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Suggestion: limit no fly and no mount zones

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I understand the desire to lock some content from being available with kites and or mounts. But allready the zones are also limiting regular gameplay (exploration). I also see some creative ways to bypass some of the zones (using mounts to get on a high point outside the no fly zone and kite in or walk over there. In other places zones are not an option (troll’s revenge)


My suggestion is to limit the loot in the end chest and make it an event (with a pop up chest above the minimap with the real reward) that tracks your actions. So when you use a mount or kite, you will get a warning that in 5 seconds you loose the participation (counting down to zero).


I know it requires some work to make this. But it also means that with future features you don’t have to do a lot of work again to make the, suitable for the core game.

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The no-mount/no-fly zones .... ugh. Since I do not regularly do them I can count how many times I have done them at all on one hand (as part of an achieve or whatever). This means I have 0 idea where the ones I have not done are at. So I will be hopping or gliding around on the ground and get the message .... with no clear direction which way to go to get out of the no-no area.

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Instead of that idea, what really needs to happen is to extend the no mount zones just a bit further for some jps. I have found ways to use the mounts for a number of the harder jps including skipping stones, chalice, NSS, trolls, searing ascent etc. They just need to extend the no mount areas a bit and it should be ok. They also need to add some no mount zones for some of the other jps. Some of them make it so easy it defeats the purpose of jps.

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> @Cobrakon.3108 said:

> Instead of that idea, what really needs to happen is to extend the no mount zones just a bit further for some jps. I have found ways to use the mounts for a number of the harder jps including skipping stones, chalice, NSS, trolls, searing ascent etc. They just need to extend the no mount areas a bit and it should be ok. They also need to add some no mount zones for some of the other jps. Some of them make it so easy it defeats the purpose of jps.


a better idea is just remove them limit zones. If someone want a cheap way up there, let them.

Those chests never have anything good in them.

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To those, who complain about the loot in the reward for jumping puzzles. Yes, I agree that the reward is not worth the effort. I do hope that if they introduce this, they will also rebalance it. My main point is not giving you lesser loot, but only to reward it inb a bouncing chest if you obtained it the way it is designed to be.


I do not really have an issue with people using mounts to get to the chest. But I also see that there are bypasses for certain no mount zones. I would expect that Arenanet wants to invalidate those bypasses as well, but it would mean extending no mount zones or adding more no fly zones (which is annoying if you dont do the puzzle)

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> To those, who complain about the loot in the reward for jumping puzzles. Yes, I agree that the reward is not worth the effort. I do hope that if they introduce this, they will also rebalance it. My main point is not giving you lesser loot, but only to reward it inb a bouncing chest if you obtained it the way it is designed to be.


> I do not really have an issue with people using mounts to get to the chest. But I also see that there are bypasses for certain no mount zones. I would expect that Arenanet wants to invalidate those bypasses as well, but it would mean extending no mount zones or adding more no fly zones (which is annoying if you dont do the puzzle)


They have ones like this already.

There's many that you have to go the right way or get the right keys or the right checkpoints or you will not get the chest to open at the end.

Like the Silverwastes one which is cool and the one in Ember Bay that I want to find the designer of that and... send them to Palawa Joko.


The ones don't need that well...


> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Does anyone want to limit Mesmer portals?

> No, didn't think so. Those are cheats as well.



This is almost in the same category of "I can't have a mount so no one should have one." or "I can solo this content too easily, it should be harder because I like harder content and to hell with anyone that say otherwise."

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I don't think mounts/gliding should be disabled at all unless they break the map. The way I look at it, I bought the xpacs, leveled my masteries, so I should be able to have that movement advantage, whether it's a jumping puzzle or anything else. Anet sold me a shiny new toy but won't let me use it however I want.


Shaving several minutes off of reaching a chest with 2 greens and a blue isn't exactly breaking the game.

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I did all JPs recently, and made a point of never using a mesmer portal. It was challenging but I mastered moving my character in more controlled ways. It makes me kinda sad that you can just bypass the puzzle and get the achievement. Why should you get the achievement if you're not capable of doing it? That's boring. Portals and mounts suck for ruining JPs.

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> @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> I did all JPs recently, and made a point of never using a mesmer portal. It was challenging but I mastered moving my character in more controlled ways. It makes me kinda sad that you can just bypass the puzzle and get the achievement. Why should you get the achievement if you're not capable of doing it? That's boring. Portals and mounts suck for ruining JPs.


You're looking at it from a warped vantage point.


The only objective of these puzzles is to solve them (typically going from start to end). Thus far there's been no restrictions on player skills, bundles, or even just camping.

So, why are we going to the extreme of trying to protect these puzzles just because a new alternative way of doing them exist ? If a player is lauded for using portals or at the every least never punished then the same ingenuity (and thus praise) can be applied to the creative use of mounts & gliders.


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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> > I did all JPs recently, and made a point of never using a mesmer portal. It was challenging but I mastered moving my character in more controlled ways. It makes me kinda sad that you can just bypass the puzzle and get the achievement. Why should you get the achievement if you're not capable of doing it? That's boring. Portals and mounts suck for ruining JPs.


> You're looking at it from a warped vantage point.


> The only objective of these puzzles is to solve them (typically going from start to end). Thus far there's been no restrictions on player skills, bundles, or even just camping.

> So, why are we going to the extreme of trying to protect these puzzles just because a new alternative way of doing them exist ? If a player is lauded for using portals or at the every least never punished then the same ingenuity (and thus praise) can be applied to the creative use of mounts & gliders.



I don't really get what you mean. The puzzles were made with the idea you would be jumping through them to the end, not with a mount. They didn't restrict mesmer portals and this was their worst mistake. It completely cheapens the achievement. They made the decision to hand candies out and let everyone get the achievement but why? Do you feel good you got it?


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> @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> I don't really get what you mean. The puzzles were made with the idea you would be jumping through them to the end, not with a mount. They didn't restrict mesmer portals and this was their worst mistake. It completely cheapens the achievement. They made the decision to hand candies out and let everyone get the achievement but why? Do you feel good you got it?



The objective is to get from point A to Z


How you get there varies from person to person. If Bob gets there from only jumping left, but Suzie gets there from Jumping Right, and Egert get there from using a portal does it matter as the end results are the same ?


This is the point. It doesn't matter how you get there. The end goal is that you do and to that end mounts/gliders/items/skills i dont see as an issue as each one opens up a diverse solutions for solving the puzzle.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> > I don't really get what you mean. The puzzles were made with the idea you would be jumping through them to the end, not with a mount. They didn't restrict mesmer portals and this was their worst mistake. It completely cheapens the achievement. They made the decision to hand candies out and let everyone get the achievement but why? Do you feel good you got it?

> >


> The objective is to get from point A to Z


> How you get there varies from person to person. If Bob gets there from only jumping left, but Suzie gets there from Jumping Right, and Egert get there from using a portal does it matter as the end results are the same ?


> This is the point. It doesn't matter how you get there. The end goal is that you do and to that end mounts/gliders/items/skills i dont see as an issue as each one opens up a diverse solutions for solving the puzzle.


Are you really arguing that point? You're purposefully being ignorant here. It's not a diverse solution. It's boring. There was no challenge. Forget Suzie went left, John went right and Harry hopped on his springer. The puzzles were designed to be played by jumping - usually down a linear route. Why don't they put an elevator at the end and forget the whole thing? Don't be stupid, Suzie and John, and even you Harry. Forget the mount and portal guys, let's just take the elevator straight to the finishing line - its a new creative way to finish the JP.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> Because no one has ever taken a mesmer portal and gotten the full reward? This just seems like a waste of dev time to me. If you want to do the puzzle honestly, just do it.


My suggestion is not against the use of mounts or mesmer portals. I am simply stating that the devs don't want people to use mounts. They use a method to enforce it that is annoying for other types of gameplay and often ineffective. I simply am asking that if they limit it, they do in such a way it is only limited for those who want the reward for the puzzle and not those who just want to pass through the area. Specially now the current methods they use are not sufficient.

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> @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> > > I don't really get what you mean. The puzzles were made with the idea you would be jumping through them to the end, not with a mount. They didn't restrict mesmer portals and this was their worst mistake. It completely cheapens the achievement. They made the decision to hand candies out and let everyone get the achievement but why? Do you feel good you got it?

> > >

> >

> > The objective is to get from point A to Z

> >

> > How you get there varies from person to person. If Bob gets there from only jumping left, but Suzie gets there from Jumping Right, and Egert get there from using a portal does it matter as the end results are the same ?

> >

> > This is the point. It doesn't matter how you get there. The end goal is that you do and to that end mounts/gliders/items/skills i dont see as an issue as each one opens up a diverse solutions for solving the puzzle.


> Are you really arguing that point? You're purposefully being ignorant here. It's not a diverse solution. It's boring. There was no challenge. Forget Suzie went left, John went right and Harry hopped on his springer. The puzzles were designed to be played by jumping - usually down a linear route. Why don't they put an elevator at the end and forget the whole thing? Don't be stupid, Suzie and John, and even you Harry. Forget the mount and portal guys, let's just take the elevator straight to the finishing line - its a new creative way to finish the JP.


Not purposefully being ignorant, you are just willfully ignoring the point.


Let me explain this in a way that proves this point to you.


Lets take 1 player using Necro and 1 Player using Warrior. Now then lets place both of them inside a commonly accepted "hard" puzzle in "Not So Secret".


The necro can if they so choose do this legit and run the course from A-Z. However due to the nature of their skills they also have the option to skip a good 25% of the puzzle.


The warrior on the other hand has no such choice.


Is the achievement earned by the warrior any less valid than that of the necro if the necro used skills to skip ?


The answer is no. They both completed the puzzle and it does matter how you do it.

Whether you use mounts or not shouldn't matter either but we have this playerbase thinking all classes are equal and everyone goes through the same hardship they do when doing puzzles and thus anything other than what they did is "Cheating".

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