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The Cantha Thread


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why is everyone so hung up on cantha, it was a small area, the only interesting areas (the jade sea) are gone (melted back to water), and it was the worst of all the campaigns. nightfall was by far the best campaign, followed by eotn, then prophecies. I would rather have a completely underwater expansion than go to canthi. this is no doubt going to get thumbs down but idc.

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> @sylvnfox.7086 said:

> why is everyone so hung up on cantha, it was a small area, the only interesting areas (the jade sea) are gone (melted back to water), and it was the worst of all the campaigns. nightfall was by far the best campaign, followed by eotn, then prophecies. I would rather have a completely underwater expansion than go to canthi. this is no doubt going to get thumbs down but idc.


But just think of all the new things they could do with Cantha! It doesn't necessarily have to fall back onto old lore; there are plenty of new questions unanswered.

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We only know that the Jade Sea started to turn back into water, but we don't know how fast the change happens. It could be mostly Jade with a few puddles of water here and there. Or the change could have begun at the Harvest temple (where Shiro died and unleashed the Jade Wind), where we now have a large body of water while the further we get away from it, the more Jade is still around.


Or did I miss some updates concerning the Jade Sea from Anet?

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> I am not really up to date with the lore, what caused the Jade Sea to become petrified? Was it some kind of curse or disease? I don't remember correctly. And what is with the Jade Sea now? Could an Elder Dragon cause the Jade Sea to burst and become water again?


When Shiro Tagachi died, his death-cry petrified the land and forest and turned the sea into jade. For 200 years, until the GW1 heroes defeated him permanently, this status was maintained. After finishing the Factions-Story some NPCs talk about life returning to the forest and mention water returning to the jade-sea. Though those were only unfounded rumors, so there's still the possibility that the jade-sea isn't melting at all. Unless I've missed some info.




This is what happened.

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No. I don't care what those racist kittens are doing, their cities are garbage (literally), and they clearly don't want us there. Heck, they barely want most of their own people there, let alone immigrants. Let them drown fighting the monstrosities awoken in the Jade Sea and the rot and decay of their no-longer-petrified forests and slums. We have bigger fish to fry. Let's explore somewhere else, go somewhere we haven't already been, see if there are other continents out there waiting to be explored... or even other worlds? could there be other planes of existence like Tyria out there, across the swirling void of The Mists? (the answer is yes, btw. that's where Humans came from)


"The Mists. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the mistship Excelsior, it's ongoing mission to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no Asura has gone before." - Capt. Zhonn Luuk Pikkar.

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I want me a Legend of Togo. Something like...



* Legendary Spirit Stance: Master Togo

* New weapon: Scepter.

* Profession mechanic: Call to the Spirit Realm. Summons and controls spirits. Spirits can be upgraded to stronger versions by channeling the same profession skill again, but when upgraded, they they will take additional upkeep. The last version is a self-destruct spirit with a considerable payload. Spirits are destroyed if the Ritualist moves too far away from them, if they lost all their health or if the Revenant runs out of energy.

* F2: Summons and upgrades offensive spirits:

* F2a: Anger : (A:1s): Summons a spirit of Anger that deals damage.

* F2b: Hate : (A:1.5s, U:1pip): Upgrades the spirit to a Spirit of Hate, that deals 5% more damage and deal torment on critical hits.

* F2c: Suffering (A:2s, U:2pip): Upgrades the spirit to a Spirit of Suffering that deals 15% more damage and have +50% critical chance.

* F2d: Destruction: (A:3s, U:4pips): Transforms the spirit into a Spirit of Destruction that will self-destruct after 30 seconds. When this spirit is destroyed, it deals damage for each second it was alive.

* F3: Summons and upgrades control spirits:

* F3a: Disenchantment (A:1s): Summons a spirit of Disenchantment that removes boons.

* F3b: Dissonance : (A:1.5s, U:1pip): Upgrades the spirit to a Spirit of Dissonance, that also dazes every third attack.

* F3c: Binding (A:2s, U:2pip): Upgrades the spirit to a Spirit of Binding that also deals Immobilize every 5 attacks.

* F3d: Earthbind: (A:3s, U:4pips): Transforms the spirit into a Spirit of Earthbind that will self-destruct after 30 seconds. When this spirit is destroyed, it deals 1 second of knockdown for every 10 seconds it was alive.

* F4: Summons and upgrades defensive spirits.

* F4a: Recovery: (A:1s): Summons a spirit of Recovery that removes a condition from an ally every 3 seconds.

* F4b: Union: (A:1.5s, U:1pip): Upgrades the spirit to a Spirit of Preservation, that also intercepts damage from allies.

* F4c: Displacement (A:2s, U:2pip): Upgrades the spirit to a Spirit of Displacement that also gives Aegis every 5 seconds to allies under 50% health.

* F4d: Life: (A:3s, U:4pips): Transforms the spirit into a Spirit of Life that will self-destruct after 30 seconds. When this spirit is destroyed, it heals allies for each second it was alive.

* Healing: Mend Body and Soul (E:5, A:1s, R:20s): Heals self. Removes one condition for each controlled spirit.

* Utility 1: Spirit Rift (E:30, A:2s, R:25s). Open a Spirit Rift at target location. After 3 seconds, your spirits are Teleported to that location, and enemies within the target area are damaged and made Vulnerable (10 stacks, 5 seconds).

* Utility 2: Rupture Soul (E:15, A:1s, R:5s) Destroys target controlled spirit or the spirit with the lowest health if none is targeted. Deals damage and blinds enemies near the spirit.

* Utility 3: Flesh of my Flesh (E:5, A:2.5): Target an area. Lose 25% of current health. Controlled Spirits are healed by that amount, and up to 3 downed allies in the targeted area are revived, then healed by 1/3 of that amount.

* Elite: Reclaim Essence (E:5, A:0.25, R:60s) Destroys all controlled spirits. Gain 30 energy for each spirit destroyed, and all spirit skills are recharged.



Because Togo is the man. He deserves having a legend.


You give me Cantha, Tengu and the Togo legend, and I can die happy.

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I studied architecture at university, played and loved Factions immensely during that time. The slums of Cantha just reminded me of a place in Hong Kong: Kowloon Walled City. I think Cantha was inspired by that place to be honest.


Factions was just the very best of GW1.


* No heroes.

* Great environments

* Great music

* Better difficulty curve

* Assassins.


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> @Alneor.3986 said:

> [...]

> We could get some underground maps with Cantha, the Echovald forest and the Jade Sea. Some nices places after the desert of Elona ;).


I was thinking something like getting a grappling hook mastery in Kaineng, to navigate between the tall buildings in narrow streets. Also got a glider? [You are batman!](

"You are batman").


The grappling hook could later be also used in Echovald, to swim between the trees and navigate the forest, filled with giant trees like those in Bitterfrost. But with way more trees.

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I remember we were supposed to have the 'Cantha' district in Divinity's Reach but there were complaints that it was racially insensitive so they replaced it with the big giant hole. I always felt this is sorta the same reason why ArenaNet has been iffy about going back to Cantha. I mean Cantha was meant to be a fantasy version of oriental cultures all mashed together. Problem is that in real life those different cultures and people do not get along, the majority of them being offended if you combine them together. A lot of that could change though and this could all just be a silly rumor now.

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  • 8 months later...

> @"kKagari.6804" said:


> Factions was just the very best of GW1.


> * No heroes.



*confusion intensifies*

~~Did we play the same game? I had heroes in factions. I was even forced in some missions to take some heroes. Same in nightfall~~


Ah.. i see..

There were heroes, but only retroactively added with nightfall.


But i disagree it was the best.

While it was a great story, like all were.

Nothing for me beats the tragedy.. or rather.. that sensation of hopelessness i had when i fled Ascalon.

The problem with factions is, the villain is just a selfish bastard without much worldly threat (initially) or its an intangible force you cannot fight not matter how strong you are (the plague).

So while it had a beautiful setting, and amazing characters, the plot was kinda out of our reach.

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