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The Unbalanced Forum


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I have my tin foil hat on, but does it seem like the General Forums get a boat load more attention and moderation than the PVP and WvW forums? I mean anecdotally for instance, if someone makes a post that an apparent majority does not like, it is gone, but all is well in the toxic pits of competitive GW2 discussion.


This is my last post on the forums by the way. Thanks for having me.



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It makes sense. General is the broadest topic on the forums by it’s very nature that it has the largest population and the most moderation. Other factors may come into play as well, such as compeditive play fosters a way different set of emotions in it’s users then Cooperative play. Compedition demands more investment if you want to succeed thus PvP and WvW players have more of a personal stake in how they play the game than PvE players who face comparatively less adversity on a regular basis.

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I'm guessing that the general forums (a) get more attention from players and therefore (b) they are more likely to have someone who objects & submits a report. (Might also be the case that PvP and WvW forumers are more thick-skinned than generalists.)


But no, it hardly matters what the majority thinks about the thread: ANet hasn't removed post simply because one group or another dislikes the topic or idea. Every post I've seen that's gone missing (or thread that's been locked/closed/disappeared) has always included someone posting something inappropriate for official forums.


Before I'd consider the idea that ANet is siding with one group or another, I'd have to see some specific examples. (I realize you can't actually cite any because, well, they were removed/locked/whatever. But if you hum a few bars, I can probably remember which thread(s) you mean and speculate for you about why I think they might have been removed. Obviously, do so via private message, since they won't permit discussion about specific moderation actions, for what I hope are obvious reasons.)


Hey, if this is your last post here, can I have your forum stuff?

(sorry; couldn't resist the meme)


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General board is a mixture of everything that isn't distinct.

Sometimes the core game, sometimes the competitive, sometimes the maps or the gem store or whichever.


And once again though... that whole "toxic pit" you see in those WvW and PvP boards (while I don't like any form of competition as I find it boring personally) I've been there a few times.

And same within in game.


The PvP/WvW areas as a whole seems very very toxic. It's like the "evil twin" of the PvE area in GW2 (at least non Raids as I heard Raid people can be toxic).

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> @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> I have my tin foil hat on, but does it seem like the General Forums get a boat load more attention and moderation than the PVP and WvW forums? I mean anecdotally for instance, if someone makes a post that an apparent majority does not like, it is gone, but all is well in the toxic pits of competitive GW2 discussion.


Because if (any) PvP forums were actually moderated, no one would be left. Competitive salt leads to so much rule-breaking, and that includes some attitudes from the extremes on the raid/no-raid crowds.


> This is my last post on the forums by the way. Thanks for having me.


GW2 is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.


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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > I have my tin foil hat on, but does it seem like the General Forums get a boat load more attention and moderation than the PVP and WvW forums? I mean anecdotally for instance, if someone makes a post that an apparent majority does not like, it is gone, but all is well in the toxic pits of competitive GW2 discussion.


> Because if (any) PvP forums were actually moderated, no one would be left. Competitive salt leads to so much rule-breaking, and that includes some attitudes from the extremes on the raid/no-raid crowds.


> > This is my last post on the forums by the way. Thanks for having me.


> GW2 is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.



Rauderi.8706 actually gw2 is an airport... gw2 as made for the very casuals that play the game a few times do LS, play a bit of WvW or spvp, then log off until new LS is throwed, being 2 months or more...

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> GW2 is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.



I know people aren't supposed to post goodbyes, but I'm actually always a little curious as to why people go. They should have 'Departures' forums so people can say their peace before they go. Moderated, of course.

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