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Weapon skills discussion


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Instead of making a bunch of threads about weapons that only have 2-3 skills each, I think its more prudent to discuss the rest of our weapon skills in a single thread. Overall I think most of them are in a good spot. A lot of these changes are more QoL than anything


* Focus 4 (Temporal Curtain/Into the Void) - Reduce wait time between casting Temporal Curtain and Into the Void to 0.75sec. Increase to 10 enemies in PvE.

* Sword 2(BF) - Increase to 5 targets in PvE

* Scepter 1 - Remove torment from Ether Bolt and increase torment on Ether Blast to 2 stacks for 3 seconds

* Sword 1 - Increase damage of all skills in the chain by 15-25% in PvE

* Torch 4 (The Prestige) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

* Torch 5 (Phantasmal Mage) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

* Pistol 5 (Magic Bullet) - Add 1 stack of bleeding to every strike

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Interesting idea of making just one thread about it ( i love your disscusion thread for staff rework, with gs i am mostly happy...well beside that the aoe from 3 could have a bigger aoe field)...


Ok: let´s say: i like sword...but:

Skill 1: could be a little faster, but i am ok with it like it is.

Skill 2: i want to move while using it....when i move the attack is canceled and goes on CD, since it has a short range the enemie is really fast out of the range...

Skill 3: i never really use it...most of the time the clone is standing in front of the enemie (or does not even show up when the terrain has some irregularities)..

i really would love to throw an illusionary sword instead ( with a range from 1200...or when this is to much for anet 900), that makes dmg to the emenie when it hits,

spawning a clone and when the clone hits the first time the ememie is immobilized and gains a stack vulnerability, after that the clone makes the normal auto-attack.

Also it should have the new Ammunition System with 3 charges like the axe

(or i fear most ppl will change for the better skills to the axe, since it has better CD and movement.)

Skill 4: i really like the block, but why is the block over after one enemie hits you? Shield Block from chrono is the whole cast time active, would like it with sword too.

Skill 5: ok....i like it like it is...no changes.


I picked the mesmer 3 years ago after i saw the artwork with the little illusion sword floating over the hand.


Pistol: Ok, i like the range and the skills...so nothing to say about it....


Torch: Lower the CD, thats all i can say....


Fokus: a bigger range for the Into the Void...and the changes OriOri said please.


Scepter: well....i like it like it is, so no changes for me...


Shield: just a too high CD ( i have the feeling that this CD is from the time where alacritiy had 66% CD reduction) so, lower the CD from Shield please.


Greatsword / Staff: for my opinions look in the threads that OriOri has created for them.


Also a heal per critical hit would be nice for close range weapons (sword, axe)....


a little off since it is about weapon skills (not traits): we really need a 3rd charge for our mantras ( i mean firebrand has standard 3 charges) also for the heal mantra the recharge time sould be a bit lower.

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Hell yes to bring prestige down to 25s and I'd even argue iMage down to 20s base. Will at least make torch more manageable if not traiting Illusions.


And definitely reduce the cast delay for into the void - I'd say to 0.5s, plenty of time for someone to react given the initial cast animation for placing the curtain, and will make it more useful again.

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I think that iMage on a 20s CD is a bit too low considering we can trait it for CD reduction twice since it summons a phantasm. However 30 sec base is definitely much too high, especially for a rather underwhelming phantasm. The prestige also is a high CD weapon skill, and even though it does grant us some stealth, it's just clunky to have 2 of your 5 weapon skills on a 30sec base CD. Prestige could honestly come down to 20sec base CD and still be balanced if the pledge was reworked to a 33% increase in stealth duration (but I think that's a pretty contentious change that a lot of you may not agree with).


I initially wanted to take the cast delay for into the void down to 0.5seconds like you @"Curunen.8729". I don't really know why I ended up changing my mind on it.

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Tbh I'd change Torch almost completly ; Been thinking about this a long time, since it feels u cant take Torch if u dont go illusions tbh.

The prestige does not feel Prestige enough for its long cooldown, but lowering the Cooldown is not only "boring" in my opinion, but still has no prestige Feeling.

I decided to overbuff The Prestige and hold the cooldown on 30 Secs.


The Prestige (30 sec CD-> Still 24 sec Traited)

Lose a Condtion, Stealth urself and gain acces to "The great Comeback"

Stealht 3 sec

(Prestige changes to "The great Comeback" druing that time)

"The Great Comeback"

Teleport to target Location and explode, interrupting Foes while Blinding and Burning them.

x dmg

Daze ; 025 sec

4*Burn (4 Sec)

Blind (4 sec)

(Explosion will trigger automatically if u get unstealthed)


Phantasmal Mage(25 sec CD->20sec Traited,15sec Doubletraited)

Perform an explosive strike with ur Torch, hitting enemys in front of u, immobilizing them, while inflicting Burn and Torment. Creates a Phantasmal Mage which performs Fire Storm.

Immobilize 1 sec

2*Burn (4 sec)

3*Torment (5 sec)


Mage ; Performs some kind of midranged Flamebreath, dealing 4 potions of damage quickly and applying 4 Stacks of Burn.

x dmg (4x)

Burn (4 sec)


I-mage havin a multihit attack makes it more viable with Sharper Images. 50% Crit + 4 Mages are at least 6 Stacks of bleed insteat 1-2 right now.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Instead of making a bunch of threads about weapons that only have 2-3 skills each, I think its more prudent to discuss the rest of our weapon skills in a single thread. Overall I think most of them are in a good spot. A lot of these changes are more QoL than anything


> * Focus 4 (Temporal Curtain/Into the Void) - Reduce wait time between casting Temporal Curtain and Into the Void to 0.75sec. Increase to 10 enemies in PvE.

> * Sword 2(BF) - Increase to 5 targets in PvE

> * Scepter 1 - Remove torment from Ether Bolt and increase torment on Ether Blast to 2 stacks for 3 seconds

> * Sword 1 - Increase damage of all skills in the chain by 15-25% in PvE

> * Torch 4 (The Prestige) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

> * Torch 5 (Phantasmal Mage) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

> * Pistol 5 (Magic Bullet) - Add 1 stack of bleeding to every strike


Hi, could you contextualize your proposed changes? Despite your claims that these are QoL changes, four of your seven proposals are buffs that increase DPS.

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* Temporal Curtain/Into the Void change - Its just very clunky, especially in PvE, to have to precast this skill due to needing to wait an entire second before being allowed to pull enemies. Removing the cast delay completely is broken, but it should be reduced slightly to remove some clunkiness

* BF - Core mesmer has very poor AoE and cleave abilities, yet outside of Raids and fractal bosses, very little of PvE is single enemy. Increasing BF to 5 targets in PvE only increases the cleave available to core mesmer, making general PvE less awful if you are running core mesmer

* Scepter 1 - Having torment on ether bolt means that scepter clones can also apply torment, since they cast ether bolt themselves. Removing torment from ether bolt actually lowers the amount of potential torment you can output if you are using scepter clones, but adding it back on the second skill in the chain still allows the full auto chain to apply the same amount of torment as it always did. So yea, this one is neutral (extra second of torment from the auto chain, no more clones pumping out torment) at best, technically a nerf at worst

* Sword 1 - First, I like the idea someone else had of just speeding up the chain instead of flat out buffing damage (and tbf, mesmer sword is one of the slower auto chains in the game iirc). Again though, this is PvE focused, not a gamewide change. Purely to help mesmer out in open world or unorganized content where you can't necessarily rely on others to pump out that DPS to cleave mobs. Notice how I buffed the autoattack that cleaves, giving us better cleave. To me, this was QoL because of how crappy core mesmer cleave is.

* Torch 4/5 - In general, it feels bad to have 2/5 of your weapon skills tied to a 30 sec base CD. That's a big restriction on us that a lot of classes don't have. Now I know that p.Mage can be traited twice for CD reduction, but the prestige can't. Lowering it to a 25s CD just puts us on a closer level to what other classes get from their torch skills (for context, Guard torch are both 15s CDs, berserker torch are 15/25s, ranger is 15/25, and necro is 20/25). It would still be the highest CD torch 4 skill in the game, and would still be tied for the highest CD torch skill in the game if torch 4/5 went down to 25sec CDs. So again, even though its _technically_ a DPS buff because we can get a bit more burn out more often, this is, to me, a QoL change to bring mesmer torch more in line with what other classes get on their torch skills.

* Phantasmal Mage in particular - Is, imo, the weakest phantasm in the first place. It also has the highest CD on a phantasm skill. Most core mesmer phantasms are 20 seconds (18 for iWarlock), with warden coming in at 25. Making mage also 25 puts it on the same page as the other phantasms. And considering its not even our best phantasm, there's no good reason for it to be on the highest CD. I mean, christ, it shares the same PvE cooldown as iAvenger, even though we can spawn 2 iAvengers back to back, on top of iAvenger being possibly the best phantasm in the game right now. Since there's no good reason for pMage to be on a 30 second CD, taking it down to 25 is again, for me, a QoL change even though you could technically call it a DPS buff

* Pistol 5 - Straight up buff, you are right about that. I just didn't want to make yet another thread about it. I just find it strange that the pistol, whose trait focuses around bleeding, doesn't apply bleeding on its own. Overall I'm not super happy with this proposed change, I think magic bullet needs a complete rework honestly, I just didn't have a good idea for it when I made the post.


Hopefully that wall of text clears it up for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Instead of making a bunch of threads about weapons that only have 2-3 skills each, I think its more prudent to discuss the rest of our weapon skills in a single thread. Overall I think most of them are in a good spot. A lot of these changes are more QoL than anything


> * Focus 4 (Temporal Curtain/Into the Void) - Reduce wait time between casting Temporal Curtain and Into the Void to 0.75sec. Increase to 10 enemies in PvE.

> * Sword 2(BF) - Increase to 5 targets in PvE

> * Scepter 1 - Remove torment from Ether Bolt and increase torment on Ether Blast to 2 stacks for 3 seconds

> * Sword 1 - Increase damage of all skills in the chain by 15-25% in PvE

> * Torch 4 (The Prestige) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

> * Torch 5 (Phantasmal Mage) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

> * Pistol 5 (Magic Bullet) - Add 1 stack of bleeding to every strike


Would be cool if the last target of the pistol 5 got all the aditional bleed stacks ( 1st target x bleeds 2nd x+1 3rd x+2 ) or w/e

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Torch 4 , The Prestige

14 sec recharge Time , 2 charges, 0,5 sec Cast Time


Explode in illusionary Flames, interrupting Foes, and inflicting Burn and Blind.

Damage: 605 (1,75 Power)

Radius: 240

Daze : 0,5 sec

3*Burn : 4 sec

Blind : 3 sec


Torch 5, Phantasmal Mage

25 sec Cooldown, 0,75 sec Cast Time


Throw an illusionary Torch, which explodes on the first Target, burning and immobilizing Foes. Create a Phantasmal Mage, who uses Flamebreath.


Damage Explosion: 519 (1,5 Power)

Explosion Radius : 240

3*Burn : 4 sec

Immobilize : 2 sec

Range: 900


Flamebreath, 1 sec Cast Time, 8 sec Cooldown

Damage(5x):1038 (3,0)

5*Burn : 4 sec

Range: 450

Width: 180


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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Stealth is Holding Prestige back from cd changes or Overall buffs. My change gives a strong pvp skill though blind and interrupt, while Holding serious pve Value with a Shorter cooldown and charges.


Thing is, it does NOT need changes in pvp, and in pve stealth is almost meaningless, so reducing its CD in pve wouldn't make it OP.

At the moment, The Prestige is totally inferior to Scourge's torch 4 in PVE for no reason.


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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Instead of making a bunch of threads about weapons that only have 2-3 skills each, I think its more prudent to discuss the rest of our weapon skills in a single thread. Overall I think most of them are in a good spot. A lot of these changes are more QoL than anything


> * Focus 4 (Temporal Curtain/Into the Void) - Reduce wait time between casting Temporal Curtain and Into the Void to 0.75sec. Increase to 10 enemies in PvE.

> * Sword 2(BF) - Increase to 5 targets in PvE

> * Scepter 1 - Remove torment from Ether Bolt and increase torment on Ether Blast to 2 stacks for 3 seconds

> * Sword 1 - Increase damage of all skills in the chain by 15-25% in PvE

> * Torch 4 (The Prestige) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

> * Torch 5 (Phantasmal Mage) - Lower CD to 25 seconds

> * Pistol 5 (Magic Bullet) - Add 1 stack of bleeding to every strike


* Focus 4 target cap increase probably is over the top. Instead make it always prioritise your selected target if in range and add a proper range indicator while we're at it!

* 5 target melee cleave feels unnatural. I'd rather see them buff our _actual_ AoE skills, mainly shatters (which wouldn't power creep raids as a bonus)

* No idea why you want to make sceptre clones useless, if this is aimed at PvP add in a PvE-only buff to their ambush at the very least

* Prior to the last balance patch I'd have said straight-up double sword auto, any buff is welcome as long as it doesn't completely wreck raid balance

* PvP I guess? Minor dps increase in raids but who cares at this point?

* Does anyone ever use this except for shatter fodder?

* I'd rather see more flavourful changes to pistol, the association with bleeds only came about because they didn't want to buff Sharper Images for whatever reason. No idea what would work with the current skill mechanics though


And now for the big one you **didn't** mention:

* Staff auto: do _something_, **anything!** For a start increase the burning to two stacks because that was completely missed when it became intensity-stacking. Count ally and enemy bounces separately, give it a guaranteed stack of confusion if you have Chaos Armor, quintuple the power coefficient, just anything to make it even worth considering in PvE.


General QoL:

* Sceptre2 and Sword4, possibly Decoy: spawn no clone if you have 3 active phantasms, counter still procs but no additional benefit

* Illusionary Inspiration: add a buff or some other indicator when it's available (probably on other similar traits as well)

* Shield4: allow it to spawn the phantasm even if you are jumping

* Shield5: do not allow this to get completely destroyed if it hits an invulnerable target. At least in PvE grant the recharge reduction if the wall is removed for any reason other than timeout, moved less than 100 range after reaching max distance or times out with over 400 vertical distance between itself and the caster (that last one might be exploitable in some rare cases by blinking up a ramp but you'll never get double recharge reduction. The intent is to catch all those annoying failures especially with invisible helper objects and glitchy terrain)

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@"Photoloss.4817" I didn't forget Staff, Staff got its own thread. The thread about staff is here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/862/small-staff-rework-suggestion#latest TL;DR of Staff changes are: Reduce aftercast delay of auto by ~1/3 sec, increase projectile speed of auto ~50%, Make auto always apply vuln to enemies along with either burn/bleed , make it always apply 2s regen to allies along with either fury/might, address the burn on staff auto. Buff chaos armor in some way, a 30s CD doesn't justify merely giving an aura. Some proposed changes were adding a blast finisher, lowering CD. Change Chaos Storm, either slightly longer duration (7 sec), or reduce CD to 30s base, give its last tick the plaguelands treatment where it gives all condis to enemies inside and all boons to allies inside the storm.


How is 5 target cleave unnatural? As it is, core mesmer has among the lowest access to cleave skills in the game, coming in with only 4 for land skills (though 3 of those are the sword auto chain, so its really only 2 cleave skills we have). Even ele has more than that if you count skills on lightning hammer, and only core necro has less cleave than mesmer does. AoE skills are not cleave skills, and I didn't want to buff AoE on core mesmer, just its cleave abilities.


All clones should be on the same level. Scepter clones outperform because they can pump out a dangerous condition quickly, while other clones are literally just shadder fodder.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> How is 5 target cleave unnatural? As it is, core mesmer has among the lowest access to cleave skills in the game, coming in with only 4 for land skills (though 3 of those are the sword auto chain, so its really only 2 cleave skills we have). Even ele has more than that if you count skills on lightning hammer, and only core necro has less cleave than mesmer does. AoE skills are not cleave skills, and I didn't want to buff AoE on core mesmer, just its cleave abilities.


> All clones should be on the same level. Scepter clones outperform because they can pump out a dangerous condition quickly, while other clones are literally just shadder fodder.


"Unnatural" in terms of abstract design. Melee cleave _always_ hits 3 targets except for daggers which only hit 2 (maybe 1 if they forgot a skill somewhere). AoE hits 5, hitscan 1, projectiles 1 or 5 when piercing. Mesmer GS auto is a little odd but there aren't enough non-mesmer beam attacks to compare it to (druid also hits 3 though). You also forget iWarden and iZerker. Generally the _number_ of skills does not matter but rather the amount of cleave-capable dps you can throw out, you don't see eles or engies juggling 4 bundle autoattacks when they can just spam the highest dps one all the time. Similarly upping the dps of GS, focus and/or shatters would increase cleave/AoE capability without violating the unspoken design rules of target counts.


Staff and axe clones also apply significant condi dps while sword clones add a little boonstrip, good for T4 fractal trash mobs at the very least. Clones already are on vastly different levels due to other factors like range, secondary attack effects and hit rate (Sharper Images), no idea what an isolated sceptre nerf would "fix".

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> @bart.3687 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > Stealth is Holding Prestige back from cd changes or Overall buffs. My change gives a strong pvp skill though blind and interrupt, while Holding serious pve Value with a Shorter cooldown and charges.


> Thing is, it does NOT need changes in pvp, and in pve stealth is almost meaningless, so reducing its CD in pve wouldn't make it OP.

> At the moment, The Prestige is totally inferior to Scourge's torch 4 in PVE for no reason.



To me it feels more or less underhwelming. U cant except the damage + burn to hit ur enemy, cause u cant exactly decide when it's going to be released. This is a big point for me. I'd rather have a more accessable and controlled skill, then a stealth + maybe damage skill every 30 seconds. Yet Torch is the only offhand condition Wepon mesmer has without traits. The only reason ppl take torch in pve/pvp/wvw is


1. Burn is the strongest damage condition

2. Stealth -> No other option as OH in, because stealth > everything


Still 9 burns + 1,5k damage every 30 seconds feels undwerwhelming, even in PvP.

Removing stealth from torch could make room for stealth improvement to other mesmer abilitys.


Scourge Torch 4 is better in almost every PvE scenario

- gives the same amount of burn, has lower cooldown,

- adds torment

- is controled

- more power damage when calculated through the cooldowns of both skills


Edit : I thaught inferior = better, until i googled it. At least we're thinking the same here :D


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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @bart.3687 said:

> > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > Stealth is Holding Prestige back from cd changes or Overall buffs. My change gives a strong pvp skill though blind and interrupt, while Holding serious pve Value with a Shorter cooldown and charges.

> >

> > Thing is, it does NOT need changes in pvp, and in pve stealth is almost meaningless, so reducing its CD in pve wouldn't make it OP.

> > At the moment, The Prestige is totally inferior to Scourge's torch 4 in PVE for no reason.

> >


> To me it feels more or less underhwelming. U cant except the damage + burn to hit ur enemy, cause u cant exactly decide when it's going to be released. This is a big point for me. I'd rather have a more accessable and controlled skill, then a stealth + maybe damage skill every 30 seconds. Yet Torch is the only offhand condition Wepon mesmer has without traits. The only reason ppl take torch in pve/pvp/wvw is


> 1. Burn is the strongest damage condition

> 2. Stealth -> No other option as OH in, because stealth > everything


> Still 9 burns + 1,5k damage every 30 seconds feels undwerwhelming, even in PvP.

> Removing stealth from torch could make room for stealth improvement to other mesmer abilitys.


> Scourge Torch 4 is better in almost every PvE scenario

> - gives the same amount of burn, has lower cooldown,

> - adds torment

> - is controled

> - more power damage when calculated through the cooldowns of both skills


> Edit : I thaught inferior = better, until i googled it. At least we're thinking the same here :D


the only reason people take torch in pve is any other option is worse . its not about that pitiful burn(given it's cd). it's just like dmg mantra for power mes .


and in pvp , for power build , torch 4 has a nice burst too . but well its still worse than scourge torch 4 since thats basically a ranged skill with build in cc and far more dmg + life force gain (how anet think this would be balanced lol )

problem is image is worst of all phant. in many cases you don't want to cast it unless you have nothing else left .


i would suggest torch 4 gain another aoe blind when stealth ends.

as for I-mage , they have to drop those bounce feature .it doesn't really work in most situation especially on mesmer . just make it work like shield . aoe burn on target and

remove the fury from Image , buff burn stack , add long duration fury to the strike when you cast image . fury is a boon you want to gain benefit right away for your burst , not sitting there waiting for image fury apply . current design doesn't make much sense .


that way , it could help both power and condi build.


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> @musu.9205 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @bart.3687 said:

> > > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > > Stealth is Holding Prestige back from cd changes or Overall buffs. My change gives a strong pvp skill though blind and interrupt, while Holding serious pve Value with a Shorter cooldown and charges.

> > >

> > > Thing is, it does NOT need changes in pvp, and in pve stealth is almost meaningless, so reducing its CD in pve wouldn't make it OP.

> > > At the moment, The Prestige is totally inferior to Scourge's torch 4 in PVE for no reason.

> > >

> >

> > To me it feels more or less underhwelming. U cant except the damage + burn to hit ur enemy, cause u cant exactly decide when it's going to be released. This is a big point for me. I'd rather have a more accessable and controlled skill, then a stealth + maybe damage skill every 30 seconds. Yet Torch is the only offhand condition Wepon mesmer has without traits. The only reason ppl take torch in pve/pvp/wvw is

> >

> > 1. Burn is the strongest damage condition

> > 2. Stealth -> No other option as OH in, because stealth > everything

> >

> > Still 9 burns + 1,5k damage every 30 seconds feels undwerwhelming, even in PvP.

> > Removing stealth from torch could make room for stealth improvement to other mesmer abilitys.

> >

> > Scourge Torch 4 is better in almost every PvE scenario

> > - gives the same amount of burn, has lower cooldown,

> > - adds torment

> > - is controled

> > - more power damage when calculated through the cooldowns of both skills

> >

> > Edit : I thaught inferior = better, until i googled it. At least we're thinking the same here :D

> >

> the only reason people take torch in pve is any other option is worse . its not about that pitiful burn(given it's cd). it's just like dmg mantra for power mes .


> and in pvp , for power build , torch 4 has a nice burst too . but well its still worse than scourge torch 4 since thats basically a ranged skill with build in cc and far more dmg + life force gain (how anet think this would be balanced lol )

> problem is image is worst of all phant. in many cases you don't want to cast it unless you have nothing else left .


> i would suggest torch 4 gain another aoe blind when stealth ends.

> as for I-mage , they have to drop those bounce feature .it doesn't really work in most situation especially on mesmer . just make it work like shield . aoe burn on target and

> remove the fury from Image , buff burn stack , add long duration fury to the strike when you cast image . fury is a boon you want to gain benefit right away for your burst , not sitting there waiting for image fury apply . current design doesn't make much sense .


> that way , it could help both power and condi build.



Cant help but to say that i'd love my changes :D

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Stealth on torch is an essential part of what makes the weapon unique and used in certain situations or game modes. I would reject any change which removed it. To make the weapon better they could change the targetting priority of the phantasm's attack to mimic Mirrorblade instead of iDisenchanter, making offense its priority so it will double strike a single target and exhaust all enemy targets before looking for friendlies.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> Stealth on torch is an essential part of what makes the weapon unique and used in certain situations or game modes. I would reject any change which removed it. To make the weapon better they could change the targetting priority of the phantasm's attack to mimic Mirrorblade instead of iDisenchanter, making offense its priority so it will double strike a single target and exhaust all enemy targets before looking for friendlies.


Well yes stealth is an essantial part of torch, because Stealth is generally strong in WvW/pvp and Torch has nothing else. This weapon is not really unique, it's decoy + burn something, MAYBE. Skills are Meele ranged, Phantasm has 1200 range, without any justification. Torch is simply bad designed.


In my opinion my version clearly shows up an Catcher/Burst-Charakter. Fast Gameplay.


Stealth helps the Player preparing the Burst etc. , now look at torch; If u manage to hit torch 4 and even the mesmer's part of torch 5 u are visible, which basically says ; "yo dude u know ... i somehow got the 7 stacks Burn on u...so...in a few seconds my phantasm is going to attack.. u should dodge it....sure i can hold ur cup of coffee."



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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > Stealth on torch is an essential part of what makes the weapon unique and used in certain situations or game modes. I would reject any change which removed it. To make the weapon better they could change the targetting priority of the phantasm's attack to mimic Mirrorblade instead of iDisenchanter, making offense its priority so it will double strike a single target and exhaust all enemy targets before looking for friendlies.


> Well yes stealth is an essantial part of torch, because Stealth is generally strong in WvW/pvp and Torch has nothing else. This weapon is not really unique, it's decoy + burn something, MAYBE. Skills are Meele ranged, Phantasm has 1200 range, without any justification. Torch is simply bad designed.


> In my opinion my version clearly shows up an Catcher/Burst-Charakter. Fast Gameplay.


> Stealth helps the Player preparing the Burst etc. , now look at torch; If u manage to hit torch 4 and even the mesmer's part of torch 5 u are visible, which basically says ; "yo dude u know ... i somehow got the 7 stacks Burn on u...so...in a few seconds my phantasm is going to attack.. u should dodge it....sure i can hold ur cup of coffee."




i think you might want to check how power build actually uses torch before saying something like that .

your idea for torch will just remove its use in pvp and wvw entirely . firebreath on AI , you might want to check the ranger pet before you think thats a good idea lol.

and almost instantly aoe daze on torch 4 combined with dmg condi + teleport is unhealthy for the game . same goes for that unblockable immob .

you are just asking for a broken op skill but no matter how op it will be it will lose its use for many builds since you also deleted the traits synergy. thats just worst balance idea.


torch in its core is an utility weapon which are often used for offensive set up(stealth + fury ) , there is no need to suddenly change it to supernova nuke weapon . also mes doesn't need more burst in pvp .

we need sustain dmg . so cd reduce , function change on Image is what mes needs .bounce attack doesn't work, nor does firebreath . right now 3 phant function are best , gs , swordsman and shield .two of them have leap build in .also think about ranger pet . take what works , not random firebreath.

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