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Renegade is slow


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This serious topic seriously needs a pin

> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > Lighting combo field from Jallis+mace 3 is one combo not mentioned here. Renegade just adds more damage options and no new mobility skills.

> >

> > The problem is that revenant ( not renegade ) has no options in order to get

> >

> > * flat 25% movement speed ( like passive traits or sigils, as every other class has ).

> > * Movement skills ( Leaps, teleports to target, teleports with no target requirement, Swiftness, etc ). Herald is not core, and it's only a permanent swiftness.

> > * Swiftness ( no traits nor skills, except [Rapid Flow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Flow "Rapid Flow") ).

> >

> > It does absolutely need a rework in terms of mobility.


> No, the problem with Revenant is **Why is this in the thief subforum?**


Someone needs to contact the balancing team so that they can fix this serious problem with Rev.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > Mods moving rev thread to thief section. Glorious. OR maybe..... rev will be merged with thief (suspended music).


> I am sorry that this happened. Moving to Revenant Sub-forum!


Dang the one time anet responds to a post about revenant is about it being on the wrong sub forum.

Makes me wanna cry ? ?


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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

> Running speed while wielding Sword or Axe is slow.. running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.

> If not for Rune of the Traveller (stats +25 run speed) i would have stopped playing this on long ago, but theres better runes out there as we know.


> And while i'm at it, there is no skill to transfer conditions (poison, burn, bleed) or *shake it off* .. there is just no way to get rid of them while other classes seem to be way better with this.


> Ranger , Necro have pets that pull conditions or stances that get rid of them.. just to name a few.

> Renegade..nada, ziltch.. nothing.






I don't get this complaint ... Renegade runs the same speed, regardless of weapon they have. That speed is the **same** as any other class' base run speed.

I don't even get the complaint that you HAVE to use Traveler's Runes now that mounts exist. Before PoF that would have been worth considering but now, it seems like you are joking.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> Got all classes except thief, and that one suppose to be capable of speeds over mach 1.

> But whats the use of a mount in a pvp fight ?. whats the point if someone dances around you while you bleed to death? and have nothing to counter it.. let alone run away.


> like i said, renagade is SLOW.


If you want incredible movement in pvp which doesn't require you to target a player to make use of it, might I suggest you just make a thief and use that? It even covers the same role as a rev in pvp, except more effectively. It would also address some of your concerns about condi cleansing. Hopping onto your mesmer is another option.

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I agree it needs more options, but outside of Herald Invocation's Rapid Flow is a perfectly decent sustainable source of swiftness that isn't tied to one particular weapon or legend. It's also worth pointing out that most professions don't get a reliable source of quickness; Impossible Odds is insanely good for escaping from otherwise fatal situations while other profs are still slowed to a crawl by combat mode.


Oh, also, when listing movement skills people missed Phase Traversal. It's expensive and needs a target, but unlike the rev's other blink skills it won't fail when out of range, instead moving you 1200 units closer to your target. Less than ideal, but it's another tool. Let's face it, rev is all about making good use of what you've got...

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Shiro alone makes you pretty mobile. And that is core.

Mallyx unyielding anguish could use something like stab or evade frame.


Revenant is very in combat/engage mobility focused. Outside of that I'm not sure why its even a complaint. Renegade needs work and mobility is on the bottom of that list.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

> > Running speed while wielding Sword or Axe is slow.. running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.

> > If not for Rune of the Traveller (stats +25 run speed) i would have stopped playing this on long ago, but theres better runes out there as we know.

> >

> > And while i'm at it, there is no skill to transfer conditions (poison, burn, bleed) or *shake it off* .. there is just no way to get rid of them while other classes seem to be way better with this.

> >

> > Ranger , Necro have pets that pull conditions or stances that get rid of them.. just to name a few.

> > Renegade..nada, ziltch.. nothing.


> Revenant is slow.

> No leaps, no dashes, no teleports with no target.

> Herald has perma swiftness... woah... so useful...


> I would like to see some weapons rework, like Hammer skill 3 ( if you don't press anything you will return to the starting point. if you press you will teleport where the hit land ) for an instance.


> Currently i use runes of the traveller too, but a good alternative is to have invocation, with rapid flow.


Because of how phase smash works, I don't think we will see this skill get this type of teleport function without some alterations and ultimately mega nerf on the energy and recharge. You can already teleport with this skill in a way that not even blink or shadow step can.

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<- solo roam renegade with shiro and dwarf/malix. if you feel your slow as said before change your trait line. ether you get the swiftness in the invocation line or you take the extra ferocity. In your situation since you having issues using the skills to its full potential then rapid flow would be the best bet. if your to lazy to utilize rapid flow then play another class that has perma speed buff. Now would i wish they made some changes to the renegade weapon and skills yes. But Rev is a class that you can mix and match to get the things that will help you play well with your playing style.

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It's part of our class identity to not be able to cleanse conditions (or very sparingly so)... So that's whatever.


But in the OP's defense, it is kind of annoying when doing open world PvE stuff, or hitting a gathering node, or whatever to be stuck in combat, unable to mount for what seems like an eternity, because you have 2 long duration condi's on you and didn't have your staff equipped. Like seriously... Who thought it was a good idea to give sand lions 30 second cripple/vunerability durations? :astonished:

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Inspiring reinforcement is a lightning field. Throw mace 3, hammer 3, hammer 5 down in the field and you get 25 seconds of swiftness without before boon duration. On the run you can use inspiring reinforcement and mace 3 and hit 99% swiftness uptime without boon duration. Of course you have to have Dwarf loaded.

Rapid flow and unyielding anguish also give good swiftness uptime with a leap.

Those options will put you in combat if there are enemies around. But it is possible to move fast without Glint loaded.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Frankly, I kinda wish Shortbow did Torment instead of Bleeding.


Yeah, renegade doesn't have much mobility, but between Axe 5, the torment from Mace 1+3, the slow on SB 4 and knockdown on SB5, Unyielding anguish, and Icerazor's Ire, your enemy shouldn't be mobile either (Though the game's resistance spam makes Icerazor less reliable than he should be)

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> @"Sartharina.3542" said:

> Frankly, I kinda wish Shortbow did Torment instead of Bleeding.


> Yeah, renegade doesn't have much mobility, but between Axe 5, the torment from Mace 1+3, the slow on SB 4 and knockdown on SB5, Unyielding anguish, and Icerazor's Ire, your enemy shouldn't be mobile either (Though the game's resistance spam makes Icerazor less reliable than he should be)


Sevenshot puts out a good amount of torment. I think SB 1 and 2 should apply burning instead of bleeding and change the bleeding traits in the renegade line to burning (Scorchrazor, not Bleedrazor). The bleeding seems out of place...core rev doesn't have bleeding on anything. Mace and corruption line have burning.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

> Running speed while wielding Sword or Axe is slow.. running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.


Tested, same running speed as my other chars.


Is it maybe the perception-problem where your Rev is a Norn and your other chars are Asura, so they appear faster (instead of just smarter? :grin: )?

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

> ...running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.


I read this and couldn't agree more! - "10% faster than being crippled!" :lol: LOL!

I tried Renegade a couple of times with a few weeks in-between, and...idk... it still felt super slow. So I switched back to Herald. :+1:



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

> > Running speed while wielding Sword or Axe is slow.. running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.

> > If not for Rune of the Traveller (stats +25 run speed) i would have stopped playing this on long ago, but theres better runes out there as we know.

> >

> > And while i'm at it, there is no skill to transfer conditions (poison, burn, bleed) or *shake it off* .. there is just no way to get rid of them while other classes seem to be way better with this.

> >

> > Ranger , Necro have pets that pull conditions or stances that get rid of them.. just to name a few.

> > Renegade..nada, ziltch.. nothing.

> >


> I don't get this complaint ... Renegade runs the same speed, regardless of weapon they have. That speed is the **same** as any other class' base run speed.

> I don't even get the complaint that you HAVE to use Traveler's Runes now that mounts exist. Before PoF that would have been worth considering but now, it seems like you are joking.


Nope just no, equipping a shortbow has a lower runspeed, compared to Sword+sword.. you have no clue what you are talking about.

I use Traveller runes becouse the renegade is SLOW, are you truly blind to read.. yes i can mount.. but in a fight you will be even slower, do you get it now ??.

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I use Renegade shortbow & dual sword - Renagade elite skills and sometimes switch to Ventari (for healing) cleanse.. myself & others.

Yes there are movement increase skills in other legends Shiro - Revenant, but i don't use THAT build .. so saying *hey use this and this skill or use a staff for a quick dash forward*, no just no.


Renegade Skill 5 sword has a dash attack, Just like skill 2 sword from Guardian.. but my guardian does not use Traveller rune and has a better basic running speed, if its from trait i can't remember.


Shortbow and Dual sword.. that's what i use.. why am i so slow? why isn't there a bit more basic (10-20% more running speed) in this build, without Traveller runes .. thats all.


Revenant feels like a half baked Komali.. even underwater skills are very limited compared to some cool stuff other classes have..time to get to work on Revenant anet.

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