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I Want Alternatives to Raiding


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> @Myhr.9108 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> >

> > The story as far as length goes for chapter based releases is incredibly short. Most of this is due to the resources spent in conjunction with building a new zone for each release because the chapter has to be contained to that area. If Anet's team wanted to have a longer story it would come at the cost of this specifically and have us in zones we're used to with minor or temporary story instances like LS 1/2.

> >

> > That said raids are in a good spot and people should do them.


> Well, tying the story to the new zone is Arena-net's choice, but it can be discussed. After all, in previous Living story releases, they did made story instances that happened in older areas, like Precocious Aurene and things like that. In fact, I think part of why people find the story releases to be short is because they want more dialogue and character interactions, when Arena-net always tries to craft new instances. I guess they have much more developing power than writing power in their team, and well, they do know how to make fantastic-looking zones and instances, imho.


> As for raiding, yeaaaaaah, to each their own...It's ok to have them, but "been there, done that" in others MMOs. It's a mindset, an investment, an experience. I honestly think the hardest part in raiding will always be finding 9 other people willing to block one or two evenings each week for 2-3 hours non-stop, and this for a period of several months, aka, it's an irl-organisation challenge, and most people can't or don't want to invest themselves that much, it's just how it is.


Actually I've seen a lot of people ask for less dialogue (or ways to skip it) and complain any time a story step requires you to go around speaking to different people, I can't remember ever seeing anyone ask for more. Whereas I did see a lot of people ask for more new maps before we started getting 1 per release, and since then people have asked for bigger maps and more to do in them.


Personally I want both. I'd love to be able to have extended conversations with various NPCs about what's going on. Optional of course, something like Dragon Age where you can go back to your camp periodically to discuss what you're doing with your party. But I also want to eventually be able to travel across all of Tyria - both what's currently on the world map and the areas beyond it. It's silly really, I already feel like there's more to do in this game than I have time for, and more coming all the time, but then I want even more of it.

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I WANT CAKE! I don't know how to bake one, neither am I sure what cake I want or if I want cake at all. But I don't feel like having cake at the moment, so I want cake!!! Give the 99.99999% of the ppl who don't have cake, something else than not-cake and do it NAO!!!


That just had to be said, I always like when ppl demand things but don't provide thought on what they would like or what they're missing in the game.


I can't be considered a raider I guess. Yes I do raid twice a week if I get to do it, but I'm mostly in for the armor and the expierience if you will. Once I'm done, I think I will raid less or have a look when something new comes out.

After seeing the encounters and seeing the storytelling in them I wished there was a story mode, for ppl who want to have the experience but not the high-end content challenge side of the raids. That's a slippery slope however. And ppl will always find a reason to cry. If ANet gives you an easymode without loot, just for the experience, you will be crying for better loot. If they give you better loot, other ppl will be crying that all their "hard work" is now worth less since there's now an easier way to obtain what they desire. If the "80% of ppl who don't raid", and I'm sure you've done some scientific statistics on that number like everyone who argues with percentages on the internet, were Ok with having just the experience, the ambiance and a soloable bossfight without loot, it would be great to implement a storymode, but I'm quite sure that that would not be the case, so I understand ANet not going there.


Other alternatives already in the game have been mentioned. I'll mention them again because why not, beating a dead horse is always fun. Here we go:

- PvP(find a guild and go pro)

- PvP(find some buddies and go for a good time with the boys/gals)

- PvP(go solo, earn titles or shards for eventually a legendary armor)

- WvW(find a good guild and do your raids there)

- WvW(roll a thief or mesmer and gank the unexpecting)

- Fractals(doing it for the daily and the loot)

- Fractals(doing it for the backpiece and the achievements)

- Fractals(Doing challenge modes for loot and glory)

- Dungeons(regular, 5 players, easy loot and joy for everyone)

- Dungeons(challenging, lowman, soloing)

- Open World(Farms and stuff to get rich or die of boredom)

- Open World(Meta events, world bosses for things in bigger groups)

- Open World(smaller events, HP runs, something you tag/apple up for and do for the community...and a bit of loot and/or personal gain)

- Open World(exploration, got all the maps on all your alts already?)

- Open World(just walking and enjoying the scenery, harvesting stuff along the way, the simple things)

- Open World(you can always RP in some of the cities or afk at the BLTC flipping your riches on the TP)

- General(go for achievements, how many mobs did you kill with a shield so far? but you can go for more interesting ones as well)

- General(start a guild or organize your own events with your guild, you can make your own rules for events to spice things up or keep things interesting)

- General(join a dedicated guild that is dedicated in something you like and get involved with the community)


Sure I missed some.


Have a nice day :)

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> @sigur.9453 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @Kyban.4031 said:

> > > > @Ordin.9047 said:

> > > > Moving title contents here: Please give the 80% of us who don't raid more to do than

> > > >

> > > > An hour worth of living story and a bunch of grind.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure what you're looking for. The release will include a fractal for repeatable and rewarding content, achievements, a new map. Not good enough?

> >

> > If it's another raid-like fractal like the previous ones, then no, not good enough, as it's aimed at the same general group of people as raids. There needs to be some instanced content in between those two extremes.


> So you just want to stack mobs with no mechanics and call it a day?


Uh, yeah... sure.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:



> Actually I've seen a lot of people ask for less dialogue (or ways to skip it) and complain any time a story step requires you to go around speaking to different people, I can't remember ever seeing anyone ask for more.


I think that this sentiment stems from people doing story instances with alts. Once you've been through the story, do you really need the time-sink of dialogue for your other characters?



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> @Nemmar.8491 said:

> I do think an easy mode for raids could work. The barrier of entry for raids is quite steep ATM. It can take months to get a full ascended set with infusions, so many don't even persue it.


Umm, no. You don't NEED full ascended to raid, exos are fine with armor. If you can get asc weaps and asc then yea, makes a big difference. But the entry is extremely easy if you can dodge the crappy PUGS. ;)

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> @Myhr.9108 said:


> As for raiding, yeaaaaaah, to each their own...It's ok to have them, but "been there, done that" in others MMOs. It's a mindset, an investment, an experience. I honestly think the hardest part in raiding will always be finding 9 other people willing to block one or two evenings each week for 2-3 hours non-stop, and this for a period of several months, aka, it's an irl-organisation challenge, and most people can't or don't want to invest themselves that much, it's just how it is.


I agree. Been there and done that in vanilla WOW. We had to block at least 3 evenings every week, and spend 5-6 hours per evening, so it's more time commitment. However, later it became impossible for me to make such a time commitment. For the same reason, I have been staying away from raids in GW2. I believe that 90% of the raiders will eventually have to give up raiding, due to a challenging job, parenting, and all other sorts of commitments needed in real life.



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> @MyriadStars.5679 said:

> > @Myhr.9108 said:


> > As for raiding, yeaaaaaah, to each their own...It's ok to have them, but "been there, done that" in others MMOs. It's a mindset, an investment, an experience. I honestly think the hardest part in raiding will always be finding 9 other people willing to block one or two evenings each week for 2-3 hours non-stop, and this for a period of several months, aka, it's an irl-organisation challenge, and most people can't or don't want to invest themselves that much, it's just how it is.


> I agree. Been there and done that in vanilla WOW. We had to block at least 3 evenings every week, and spend 5-6 hours per evening, so it's more time commitment. However, later it became impossible for me to make such a time commitment. For the same reason, I have been staying away from raids in GW2. I believe that 90% of the raiders will eventually have to give up raiding, due to a challenging job, parenting, and all other sorts of commitments needed in real life.




Ouch, if raids required 5-6 hours per evening and 3 evenings I guess I wouldn't be raiding.

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> @Ordin.9047 said:

> Moving title contents here: Please give the 80% of us who don't raid more to do than


> An hour worth of living story and a bunch of grind.


tbh, a raid-wing is also only an hour worth of actual different and new content. The rest is repeating the same thing over and over again until you are successful and then repeating it for the rewards. The open world and story part of the next LS will also be repeatable i assume...

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> @MyriadStars.5679 said:

> I agree. Been there and done that in vanilla WOW. We had to block at least 3 evenings every week, and spend 5-6 hours per evening, so it's more time commitment. However, later it became impossible for me to make such a time commitment. For the same reason, I have been staying away from raids in GW2. I believe that 90% of the raiders will eventually have to give up raiding, due to a challenging job, parenting, and all other sorts of commitments needed in real life.



I mean going solely on personal experience here. The most i've ever had for a "schedule" was 1 day and ~2ish hours. That was generally good enough for our goals unless we decided to do CM versions.


So i'd say the time investment is far less than you anticipate. Granted my experience was not the normal, i had a guild and people who genuinely wanted to do the content, not half-hearted pugs.



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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @MyriadStars.5679 said:

> > I agree. Been there and done that in vanilla WOW. We had to block at least 3 evenings every week, and spend 5-6 hours per evening, so it's more time commitment. However, later it became impossible for me to make such a time commitment. For the same reason, I have been staying away from raids in GW2. I believe that 90% of the raiders will eventually have to give up raiding, due to a challenging job, parenting, and all other sorts of commitments needed in real life.

> >


> I mean going solely on personal experience here. The most i've ever had for a "schedule" was 1 day and ~2ish hours. That was generally good enough for our goals unless we decided to do CM versions.


> So i'd say the time investment is far less than you anticipate. Granted my experience was not the normal, i had a guild and people who genuinely wanted to do the content, not half-hearted pugs.




I guess it's less time in GW2 because they haven't released raid wings for long so that everything is on farm status and the raid party size is 10 instead of 40. Otherwise, to keep an active raiding guild that keeps learning new raid encounters, far more time would be needed for each regular member and bench person. I'd guess that when raids were first released in GW2, each raid guilds spent far more time every week learning the encounters; people who joined these guilds when they already have the raids on farm status would spend a lot less time (and they might not necessarily have enough time if Anet does release new raids in the future). Still, to always have the required time for a raid guild starting at the same time on the same evening of every week will likely to be unrealistic for most people when other stuff in their real life requires more time.

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> @DarcShriek.5829 said:

> > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > @mazut.4296 said:

> > > I think you already have the alternative to raiding. It's called "No raiding"...

> >

> > Cool... so they should sell the raids separately so those that don't want them don't have to pay for them.


> No one is paying for raids.


Yes, we are. They aren't developed by a team of volunteers.

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> @MyriadStars.5679 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @MyriadStars.5679 said:

> > > I agree. Been there and done that in vanilla WOW. We had to block at least 3 evenings every week, and spend 5-6 hours per evening, so it's more time commitment. However, later it became impossible for me to make such a time commitment. For the same reason, I have been staying away from raids in GW2. I believe that 90% of the raiders will eventually have to give up raiding, due to a challenging job, parenting, and all other sorts of commitments needed in real life.

> > >

> >

> > I mean going solely on personal experience here. The most i've ever had for a "schedule" was 1 day and ~2ish hours. That was generally good enough for our goals unless we decided to do CM versions.

> >

> > So i'd say the time investment is far less than you anticipate. Granted my experience was not the normal, i had a guild and people who genuinely wanted to do the content, not half-hearted pugs.

> >

> >


> I guess it's less time in GW2 because they haven't released raid wings for long so that everything is on farm status and the raid party size is 10 instead of 40. Otherwise, to keep an active raiding guild that keeps learning new raid encounters, far more time would be needed for each regular member and bench person. I'd guess that when raids were first released in GW2, each raid guilds spent far more time every week learning the encounters; people who joined these guilds when they already have the raids on farm status would spend a lot less time (and they might not necessarily have enough time if Anet does release new raids in the future). Still, to always have the required time for a raid guild starting at the same time on the same evening of every week will likely to be unrealistic for most people when other stuff in their real life requires more time.


No even at launch we did 1 day ~2hrs.

The only difference between then and now is back then we were learning, now we're efficient.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @mazut.4296 said:

> > I think you already have the alternative to raiding. It's called "No raiding"...


> Cool... so they should sell the raids separately so those that don't want them don't have to pay for them.


What about people who do not enjoy jumping puzzles?

What about people who do not enjoy wvw or spvp?

What about people who do not enjoy open world farming or grind?

What about people who do not fractal?



Your suggestion is basically this:"I do not enjoy certain content therefor this content should be made purchase required for others. Meanwhile all the content I do enjoy should remain free."


I'm sorry, that's not how a MMOs work or games with multiple game modes and activities. You don't get to cherry pick based on your own wishes, not if you understand yourself as a part of a bigger community.

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I would really love it if there was a fractal like difficulty scaling system for raids. The entry barrier for pug groups is currently borderline impossible unless you are comfortable with lying and/or being abused and kicked for being new.


Now I know the standard response is "join a Guild". From my experience in different Mmos over the years, joining a guild with an active raid team can present a lot of challenging problems.


Scheduled raid times. May be impractical to players needs due to work/family times or even things entirely out of the players control such as different country/time zone. Pretty self explanatoryexplanatory but common problem.


Raid team may be full. It is hard to get in as newer inexperienced member when the guild already has a roster of experienced players. The new player may end up on the second "charity" raid team which a guild member may attempt to put together for the newer raiders. This new team may have problems filling and cancel raids, causing lost interest. I have seen this happen countless times.


Anxiety. many players feel uncomfortable joining voice communication platforms which are required for coordination. I find this problem to be most pertinent when there is already an established core of friends who are comfortable with eachother bantering. It is hard to integrate into already established social hierarchies, I liken it to being the new kid at a school.


Cronyism. This is one is a fringe issue and might sound a little ridiculous but I've personally seen it in practice. It's pretty simple, people can be dicks. For example I have personally had the experience of being a guild officer in another game and privately laughing at and excluding certain members with my fellow officers or "in group", just because they might have been a little slower than a normal player or whatever. My stomach now turns thinking about how I behaved like that, but I suspect it's probably a pretty common thing.


The ability to pug on lower difficulties eliminates a lot of those problems and gives a huge percentage of the player base (like the aforementioned 80%) new content to play. Give drastically reduced rewards, the players won't care. They will just be happy to be able to participate.

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> @Kyban.4031 said:

> > @Ordin.9047 said:

> > Moving title contents here: Please give the 80% of us who don't raid more to do than

> >

> > An hour worth of living story and a bunch of grind.


> I'm not sure what you're looking for. The release will include a fractal for repeatable and rewarding content, achievements, a new map. Not good enough?


Can you provide a source for that?

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @DarcShriek.5829 said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > @mazut.4296 said:

> > > > I think you already have the alternative to raiding. It's called "No raiding"...

> > >

> > > Cool... so they should sell the raids separately so those that don't want them don't have to pay for them.

> >

> > No one is paying for raids.


> Yes, we are. They aren't developed by a team of volunteers.


You were not charged for the raids. You were charged for the base game and/or any expansions you bought. No where in the latest expansion's description do I see raids.

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I would only like raids without the build police aspect of it and if it was a bit more forgiving to player strategy mistakes. (Lower difficulty)

I only did one raid mission ever just to unlock the mastery track and for the rest I limited myself to a bit more relaxed parts of the game.


But well, I understand the current raid missions have their appeal to the top-tier of PvE players for a reason.

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