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Istan has destroyed the games economy - nerf inc?


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Silk 30c, ectos 19s, thick leather 54c, powerful bloods 28s.


> This map has single-handedly destroyed the entire games economy. Is there going to be a fix for this?


Um that is really weird because...

I haven't been to Istan since Day 2 or 3. Went there a few times and just don't find the map fun to go to.

I've been everywhere else though.

Core, a little bit of PoF, a little bit of HoT.

And you know what? I've had like 7 stacks of silk I just kept holding onto until I just couldn't hold no more and sold them.

Same for thick leather, and powerful blood, and elder wood, and large claws, and a few other things.


It's not Istan.

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Can concur what OP said. Go to gw2tp and you guys will find out the mats price drop significantly since 30 November, around the time when LW4 launch. The degree of price drop is taking trend on what we seen on orichalcum after PoF launch. This only shows correlation but it is quite convincing with so many farm map appearing.


From what I heard though dev is trying to address unwanted effects etc. So I think they have taken notice.

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That's great! I've been wanting to finish crafting ascended medium armour but the high price of leather, silk and ecto was putting me off. Now it won't be so bad. :D


Seriously a lot of people have been complaining that some materials, leather especially, are too expensive for quite a while. (I haven't been complaining, but I really did decide to hold off on finishing my ascended armour.) But prices change over time, that's what happens in any market. There was a long time when Thick Leather was vendor trash. You literally couldn't give it away (I tried) because everyone had more than they needed. So Anet increased the sinks for it and the price went up. Now it's going back down. The same thing has happened at various times with silk, wood, ecto, blood, and pretty much every other material and will probably continue to happen in future.


There's no absolute best price for each one - what's good for people farming and selling it is terrible for people who want to use it and vice versa. If Anet thinks it's going too far one way or the other they will take steps to fix it like they have in the past, but you can't expect them to keep prices constant.

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I don't see a nerf incoming to be honest, if they nerfed it that map would be dead in 30 seconds, and Anet know it, the prices are starting to balance out, prices have been inflated in the past due to the fact that some mats very rarely dropped.


I can see Anet adding things to the game that require a bunch more of them in the future, ( thinking guild hall upgrades ) maybe future armor/weapons etc.


But lets be honest, the 60s for T6 blood and 20s for T6 venom, yea something had to change, and the new maps have done that.


The only people ive seen complaining about it are the hoarders and the TP flippers.

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First thing to ask is why they added it.

It seems very much it is done cause of complaints that PoF lacked meta's. With the addition of new meta's it is normal it will attrack many people. They have to know the long term effects.


For example with Auric Basin, it took them 6 months to change things. As someone working the market you can do one thing to manipulate it. Do not sell or buy for prices that you find too low. Either keep your money or stash the stuff. One day prices will go up again. Either cause the hype calms down or cause Anet nerfs it.

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Due to supply and demand (and the griffon gold rush?) the price of everything that's easy to get has plummeted, and some harder-to-find T3 and T4 mats have skyrocketed. If people can't make as much profit as they want on the T5 and T6 bonanza, they will just have to spend more time farming lower level maps, for the stuff that doesn't just drop into your lap.

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Don't forget that a lot of people have hoarded massive amounts of mats because they waited for the new legendary, with the new legendary having a niche aesthetic (I love it though) and being a niche weapon (focus). The majority of players will not craft it and therefore the massive spike in demands for mats did not happen.


Now many people want to empty their bank slots and get rid of the useless mats, since the next legendary is probably still many months away

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Istan, plus to my knowledge, there hasn't been any wide scale mat sinks since Ascended crafting, and when Guild Halls were first introduced, aside from new Legendaries, and not everyone aims to make one of those.


It's like if you're not crafting a legendary , there isn't much to do with mats unless you want to craft a cheap exotic set for an alt rq, and even then you may just buy it off the TP. A lot of the new and popular sets require the use of newly introduced materials, so that doesn't help either.

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I was sad at seeing the PoF prices drop at first for things that I sell, but then I realized I was making far more money than before. Same seems to be true for LW4.1.


I guess it raises the question: What, if any, items are seeing a drastic 'increase' in price on the AH? If we're getting richer, even though it would seem the day-to-day things we sell are selling for cheaper, something 'must' be selling for more? Precursors or other legendary mats jumping?

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Muiltiloot on the great hall and paladawan were really terrible ideas. Before christmas tier 5 trophies will be nearing vendor prices, that's absurd. This is the greatest drop ever in prices the game has ever experienced. Prices are at an all-time low. Soon if it's not fixed there will be no more economy to speak of and massive, ugly, grindy sinks will be implemented to counter this. On the short term, this looks like a nice boon, but on the long term the devs will do anything to fix this and it will be really ugly. They have to. Half of the game is relying on that economy. IMO raw gold would have been far less problematic but no, they picked mats, and deflation is kicking in.

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Now it's easier to make a legendary weapon (-200 gold), armor insignias. It's good for me because i recently created one legendary) Plus i have gold for gemstore items (which is bad for anet) If you are not sick of it, keep farming this magic/gold. I see no problem with new map.

I came back from 5 years break. And the only difference i see between myself and regular player is number of legendaries and achievements points. No need to rush. Enjoy the game, everything has its time B)

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