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What does ANET do when a whole server stops playing?


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So I don't want to turn this thread into an arguement so not going to name the server. However I am in T3 and one of our enemy servers has stopped playing. I have to say its so rare to see this many guilds agree to such a drastic blackout, but next week they will definitely be in T4 where they do not belong, as well as possibly open for transfers. There maybe a guild or two still playing out of a sense of fairness but anyone can tell from looking at the points its unnatural. So what do you guys do? I am naturally curious in this case as I realized that for most upper tier servers it becomes advantageous to take weeks off so that your server gets opened for transfers, easier fights against less populated servers, and possibly a better rematch when it is time to relink. This is indeed a concerning problem as it also pushes servers up that shouldnt be. Generally its not good overall for this sort of manipulation to go on but I can't really blame them. Its more and more a concept I am heard thrown around in this one up one down system. I like the one up one down system but definitely fear this will cause us to lose it.

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There are serious problems in WvW that for some reason Anet won't acknowledge. Even if theoretically Anet is correct, if a large mass of the player population doesn't agree, then they should seriously consider making the consumer happier. If they can or are able. It would be really great to know what they intend on doing if anything with wvw.

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Yea, match manipulation has been almost too easy for servers with the 1 up and 1 down thing. Right now I'm on a little brother server linked up in T1. My server and the server we're linked with have no business being in T1. I feel you it sucks being stuck with servers (or in my case going against servers) doing match manipulation.

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Im more interested in what will Anet do, they know this is happening, they know those Guilds haven't just magically disappeared or transferred off, they are staging a boycott which was made blatantly obvious in a now deleted thread, but will Anet cave into their demands and if so who is next to boycott playing because things are not going the way they want.


If they have enough population playing in T4 then they by all intent and purposes they should remain closed that whats happened to other servers that matched the population in that tier. Worst is that IF they get their own way, they have to rise up through all those lower population servers totally outnumbering those said servers making it a bad couple of weeks for some of the matches.


This is a game of bluff, which will win, the server or management.


On a personal note, Im hoping manipulation of matches doesn't win we have seen far too much of that in the past.

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During SEA the other night my server golem rushed all of T3 EBG in 30min. Saw less than 10 enemy players. I logged out after we went to a borderlands and rolled 2 more keeps with no resistance because I was falling asleep. If it wasn't for guilds like [FAM] forcing fights for hours on end I probably wouldn't have bothered getting into my diamond chests this week. On my weeks off from work I do diamond 2-5 times. I didn't work this week...

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> Yea, match manipulation has been almost too easy for servers with the 1 up and 1 down thing. Right now I'm on a little brother server linked up in T1. My server and the server we're linked with have no business being in T1. I feel you it sucks being stuck with servers (or in my case going against servers) doing match manipulation.


If you're on IoJ, then you should know that SoS has been trying to tank as well, and guilds have been threatening to leave if they can't tank out of T1.


It's just that they're abysmal at tanking and there are quite a number of people on who think tanking is 'losing intentionally' and not something they have to do for the sake of the server's health.


I mean, at this point there's literally 5 servers simultaneously tanking at any given time: everyone in T1 and T2.


**ANet will do nothing if a while server stops playing. They do not care.** Neither should you. If they want to tank, let them tank. Everyone deserves a break, after all, as JQ clearly states.


![](https://i.imgur.com/6NQPEME.png "")


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> @Crazy.6029 said:

> There are serious problems in WvW that for some reason Anet won't acknowledge. Even if theoretically Anet is correct, if a large mass of the player population doesn't agree, then they should seriously consider making the consumer happier. If they can or are able. It would be really great to know what they intend on doing if anything with wvw.


The reason is that there is nobody at Anet Working on WvW full-time.

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> @Xillllix.3485 said:

> > @Crazy.6029 said:

> > There are serious problems in WvW that for some reason Anet won't acknowledge. Even if theoretically Anet is correct, if a large mass of the player population doesn't agree, then they should seriously consider making the consumer happier. If they can or are able. It would be really great to know what they intend on doing if anything with wvw.


> The reason is that there is nobody at Anet Working on WvW full-time.


Wich is a weird thing to say, that means ANet has no intentions to spend time coding for WvW or they dont have any project towards WvW.


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> @Nightshade.2570 said:

>There maybe a guild or two still playing out of a sense of fairness but anyone can tell from looking at the points its unnatural. So what do you guys do?



You should be more concerned/upset that the current structure of the game creates and encourages stuff like this because friends can't get onto servers for 7+ months at a time, people want to avoid stale matchups (where before with glicko there was a slight random element to matchups), etc. I don't really know what you mean by _unnatural_ as if there is some kind of God-driven inherent way to play the game.



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> @Endelon.1042 said:

> > @Nightshade.2570 said:

> >There maybe a guild or two still playing out of a sense of fairness but anyone can tell from looking at the points its unnatural. So what do you guys do?



> You should be more concerned/upset that the current structure of the game creates and encourages stuff like this because friends can't get onto servers for 7+ months at a time, people want to avoid stale matchups (where before with glicko there was a slight random element to matchups), etc. I don't really know what you mean by _unnatural_ as if there is some kind of God-driven inherent way to play the game.




The only way to properly play this game is to praise to Dwayna and RP in Stonemist castle. Keke.

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> @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > @Endelon.1042 said:

> > > @Nightshade.2570 said:

> > >There maybe a guild or two still playing out of a sense of fairness but anyone can tell from looking at the points its unnatural. So what do you guys do?

> >

> >

> > You should be more concerned/upset that the current structure of the game creates and encourages stuff like this because friends can't get onto servers for 7+ months at a time, people want to avoid stale matchups (where before with glicko there was a slight random element to matchups), etc. I don't really know what you mean by _unnatural_ as if there is some kind of God-driven inherent way to play the game.

> >

> >


> The only way to properly play this game is to praise to Dwayna and RP in Stonemist castle. Keke.


I think the actual _real_ way to play the game is to post "hey my girlfriend/boyfriend drew [story mission character] and I wanted to share" threads.

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It's not just in T3. Almost everyone has decided that NOT playing the best way to win at WvW.


Blackgate mastered this exploit years ago in their rush to become the most overstacked server. Now everyone esle wants in on the exploit. ANET either doesn't care or is just incapable of figuring out a fix, so nothing is going to change.


And since ANET isn't going to fix this issue, perhaps the best course would be for everyone to boycott WvW altogether and play other games. Let the game mode die and be deleted.

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> @Namer.9750 said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > Yea, match manipulation has been almost too easy for servers with the 1 up and 1 down thing. Right now I'm on a little brother server linked up in T1. My server and the server we're linked with have no business being in T1. I feel you it sucks being stuck with servers (or in my case going against servers) doing match manipulation.


> If you're on IoJ, then you should know that SoS has been trying to tank as well, and guilds have been threatening to leave if they can't tank out of T1.


> It's just that they're abysmal at tanking and there are quite a number of people on who think tanking is 'losing intentionally' and not something they have to do for the sake of the server's health.


> I mean, at this point there's literally 5 servers simultaneously tanking at any given time: everyone in T1 and T2.


> **ANet will do nothing if a while server stops playing. They do not care.** Neither should you. If they want to tank, let them tank. Everyone deserves a break, after all, as JQ clearly states.



Yup, others are just better at tanking, that and we've been linked 2x in a row...and there is something very wrong when at least 5 servers are purposely throwing a match. Some Pete Rose level of match-play happening here.


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I enjoy WvW greatly, but I do ask this, what exactly can Anet do, they cannot force players to play the game mode, there is clearly a reason why these players/guilds have taken this stance, I moved from NA to EU a couple of years ago, because EU was far better in terms of WvW, but even now here on EU its getting stale, when I was on NA ( TC server ) it died a slow death due to a few commanders who ran it as there own little empire then threw all the toys out and bailed, by that time it was so toxic its a wonder they had any WvW players at all, apart from a few dedicated guilds.


Its been mentioned 100x before already, there is no incentive to winning, you gain nothing from coming 3rd or 1st, sure you get a few extra pips but ultimately you will get the same rewards in the long run it will just take longer, the server I am on loves to open field fight, but its hard to get that these days, its more about siege humping in the corner of a tower/keep or who can run away the fastest, that's what is killing WvW for me and the players I play it with,


The fact we just had an entire expansion launch and not a single word about WvW was mentioned sums that up really, until they fix the rewards, ( expand the current system ) and actually make battles/winning worth something, the slow death will continue, and I said in another topic recently that if that is the plan, Id rather Anet pull the plug on WvW completely and put them resources into other content that they can deliver on.


Oh and remove all WXP from siege kills.

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Did anyone stop to think that anet is fine with the tanking? This means potential gem sales at the highest cost possible, which means profit. This has happened before, to the point anet even allowed a certain over stacked server to open last fall (Not BG) that was already gorged like a tick with players so they could make their T1 run.


My hope is anet sticks to their guns and does not open the fat servers. But very low hope based on the potential profit made from tanking servers and them opening up for transfers.


There has been guilds showing up in lower tiers spamming recruitment like crazy. What eminently going to happen is these guilds are going to reload, then transfer up again as that's the plan I hear from most of them. This is the common theme and the wvw way unfortunately and has gone on since launch while the lower tiers get even more players taken away.

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Just open all the servers. If a server overstacks and wins every week, who cares? What does anyone lose? A pip or two each tick? There are no rewards for winning and no penalties for losing. If people want to sit in a 100+ queue at reset, that's their business, let them. It doesn't cost ANET any money. In fact, transfers will make you money. Give your customers what they want. Unlink the servers and let there be lower population servers if people want to play on them.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> The fact we just had an entire expansion launch and not a single word about WvW was mentioned sums that up


The player population for WvW probably isn't high enough for management to devote the development resources to it that would be required to truely overhaul WvW and make it something that's not the total mess it is right now. So, because there's no money there there's no reason to put development time there. It makes more sense for them to put people on living story, expansion3, new systems that can be monetized (mounts), etc. than to put people on WvW which only generates money from transfers.


Edit: I mean the sPvP team is going to have an entire discussion thread today and a bunch of different pvp topics are listed as up for discussion. WvW has had no developer comments or announcements for 7+ months (since pips were added in June).

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The only action Anet can do is lower the population threshold locks so that fuller servers who are tanking will have to sit out even longer if they want to go that route, but then we go back to locking a lot of other servers again.


What else would you expect them to be able to do?

This situation was caused by the long standing population balance, which mostly stems from tier one. I think Anet made a huge mistake by not giving JQ a link last time and instead gave it to Mag, I think things could be quite different right now if they hadn't done that.


At this point they should just open all the servers, if people want to stack on the top server so be it, the situation wouldn't be any different than now anyways with servers wanting to avoid tier one. Most of us know being in a tier one and winning doesn't have much meaning, as the population thins out again we can see clearly again coverage is what gets you wins, all you get is pride in adding a number to the win column over servers that can't compete on that level anyways, tier four servers are mostly stuck in tier four for a reason.


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> @Endelon.1042 said:


> The player population for WvW probably isn't high enough for management to devote the development resources to it that would be required to truely overhaul WvW and make it something that's not the total mess it is right now. So, because there's no money there there's no reason to put development time there. It makes more sense for them to put people on living story, expansion3, new systems that can be monetized (mounts), etc. than to put people on WvW which only generates money from transfers.


> Edit: I mean the sPvP team is going to have an entire discussion thread today and a bunch of different pvp topics are listed as up for discussion. WvW has had no developer comments or announcements for 7+ months (since pips were added in June).


That's not it. ANet stated it outright 40% of GW2's population play all game modes and 10% play specifically PvP and WvW. The fact that they didn't specify those numbers mean it should about be the same for sPvP and WvW in terms of overall population.


The problem with WvW is something different.

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