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Scourge is really depressing!


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> 'I feel Anet just remains clueless or intentionally blind.'


> No! you are the one who remain clueless and intentionally blind. You claim to play Necromancer yet asking them to be nerfed. Next time you want to direct attack Anet and the Necromancer community; bring your history with you.


> You know absolutely nothing about Necromancer and how Anet and the toxic community mistreated them for 5 years.


> That's right!! for 5 kitten years


> Still not satisfied?


> **No class deserves to be depressed except the Necromancer**




Wasnt Necromancer back in the day in allmost every single team comp that played the World Tournaments?

But anyway, yeah, Scourge is broken...but its nothing new, Anet have a history of making no risk/high reward professions...Scourge is like Turret Engi 3.0 ( 2.0 was DH before getting nerfed)

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> They can lower scourge damage indeed, but it's the scourge concept which is totally wrong ( especially in a SPvP scenario with capture points ).


yeah, it's not their dmg, it's their aoe spam and high condi application that makes Spvp lame, more then 1 +firebrand support is just annoying. Maybe they can do some target/radius nerfs for Spvp only. I would not mind so much if scourge was harder to play, it takes no effort to play.

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Scourge has ruined this season. The OP is right, every match where the other team has 2 scourges we get absolutely wrecked. The only people defending scourges are people playing scourge. It's so OP that people are choosing it because they don't have to learn any class mechanics to be good at it because it it main ability is passive condi bombing. All you have to do is move your character around. What idiot thought this was a good idea. Every expansion this nonsense happens.

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> Scourge has ruined this season. The OP is right, every match where the other team has 2 scourges we get absolutely wrecked. The only people defending scourges are people playing scourge. It's so OP that people are choosing it because they don't have to learn any class mechanics to be good at it because it it main ability is passive condi bombing. All you have to do is move your character around. What idiot thought this was a good idea. Every expansion this nonsense happens.


Sad part is scourge was advertised as a support hybrid as well lol, was suppose to focus on healing/barrier with condi as their side dmg.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> 'I feel Anet just remains clueless or intentionally blind.'


> No! you are the one who remain clueless and intentionally blind. You claim to play Necromancer yet asking them to be nerfed. Next time you want to direct attack Anet and the Necromancer community; bring your history with you.


> You know absolutely nothing about Necromancer and how Anet and the toxic community mistreated them for 5 years.


> That's right!! for 5 kitten years


> Still not satisfied?


> **No class deserves to be depressed except the Necromancer**




You really didnt add to or take away from anything he said. Instead of saying Scourge shouldn't be nerfed because necro has had the short end of the stick for 5 years, how about making a sensible argument? Unless you agree scourge is overkill but just want necro to remain in th spotlight for a bit longer like the other classes have been in the past.


Scourge isnt even the problem in the first place. its conditions in general. Nerf scourge today, Another condi build will occupy the forums. This is the reason why every other team game with a class system built the game to prevent stacking. Because gw2 is an MMORPG you cannot do that. So basically having 5v5 conquest in gw2 really was a rookie move by the devs.


Even if they miraculously get tuesday's patch right how long before people discover, stacking something else is as effective. Double rev used to be the buzz then they axed the class. Double trap DH wiped whole teams, now it is irrelevant. Today it is double scourge. Next in line is likely double mirage.


Since condi is also not going away that is going to cause more problems. Ive always said that they should get rid of the condition damage stat and have one stat for base damage. Conditions should be something that procs on some weapon skills that assists direct damage not be a replacement. If you want condi damage as the main damage put all the damage bonuses and stacking potential in the traits and have it replace skill function not add to it.

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> @"Lucifer.7289" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > Scourge has ruined this season. The OP is right, every match where the other team has 2 scourges we get absolutely wrecked. The only people defending scourges are people playing scourge. It's so OP that people are choosing it because they don't have to learn any class mechanics to be good at it because it it main ability is passive condi bombing. All you have to do is move your character around. What idiot thought this was a good idea. Every expansion this nonsense happens.


> Sad part is scourge was advertised as a support hybrid as well lol, was suppose to focus on healing/barrier with condi as their side dmg.


i honestly expected support to be thier main role and condi as side. all it did was just vormit more condis out of it's rotten mouth.

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > @"Lucifer.7289" said:

> > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > Scourge has ruined this season. The OP is right, every match where the other team has 2 scourges we get absolutely wrecked. The only people defending scourges are people playing scourge. It's so OP that people are choosing it because they don't have to learn any class mechanics to be good at it because it it main ability is passive condi bombing. All you have to do is move your character around. What idiot thought this was a good idea. Every expansion this nonsense happens.

> >

> > Sad part is scourge was advertised as a support hybrid as well lol, was suppose to focus on healing/barrier with condi as their side dmg.


> i honestly expected support to be thier main role and condi as side. all it did was just vormit more condis out of it's rotten mouth.


Actually they don't vomit condies; vomitting comes out from the mouth, and it is very exhausting.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> I'd much rather have 2 scourges on the other team than a good mirage... At least you can still mostly manage the match around two scourges rolling together, but a mirage that knows what he is doing is literally uncounterable--except by a better mirage.


Yes, but the skill cap on mirage is higher, not many people playing mirage in pug ranked matches that know how to abuse the class/portal correctly. Scourge is just any joe picks up and spams condi on point with firebrand support. much harder to deal with unless you have your own scourge/support.

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> @"Titan.3472" said:

> Remove class stacking. And nerf conditions to the ground !!!


Nerf to the ground is not a good thing either, issue is everything is boon and condi, they need to revert and change skills and utilities more similiar with gw1 design.


Problem for most would be, they need to start knowing what they want to do instead of keymashing.


https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Condition , this requires skills and knowledge.




https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition , this requires leech the bad balance and class design, stack and spam the better u can.



Note: boons are on the same boat, countering by massive boon corruption is not a good thing either.

Anet needs to change boons to watch they were and give enchantments and other skill types variety a better role than be everything boon stacking as well.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Titan.3472" said:

> > Remove class stacking. And nerf conditions to the ground !!!


> Nerf to the ground is not a good thing either, issue is everything is boon and condi, they need to revert and change skills and utilities more similiar with gw1 design.


> Problem for most would be, they need to start knowing what they want to do instead of keymashing.


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Condition , this requires skills and knowledge.

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hex_spell



> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition , this requires leech the bad balance and class design, stack and spam the better u can.




Yeah agreed, conditions really started to dumb down gw2's towards the end of vanilla and start of heart of thorns power creep. Even in Pve condi builds are reallly easy/boring to play with the exception of maybe condi engineer. Feel conditions are just lazy these days.

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> @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Warrior was the one that was legit on top consistently because of it's damage, skills, and traits. And look, it's /still/ on top.


> Warrior was absolute trash tier from the time of the [quickness nerf](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2013-04-30#Warrior "quickness nerf") until HoT introduced [arc divider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2015-10-23#Berserker "arc divider").




Lul no.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > Warrior was the one that was legit on top consistently because of it's damage, skills, and traits. And look, it's /still/ on top.

> >

> > Warrior was absolute trash tier from the time of the [quickness nerf](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2013-04-30#Warrior "quickness nerf") until HoT introduced [arc divider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2015-10-23#Berserker "arc divider").

> >

> >


> Lul no.


It was... If there was a profession that was out of PvP in vanilla, that was the warrior... No survivability, no damage... Honnestly the warrior was very underwhelming in PvP at this point of the game.

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> @"Lucifer.7289" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > I'd much rather have 2 scourges on the other team than a good mirage... At least you can still mostly manage the match around two scourges rolling together, but a mirage that knows what he is doing is literally uncounterable--except by a better mirage.


> Yes, but the skill cap on mirage is higher, not many people playing mirage in pug ranked matches that know how to abuse the class/portal correctly. Scourge is just any joe picks up and spams condi on point with firebrand support. much harder to deal with unless you have your own scourge/support.


True that. And arguably, it's the herpadurp rez'ing power of FB that makes scourge so good... Because you have to down them, survive them getting rez'ed/instantly f5'ing, and then down them again b4 the fb's cd's some back.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > > Warrior was the one that was legit on top consistently because of it's damage, skills, and traits. And look, it's /still/ on top.

> > >

> > > Warrior was absolute trash tier from the time of the [quickness nerf](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2013-04-30#Warrior "quickness nerf") until HoT introduced [arc divider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2015-10-23#Berserker "arc divider").

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Lul no.


> It was... If there was a profession that was out of PvP in vanilla, that was the warrior... No survivability, no damage... Honnestly the warrior was very underwhelming in PvP at this point of the game.


Ever heard of hambow? Shoutbow? These builds were completely meta defining for extended periods of time. During the times warrior wasn't dominant there was always at least one solid build once heal signet got buffed up.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Lucifer.7289" said:

> > > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > I'd much rather have 2 scourges on the other team than a good mirage... At least you can still mostly manage the match around two scourges rolling together, but a mirage that knows what he is doing is literally uncounterable--except by a better mirage.

> >

> > Yes, but the skill cap on mirage is higher, not many people playing mirage in pug ranked matches that know how to abuse the class/portal correctly. Scourge is just any joe picks up and spams condi on point with firebrand support. much harder to deal with unless you have your own scourge/support.


> True that. And arguably, it's the herpadurp rez'ing power of FB that makes scourge so good... Because you have to down them, survive them getting rez'ed/instantly f5'ing, and then down them again b4 the fb's cd's some back.


As well you can't get in melee range or near the scourges without being dropped with mass condis and re applied after you cleanse instantly, for a game mode that requires to cap points, it's a huge advantage for the scourges.

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I had a handful of matches the other day with one particularly heinous and garbage player who would queue on one class, then switch to his scourge once matched up in hopes that his team would have three scourges (maybe more). This class/build is easily flavor of the season and I hope it gets its damage nerfed. That's the only thing that's going to hurt it. Scourge's sustain is already very poor and nerfing that will do nothing to decrease this 4/10 scourges per match.

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> so why are they kept so broken and overpowered? its strange they should of have being tunned down not tomorrow but yesterday its not about perfect balance its about classes not being so obviously op


Because they didn't sell enough PoF copies yet, duhh. Scourge is basically revenant of HoT - stupidly overtuned for the sake of sales.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> 'I feel Anet just remains clueless or intentionally blind.'


> No! you are the one who remain clueless and intentionally blind. You claim to play Necromancer yet asking them to be nerfed. Next time you want to direct attack Anet and the Necromancer community; bring your history with you.


> You know absolutely nothing about Necromancer and how Anet and the toxic community mistreated them for 5 years.


> That's right!! for 5 kitten years


> Still not satisfied?


> **No class deserves to be depressed except the Necromancer**




Next elite spec for necromancer confirmed: Drama Queen!

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> @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > 'I feel Anet just remains clueless or intentionally blind.'

> >

> > No! you are the one who remain clueless and intentionally blind. You claim to play Necromancer yet asking them to be nerfed. Next time you want to direct attack Anet and the Necromancer community; bring your history with you.

> >

> > You know absolutely nothing about Necromancer and how Anet and the toxic community mistreated them for 5 years.

> >

> > That's right!! for 5 kitten years

> >

> > Still not satisfied?

> >

> > **No class deserves to be depressed except the Necromancer**

> >

> >


> Next elite spec for necromancer confirmed: Drama Queen!


I thought elite specs were supposed to open up new options for the class, not just strengthen existing ones.

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> @"Kuya.6495" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > 'I feel Anet just remains clueless or intentionally blind.'

> >

> > No! you are the one who remain clueless and intentionally blind. You claim to play Necromancer yet asking them to be nerfed. Next time you want to direct attack Anet and the Necromancer community; bring your history with you.

> >

> > You know absolutely nothing about Necromancer and how Anet and the toxic community mistreated them for 5 years.

> >

> > That's right!! for 5 kitten years

> >

> > Still not satisfied?

> >

> > **No class deserves to be depressed except the Necromancer**

> >

> >


> Next elite spec for necromancer confirmed: Drama Queen!



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