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Bring back underwater combat!


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I actually love engineer for underwater combat. Harpoon gun is admittedly awful, but bomb kit and grenade kit are great.


My problem with underwater combat was always the speed of the npcs. It seemed like they moved way faster than I did, and kiting was impossible. Aggro radius also seemed rather large. Pulling a single npc seemed nearly impossible.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> i really struggle with depth percepion underwater. its not that im lazy or cant be bothered, i just cannot judge distances on 3d planes that are open space.


> for underwater combat to be enjoyable for me thi would need to be fixed with either much much better map design, or a counter on each targetable enemy/object that shows how far away it is and if its above or below me.


That is an awesome idea that would also be useful outside of water environments.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Bring back underwater combat.

> ...or at least make all new elites not useless underwater...


LOL the Elites?

What about Revenant!? Underwater combat was clearly an afterthought for them when developing it (clearly demonstrated by how late they released UW combat for revenant in the beta, and how it's the only class that has a weapon swap that only uses a single UW weapon - how hard would it have been to add a couple of trident skills).

Sadly all the corners cut eventually bite the game and the players in the ass. And the rushed job that was HoT, has had and will continue to have a permanent negative effect on the quality of the game in general.

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I really don't understand peoples' issues with the 3d environment, are you to tell me that no one ever learned how to find a point of reference and fixate on that particular object and use it to orient yourself? That simple process works just as well on land as it does under water, even in GW2...pick anything, a tree, rock, sunken ship...use that as your focus point and it should be quite simple to determine distances and direction.


As far as skills being useless underwater I have no problem with all of them not being viable, you don't need your entire skill bar under water, the enemies are limited and don't have as many options as land based. Granted some classes might take a few more seconds to kill enemies than others but what's a few seconds? Yes, I've heard the complaints about Revenant, and I have one, so I get it...you just have to get used to the limitations and work around them. Why should all traits work under water, it's a different environment, same with skills...I completely disregard those that say all skills and traits should work underwater, then it's just like fighting on land only in a wet environment, under water should be different from land based combat.

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> @"Therys.4368" said:


> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > They would need to do a whole lotta work for underwater combat to be fun again. In the starting days of gw2 think we all really enjoyed it because it was a different mechanic then most gw1 players was used to, but now meh. I'd be happy if tyria became a dried up wasteland like in mad max world/game lol (or just left alone as is but not expanded apon). There is so many classes that need to be worked on engineer really needs something better than harpoon gun its awful! Lets not even dive into the appalling revenant class while in water lol. More than half it's legends dont work in water including both legend elites. They would have to waste alotta time to make water combat worth it to everyone again. Now when we put everything on the table that they have to upkeep and tweak on and prepare for us, do you think they really have the time to rework water combat? Probably not. Just to much high expectation for other content like LS4+ including other expansions wvw/pvp balancing goes on and on I just doubt water combat is on the major priority list ya know? I just wouldn't get ya hopes to high for it to come.

> > I have a hard time being optimistic about the future of water combat, knowing what i know, seeing where the direction of the games content went and is going as a whole.


> All of this.

> My engineer had a terrible time during Scarlet's invasion when I had to fight Toxic Alliance krait that can put up projectile-reflecting bubbles underwater. Besides being a sitting duck or running, I had to equip bomb kit or tool kit, sacrificing a utility slot for an ability many classes have to just switch to a spear. Some traits even break underwater skills. Auto-stunbreak traits will trigger on underwater weapons that pull you to a target because that counts as a disable. Guardian Symbol traits are completely useless underwater too. All racial skills do not work underwater.

> And sigh, Revenant. Two-thirds of its legends (ventari, glint, jalis, now kalla as well) are disabled underwater, and only one underwater weapon. It is a huge issue when a class does not have the skills it needs to deal with various threats. Less skills mean less flexibility.


> I agree that a major issue is it is difficult to aim skills in 3d within the current system. After some thought, ideas that let us target in a third dimension also means adding more work per skill-cast, slowing combat down for us, and tiring us out faster if a fight is as beefy as some of the living story bosses solo. Example, if we had: Tap 1, place reticle on the same 2d plane as yourself, tap 1 again to adjust its height relative to that plane, then tap again to cast. Or hold to target in 2d, hold to adjust height, then release to cast. Something like this will let me place a skill anywhere I'd like, but this is double the work of casting on land, and it will be more tiresome, and slower and i'd be busy aiming rather than doing something important like dodging a one-hit kill move. I would be delighted already if Anet continues slowly unlocking skills underwater (like the Guardian Spirit Weapon rework) making these targeted AoEs just be a PBAoE, or an AoE on target. No clue what we can do with 'Wall' type AoE though. Those will be wonky if we try to aim those up/down (Gimbal lock). Maybe it can be a circular wall :p



> I want to like aquatic combat, but its not fun when I feel my options are vastly reduced from whats available on land. I'm optimistic we'll get there.




You both realize that engi's grenade kit is literally the most OP underwater combat mechanic in the game, yeah? Zero line of sight requirements, auto-toss instead of two button activation, and you can use them while fully mobile. As long as an enemy is targeted, you can swim circles around them to kite while tossing grenade clusters, and they'll always hit, no matter what. Engi makes underwater easy mode.

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"They will come to like UW combat".

That's quite the assumption.


And very likely false.


I really do not enjoy UW movement. I find it very difficult to move and position my character where I want it. It just doesn't feel fluid. Same for the attacks.


An UW expansion would be one I certainly would not be buying.


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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Willhart.8230" said:

> > Underwater raid would be PERFECT for testing the limits of underwater combat. People would have to make new strategies and builds.


> Isn't there the jelly fish Fractal though?


I think having 10 people would make a big difference from that one.

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They removed an UW pvp map,they never ever adressed any changes to UW based skills.If you take a good look at certain Uw skills from diff class you can see some things are completely and utterly broken.Do you want anet to spend time on this or on actual content and proper skill balancing ? I think it would be a waste of time and money that could be spend on something more meaningful instead.

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