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When will Rangers use Guns?

Nels the Cornwhisperer.802

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I was wishing that Rangers could use guns from the start of the game. Now, we are a few years and two expansions in, and we get daggers and staff, but not what what should be another weapon of choice. Longbows, Shortbows, Rifle and Pistol should be the first thing anyone ever thought when you think Ranger. In the military, there are Rangers, who use Rifles, to kill Bad Guys. When close range, it's a knife (Dagger) and a Pistol. I know that Rangers in the game are supposed to be nature-loving and more like Druid's of old, but why do we have Swords, Axes, and Torches?

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When I hear the word "Ranger", I think of some veteran soldier, or woodsman. The problem is that a lot of people confuse the word "Ranger" with "Fantasy-Genre Elf", which couldn't be further from the truth. Rangers aren't an archer class - they are a class who is physically weak, and utilise dirty tricks and the environment to their advantage. In essence, they are kind of like nature-themed thieves.


If you percieve the Ranger in this way, then guns and pistols definately become viable weapon choices for future elite specs.

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From a Lore point of view one could argue that the Rangers try to use quiet weapons and as such would try to not use the noisy weapons like Rifles and pistols. This though does fall away as fights can be argued to be noisy no matter the weapon. Mainly think was Anet making sure no class had access to all the weapons of a certain type - here being the ranged weapons. Given enough time one could end up having access to all the weapons on one char and then would not need alts if wanted to do some of the achievements. Just this Charr's 5 bronze.

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When I think ranger I think a few things. Archers, ranged weaponry, protectors of nature/natural order, scouts, knowledge/knowhow of survival in the wild. I have thought of many things when thinking ranger, but strangely enough never once thought of modern military or firearms.


Ranger can mean a lot of things it seems... in GW1-2 terms it is very much connected to the nature theme, more so than to the ranged theme, even if thats a thing too.

That said firearms like rifles and pistols is not entirely impossible and might happen one day with elite specs... depending how long they keep on adding more elite specs we might get closer to all weapons on all classes. You wouldn't be able to equip both pistols and rifle though, since elite specs only give 1 new weapon. You would not get dual pistols either, since we only get main or offhand for new onehanded weapons (thus far at least) and not both.


Personally I am fine with rangers not having firearms, prefer it really, I guess... But if we get a rifle with elite spec and I don't like it I just wont play that spec... like I didn't play druid... although thematicly I like druid, I do not like to play as one.

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> @Zeefa.3915 said:

> You wouldn't be able to equip both pistols and rifle though, since elite specs only give 1 new weapon. You would not get dual pistols either, since we only get main or offhand for new onehanded weapons (thus far at least) and not both.


Spellbreakers got both main and off-hand daggers, so there's some precedent there.

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In the military being a Ranger is like Cavalry, it's a way of conducting warfare, not an occupation.


Cavalry is a quick and lightly armored, strike at the flanks, coordinated attacks to take out specific targets, and retreat. Works for horseback in the Civil War, tanks in WWII, and helicopters in today's combat.


Rangers were used as Pathfinders to scout ahead of major units to guide them around environmental hazards, into better position to conduct military operations, and, at times, to strategically assassinate enemy leaders. In WWII they were used as sappers to take out bridges behind enemy lines, disrupt supply lines , and pave the way for larger troop invasions.


With that in mind, I've always wanted to see the Ranger get a rifle.

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> @Nemo.5609 said:

> > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > You wouldn't be able to equip both pistols and rifle though, since elite specs only give 1 new weapon. You would not get dual pistols either, since we only get main or offhand for new onehanded weapons (thus far at least) and not both.


> Spellbreakers got both main and off-hand daggers, so there's some precedent there.


I stand corrected then, I was not aware of that. Then there could be a possibility for getting dual pistols on rangers one day.


It might seem weird but I'd kinda like hammer for a ranger elite spec....

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> @Nemo.5609 said:

> > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > You wouldn't be able to equip both pistols and rifle though, since elite specs only give 1 new weapon. You would not get dual pistols either, since we only get main or offhand for new onehanded weapons (thus far at least) and not both.


> Spellbreakers got both main and off-hand daggers, so there's some precedent there.


Being able to wield all their one-handers in either hand is a Warrior exclusive trait, pretty much.


To represent them being masters-at-arms and all that.

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Ranger literally means someone who ranges lands, i.e. a scout or a nomad. It has nothing to do with either guns or ranged weaponry. Here, it seems that they are mostly sticking with the natury aspect of rangers. It'a also the case that a nomad/scout would want to remain quiet, so they would prefer a bow and melee weapons over a gun.


I wouldn't necessarily oppose a future elite that uses a gun, but it isn't as intrinsically tied to the class the way everyone seems to think it is.

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"Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation. "


Straight from the wiki's quote of what GW2 Ranger is. It's not a military specialist, it's the fantasy version of ranger that you see in LotR, D&D, etc, not the US Army unit or anything like that. Wrong genre lol. And before you point at engineers, Anet already covered that a year ago in the lore forums, pointing out that everyone in Tyria knows how to and uses magic, it's just channeled in different ways based on your profession. Tbh my only issue with this description is the focus on LB, but I can't be mad there cuz we do have an entire traitline called marksmanship.


That said, I think an elite spec using rifles would be ok, but given that we already have a 1500 range weapon, I don't see it happening.

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> @bearshaman.3421 said:

> "Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation. "


> Straight from the wiki's quote of what GW2 Ranger is. It's not a military specialist, it's the fantasy version of ranger that you see in LotR, D&D, etc, not the US Army unit or anything like that. Wrong genre lol. And before you point at engineers, Anet already covered that a year ago in the lore forums, pointing out that everyone in Tyria knows how to and uses magic, it's just channeled in different ways based on your profession. Tbh my only issue with this description is the focus on LB, but I can't be mad there cuz we do have an entire traitline called marksmanship.


> That said, I think an elite spec using rifles would be ok, but given that we already have a 1500 range weapon, I don't see it happening.


The fantasy genre origin of the ranger archetype, from Lord of the Rings, is primarily a melee combatant.

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