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[POLL] Where do you want to go for the next expansion?


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# which of these places would you want to revisit first?

_What do you miss? What would you love to se agian? What is your prime motivation on the choice you made?_


**About Factions:**


>! Factions characters begin the campaign as promising trainees in Shing Jea Monastery, where they train with the headmasters and instructors to learn and master their chosen professions.

>! As the players are completing their training, Master Togo tells them that he wants to introduce them to Minister Cho. It is a customary tradition for him to introduce the monastery's most promising students each year. Upon arrival at Minister Cho's Estate, Master Togo and the students realize that something is terribly wrong. A horrible disease has apparently spread amongst the occupants of the Estate, turning them into monsters. Minister Cho has turned into a vile diseased creature and the players are forced to destroy him.

>! Master Togo is determined to seek out the source of this disease, and sets out with the players across the rest of Shing Jea Island. Their frantic search leads them to the eastern side of the island, where they finally found the point of origin - the holy valley of Zen Daijun. The players and Master Togo push forward into the valley, battling hordes of Afflicted creatures and avoiding the deadly vile miasma that has appeared throughout the area. They finally find the source of their plague in the venerable Daijun Library located within the valley and proceeded to cleanse it of the foul Afflicted guarding it.

>! Upon examining the library, Master Togo makes a startling discovery - the guild symbol of Shiro Tagachi, the Betrayer, is etched upon the floor of the library. Fearing that the safety of the whole of Cantha is at stake, Master Togo decides to head to Kaineng City to warn and to seek the counsel of his half-brother, the Emperor Kisu of the Canthan Empire. He also sends a request for aid to his former Tyrian student, Brother Mhenlo.

>! Master Togo, together with the players, arrive to find themselves too late - the plague has already started to spread throughout the densely-populated and sprawling city.


**About Eye of the North:**


>! The Eye of the North is an ancient, huge tower in the Far Shiverpeak Mountains, with architecture matching that of no known species, and now in ruins. It is topped with a hollow spire, the uppermost part of which has always appeared to be either incomplete or broken off. The Eye contains two rooms - the main interior of the tower, which is large and empty save for ghosts and an asura gate, and the Hall of Monuments, which is full of statues commemorating the deeds of the long-dead hero who defeated the Great Destroyer as well as an ancient Scrying Pool.

>! Historically, the Eye of the North was generally avoided by local norn for unknown reasons. It was briefly used as a forward base of operations for the Ebon Vanguard after the Searing, when King Adelbern dispatched the unit to the north to try and covertly disrupt the charr offensive, but they were called back to Ascalon City a few years later in 1080 AE and was left with a skeleton crew to keep the charr believing the Ebon Vanguard were still in the north. Although recalled, the ghosts of heroes who once occupied the Eye still linger within its halls, knowing it as the place where they belong, to guard the treasures of the Eye and to provide them to the heroes of future generations.

>! When Jormag awoke, the norn were driven from the region, leaving the abandoned Eye deep in icebrood territory.




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I can't vote. None of those options approach how I feel.

* Factions

* Eye of the North

* Prophecies or Nightfall locations we've yet to return to.

* Someplace we've never been before.

* It doesn't matter to me, as long as it's fun.

* The location doesn't matter; the gameplay does.


Playing GW1 isn't a requirement for someone to feel that nostalgia isn't always the best reason to decide where to go next.

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Would absolutely love to go to Cantha but it has to make sense with the story, so its ok if it is not the very next thing.... but hopefully not going to wait too many years for it. Also it is possible to be a bit human centric again, which does not have to be bad, but it is probably best not to have it right after another human centric expansion, which PoF was. So it is one of the places I want to go the most, but I expect a longer wait.


Would love to go to Far Shiverpeaks and/or Charr homelands, both areas were in Eye of the North, but I think they will be released seperately this time... I think one of these could make a lot of sense with the direction of the story. Giving some attention to either charr or norn, which would seem fine after the sylvari and human centric expansions. Both areas could benefit from having a mix of areas known from GW1 and new areas (further north? further east?), which would be really cool. I am not sure which I would want most... doesn't really matter, but I think one of these is what we will get and I will love it.


I would however also love to uncover more of Maguuma, the areas north of Kryta and new areas never before seen in any of the games. I'd like to revisit the old areas first though... or as I said, make it a mix of old known areas and expand that formerly known area.

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I'd rather go to all-new places. I've only grazed the surface of GW1 so I have no nostalgia for it, and expanding the world rather than revisiting old lands that have already been written appeals to me more. My vote is based on "which of these two would you prefer" as stated in the poll and I don't want snowy backgrounds, they hurt my eyes.

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I want the snowy mountains up top but I envision it as extremely large mountains to be able to glide from, fly around with on griffon with some Leyline energy gliding to be able to fast track to the top of mountains n such... Adding a mixture of previous content from previous expansions so Gliding/Mounting doesn't become obsolete when they introduce space ships or portal wrist watches or what ever.

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I picked eye of the north. but really the option i wanted wasnt listed. I'd prefer to go to someplace new i've never been to in either GW1 or GW2. Eye of the north has more places that are unique compared to where we have been so far than cantha so i picked that. But really i would like to go to the isles of janthir or East of the blaze ridge mountains, the other side of the maguuma jungle maybe or even some place we don't even have lore about. Maybe somplace out there the SEER's are still alive or something.

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