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Still the best MMO on the market.


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After giving WoW another try with Legion and being left disappointed for the 3rd time in a row, being disappointed and feeling ripped-off from Zenimax and their opportunistic cash grab release of Morrowind for ESO, and playing the vapid, grindy borefest called FFXIV Stormblood, I can say with certainty this is the most enjoyable, and immersive MMO out there. I was one of the people that was really upset with the direction of this game once HoT was released, and was questioning the priorities of the devs with the Legendary delays, and the LS being put off for so long. But I have to say, with the release of PoF I have completely fallen in love with this game again, and I am glad that ANET addressed many of the problems that existed with HoT. I'm really looking forward to the new LS season and the future of this game.

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> @Wander.5780 said:

> After giving WoW another try with Legion and being left disappointed for the 3rd time in a row, being disappointed and feeling ripped-off from Zenimax and their opportunistic cash grab release of Morrowind for ESO, and playing the vapid, grindy borefest called FFXIV Stormblood, I can say with certainty this is the most enjoyable, and immersive MMO out there. I was one of the people that was really upset with the direction of this game once HoT was released, and was questioning the priorities of the devs with the Legendary delays, and the LS being put off for so long. But I have to say, with the release of PoF I have completely fallen in love with this game again, and I am glad that ANET addressed many of the problems that existed with HoT. I'm really looking forward to the new LS season and the future of this game.


This is still the best MMO for me - for the moment. However I don't want it to become yet another example of a greedy and lootbox filled MMO like so many of the others. That is why I support all the complaints about the mount gamble box - I don't want to have to look for another MMO.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> Despite kitten balance in spvp...despite abandoned and forgotten wvw...despite mounts rng...yeah, will see once something else fancy appears though.


What is this in comparison to? as if PVP is perfect in other MMOs? PVP balance in WoW has been terrible for a decade. Have you tried PVP in FFXIV? it's a joke.

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> @Wander.5780 said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > Despite kitten balance in spvp...despite abandoned and forgotten wvw...despite mounts rng...yeah, will see once something else fancy appears though.


> What is this in comparison to? as if PVP is perfect in other MMOs? PVP balance in WoW has been terrible for a decade. Have you tried PVP in FFXIV? it's a joke.


I heard about WoW's balancing. As for FFXIV PvP there seemed too slow for my taste last time I checked it

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Honestly for PvE ESO is way ahead now... GW2 had WvW and better PvP potential. But, ESO's world is bigger, every character has a voice, quests are varied, there are dungeons on every map, crafting is better, has first person view. Just my opinion of course. I don't see how Morrowind is more of a cash grab than PoF. Specially considering it has a new class, huge map and dungeons...

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I'm always amused by topics like this.


"GW2 is better than any other MMORPG!"


...Sure. But does that mean that GW2 is great and the others are good? Or that all the others suck horribly and that GW2 is a bad game, but not as bad as the rest?


"And the other MMORPGs suck horribly!"


Oh well, I guess that answers my question?


And really, what is the point in posting a topic like this in the GW2 forum? Posting a topic saying the same thing in the WoW forum would make people disagree and claim that WoW is better, just like if someone came here and said that ESO was the best MMORPG ever.


I'm more interested in how the MMORPGs as a whole are dying. They are all losing players, no new big MMO has been released recently, there is no AAA MMORPG coming any time soon... Looks like the genre won't last long now. Online first person shooters and single player RPGs appear to be all the rage these days.

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ESO PVE is the best imo as well, but game performance at end game is utterly broken, which is a pity, but they aknowledged the problem 3 years ago, and that thread is still open today. (I had to buy a morrowind house as well :))


What GW2 offers is a similar experience for PVE (but not as good writing or depth) but best in market wvw and pvp imo because of the build choices and responsive gameplay and therefore longer term playability - boosted by the fact you can leave and come back aftr a break and not have to catch up on a gear race.

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GW2 is a good game, maybe even a great one, in a sea of mediocre or abusive crap. IMO the backlash for the RNG schemes is a reflection of that: people feel this MMO is different from all the rest, and shouldn't go the same way as those go. I think most people hating on the TP, lack of comunication and other, similar PR things, are people who really love the game.

GW2 is better. That's sure and clear to me. If it can keep being that good is what worries me.

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I still think that STO and WoW are better MMOs.


Although I don't play WoW anymore and never will ever since they directly insulted my intelligence by blaming their laziness and cheapness in designing maps by removing flying by saying this is only because of my desire to fly around instead of walk/run so they had to remove the ability for me to fly. They've lost out on several hundred dollars so far.

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> @Xillllix.3485 said:

> Honestly for PvE ESO is way ahead now... GW2 had WvW and better PvP potential. But, ESO's world is bigger, every character has a voice, quests are varied, there are dungeons on every map, crafting is better, has first person view. Just my opinion of course. I don't see how Morrowind is more of a cash grab than PoF. Specially considering it has a new class, huge map and dungeons...


I don't think you've played ESO Morrowind very much. Vvardenfell's area size is a joke... its smaller than the HoT area was, doesn't have depth, and it has all kinds of closed off space that is inaccessible such as the massive Volcano in the middle that takes up at least 1/3 of the map area, and the islands off the northwestern and southeastern coasts. The dungeon you mention, cannot even be accessed unless you bought another 1500 crown DLC pack. The main questline is extremely short, with no payoff. The quests are repetitive and boring, fetch this, fetch that type garbage. ESO Morrowind has preyed on ES player's nostalgia... it is nothing like TES3 Morrowind.

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Unsure about that, but the business model surely is the best one out there. Monthly fee is outdated af, f2p is cool but they _really_ take it to the next level in the p2w department.


Edit: Like others have said, mmo market is also kinda dead right now. If a huge company took the time and love it takes to craft a masterpiece of an mmo, they could easily claim the #1 spot. I mean, what's the most popular mmo right now? Isn't it still wow? After effing 10+ years?

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> Despite kitten balance in spvp...despite abandoned and forgotten wvw...despite mounts rng...yeah, will see once something else fancy appears though.


Abandoned? No. They have a different priority. And right now living world season 4 is coming. And who knows what else will be added besides story, raids, and masteries. It’s late but abandoned no. If it was abandoned there would be no balancing for pvp.


I think in the future. Idk when. But since ArenaNet added gliding to wvw. Hopefully next few months they will allow mounts in wvw.

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I agree with the main topic. I never played wow. But I did play eso, and ffxiv. Eso just doesn’t feel as an mmo. The quests were ok. It’s just esos combat I wasn’t feeling it. Not fast paced and the aiming just doesn’t go well. The events in maps didn’t feel as events.


Ffxiv I played longer than eso. Only cause it looked better. But combat is too slow to get into. When your in gw2 and your doing dragon stand meta, ffxiv and esos questing is just boring. The combat it’s just ugly compared to gw2.


I know the only thing eso has advantage is crafting a visual. And the fact that u don’t need gathering tools. But ffxiv and eso are horrible in gathering materials.


That’s just little things I could say more but, when occasionally I replay them I just remember why I can’t keep my attention span up to play them. They are just boring.

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Despite my reservations about gem store direction (more "pay for a prize" sales tactics, more bundling, high price for one mount skin), I still find GW2 to be the best game on the MMO market for my preferences. That's so largely because I don't like P2W, I don't like intrusive cash shops and I especially don't like having to pay a rental fee to play a game I bought. While GW2 would be a better game for me if some aspects of the game were different, it's still better than anything else in the MMO genre. Were I to stop playing GW2, I have a hard time thinking I'd find a different MMO that works for me. I might gravitate to SPRPG's or I might... stop playing computer games entirely. :o

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I think it's still the best MMO on the market too, the combat, for me, is what makes this so unique.

I just wish we could have a little more transparency from the devs, maybe some generals of the roadmap, we are currently blind to what devs think of problems heavily addressed by the community.

Like, when it's time to sell PoF we see a lot of smiling faces on videos that tell us how great things will be and how hard they are all working, how passionate they are. And a month later it's all silence and heavy moderation on forums about the problems. I feel like in elections year on my 3rd world country, lol.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > Despite kitten balance in spvp...despite abandoned and forgotten wvw...despite mounts rng...yeah, will see once something else fancy appears though.


> Abandoned? No. They have a different priority. And right now living world season 4 is coming. And who knows what else will be added besides story, raids, and masteries. It’s late but abandoned no. If it was abandoned there would be no balancing for pvp.


> I think in the future. Idk when. But since ArenaNet added gliding to wvw. Hopefully next few months they will allow mounts in wvw.




Because disengage of these classes wasn't already cheesy nuff

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