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It's that polarizing personality and how her dynamic contrasts with moments in the story when it's supposed to be intense or serious that can throw players off. Personally, I really like Taimi. She makes the adventure more fun and light-hearted, she's usually helpful, and often hilarious. But I didn't like how they had her act in Daybreak. It came off too desperate and blubbery even for Taimi IMO.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> Because to them she brings up long repressed memories of Navi....


> Or more realistically they just don't like the idea of an all encompassing child genius doing some of the most mind boggling things while simultaneously playing the part of comic relief.


Sorry, I never hated Navi. I actually liked Navi in OOT.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > Because to them she brings up long repressed memories of Navi....

> >

> > Or more realistically they just don't like the idea of an all encompassing child genius doing some of the most mind boggling things while simultaneously playing the part of comic relief.


> Sorry, I never hated Navi. I actually liked Navi in OOT.


What little bit of your sanity is left has my condolences.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > Because to them she brings up long repressed memories of Navi....

> > >

> > > Or more realistically they just don't like the idea of an all encompassing child genius doing some of the most mind boggling things while simultaneously playing the part of comic relief.

> >

> > Sorry, I never hated Navi. I actually liked Navi in OOT.


> What little bit of your sanity is left has my condolences.


I used to use her pretty much as a flashlight in some of the areas when I didn't have a torch or the sun song yet. Never had an issue of her talking either.


I heard Fi was horrible, but I never played Skyward Sword as I just couldn't stand the art style.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> Why is there so many ppl hating on Taimi? She was very helpful all through out the game altho she has it very hard. She did nothing wrong imo and only reason i keep hearing is that she is annoying by giving you constant updates and info. Like wth???? Why do you hate her ppl? i can understand Braham but why Taimi?


Coz she talks alot ans shes just a plot device when shit hits the fan.


I must admit tho i enjoyed her performance in this episode.Until she started talking alot in the final fight.

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Tiami is great, but I think some people have a problem with her making other asura useless.... She's a child, but seems to be beyond almost any in-game asura. Sometimes it feels a little strange for her to make other asura look human/charr/norn, in terms of their intellect.


Otherwise, I love her. And since I only play human characters, it always feels fine for me. But it's surprising how dumb other asura can be in comparison.

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My asura, Arrff and Oofi, have issues with her being smarter than them, despite never doing anything to deserve that knowledge (in their opinion, although I'll acquiesce to the fact she's had a fair bit of off-screen lab-related shenanigans where STUFF! probably got done which was too boring to show). Arrff and Oofi have filed a request to swap her out for Professor Gorr, who is more thoughtful and less likely to put himself in harm's way like he has a fetish for it. That, and, kids should be kept out of stuff until they have the ability to rationalise why that stuff can and will kill them without a second thought. She definitely doesn't seem to have learnt she's not indestructible, despite having several opportunities by now.* She needs a boost to her Wisdom score, frankly.


*I haven't completed LS4 yet, so if she has by the end of that, thank the Alchemy!

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I'm honestly fond of Taimi, and I think she's the best of the whole team. She's got her head on her shoulders, thinks a lot, finds a lot of things and solutions, yet at the same time, she can be witty, goofy, sarcastic and light hearted. Moreover, she's always been supportive of the commander, and helpful in any way she could. Only Rox come close to her, because Rox she's plain and reliable, and does her best. Canach and Kasmeer are ok. In the meanwhile, Braham is a selfish teenage brat and Marjory will be helpful only when, she feels like it, and will take part only if it doesn't impair her own agenda of "I'm oh so dark".

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I like the character, and I appreciate that she's the only one who ever seems to _smile_ out of all of the characters.

The one flaw I see with her is that she tends to be whatever the plot requires of her, so she comes off as being a [Mary Sue](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MarySue), which also comes with the problem of Asura technology being the cause/answer to everything.

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I have no idea why people hate on Taimi. She's definitly my favorite NPC. I wish I had a AI virtual assistant that was based off the character. I can't stand Braham. Norn and whiny emo doesn't go well together. I wish they would kill him off or he would get turned into a icebrood then we'd have to put him down. Afterwards a daughter of his or Eir would turn up to replace him and he would have a personality more like Eir.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > Its because she is an annoying teenager who thinks she knows it all.


> Have you ever met other teenagers? Even 20-somethings?



Difference is other teenagers are not Mary Sues.

Braham might as well be in the same category as Taimi (and in my book, he is), but he's not a Deus Ex Machina which makes Taimi worse in my book.

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The ONLY time she annoys me is when she talks to my Asura like they are stupid bookah. She may well be smarter than they are, but the dialogue implies... species-ist superiority where there should be solidarity.


I like how they have aged her a bit in the new LWS.


This goes for all characters, and not only Taimi: I truly wish they tailored the story to race a little, it would add replayability and dimension to the characters.


EDIT: It does bother me that there are deus ex machina answers to the problems in the world, but Taimi's inventions/answers are not exclusive to this. I just try to ignore this aspect of the writing in GW2 as it doesn't seem to be going away.

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I hope Taimi dies, soon.


Actually, no, I hope she will be proven to be wrong, then be told how she is directly responsible for the death of countless people, then she could die.


And then be Awakened, incinerated and, while still conscious, be kept in a jar at Joko's bedside so he can laugh at her. Would be the perfect end of one comic relief character, to serve as laughing stock for Joko.




* Is a stereotypical Asura. All arrogance, genius-level intellect and physical frailty. Just like Braham is a stereotypical Norn (headstrong, not exactly smart, hits things first and asks questions never). It's poor storytelling to rely on stereotypes, especially for the Asura; almost all of them share the same traits.


* Is ArenaNet's main plot device. When something needs to happen, when there's need for the player to learn something, when the player has to go somewhere... More often than not, Taimi will be the one to tell our characters what to do or explain what is actually happening. It feels less like our character is the Commander, and more like our characters are Taimi's pets.


* Is overused. All of the season 1 characters are overused (ArenaNet should retire all of them and change the supporting cast from time to time), but Taimi is the most overused NPC in the game.


* Is a Mary Sue. There's no way an annoying little teenager should be allowed, by herself and without sharing her discovers with anyone else, to stop us from killing the Elder Dragons. Our characters should have asked for a second opinion before empowering Krakatorik, saving Primordius, and so on. Taimi's refusal to submit her work to peer review is the opposite of how science works, and science works the way it does for a reason - no single person is a "know it all".


* Is not funny.


She's a hindrance to the game, and it's way past the time for her to die.

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She's a [Mr. Exposition ](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MrExposition "Mr. Exposition ")character that also gets all the credit for solving everything. There was somepotential in her character to start with with the whole disabled genius thing, but they couldn't even get that cliche right and now she just recites technobabble.


I do like the VA though. Anyone that can produce even a mildly a emotive performance out of technobabble gets a nod of respect from me.

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