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Remove desert border completly


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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > but that is cause ANET wants strucutres to flip and be ktrained IMO.

> That's what _the players_ want, Anet clearly wants people to fight over control of structures. iirc, a lot of the original design of the DBL was specifically to break up that style of play and encourage defense, but people hated it.


That is wrong cause players have no other option, imo thats the wront way to think, that is the final effect of somethign that went bad and pushed that behaviour, even defense on walls is punishive to the defenders.... i say it is ANet masterplan cause it is how the game is ment to work, player just got brainwashed to the low effort this game is.


DBL, if was ment to encorage defense, it was a super fail, due how the keeps are designed (i do actually like the towers theme and design tho, necropolis should have a grave yeard that would give bonus to necro minions xD on defensive team), every keep can be trebbed and cata'ed from the above, wish in struture VS defense combat is it a joke to carry the offensive team, just cause it makes the team on the offense to walk more and not having a close structure to hide back or runway like ALPINE or EB, does not make it a map suposed to be defensive, keeps as well have a lot of walls to be atacked and size of the keep is way hard to scout wich make blob easyer to drop lots of siege for a easy cap.

In my humble opinion DBL could be an awesome map, bue due game lack of mechanics and made to carry players on offensive gameplay, it works like a placebo reason defenders dont like the map, and guild only go there if they can blob one structure easilly, but every WvW map has its failures.


EB and AP, have their own lameness as well, they arent perfect, IMO i respect more players and guild that fight on the DBL than on the noobage maps where they can ktrain faster and hide/run back to a tower that is closer.


DBL needs better keep designs, more defensive waypoints maybe, or ANet needs to make the game mode better overall with more decent mechanics w/o being powercreep or leech mechanics.


Maybe ANet need to improve the waypoints on the game.

I actually would like that ANet make the guild that own a structure have acces to teleport to the tower/strucutre any time, and the normal waypint could work for players that dont belong to it, keeps need a treasure room with some kewl stuff if owned for few days straight to make them more valuable, and acces to new mechanics like new siege mounts, charr panzer(fire keep), playable flying ship (air keep) there this could be deployable on pve as well, would be intersting to use this on dragon fights lol.. WvW can actually be tuned up to give a massive overhoul to the game, pitty that ANet just want barbie wars while being a awfull pvp game :(~

And... i started to divagate a little :skull:


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Desert borderland is far and away my favourite borderland map. I mostly play WvW. Alpine is okay, but bores me - in practically every case I'd rather be on desert. The terrain variability in desert makes for much more dynamic battles. The lord fights are way more fun than facerolling a static champ. Perhaps some modifications could be made, but removal is nonsense. We need more WvW maps, not fewer. So conservative, these folks.


Plus desert is way, way prettier, you guys. Alpine so 2012 mode. ='(

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> @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.


> WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...




Many of us love this BL and taking it 'away' would harm the game.

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> > @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> > I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.

> >

> > WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...


> No!


> Many of us love this BL and taking it 'away' would harm the game.

I am 100% certain that deleting DBL would have little to no impact, but granted wouldnt really help WvW either since it have one major pro: it compacts all border population on 2 maps for more action.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"atheria.2837" said:

> > > @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> > > I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.

> > >

> > > WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...

> >

> > No!

> >

> > Many of us love this BL and taking it 'away' would harm the game.

> I am 100% certain that deleting DBL would have little to no impact, but granted wouldnt really help WvW either since it have one major pro: it compacts all border population on 2 maps for more action.


'compacts all border population on 2 maps'


No, even without the desert there would still be four maps, one would just revert to the alpine.


The Desert BL has its place - if you haven't taken air alone, I suggest you try it, it's fun.

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"atheria.2837" said:

> > > > @"Dopamine.7502" said:

> > > > I think it's about time this map gets removed completly. Despite some good adjustments it's simply not doable to have the weakest server have the hardest map to defend. Most towers and keeps dont have any real good siege spots to counter enemy siege. With them being so large it also requires alot more siege to properly set it up. I think if you check activity on all maps you will notice DBL is by far the least played map. To help keep WvW fair everyone should have the same map as their home border. There are countless more reasons why this map is far inferior compared to alpine border.

> > > >

> > > > WvW nearly got destroyed when we only had desert maps so i dont see the reason to even keep 1 desert map open. Alot of players prefer not playing over playing in desert border. Does anyone know a dedicated WvW player that enjoys desert more then alpine? I havent met them yet...

> > >

> > > No!

> > >

> > > Many of us love this BL and taking it 'away' would harm the game.

> > I am 100% certain that deleting DBL would have little to no impact, but granted wouldnt really help WvW either since it have one major pro: it compacts all border population on 2 maps for more action.


> 'compacts all border population on 2 maps'


> No, even without the desert there would still be four maps, one would just revert to the alpine.


> The Desert BL has its place - if you haven't taken air alone, I suggest you try it, it's fun.

I meant the pro of _having_ DBL is that we can intentionally ignore a third of the borders and focus on fighting over 2 of them. When you cant fully populate 3 borders (which server can outside of 1 hour on reset?) thats great. Maybe I was unclear, sorry.

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> Agree keep DBL but give it to the top server make them work a bit more for thier points let them defend red ebg and dbl make them work a bit more sounds fair to me ,


Now here I thought that DBL is supposed to be a good defensive map. It's interesting to think that giving DBL to the strongest server doesn't even sound like a bad idea since no one wants to defend it

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> 'compacts all border population on 2 maps'


> No, even without the desert there would still be four maps, one would just revert to the alpine.


> The Desert BL has its place - if you haven't taken air alone, I suggest you try it, it's fun.


actually for me desert keep lords are easier than the alpine ones as they have no adds and no healing below 50% so even if upscaled you can kill them solo and apart from fire one were i lose alot of dps on dogges i kill air and earth keeps alot faster than the alpine one solo. towers are faster on alpine for me tho as i am mainly thief and just need staff 1,1,1,1 reflect the lord :D

but i also do prefer DBL over alpine, if they were removed i would probably just sit on EB again like before DBL as i think alpine maps are super boring.

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Anet didn't give us a choice when they made DBL the one and only wvw map, so giving us a choice of keeping it doesn't really count does it? For the record I voted not to keep it. It was designed by HoT devs. The influence is all over each twisted road. Remember when it first came out and they had to remove certain barricades just so you could get around? Ya that's what happens when you let PVE creep in.


I'm with OP. I'd rather play on other servers Alpine BL or EB rather than DBL

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IDK.. with gliding added to WvW, DBL is not so bad. :smile: Plus with having some of the gimmicks removed - laser event, barricades, etc., it's more appealing compared to when it was first introduced. I also really enjoy fighting "inside" Fire and Earth keeps... and even Air (but I still get a little lost in there... haha :sweat_smile:). I've enjoyed some epic battles on DBL over the last couple years! :smiley:


Also note: in its current state, I often find the DBL to be a _refreshing change of scenery_ compared to EBG and the ABL's. And like others, I would love a 3rd BL map as long as the WvW community was brought in early and frequently to critique and suggest changes **BEFORE** it would go live. :+1:

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> As someone who has been on many servers, I find these threads funny, as there are always a host of posts from people who "only" play DBL, so when I go there and see zero people, ask in map chat for groups or roamers etc etc and cata and cap a tower solo, I really wonder where all these DBL only posters are.


You're on Mag aren't you....

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> As someone who has been on many servers, I find these threads funny, as there are always a host of posts from people who "only" play DBL, so when I go there and see zero people, ask in map chat for groups or roamers etc etc and cata and cap a tower solo, I really wonder where all these DBL only posters are.


Probably only in tier 1. I heard that there's no fight to be found anywhere there.

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