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Why is there no high vitality medium profession?


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Necro have high vit coz he dont have any invunerability or block... and whole class is build on bigger health pool.


But if pick between ranger and engineer.... i would choose engi... its build more to be bruiser... scrapper, holo... but both of them are ok with hp they have now i think :)

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> @intox.6347 said:

> Necro have high vit coz he dont have any invunerability or block... and whole class is build on bigger health pool.


> But if pick between ranger and engineer.... i would choose engi... its build more to be bruiser... scrapper, holo... but both of them are ok with hp they have now i think :)


Necro makes kinda sense but warrior kinda doesnt, i have no problem with it but warrior has high defenses but also high health.


I personally would choose ranger (kinda bit of bias here tbh) i think it would benefit more.

Ranger has split dmg with pets and as you said, engi already has bruiser capabbilities and already can be quiet tanky.

In addition to that i think ranger has more synergy because of traits that interacts with vita.


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Thief should be high vitality medium, because it has just only so far its high mobility as one defensive mechanism and blinds.


Rangers have Damage Absorbs, Damage Reflections, their Pets as Tanks (at least in PvE), blinds based on their builds/pets, access to Protection and Regeneration, as as Druids when played well basicalyl unkillable as they simply can outheal your damage..


Engineers have lots of access to regeneration and protection as well, have basically perma regeneration/vigor as long you dont destroy their healing turret, have reflects, can make themsel briefly invulnerable to becoming tiny, have their turrets for distractions and can call on demand any tie a whole bunc h of them to crush on you, stunning you.

When it comes to self defense, thy have much more variety, than the thief, so they absolutely dont need to have the highest health of all medium classes.


If there needs to have one of them the highest health, then basicalyl the thief, because if has the least minimum amount of defensive gameplay.. its all about focused on stealth, if you do a mistake with stealth or your dodges, your dead practically, because you have unlike the other classes no real goo ways to mitigate incoming damage, other then eventually using at the right moment skills, upgrade effects or trait effetcs, that can blind your enemiy in situations, where your stealth or dodges won#t help you and even then its by current design so ,that thieves have of all medium classes the lowest health, when it fact it would be more right for them to have the highest that they should have as a roaming class specialized in 1 on 1 combat that the thief should be, instead of a +1 pet that the class has been misdesigned into over the last 3 years by ANets skill changes and trait changes.

it would be at least fairer, if they woudl have at least same as much base health, as like rangers instead of lousy laughable 11,6k Base Health then better more balanced 16k Health, what would make Thieves more balanced in review that they have just only Stealth, Dodges and Blindness as their defensive mechanics, while Naet has mostly destroyed their uniqueness of Stealth mostly compltely, and added quite a load of reveal to the other classes too to the point that you can say, that Stealth by far isn't anymore the bst and easiest self defense of the thief anymore, that it once was 2012 to say, its right that this class should have such an extreme low base health by now..


But as I do say, the game is so extremely outdated in most of its combat mechanic systems by now, health in general needs in this game a complete rebalancing among all classes to become finally more adapted to all the powercreep of the last years

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Thief has basically low health because they have high acces to stealth and huge mobility.

The point that thief would get high vitality is out of the question because the health pools still would be oddly distributed and would open a new disscussion: Which medium class would get the lowest health pool? And honestly thief players are fine with high evades, mobility and stealth. Their elite is lacking stuff but it wouldnt justify the healthpool change.

The point with invuln on engineer still wouldnt disqualify id, because warrior has acces to invuln too and a lot of resistance and lots blocks.

The point with the healing on ranger is kinda viable because guardian (which was the main "support" of the core game) has a low health threshold and eles which can heal strong too has a low vita too. But you have to take in mind that these two do not require an elite spec and are not resource gated.

In conclusion id say that engineer would seem to fit the theme, they do not have huge healing access like necro or warr has and they are kinda frontline bruisers.

I still would prefer ranger because of my own bias and the synergy it would give with converting vitality into expertise, but engineer has its justifications too.


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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Thief should be high vitality medium, because it has just only so far its high mobility as one defensive mechanism and blinds.


> Rangers have Damage Absorbs, Damage Reflections, their Pets as Tanks (at least in PvE), blinds based on their builds/pets, access to Protection and Regeneration, as as Druids when played well basicalyl unkillable as they simply can outheal your damage..


> Engineers have lots of access to regeneration and protection as well, have basically perma regeneration/vigor as long you dont destroy their healing turret, have reflects, can make themsel briefly invulnerable to becoming tiny, have their turrets for distractions and can call on demand any tie a whole bunc h of them to crush on you, stunning you.

> When it comes to self defense, thy have much more variety, than the thief, so they absolutely dont need to have the highest health of all medium classes.


> If there needs to have one of them the highest health, then basicalyl the thief, because if has the least minimum amount of defensive gameplay.. its all about focused on stealth, if you do a mistake with stealth or your dodges, your dead practically, because you have unlike the other classes no real goo ways to mitigate incoming damage, other then eventually using at the right moment skills, upgrade effects or trait effetcs, that can blind your enemiy in situations, where your stealth or dodges won#t help you and even then its by current design so ,that thieves have of all medium classes the lowest health, when it fact it would be more right for them to have the highest that they should have as a roaming class specialized in 1 on 1 combat that the thief should be, instead of a +1 pet that the class has been misdesigned into over the last 3 years by ANets skill changes and trait changes.

> it would be at least fairer, if they woudl have at least same as much base health, as like rangers instead of lousy laughable 11,6k Base Health then better more balanced 16k Health, what would make Thieves more balanced in review that they have just only Stealth, Dodges and Blindness as their defensive mechanics, while Naet has mostly destroyed their uniqueness of Stealth mostly compltely, and added quite a load of reveal to the other classes too to the point that you can say, that Stealth by far isn't anymore the bst and easiest self defense of the thief anymore, that it once was 2012 to say, its right that this class should have such an extreme low base health by now..


> But as I do say, the game is so extremely outdated in most of its combat mechanic systems by now, health in general needs in this game a complete rebalancing among all classes to become finally more adapted to all the powercreep of the last years


Thief is also supposed to be a hard and fast hitter. That's not suited to a high vit class.

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Which is why i corrected myself at the end, that I not really demand thief to be the class of the 3 with the highest health of themn all.. it would be just basicalyl enough to fix the health system and make sure, that there is no class anymore of any class type with such lousy low health like 11,6k ...

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Which is why i corrected myself at the end, that I not really demand thief to be the class of the 3 with the highest health of themn all.. it would be just basicalyl enough to fix the health system and make sure, that there is no class anymore of any class type with such lousy low health like 11,6k ...


Those healthpools made sense when not every single profession was able to achieve 10k+ bursts.

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interesting fact is that engineer was primarly designed to be an heavy profession (if you don't believe me just go ascalon and see all those heavy armor charr engineer using pistols) but they fall to be medium with medium healthpool.


If someone in medium should have high healthpool it's gonna be them, they are the real frontline bruisers here.


Don't even speak about high HP thieves this would be totally OP

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I rather thief had higher damage output than HP. If they bring up HP the cited reason why thief wont be among TOP dpsers is going to be 'cause its got higher base HP'. Horrible. I think engineer or soulbeast elite is more thematically suited as a higher HP profession anyway, but ranger with pets already has some form of tanking.

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lol, I have 4 Thieves and I have to say no to high HP, it's not necessary.


At the same time, I would not want either Ranger or Engi to have high HP either since they have access to a lot of healing.


I think what we need to look at is Dynamic Health Pool (Effective Health) instead of Static Health Pool (max HP).


A single Withdraw where the Thief can prevent 100% of the damage (on evade) and heal every 18s (14s when traited) give the profession high effective health. That's why Thief doesn't need a static higher HP.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > Which is why i corrected myself at the end, that I not really demand thief to be the class of the 3 with the highest health of themn all.. it would be just basicalyl enough to fix the health system and make sure, that there is no class anymore of any class type with such lousy low health like 11,6k ...


> Those healthpools made sense when not every single profession was able to achieve 10k+ bursts.


This was always one of my main concerns since the three full traits were implemented few month before HoT, then HoT added a wave of power creep. Much of the power creep to sustainability was removed, but even with the much higher hp level HP pools never changed.


In my opinion it is one of the main balance issues in PvP.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> We have warrior as high vit heavy and necro as high vit light.

> But we got 2 medium vit medium professions.

> Why is that and which of these two would be best suited for this?


Ranger is the high Vitality medium armor class... it's just that the extra health is tied to a pet, not your own health pool.

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