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[POLL]What is your favorite mount and why ?


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The raptor (basic skin) just looks really good and I love his animations when he's looking around while hes running and when he interacts with the player when idle. The other mounts don't feel as alive as the raptor to me and I enjoy the way the raptor feels when running around.

Although I have to say that I don't have the griffon yet.

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I like them all equally, but the one that's always equipped on the slot is Jackal, because it's simply the most efficient for moving around.

But Griffon is a ton of fun, and if you have a high place to start, it'll be the best mount to get you to places.

The Springer is awesome for finding hidden corners and new places in the world.

The Skimmer is king in maps with lots of water (like Southsun, Sparkfly Fen, etc)

The raptor is fun for races, it looks awesome and that idle animation is just hilarious.

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I'm torn between 'all of them' and 'griffon'. Although I don't actually have the griffon yet so I've not had as many opportunities to try using it.


In general gameplay I find the raptor to be the most useful, but the springer and somewhat surprisingly the skimmer come in very useful for trying to get to normally inaccessible places, which I spend a lot of time doing. I recently found out that the skimmers hover ability can be used to maintain your height when going over cliffs. You can't go far but it gives you more control than the griffon or springer and you don't drop down like gliding. It's a very niche ability but there's situations where it's the only tool that will work.


The jackal is probably the least useful but IMO the most fun. I love the whole design of it. Shortly after I got mine I was showing it to my husband, explaining how it's actually animated sand and cursed-then-purified rocks. He asked if it could melt into sand and reappear, obviously expecting me to say no and the look on his face when I said "Of course it can, what would be the point of an enchanted sand monster that can't do that?" then demonstrated the blink ability was amazing. Again it's quite niche - a lot of the time the raptor or simply gliding is easier, but sometimes it's absolutely the perfect tool. (Also I recently did the crazy jumping puzzle/mini dungeon in the temple to the south of Crystal Oasis and that was a lot of fun.)


I'm really looking forward to a) getting my griffon (just 200g and several eggs to go!) and b) learning to use it properly so I can explore all the places I can't normally reach because it's too far to jump, too high to glide/raptor jump and I can't find another way around. Also I've heard the adventures are really fun, so I'm looking forward to trying them.

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Tricky one, I like the skimmer a lot (could do with a turbo boost mastery), use the raptor and griffon the most, but the springer maybe just edges it for usefulness, being able to get up high quickly to find a good spot to glide or griffon from is handy (or just to jump up on top of a bit of terrain that's basically a safe zone out of combat of mobs).

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I have two favorites in the Springer and the Skimmer


Griffon, I just don't end up using very often. I just don't have much use for its specialty, which is mainly flying across a map (can use a waypoint for that) whereas with other mounts, i'm stopping to harvest nodes or participating in events, they tend to be of more use to me than the griffon.


Raptor, I do use occasionally and on land it can end up being the fastest but it just feels a little bland compared to the other mounts. Not much flavor to it.


Jackal, I use fairly often, moreso than the raptor. It's very useful and handy and controls well but I just don't really connect with it as much. It's the most flavorful mount there is but not a favorite of mine.


Skimmer, I definitely enjoy the floatiness of it and the look. Considering my style of play, it can get me from point A to point B at a decent clip (which is littered with stops along the way), any non-vertical terrain is fair game and I do enjoy my 3+ seconds of evade frames ever so often. I also have all of its skins (somehow).


Springer, very adorable and an irreplaceable utility among all the mounts. It does have my favorite mount skin (Jackalope) and it's fun Parkour'ing around spots with many obstacles about with its crazy good regular jump.


When getting ready to move out, if I'm in a hurry, I usually default to Jackal but in any other situation, it's a toss up between Skimmer and Springer.

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When PoF came out and I did not know of the Griffon I would surely have said the Springer/Rabbit mount because I am an explorer and the springer is extremely useful to reach new places and climb hills. But Now i have the griffon I prefer this as overall mount for its versatility. Fortunately, I don't have to pick one. I can use the springer whenever I like to rocket myself up to new hights.

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Griffon, hands down. Griffon takes a bit of finesse and timing, and once mastered is (IMO) just as efficient at covering terrain as the other mounts.


it can jump about as high as a Springer without the high jump by carefully timing a regular jump + a Flap at the highest point of your jump. Also, if you miss your target mid-air, its much more forgiving than a Springer since you can rotate and Flap again; rather than plummet to the ground.


Also, its flat/semi-flat terrain speed is Almost as fast as a jackal/raptor; if you learn the Dive mechanics. Dive gives you a significant speed boost, and has two tiers; 1 being from a standard Dive, 2 from 'flapping' in the middle of a dive. Tier 2 tkaes a decent amount of vertical space to activate; but tier 1 will activate off of the tiniest of Dives. You need to bind the Dive key to something other than 1, as 1 will dismount on ground connect and I believe is locked at 1sec activation. However, with dive bound to another key (I use Q, for example) you can do small & quick dives even on flat ground at the height of you jump-flap; and achieve a decent speed, CLOSE to jackal/raptor on flat ground. They'll still edge out a bit; but if you find ANY little cliff, building, wall, etc to get ANY height advantage, you can tier2 dive and get WAYYYY ahead of everyone.


Id say the biggest issue with the griffon is my own fervor usually... sometimes I lag behind because I waste too much time trying to get a height advantage and woulda got there quicker if I just Ran... plus, any mistake in timing often destroys your height/speed... So IMO any complaints/issues with griffon mechanics are likely user error....


overall, for me at least, the griffon is just Fun to tool around on, though....

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In terms of how they look I'd rather have seen race-relevant designs than these. In terms of movement, raptor is the most useful and allows me to move around at adequate speeds (FINALLY!). I can actually hope to make it on time to participate in an event that is announced in map chat. The others are only useful because of obstacles created specifically to be overcome by them. I like being able to jump vertically on a springer to make it up some of the JPs, but if it didn't exist I'd just skip them (I HATE JPs!!!).


Overall I'd have been happier if they just made movement on foot faster, and NOT created content that's basically blocked in order to force you to get mounts, the purpose of which is to overcome those blockages.

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> @Biff.5312 said:

> In terms of how they look I'd rather have seen race-relevant designs than these. In terms of movement, raptor is the most useful and allows me to move around at adequate speeds (FINALLY!). I can actually hope to make it on time to participate in an event that is announced in map chat. The others are only useful because of obstacles created specifically to be overcome by them. I like being able to jump vertically on a springer to make it up some of the JPs, but if it didn't exist I'd just skip them (I HATE JPs!!!).


> Overall I'd have been happier if they just made movement on foot faster, and NOT created content that's basically blocked in order to force you to get mounts, the purpose of which is to overcome those blockages.


The way I see it, Raptor is there to eliminate the movement speed dilemma we had in open world PvE. It allows for better build diversity rather than building a build based on movement speed traits and skills. Skimmer is there to skip melee mobs, Springer is there for jumping puzzles and world completion. Griffon is there for HoT completion.

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I voted for the mount I use the most, which is the Raptor. I just love the speed it provides over ground and the idle animations. Aesthetically, the Jackal is my favorite (love those glowing runes!), and the Griffon is so much fun if you find yourself up someplace high enough to really use it's movement abilities at their full potential.


I don't find myself using Springer or Skimmer as much as the other three, and especially not as much as Raptor.

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Personality: Raptor

It's like the happiest and playful of the group.


Looks: Skimmer

This one is mostly a default. I don't like the horns of the Raptor and wish I would've had them gone, I don't like how the Springer look as it looks too stupid, I don't like Jackal looks because I loathe dogs, I don't like the Griffon ears and wish they were cut off/removed/small to the point they're under the feathers and not sticking out like that.


Controls: Jackal

Seems to be the fastest to get around. Skimmer is on ice non stop and I hate it, The Springer... even after the fix... still makes me go off the cliff way too many times, the Griffon also if I try to slow down sometimes and turn a little, it ALWAYS turns to the left and never the right when I went it to...., and I have no problem with the Raptor controls, but don't like how it only had 2 points of stamina unlike the Jackal.


For engaging the enemy: Raptor/Springer

If it's an annoying enemy, I like the Springer to knockdown the enemy to get some hits in. Or a little CC if it has a bar.

If more than one enemy around and I can take them out quickly with AoE then the Raptor to pull them in and wail on them.

Griffon I miss half the time on attacks... and Skimmer I miss 90% of the time on attacks. Jackal does nothing for engaging.


Randomly out in the open as Necro: Jackal

This one is in it's own category, but if I'm low on Life Force, mount up on the Jackal and do the engage attack and it's barrier fills up my life force about 1/3 of the way.

Also the best for that horrible hero point with that bacon stuff in Auric Basin.


Overall: Griffon

Griffon doesn't slide down the damn walls for 10 years if I miss a landing trying to scale a wall like a Springer which starts to "hick! hick! hick!" noise every slow skip back down.

Griffon, from a height, can dash towards a location much faster than anyone else. It can also usually keep my elevation better when I don't want to go down a level on a map.

Griffon is the least annoying to be on (me personally) as it seems the more calm and somewhat casual of the group when idling... and doesn't do a dog howl or have a "O.O" face on it or go "Wrrryyyyy!!!!" every so often and making jokes by tagging me on the back and laughing when I'm wondering what's touching me.

My wallet STILL remember the bloody cost of the thing... I STILL have not made my 250 gold back from months ago of getting the thing.

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