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If you had infinite gold, what would you do with it?

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1) Max out on bank and inventory space and also on shared inventory slots, might get a few new alts as well.

2) Buy the infinite bank, trading post, vendor, hairdo thingies.

3) Max out on buyable mats...just in case.

4) Max out my guilds GH and a GH of my own, spend lots of gold on decorations..

5) Craft/buy a few legendaries or other valuable skins out of my reach right now, get some of my friends ingame a few skins on the way as well.

6) Buy as much as I can of the fractal account imrpovements, then play fractals for everything that's missing.

7) Probably at this point I'd start throwing gold at some achievements that are mostly gold sinks.

8) Start sharing on a bigger scale, with contests or handing out gold for looks I like.

9) Boredom kicks in after a while and I would probably only tune in for releases, buying all the new stuff to keep up to date, do the achis then tune out until the next release comes.

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I would probably max out bank/storage/bags on my 2 'main' charcaters.

Buy them legendary armors. Craft few legendary weapons.

Buy some dyes and utility/cosmetics/fun stuff from gem store.

Build almost everything in my GH.

And make some gifts for my guildmates.

I think 100k gold would be perfect.

After that I would ask Anet for disabling this infinite gold for me, to secure the ability to gain fun from this game.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


> What would you do with it?


I'd buy storage bags and bank space.

Seems I spend a lot of time deciding what I could get rid of in order to make room for newer stuff. Sometimes I think back "I really wish I didnt get rid of that".

Large bags get really expensive, so it's cheaper to just get rid of stuff.


I would also buy stuff for my home instance.

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if I had infinite gold, I'd probably change nothing in how I play, other than buying all the mats our tiny guild needs for upgrades. Flax, flax, and more flax! I enjoy the game exactly how I've experienced it, I've never thought I've needed more gold than what I have just from doing normal things. I like challenges and projects.

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Infinite gold? Hmm.


~ Never do a daily ever again. I can spend all my time doing what I want instead of feeling like doing my daily is the most cost-effective use of my time if I'm only going to play an hour a day, yay!

~ Full Ascended for every character, because why not. Experiment with some stat changes that I rarely do because its too costly to do so with all the gear each of my characters has (I typically have 2-3 sets of armor and 2-3 of each weapon type on every character all of the same stat combo just to use different skins, so its reaaaaally hard for me to justify swapping stuff).

~ Buy all the glider skins, mounts skins, and outfits, even though I'd probably never use half the gliders and 99% of the outfits. It'd be nice to have them just to swap to them now and again for novelty I guess.

~ Buy every dye ever, even though I'm fairly happy with the dye schemes of most of my characters and probably would't change much.

~ Max out all storage. Bag slots, shared inventory, bank slots, all if it. All the space shall be mine! Also, actually upgrade all my bags to 20-slot (or heck, 32-slot) instead of sticking to 15 or 18 slot for half of them.

~ Grab every home instance node. For no real reason I guess, since I'd be able to outright buy ever mat I'd ever need, but just for the sake of completion and bringing others through it.

~ Nab some overly expensive Black Lion weapon skins I've always wanted to get.

~ Get enough Black Lion Keys to get that darned Wild Magic backpack / glider combo.

~ Get a bunch of Total Makeover Kits (or just an Infinite one) to do silly frivolous things like changing eye color or moving a single slider a few notches.

~ Infinite harvesting tools for every character.

~ Actually use all the crap (like boosters) I have built up in my bank that I'm saving "just in case I need it later" because now I can just buy it if I need it later instead of hoarding it for a rainy day that'll probably never come.

~ Hold contests / scavengers hunts / trivia games to hand out stuff to other players.


I'm not the type of player who values the end-goal as much as the gameplay, exploration, and overall experience, so infinite gold wouldn't really harm my experience at all. Quite the opposite, it'd allow me to just play for fun and not for the sake of grind / progression. Which, granted, I usually do anyway for the most part, which is why I don't have nearly as much progression as many players would with how many hours I've played, but... even moreso if I never had to worry about money at all.

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If I had infinite gold I would...

Convert as much of it as possible to platinum!

Craft one fifth of an infinite number of Gold rings?

Spend the rest of my life counting it? Or give to my nemesis with the stipulation that they can only have it once they're finished counting?

Sit in Lion's arch and pay people to make funnies?

Open millions of any purchasable loot bags (or BL Chests) and record the results, just for fun?

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> @Electro.4173 said:

> Infinite gold? Hmm.



> ~ Actually use all the crap (like boosters) I have built up in my bank that I'm saving "just in case I need it later" because now I can just buy it if I need it later instead of hoarding it for a rainy day that'll probably never come.


Funny you said that, I do the same. I have several boosters in the bank I keep there just in case I ever really need them, but I forget they're there and I rarely use them. The only ones that really came in handy were crafting boosters.



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I would most certainly not short NCSoft and then reek havoc with the gem exchange. I would just 'experiment' with the gem exchange and try to model some of the functions of the algorithm.


Who I am I kidding I am too lazy to do the work, I would ask the studio to instead give me items and not gold and if they insisted on gold I would delete it and fart in the their general direction.



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1.) Buy some gems for gold.

2.) Getting infinite resource harvesters for every character.

3.) Ask ArenaNet to cancel my infinite gold reward.


For the rest I'd support ArenaNet by buying it myself. Suddenly missing an axe, pick or sickle to get my resource is the only thing that is very annoying. IMO those items should be an unlockable for every toon once you bought any infinite harvest package. So that's is where my reward is going to, nothing more.

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Not accept it because that would mean someone in the upper echelons has gone postal metaphorically speaking and I don't want to end up going down with them when they get cleaned up. I've invested too much energy into my account to just get it mowed over for very temporary god-power over the economy.


I'm a solitary quiet kinda fellow anyway, something like that wouldn't be likely to happen to me in particular anyway.

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