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How much would you be willing to pay for a Mount Skin?

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This is kind of a tricky question.


I am technically "willing" to pay 2000 gems for a mount skin. BUT, it will have to be an extremely, extremely cool skin, and I don't forsee myself ever buying more than a small handful at that price (anything more than 2 or 3 seems extremely unlikely). I have not bought any of the skins released thus far, they don't justify the price to me.


If the price was more reasonable, like 800 gems (maybe even 1000) I would be a lot more open to buying more mounts over time. If they were priced at 800 gems I would have bought the Forged jackal skin day 1. Probably wouldn't buy the new bird skin, but I would have at least looked at it a little closer and thought about it a little more, whereas at 2000 gems it took me all of 2 seconds to decide "Nope!". So at least from me, a lower price point would have made them more money so far. I have spent exactly 0 gems on mount skins thus far, whereas I would have spent 800 with a cheaper price point.


For comparison, I own 8 glider skins (7 bought individually, then the free one from the mini-pet), a half-dozen gem store armor skins, and a pretty decent number of gem store weapon skins. So its not like I don't buy cosmetic gem store stuff. But the price on individual mount skins is going to make me really wary to make an impulse buy, its going to be something I'm going to think long and hard about and something I really, really like the look of.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @Vulf.3098 said:

> > My big problem with 2000 gems is that there is no gem purchase equivalent.

> > Either add a 2000 gem purchase option or knock the mount price down to 1600.


> Ive raised this issue before. Why cant we buy gems in smaller intervals.

> 400,800,1200,1600,2000,2400,2800, etc

> Ive always had this annoyance with outfits which cost 700 gems. So i buy 800 and turn gold to gems for another 25 so I have 125 spare for a BL key.

> But why restrict your gem purchases so. I think youre losing more money out of peoples frustration than you earn by making people pay a little more


Pseudocurrency systems are often intentionally set up in such a way that you have an extra but unusable amount of currency after making a purchase. This is done to exploit a quirk in human psychology. Your brain sees that you have 100 gems, and you want an item that costs 700 next time. You are more likely to buy another 800 gems because of a psychological need to zero out your balance because you perceive those 100 gems sitting in your account as "wasted" even though you're about to make a purchase that now make your "wasted" total 200. Since you have an even larger amount of unused pseudocurrency, your brain feels an even stronger urge to spend it, and if you can't you're then even more likely to buy more currency, stacking that amount, until you can buy something with it. If you were given the option to only buy exactly as many gems as you need, you wouldn't have a resting balance nagging you to spend it on something, and thus less incentive to buy more gems to do so.


It sounds crazy, but the "burning a hole in your pocket" effect is why a lot of cash shops have their prices set up this way, to always leave you with an amount that is greater than zero, but less than the items you are most likely to purchase. Often the exception is some sort of consumable purchase that doesn't invalidate future purchases of itself like a booster or loot box key or something else that has a time limited effect or is something you are intended to want more than one of over time.


It is also useful to Anet because if you don't succumb to this effect, you're also likely to exchange the extra gems for gold, which ensures a health supply of gems for people converting gold to gems. Anet likes gold>gems conversions because of the taxes levied on the gems when you do so. Your extra gems combined with everyone else's extra gems mean that the player that trades gold for them is actually generating more money for anet than if he bought his own since you had to essentially destroy a portion of your gems when you added them to the exchange. In real dollar value, the gems bought with gold are in effect more expensive than the gems bought with actual cash.

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As long as there are not even "B-Grade" skins to obtain ingame via a collection, archivevment,....and i am actually forced to buy from the gemstore if i want a skin, i won´t buy anything.

If i would be allowed to CHOOSE to buy an ADDITIONAL skin from the gemshop i would go for 1000Gems.

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400 for just a skin pattern, 800 for particle effects, 1600 for something with a new mesh/model, 2000 for legendary-esque with all of the previous.


I think the spooky mount pack as well as the bird raptor and warhound ones were fine, just the loot crate skins suck - and that's less because of the price but because you have to risk getting a canyon spiketail which none actually wants for a chance at the lighting raptor.

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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> You forgot the option "Other".

> Other, I'd like if some mount skin could be acquired in-game, without gems, like from achievements, collections or crafting/mystic forge recipes.


I did not forget that option, this poll is purely about Mount Skins from the Cash Shop and how much you'd pay for them, if you'd never pay for them then you cast your vote by not voting at all ;) I think everyone would like to be able to aquire at least some mount skins in-game :)

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Please understand my answer is highly dependent on the mount and the amount of work put into it.

I'll pay 400-600 gems for a reskin and I have.

If I'm paying 1000 (or more), I'm going to expect a complete redesign with custom effects like with the 700-800 gem gliders.

If the mount is 2000 gems, it better not look like something hastily and awkwardly wrapped around the mount model. That's my big issue with the two 2000 gem mounts - they just.. look.. awkward and ugly and are an unreal price point.

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To pay 2000 it would have to be the absolute perfect skin that I can't live without. That skin isn't going to exist, because for 2000 I can live without it. At 1000 I would be willing to drop the money to get most skins if they're cool. At 800 I would already have bought both the jackel and raptor skins, even though I don't have a need for either.

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I would say it depends on the skin.


For fancy, significantly different from the base model 1000-1500. Only because I would assume I would by several in the long run, cause those types of skins are for showing off on my mains and each has different personality.


For moderate skins (recoloring of the original model or minor changes to structure) 800 -1000 depending on how much I like it and what toons it would be used for.


For sets of 5 so each mount has one 2000 - 3000, cause typically that helps out a range of too so or gets me in a mood for a holiday.


For random boxes of a specific mount (raptor random box, Skimmer random box, etc) 400-600 is fine, cause I can get something for the mounts I use more.



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Depends entirely on the quality of the skin and how much I personally like it. If its something that comes with a brand new model, new animations, new sound effects and 4 dye channels I would be willing to spend up to 1,600-2,000 gems on it depending on how much I liked that skin.


I don't buy that much stuff from the gem store, but I am willing to pay for it when I find something that I do like quite a bit.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> It's best to keep in mind that these are skins, not mounts. In my opinion, 2000 gems is a reasonable price tag. However, so far I have not seen anything I want to buy and I'm happy with the randomized skins.


lol - So basically you don't mind the outrageous pricing because you don't want to buy it anyway. Yeah, of course. It's the people who DO want to buy skins but are put off by the outrageous pricing that are concerned here.

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This is only for individual skins, not multi-skin packs (which I think are priced appropriately already).


800-1200 gems for an individual skin that is a complete re-work of the base skin, like the reforged jackal or peacock raptor.

400-800 for an individual skin that is more like the base skin, but with additional patterns, dye channels, and/or particle effects/trails.

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> @obcan.1470 said:

> Where is the choice of 0 gems and I would want to unlock it in game for being good in the kitten game? Why is there no fractal mount? Raid mount? map completion mounts? Why do I have to pay for something I already paid for.


Because this poll is about gemstore skins and not Mount Skins in general :) We all would love to have Mount Skins locked behind Achievements / Collections, no need to make a poll about that.

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The current pricing scheme is way too much IMO. 2000 gems is close to $30 dollars which is how much the PoF expansion costs. This is an extremely bad value. 800 gems is more reasonable IMO because of value of the purchase. A skin is not ever worth more than $10. In fact, that really is too much. Skins should be cheaper to sell more. Little things you pick up for fun, not a $30 chunk that equates to an expansion or the price of many full games.

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Let me expand on my answer here

-I'm completely ok with the bundle prices like the spooky mounts

-I can accept the 2k gems for premium skins when it's like the current raptor, not so much the warhound (maybe 1500 there)

-the answer I put is for the individual skins from the mount license (where I get to choose no rng jank)

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