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Legendary Corrupted Facet

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It's near impossible to complete the Open Skies: Crystal Oasis Achievement and collect the Griffon.

The facet spawns too infrequently and when it does there are never enough players.

The facet bounty might have worked when Path of Fire was first released as lots of players where griffon hunting, but now it's near impossible, especially for a lone player just trying to get players together in the Map chat.

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> @UndeadDuck.3174 said:

> It's near impossible to complete the Open Skies: Crystal Oasis Achievement and collect the Griffon.

> The facet spawns too infrequently and when it does there are never enough players.

> The facet bounty might have worked when Path of Fire was first released as lots of players where griffon hunting, but now it's near impossible, especially for a lone player just trying to get players together in the Map chat.


Have you tried using LFG?

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If there is no bounty-train: When the bounty appears on the board (should be every 30 minutes after the Facet despawned) accept it and go near the entrance of the pyramid but do not enter it, otherwise the Facet will spawn. Activate your Mentor symbol and announce Facet to start in 5-10 minutes. Usually enough players will join. When your announced countdown is over, enter the pyramid. Keep your Mentor symbol active during battle too, so players who enter the map later can see that something happens there and also might join.

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> @"UndeadDuck.3174" said:

> It's near impossible to complete the Open Skies: Crystal Oasis Achievement and collect the Griffon.

> The facet spawns too infrequently and when it does there are never enough players.

> The facet bounty might have worked when Path of Fire was first released as lots of players where griffon hunting, but now it's near impossible, especially for a lone player just trying to get players together in the Map chat.


I've found no shortage of players willing to participate in bounties. However, the timer can be restrictive, especially on the legendary bounties.


What I generally do is toggle my mentor tag on, announce that I am going after a bounty champion and which waypoint I'm leaving from. I usually get a few players the first call. Then I announce another. After a few champion bounties I usually have enough players following me to attempt a legendary bounty.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Escort.8164" said:

> This is me standing around for 4 hours waiting on someone to pop the facet (and still waiting). Really fun way to play the game.


There's probably 10 other players “just standing around” waiting for an almighty shepherd to start the event, even though you could coordinate it yourself via map chat and lfg. Being a little bit more proactive goes a LONG way.

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> @"Jaime Angel.5310" said:

> It is now pretty near impossible. There are never enough players around to achieve it - and yes LFG has been tried. The most ever seen there now is about 5-6 people which is impossible to achieve in the time available. I think Griffon for most remaining players is now a nearly impossible task.


I managed to get my griffon early on in the segment when the mounts became available by asking my guild leader if it would be possible to pull together a guild group for it. Not only did that work, but just as soon as he triggered this legendary mob, everyone on the map flocked to the pyramid to join in. It was amazing how big the group got for this particular fight.


Its not only folks who need the drop for the griffon fighting this legendary, but anyone for any reason. I got some decent drops from this fight which also helped in my mat farming for purchasing things to get some ascended gear. I always join in any legendary bounty that is announced on any map because its fun to do .....

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If I may

I am one of the players that get his griffon quite lately (week or two ago).

I do understand UndeadDuck, Escort and others - the event requires more players than usual, but that's usually because:

1) players do not ress others when downed

2) players do not go to zones, when Facet got his phases, and do 0 damage.

Also, quite common mistake is first activating Facet, then gathering players.


After I got my griffon, I took it down two more times, for Mosaic's sake. It is possible, just don't give up :) It is possible

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Escort.8164" said:

> > This is me standing around for 4 hours waiting on someone to pop the facet (and still waiting). Really fun way to play the game.


> There's probably 10 other players “just standing around” waiting for an almighty shepherd to start the event, even though you could coordinate it yourself via map chat and lfg. Being a little bit more proactive goes a LONG way.


What I dident know my mass effect character was needed to start this event my bad. =)

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> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> I mean... the very fact that every other player you meet in the game is riding a griffon most likely indicates that it's not near impossible.


If "everyone" has griffon already it's actually an indication that not many people would be interested in doing griffon related events.


OP, try LFG. That's your only chance.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> If "everyone" has griffon already it's actually an indication that not many people would be interested in doing griffon related events.


I think the griffon is the greatest thing ever and everybody who wants one should get it. If I'm in any of the PoF areas and somebody's advertising the events I will join in just to help somebody else get theirs.


Bounty trains are an excellent way to get these done. Playing those maps whenever there's an event/task/bounty daily is also good. I've had a good amount of success mid-morning Saturdays (US/Eastern).

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> @"Jaime Angel.5310" said:

> It is now pretty near impossible. There are never enough players around to achieve it - and yes LFG has been tried. The most ever seen there now is about 5-6 people which is impossible to achieve in the time available. I think Griffon for most remaining players is now a nearly impossible task.


If you really want to get this done you should listen to the others in this thread who are telling you how they got it done: Tag up. Advertise. Win. It's as simple as that. There is no shortage of players willing to do this boss. They're all just like you: Waiting for someone else to tag up! So step up, tag up, and get your griffon already! Or wait around for someone else to do it for you...


References: Squad leader who has no trouble completing this bounty and has done so many times now by following the advice you've been given.

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  • 5 months later...

I have seen some ppl uninterested in bounties in pof maps when trying to organise one but there are players doing them when there are dailies for them. Legendaries is easier to find a group for in my experience. Due to its currency (and the funerary set/weapons which looks nice). I got my griffon in start but whenever I see legendary up in zone I tend to tag on (always enough players around when I tag onto one). Make sure to not activate the boss prior. If you (or someone else) gets the tag from board, anyone walking under the piramid can activate it. Not necessarily the one with the tag. And the tag will always be on the board even if ppl are killing it already, or if someone else already took it.


My advice: Check LFG, start a LFG if needed, do a map shout, ask in guild if they are willing to help, ask around at friends in game for help, organise an event via forums or something :)

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