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How many Level 80 Characters do you have in the game?

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5 that are still on my account. I've levelled another 2 characters to 80 but they've since been deleted. I've got another 4 permanent characters who will eventually be level 80, and I'm planning to make at least 1-2 more (which would bring me up to 1 of each race/gender and 1 extra female sylvari).


I'm kind of hoping I stop there because the next "logical" step is 1 of each profession/race combo and that's 45 characters. (I could do each race/armour class, but then the 2 sylvari girls mess it up because one's a mesmer and one's an elementalist and I don't want to delete either.)

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I have 23 80's, all with at least one elite unlocked. And one level 2 who is a placeholder for a name but is old enough I can't delete due to birthday goodies >< Plus a few empty slots for key runs and for new RP character ideas. Three of my 80's were made specifically for PoF elites since my existing characters didn't suit the new options (eg my two original guardians are a simple-talking-complex-thinking sylvari and a not-very-intellectual dishonorably discharged Seraph soldier. Neither is at all bookish, so I adapted a Priory Magister from an RP arc to become my Firebrand and wear Radiant armor).

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> And one level 2 who is a placeholder for a name but is old enough I can't delete due to birthday goodies

That would be an interesting poll:

> How many characters do you have that you wish you could re-roll but won't because they are about to drop you with dyes and boosters and teleports-to-friend?



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24... And 1 free slot.


I still have 7 of the characters I made in 2012... and I notice my wish to continue this expansion has reached it's end... and I also noticed an interesting thing:



On my 7 oldest characters I have ~7000+ hours played. That's 1000 hrs. avg / character and all have map completion (*).

(Elementalist ,Warrior, Necro, Ranger, Guardian,Thief and Mesmer)


On the 7 in between (2.5-4.5 yrs old) I have ~4000+ hours played. This group holds my main I have played 1800+ hours on. Only 2 of these have 100% map .

(2 Warriors. 2 Necros, Elementalist, Guardian, and a Ranger)

The 6 not including my main have an avg of 375 hours played


On the 10 characters I made in the last 2,5 years I played ~1400 hours combined... This group actually also holds my chronomancer I have 500 hours on it.

(2 Elementalists, 2 revenants, Thief, druid, engineer, necro, ranger and a guardian)

Yes this means 9 of those have 100 hours on avg.



How much time did I spend on what class? Do I like it?


(favorite classes: (~9500 hrs playtime combined))

1. Warrior with 3 warriors and 3750 hours total time played

2. Elementalist with 4 ele's and 2250 hours total time played

3. Necro with 4 necro's and 1875 hours total time played

4. Ranger 3 rangers and 1600 hours total time played


(alternate proffesions: (~2900 hrs playtime combined))

5. Guardian with 3 guardians and 1150 hours total time played

6. Mesmer with 2 mesmers and 1000 hours total time played

7. Thief with 2 thieves 750 hours total time played


(least favorite: (~200 hrs playtime combined))

8. Revenant with 2 revenants with 115 hours total time played

9. Engineer with 1 engineer with 79 hours total time played



So what can I conclude from it.?


* I used to make characters to play the game...

* The first 16 or so fit this perfectly. They have 12000 hours played combined( for roughly 750 hours avg per character)

* These 16 do not include my 2 least favored proffesions


* I now make new characters because I just like to make & gear/pimp the character (fashion wars),

* These characters are played but I play them less as they need to share potential playtime with a lot of others.

* The last 8 characters have 700 hours combined... (for roughly 87 hour on avg for these characters)

* These 8 do include the 3 characters of my least favored proffesion.


* I conclude for me: Buying character slots after you have 2 for all liked proffesions and 1 for all others is likely not needed.


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