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What Mount skin would u pay 2k gems for?

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I got it. The mount I would spend 2000 gems for.



Listen to this.

She's a completely new mount. Almost like Griffon, but with a few tweaks.

She's a bit slower while flying, she can't jump as high as a griffon, and her movement on land is about the speed of a Skimmer on land.


But, she has 5 attacks. First one is just like the griffon. The other 4 can be a shield, firebreath, a tackle, and something else.

Oh and she has the same stamina as Griffon, but here's the catch... whenever she flap her wings, she gets 2x more airtime than Griffon. This means that she can fly and stay in the air indefinitely.


2000 gem mount I would buy. Oh and not current Aurene as she's ugly now. Acne hit her hard in her teenage years.


EDIT: Also, none of the "disabled mount" areas doesn't affect her. She can go anywhere and everywhere.

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> @witcher.3197 said:

> None. I'm probably not buying any skins because I'm boycotting this recent trend of adding new things to the game then locking every single skin for it behind the gemstore.


> But even if I did buy some of them, 2,000 gems for a skin is a bad joke. 1k at most would be my limit.


I'm kind of with you on this. I really wish there was a little variety for drops. After completing season 4 which only took a day I noticed my inventory only ended up with a few new scraps of leather and silk fragments. It seemed like a lot of work and nothing good or exciting in return. the only thing I can work towards now are book pages or points but I dont want those so I really dont have anything worth playing for.


Grinding seems endless and somehow after selling scraps I end up pretty much breaking even again from paying for waypoints, and listing fees, and salvaging tools.


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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> Charr motorcycle for raptor, charr gyrocopter for griffon. Asura golem anything. Rideable sylvari hound. Rideable Dolyak. Anything that's a whole new sculpt is worth 20 bucks, and I prefer stuff that's themed towards my characters race, class, or build.


I would particularly love to see a Jackal that is a Fern Hound with all the effects geared towards that. My Sylvari Soulbeast needs this

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I have literally zero interest for mount skins costing the same as the complete expansion. People went berserk over the 30 reskins costing 12000 gems to procure 10800 if all at the same tike , but buying the 5 mount skins with unique new skins will set you back 10000 gems as well. Ppl say well, It's a new body, new animations... No RNG...


I do not find them more attractive and they do nothing for my game play. In effect it's like outfits. I find those having no value whatsoever as well. I have 3 outfits in total if I'm right 1 I got for halloween 1 for HoT and 1 I bought cause I liked it a lot, I use none of them....


I actually own all 30 basic mount skins cause i jumped in and bought the set on release. I have no interest in these new ones. they do not add anything IMHO. Actually in retrospect the 30 other skins did not add anything either.


A new mount as in a new mount with traits and such would be pay to win...., and would push me away even further....



And I'd be in for a mystic coin pooping gold donkey. Provided A: the price was right and B: anyone could salvage it's excretions.

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> @PaxTheGreatOne.9472 said:

>........People went berserk over the 30 reskins costing 12000 gems to procure 10800 if all at the same time ..... I do not find them more attractive and they do nothing for my game play. In effect it's like outfits. I find those having no value whatsoever as well....

> I actually own all 30 basic mount skins cause i jumped in and bought the set on release. I have no interest in these new ones. they do not add anything IMHO. Actually in retrospect the 30 other skins did not add anything either.


I just overdosed on irony.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > You're asking the wrong question....

> > > The right question would be: "Is 2000 gems, within the context of GW2 and it's gemstore, a sensible price for a single mount skin?"

> > > And the answer is, no... Not really, not ever.

> >

> > Well obviously it is because people have already bought one and people in the thread already expressed some willingness to for certain options.

> >


> The feedback I've read from those "certain options" boils down to "it has to be exactly what I want and it has to be in a quality befitting a legendary skin". 2000 gems is the range where people (rightfully) get utopic ideas about what the skin has to deliver. Looking at the Peacockosaurus and the Blathasar Puppy I don't think ANet has the same idea about what makes a good skin as the customers.


Oh...that strikes me that I'd totally pay 2000 gems for a hound of balthazar jackal skin. It wouldn't even take as much work as a mount worthy of 2000 gems but it'd be so cool I'd probably cough up anyway.

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > You're asking the wrong question....

> > > The right question would be: "Is 2000 gems, within the context of GW2 and it's gemstore, a sensible price for a single mount skin?"

> > > And the answer is, no... Not really, not ever.

> >

> > Well obviously it is because people have already bought one and people in the thread already expressed some willingness to for certain options.

> >

> Saying that because some people buy mounts and want to keep buying mounts, then the price is fair is like saying that because some people think the earth is flat then we should teach that the earth is flat, or that because some people think "evolution is just a theory" we should teach creationism in schools as a valid concurrent theory.


Not even remotely, dude. The earth's shape and the theory of evolution are definitely credited to factual understanding and scientific research.


Mount prices (or, really, any prices) have no objective quality to them whatsoever. Whether or not it's a good decision is up to ANet, not the players. And you can bet they're taking the time, reviewing the comments and reviewing the sales to decide whether or not it's a safe price.

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