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Can we have an option to reset world completion?


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I think this might be a fun thing. Especially since there are now multiple elite specs and more are coming in the future. Some of us already have 100% exploration on the character, and would like to do it again on the new spec, but buying a character slot and having a new character with no name and bag slots is a pain. I wouldn't even mind if it deleted map reveal and waypoints. I just think it would be fun.


For example, I love thief to death, I actually played two Daredevils to 100%. However, I would now like to play Deadeye for open world stuffs, but have already done everything on these chararacters, the option to buy new character is feeling unconvincing. Anywho feel free to flame me, I know a lot of people will hate the suggestion.

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I don't hate it, but I believe you've already identified why it probably won't happen. Currently repeating world completion requires a new slot, and they sell those.


My account is on 99%. A long deleted charaster of mine gave up when requiring wvw maps was a thing. I'll probably finish the job on my main at some point.

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> @Jonny.6013 said:

> I don't hate it, but I believe you've already identified why it probably won't happen. Currently repeating world completion requires a new slot, and they sell those.


> My account is on 99%. A long deleted charaster of mine gave up when requiring wvw maps was a thing. I'll probably finish the job on my main at some point.


I agree with you, Jonny. I can't see Anet adding a feature that cuts off revenue. Good luck, OP!

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> @Namless.4028 said:

> > @Sylent.3165 said:

> > Creating a new char means unlocking a new elite spec and also leveling to 80.

> >

> > I agree with op. Each time a new elite comes out I'd like to do the content over again plus the story without having to make another new character


> or you just play the new content


Maybe they want to do content they already know so that they can learn the new elite without having to deal with learning new enemy/location mechanics at the same time.

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