said, Warriors have been reduced to "bannerkittens" and that's pretty damn terrible.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > So wait ... warriors are stiffed because they don't have 2 guaranteed spots anymore? That's just WOW. You do realize that even having one guaranteed spot is a luxury most classes don't have right? If the game was well balanced, NO classes would have guaranteed spots. So basically, you are complaining the game took a more balanced direction ... ><


> Way to selectively read just one part of my post.


> That is not my argument at all.


> If you had just read a teeny, tiny bit more you'll notice that I actually agree with the move to make other classes viable Might-sharers.


> The issue is that Warriors got nothing as compensation for this. You're not going to join as DPS, or tank or anything as other classes do that better.


> As I said, Warriors have been reduced to "bannerkittens" and that's pretty kitten terrible.


Well... Look at it from the bright side since banners, _empower allies_ and reliable dps numbers are already more than most of the professions have to enter into a raidteam. The diversity of raid build sure sucks even more now but still, there is a build that make the warrior "welcome". Banners and EA still make warrior a must have for most raid and it's ability to reliably dish out damage still make it a better pick over a poorly played engineer or even a well played necromancer.

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Both Necromancer and Engineer are preferable to Warrior in the DPS role now.


I'm not arguing that the Support Warrior is obsolete - you are mistaken there.


I'm saying that once they have a Warrior already, there is no room for another because you're a sub-par everything else. They already have a Chrono? Well that's fine, even if a Chrono is not needed in a Chrono-specific role, they can still DPS. Same with Ranger (especially now, post-patch where Rangers are by far the most versatile raid class). Warrior simply does not have this: if they already have a Warrior, you're done for. There is no other role for you to fill than that one Warrior-specific one - the Bannerbitch.


I cannot think of any other class that has this restriction. The only ones that come to mind are Chrono and Ranger, but as I already mentioned they can fill many different roles to avoid this restriction.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > So wait ... warriors are stiffed because they don't have 2 guaranteed spots anymore? That's just WOW. You do realize that even having one guaranteed spot is a luxury most classes don't have right? If the game was well balanced, NO classes would have guaranteed spots. So basically, you are complaining the game took a more balanced direction ... ><


> Way to selectively read just one part of my post.


> That is not my argument at all.


> If you had just read a teeny, tiny bit more you'll notice that I actually agree with the move to make other classes viable Might-sharers.


> The issue is that Warriors got nothing as compensation for this. You're not going to join as DPS, or tank or anything as other classes do that better.


> As I said, Warriors have been reduced to "bannerkittens" and that's pretty kitten terrible.


So you want compensation, I'm assuming because warriors lost guaranteed spots in raids? How is my post being selective? That's still very unreasonable. Warriors still provide a necessary and desirable amount of offensive buffs for any team, moreso that most other professions.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> So wait ... warriors are stiffed because they don't have 2 guaranteed spots anymore? That's just WOW. You do realize that even having one guaranteed spot is a luxury most classes don't have right? If the game was well balanced, NO classes would have guaranteed spots. So basically, you are complaining the game took a more balanced direction ... ><


The request is to bring power builds to be raid viable as dps similar to condi build. How and why shouldn’t that be doable?


Trivia, currently Mesmer can fulfill two spots on a raid: tank/support as chrono, dps as mirage. So, please go to Mesmer forums and complain that Mesmer should be nerfed cuz they can play 2 roles in a raid.


What a bunch of balaony.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > So wait ... warriors are stiffed because they don't have 2 guaranteed spots anymore? That's just WOW. You do realize that even having one guaranteed spot is a luxury most classes don't have right? If the game was well balanced, NO classes would have guaranteed spots. So basically, you are complaining the game took a more balanced direction ... ><


> The request is to bring power builds to be raid viable as dps similar to condi build. How and why shouldn’t that be doable?


> Trivia, currently Mesmer can fulfill two spots on a raid: tank/support as chrono, dps as mirage. So, please go to Mesmer forums and complain that Mesmer should be nerfed cuz they can play 2 roles in a raid.


> What a bunch of balaony.


If that's the request, it's pretty poorly worded in the OP.


Still, that request makes no sense anyways. If you raid and you care about your DPS, you bring whatever meta build it happens to be, which changes all the time because the game evolves. In case you haven't noticed, there isn't and never has been much redundancy on meta builds for a class, by the fact that the game has constantly evolving meta builds in the first place. There is your reason for why it's not doable; it's simply not necessary and has no value in doing so.


Trivia ... 1. Warriors are not hard done by for raids, even after the nerfs 2. Complaining they lost 2 guaranteed raid slots is nonsense.

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