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Why I'm rather disappointed about LS4


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> @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @Nilson.9865 said:

> > > Option Explicit

> > > **if** you bring encouraging currency **then**

> > > episodes will be released faster

> > >

> > > **ElseIf** no currency **then**

> > > episode will be released in appropriate time

> > >

> > > **Else**

> > > Did you really think that you can just ask people to work faster?

> > > End If

> > What language allows if...else statements without some parenthesis around the conditionals? I have a feeling this is just psuedocode but then why the Option Explicit?

> >

> >


> I've actually encountered languages that allow say,

> If x>3

> Endif

> Else x<10

> Endelse

> Else x=12

> Endelse


Which language did you encounter that let's you do that? I program in C# and JavaScript/jQuery (I'm a full stack .net developer that specializes in Webform, MVC and AngularJS web apps).

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IMO the 2-3 month gap is just about perfect. I don't know about others, but that gives me a chance to explore through the entire new map, farm currencies and complete all of the events and collections. I have plenty to do in this game already; the LS3 maps still keep me occupied for dailies and currency farming, plus I like to just run around in them and admire the visuals. And with each new map, there's always something more for me to do every day. If they dumped a new episode out every 30 days, that'd be too much.


As to OP's viewpoint; I understand that fixing PoF should be a priority, but let's face it: most of us have already done all the interesting content it provides. We'd rather get something new to suck in in the meantime, as they slowly fine-tune PoF metas and such.


Also, Anet cannot push out content any faster than they can create it. The 2-3 months is probably the most optimal time for them to create everything, fine-tune it and fix bugs before they release it. And that's a really short time in my opinion, I really admire how fast they have been able to push out new content lately.

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I would assume ArenaNet would give another update buff while releasing living world season 4. However harpy needs a buff? No. Didn’t struggle with them. It’s just they are swarming with a bunch of others. Knock one by one down.


As for the updates. 2-3 months is good. As much as people complain ArenaNet hasn’t done other stuff. It makes them have enough time to add stuff to the game and give us another episode. Which is free when they could charge for it. For people like me played a year and a half. I still have hot masteries to finish. I’m only 150 in mastery points so I have a while to go before I’m full finished to just do pof. So it’s good for me. As for others idk.


I often here there was a drought. But maybe only to the players who started in the beginning. But to us who only played couple years, it’s fine. Specially since we don’t have all the time in the world. 2-3 months give time to finish the episode. And time to collect the new stuff. After all a new map will be added. A new raid. Assuming a new mastery line and mastery points. So that’s gives us enough time to add those while playing the game to catch up.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > @Nilson.9865 said:

> > > > Option Explicit

> > > > **if** you bring encouraging currency **then**

> > > > episodes will be released faster

> > > >

> > > > **ElseIf** no currency **then**

> > > > episode will be released in appropriate time

> > > >

> > > > **Else**

> > > > Did you really think that you can just ask people to work faster?

> > > > End If

> > > What language allows if...else statements without some parenthesis around the conditionals? I have a feeling this is just psuedocode but then why the Option Explicit?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I've actually encountered languages that allow say,

> > If x>3

> > Endif

> > Else x<10

> > Endelse

> > Else x=12

> > Endelse


> Which language did you encounter that let's you do that? I program in C# and JavaScript/jQuery (I'm a full stack .net developer that specializes in Webform, MVC and AngularJS web apps).


I also remember seeing a few languages with if/else statements using syntax like the above, but I can't recall what languages they were. I just know they exist. I believe it was a scripting language, if that's of any help. I know Python has a somewhat similar if/else statement, but it's not quite the same.


Edit: A little research later, it looks like Visual Basic if/else statements work kinda like this.




The keyword "then" is only needed if you're using the single-line if/else syntax, and if you don't use the "then", then you get something like...


If condition


ElseIf elseifcondition




End If

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