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Wintersday JP


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It's nice to see a major update of the JP which is great, even after so many years but having different dif levels for hardcore JPers, casual and beginners/noobs JPers.


I've tried them all and they are quite fun, the ginger level is funniest and most challenging, and yes I am a hardcore JPer. :)


I do not understand how people are STILL complaning, even they are running the Quaggan's level, I mean- srsly??

The snowflakes dont break, the freeze level is alot slower so you dont loose your health fast as the other paths and yet you keep dying???

I just find that hilarious, :lol:

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It takes a lot of time to learn this puzzle. I remember days of frustration when it was first introduced. But I enjoyed the challenge and now I work on shaving a few seconds here and there.


I really wish they would do more content like this. Not all content should be doable by everyone. I don't raid or do fractals, doesn't bother me that other people do. In fact I'm glad that there is content for the people who enjoy that kind of thing. GW2 offers lots of different types of content. Some of it (not much) is hard and not doable by everyone. Keep it that way.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> It's nice to see a major update of the JP which is great, even after so many years but having different dif levels for hardcore JPers, casual and beginners/noobs JPers.


> I've tried them all and they are quite fun, the ginger level is funniest and most challenging, and yes I am a hardcore JPer. :)


> I do not understand how people are STILL complaning, even they are running the Quaggan's level, I mean- srsly??

> The snowflakes dont break, the freeze level is alot slower so you dont loose your health fast as the other paths and yet you keep dying???

> I just find that hilarious, :lol:


Probably because the exploding presents.


That is still the same regardless of path.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> I want to know why anyone's able to use actual attacks in the JP. It's possible for one engineer to troll an entire JP instance (making one path pretty annoying to do) by being allowed to drop a flame turret during the "game's about to begin" phase when a new instance starts. And earlier, someone dropped Plaguelands right as the new instance began, which was a little less annoying because at least it didn't last as long as a turret does.![](https://i.imgur.com/QzwUEGy.jpg "")



I've had this happen so many times now that I was going to report it as a bug, but then I saw what I thought were elementalist skills and wondered how the hell players were able to do that when skills are automatically disabled? Sometimes going to another platform resets health and removes conditions, but not always, and I don't realise if it hasn't until I'm almost at the presents and my health is dangerously close to zero when I ordinarily have 6-7K health left at that point.

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I finally completed this JP. The problem I'd been having was mostly just a matter of timing on snowball lanes, and figuring out when to pause vs. when to run when the snowballs pass by. Originally, I'd been waiting for the AoE circle to vanish on the last peppermint safe spot, which was just a bit too long. Once I realized I could start moving right after the snowball passed by and could basically ignore the AoE circle behind the rolling snowball, it allowed me to reach that last set of ascending gifts without getting knocked off by the next snowball. Once I figured that out, I completed it 2 more times

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Is anyone noticing it feels different this year. It might well be a years lack of practice, but the snowflakes are disappearing quicker it seems and often before anyone reaches them


> edit: yes 3 paths of difficulty. Thank you to those who answered


Don't feel bad. I didn't realize that, either, but I'm so happy the devs enabled that factor!

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> I'm one of the worst jpers in the game, it took me a couple years to do the puzzle and now even the ginger bread path is not bad. The puzzle is objectively easy, it's the mental aspect of being timed that freaks people out. Unless you have severe disabilities you _can_ make the jumps because _I_ can and I'm awful, so just get comfortable with the pressure until it's not pressure anymore, the same way you got used to merging into traffic despite dangerous time pressure.


> Or don't, it really doesn't matter if you can't do the puzzle. =)


If you were a bad jumper, like me, you could NOT do this puzzle. Time pressure is a very real thing. Just ask any athlete, race car driver, or other competitor. I'm up to 140 tries THIS season... and I have yet to make it more than a couple of jumps past the second set of candy canes. It's not phobia, or mental woojoo, it's being FORCED to RUN LIKE A MANIAC THRU AN INSANE COURSE where you HAVE TO make PRECISION JUMPS ON A CLOCK. Have you ever really sat back and really analyzed the difficulty? I've watched several vids on Utube. You have to make 53 exact jumps in less than TWO minutes. That's better than it used to be, but that is still ONE JUMP EVERY TWO SECONDS. And that's supposed to be "scenic" or "easy"? Must be nice to live in THAT world.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So yet another WD come and gone, and yet another season of disappointment for bad jumpers everywhere. While the changes to the WD JP make it "easier", the timed aspect is still a killer for those of us who NEED TIME in order to complete ANY JP. I finished the 10,000 drink leg of the Winter's Presence this season, but I have absolutely NO motivation to finish the last one I COULD do, since it is a MASSIVE gold sink. Build runes up by burning Mystic coins.. doable, especially if you save Mystic coins all year, but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.


How about AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF EARNING THE JP STEP, OR A VERSION OF THE JP THAT IS NOT TIMED IN ANY FASHION. That would be nice. Four years running now I've been banging my head against that (*&%$# JP, and I'm sick of it. Make it doable for the common man, or give the common man another way to earn credit for the step that the WD JP currently BLOCKS.

'Nuff said.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> So yet another WD come and gone, and yet another season of disappointment for bad jumpers everywhere. While the changes to the WD JP make it "easier", the timed aspect is still a killer for those of us who NEED TIME in order to complete ANY JP. I finished the 10,000 drink leg of the Winter's Presence this season, but I have absolutely NO motivation to finish the last one I COULD do, since it is a MASSIVE gold sink. Build runes up by burning Mystic coins.. doable, especially if you save Mystic coins all year, but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.


> How about AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF EARNING THE JP STEP, OR A VERSION OF THE JP THAT IS NOT TIMED IN ANY FASHION. That would be nice. Four years running now I've been banging my head against that (*&%$# JP, and I'm sick of it. Make it doable for the common man, or give the common man another way to earn credit for the step that the WD JP currently BLOCKS.

> 'Nuff said.


I can't agree. I went 5 years without being able to finish it. I think it's reasonable to have a tiny number of skins and/or titles in the game that require some skill beyond perseverance & gold.


It is possible for people who can finish JPs, but have trouble with timed ones (as I do). It takes practice at other JPs (that aren't timed) with similar challenges.


I wouldn't mind if ANet changed things, but I simply can't support a change based solely on the assumption that this JP can't be done by the "common man."

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.


Not with that attitude.


No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.


> Not with that attitude.


> No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.



I thought the same, but the best thing is not to over think the jumps.

Only a couple of jumps take careful positioning.

Watch videos, that helpes me.


I whined about this jp a fair bit myself, but eventually made it. Never got it to "farmable" level. But hopped in now and then.


I actually found snow man path easiest. The pace is actually about the same as Quaggan, and as it's a bit shorter that means less chance of messing up.

I also really struggled getting past rhe candy canes in Quaggan. They just felt so awkward.


I second practising jumping puzzles with action cam, helps loads. Also mess around with your camera preferences. Sometimes that can make a difference.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.


> Not with that attitude.


> No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.


Read all my other posts. I NEED time. If I try it your way, all I do is fall, fall, miss, fall, fall. Having to restart every time I fall. I tried over 140 times THIS season, over 100 times LAST season... so I'm OVER 250 tries.. without ONCE getting to the fire. You know, the one in front of the present staircase. The one I've only seen in UTube vids.

Making a path w/o melting snowflakes just lets me get farther. I ONLY got to the second set of candy canes on Quaggan SEVEN times this season. Froze to death right after that EVERY SINGLE TIME. EVERY TIME I TRY TO GO FASTER I KEEP FALLING OFF. The third to fourth jump is also a special pain.. I'm not sure why, but I miss THAT ONE about 1/4 of the time. Of course, part of that is that I'm trying to run.... most times that I take a couple of extra seconds I MAKE it.

Here's a perspective for you.... Shaman's Rookery. Dead easy JP, right? I can go in w/ my warrior, make sure that I have maximum stability powers up... and It will take me about FOUR tries to complete it. NOT ONE, never that... not TWO, never that. Three sometimes. Am I making my point about JUST HOW LOUSY A JUMPER I AM?

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Yes, despite the overuse of caps there. I was exactly the same. Hated every jp for years, even the easy one in southson and la. Eventually though, they just clicked. I still struggle occasionally, but i no longer hate or fear them and when i cant do them at all, i just accept they and the rewards arent for me.


Anet cannot be expected to anticipate what content every player is going to hate and find alternatives for everything. Apart from the fact it would hold things as up with design, it would be never ending - everyone hates some sort of content.


Im no fan of timed content either, often it is a cheap, obnoxious way of installng a difficulty. However, the wintersday jp actually works well and for them to add 3 paths of varying difficulties is a great compromise. To have a non timed one would involve a sep redesigned version which would not only be a waste, but have to come with no rewards for fairness anyway.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.

> >

> > Not with that attitude.

> >

> > No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.


> Read all my other posts. I NEED time. If I try it your way, all I do is fall, fall, miss, fall, fall. Having to restart every time I fall. I tried over 140 times THIS season, over 100 times LAST season... so I'm OVER 250 tries.. without ONCE getting to the fire. You know, the one in front of the present staircase. The one I've only seen in UTube vids.

> Making a path w/o melting snowflakes just lets me get farther. I ONLY got to the second set of candy canes on Quaggan SEVEN times this season. Froze to death right after that EVERY SINGLE TIME. EVERY TIME I TRY TO GO FASTER I KEEP FALLING OFF. The third to fourth jump is also a special pain.. I'm not sure why, but I miss THAT ONE about 1/4 of the time. Of course, part of that is that I'm trying to run.... most times that I take a couple of extra seconds I MAKE it.

> Here's a perspective for you.... Shaman's Rookery. Dead easy JP, right? I can go in w/ my warrior, make sure that I have maximum stability powers up... and It will take me about FOUR tries to complete it. NOT ONE, never that... not TWO, never that. Three sometimes. Am I making my point about JUST HOW LOUSY A JUMPER I AM?



Quaggan Path last year didn't disintergrate at all; the only time limit was the frost itself. The problem is the two candy canes, but there's a trick to handling them.


I find it highly unlikely that you are incapable of doing the JP, simply unable given your current controls. This was one of my problems back when I started the game - WASD movement is not forgiving to spiral-shaped corners. left-click drag + strafe or Action Camera (aim and jump) are both superior options.


I must ask, how do you control your character? Do you use your mouse to pan the camera/character, do you use action camera, do you simply use WASD? Do you have custom keybinds?

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.

> >

> > Not with that attitude.

> >

> > No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.


> Read all my other posts. I NEED time. If I try it your way, all I do is fall, fall, miss, fall, fall. Having to restart every time I fall. I tried over 140 times THIS season, over 100 times LAST season... so I'm OVER 250 tries.. without ONCE getting to the fire. You know, the one in front of the present staircase. The one I've only seen in UTube vids.

> Making a path w/o melting snowflakes just lets me get farther. I ONLY got to the second set of candy canes on Quaggan SEVEN times this season. Froze to death right after that EVERY SINGLE TIME. EVERY TIME I TRY TO GO FASTER I KEEP FALLING OFF. The third to fourth jump is also a special pain.. I'm not sure why, but I miss THAT ONE about 1/4 of the time. Of course, part of that is that I'm trying to run.... most times that I take a couple of extra seconds I MAKE it.

> Here's a perspective for you.... Shaman's Rookery. Dead easy JP, right? I can go in w/ my warrior, make sure that I have maximum stability powers up... and It will take me about FOUR tries to complete it. NOT ONE, never that... not TWO, never that. Three sometimes. Am I making my point about JUST HOW LOUSY A JUMPER I AM?


You made your point ages ago, without the repetition. I believe you. I really do. You aren't a good jumper.


I just don't agree with you that it means this JP is impossible. You've psyched yourself out.


I am a lousy jumper. I have the same issues with timing that you do plus I'm dyslexic (I confuse left|right and back|forth, among other issues), so it's challenging for me to learn which way to go, especially watching videos (where I can't control the camera).


What I did was learn techniques by practicing at other JPs, where there are no timers. (And ideally, few if any mobs.) I was at the [JP in Frostgorge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shattered_Ice_Ruins) the other night, and had no trouble finishing it on my laptop. But the first time I did that JP, it took me nearly 30 minutes and I only succeeded because a mesmer kept porting me to where I fell and explained how to make the next jump. I'm only good at it now because I practiced it (as well as other JPs).


So if you decide you want to learn to do the JP, rather than to wait for ANet to change the collection requirements, post again in [Players Helping Players](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/players-helping-players). There are lots of people who are willing to help, via video, screenshots, or text explanations. Plus suggestions on where to go to practice. And it's not going to be easy for you. The time limit is always going to make you nervous and some jumps are always going to give you conniptions.


But even bad jumpers can become adequate enough to succeed at the Wintersday JP (and the Halloween JP, too, which I feel is crazier). It really is a matter of attitude.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.

> > >

> > > Not with that attitude.

> > >

> > > No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.

> >

> > Read all my other posts. I NEED time. If I try it your way, all I do is fall, fall, miss, fall, fall. Having to restart every time I fall. I tried over 140 times THIS season, over 100 times LAST season... so I'm OVER 250 tries.. without ONCE getting to the fire. You know, the one in front of the present staircase. The one I've only seen in UTube vids.

> > Making a path w/o melting snowflakes just lets me get farther. I ONLY got to the second set of candy canes on Quaggan SEVEN times this season. Froze to death right after that EVERY SINGLE TIME. EVERY TIME I TRY TO GO FASTER I KEEP FALLING OFF. The third to fourth jump is also a special pain.. I'm not sure why, but I miss THAT ONE about 1/4 of the time. Of course, part of that is that I'm trying to run.... most times that I take a couple of extra seconds I MAKE it.

> > Here's a perspective for you.... Shaman's Rookery. Dead easy JP, right? I can go in w/ my warrior, make sure that I have maximum stability powers up... and It will take me about FOUR tries to complete it. NOT ONE, never that... not TWO, never that. Three sometimes. Am I making my point about JUST HOW LOUSY A JUMPER I AM?


> You made your point ages ago, without the repetition. I believe you. I really do. You aren't a good jumper.


> I just don't agree with you that it means this JP is impossible. You've psyched yourself out.


> I am a lousy jumper. I have the same issues with timing that you do plus I'm dyslexic (I confuse left|right and back|forth, among other issues), so it's challenging for me to learn which way to go, especially watching videos (where I can't control the camera).


> What I did was learn techniques by practicing at other JPs, where there are no timers. (And ideally, few if any mobs.) I was at the [JP in Frostgorge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shattered_Ice_Ruins) the other night, and had no trouble finishing it on my laptop. But the first time I did that JP, it took me nearly 30 minutes and I only succeeded because a mesmer kept porting me to where I fell and explained how to make the next jump. I'm only good at it now because I practiced it (as well as other JPs).


> So if you decide you want to learn to do the JP, rather than to wait for ANet to change the collection requirements, post again in [Players Helping Players](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/players-helping-players). There are lots of people who are willing to help, via video, screenshots, or text explanations. Plus suggestions on where to go to practice. And it's not going to be easy for you. The time limit is always going to make you nervous and some jumps are always going to give you conniptions.


> But even bad jumpers can become adequate enough to succeed at the Wintersday JP (and the Halloween JP, too, which I feel is crazier). It really is a matter of attitude.


The only way that a person could help me is to be able to transport me to the end of the WD JP. Like the way that I've finished most of the JP's I've tried in the last year. I have tried this JP WAY more than any other JP IN THE GAME, and I'm really at the point that I'm done. When you fail 250 to 300 times at something, IN A ROW, OVER THE COURSE OF FOUR YEARS, not even getting halfway done with the task, that's not mental. That is a INABILITY TO PERFORM THE TASK. PERIOD.


Put another way, a 10 year old child is not asked to fly a SR-71. A 10 year old child is not placed in charge of an aircraft carrier. You instead train, observe, and test many individuals until you find a few that CAN do these tasks. To have ANY chance at completing the WD JP, you need to be a highly trained jumper as you have eloquently pointed out. And that IS MY POINT... NO ONE SHOULD **NEED** TO BE SUCH A JUMPER. The shoulders are a reward associated with a festival. It's supposed to be FUN. Entertaining. NOT A BLEEPING RUDDY NIGHTMARE.


An alternative needs to be added. Or the WD JP needs to be pulled out of the bloody instance so that someone like me who HATES, LOATHES and DETESTS JP's can use his BRAIN, NOT HIS REFLEXES, NOT HIS HAND TO EYE COORDINATION (or lack of it!) to complete this insane task.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> The only way that a person could help me is to be able to transport me to the end of the WD JP. Like the way that I've finished most of the JP's I've tried in the last year. I have tried this JP WAY more than any other JP IN THE GAME, and I'm really at the point that I'm done. When you fail 250 to 300 times at something, IN A ROW, OVER THE COURSE OF FOUR YEARS, not even getting halfway done with the task, that's not mental. That is a INABILITY TO PERFORM THE TASK. PERIOD.


> Put another way, a 10 year old child is not asked to fly a SR-71. A 10 year old child is not placed in charge of an aircraft carrier. You instead train, observe, and test many individuals until you find a few that CAN do these tasks. To have ANY chance at completing the WD JP, you need to be a highly trained jumper as you have eloquently pointed out. And that IS MY POINT... NO ONE SHOULD **NEED** TO BE SUCH A JUMPER. The shoulders are a reward associated with a festival. It's supposed to be FUN. Entertaining. NOT A BLEEPING RUDDY NIGHTMARE.


You're making this out to be a melodrama. :# The rewards are nice to have, I guess, but aren't compulsary.


You list a lot of reasons why you can't, but what have you changed to try and get a better result? I doubt you'll ever find support on these forums to do what you're asking; but you can find support and suggestions from players who previously struggled and can now do the content competently.

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > > > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > > > but no point for me, since I CANNOT complete the JP. Can't even get to the fire in the "middle" of it. So I guess this coming WD I'll be selling everything, make a ton of gold, and still be unhappy.

> > > >

> > > > Not with that attitude.

> > > >

> > > > No, no. This ISN'T a troll post. I used to think like this too, that bell choir was so much better because it didn't require twitch based reactions. But after repeated tries and frustration I realised that, just like any sprint irl, an unfamiliar course will always seem longer and more daunting than it really is. The trick is to go full boar from the get go, and never let your finger leave the forward button unless you need to break. Practicing with action camera jumping now could also save you a lot of grief when SAB and Halloween comes around.

> > >

> > > Read all my other posts. I NEED time. If I try it your way, all I do is fall, fall, miss, fall, fall. Having to restart every time I fall. I tried over 140 times THIS season, over 100 times LAST season... so I'm OVER 250 tries.. without ONCE getting to the fire. You know, the one in front of the present staircase. The one I've only seen in UTube vids.

> > > Making a path w/o melting snowflakes just lets me get farther. I ONLY got to the second set of candy canes on Quaggan SEVEN times this season. Froze to death right after that EVERY SINGLE TIME. EVERY TIME I TRY TO GO FASTER I KEEP FALLING OFF. The third to fourth jump is also a special pain.. I'm not sure why, but I miss THAT ONE about 1/4 of the time. Of course, part of that is that I'm trying to run.... most times that I take a couple of extra seconds I MAKE it.

> > > Here's a perspective for you.... Shaman's Rookery. Dead easy JP, right? I can go in w/ my warrior, make sure that I have maximum stability powers up... and It will take me about FOUR tries to complete it. NOT ONE, never that... not TWO, never that. Three sometimes. Am I making my point about JUST HOW LOUSY A JUMPER I AM?

> >

> > You made your point ages ago, without the repetition. I believe you. I really do. You aren't a good jumper.

> >

> > I just don't agree with you that it means this JP is impossible. You've psyched yourself out.

> >

> > I am a lousy jumper. I have the same issues with timing that you do plus I'm dyslexic (I confuse left|right and back|forth, among other issues), so it's challenging for me to learn which way to go, especially watching videos (where I can't control the camera).

> >

> > What I did was learn techniques by practicing at other JPs, where there are no timers. (And ideally, few if any mobs.) I was at the [JP in Frostgorge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shattered_Ice_Ruins) the other night, and had no trouble finishing it on my laptop. But the first time I did that JP, it took me nearly 30 minutes and I only succeeded because a mesmer kept porting me to where I fell and explained how to make the next jump. I'm only good at it now because I practiced it (as well as other JPs).

> >

> > So if you decide you want to learn to do the JP, rather than to wait for ANet to change the collection requirements, post again in [Players Helping Players](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/players-helping-players). There are lots of people who are willing to help, via video, screenshots, or text explanations. Plus suggestions on where to go to practice. And it's not going to be easy for you. The time limit is always going to make you nervous and some jumps are always going to give you conniptions.

> >

> > But even bad jumpers can become adequate enough to succeed at the Wintersday JP (and the Halloween JP, too, which I feel is crazier). It really is a matter of attitude.


> The only way that a person could help me is to be able to transport me to the end of the WD JP. Like the way that I've finished most of the JP's I've tried in the last year. I have tried this JP WAY more than any other JP IN THE GAME, and I'm really at the point that I'm done. When you fail 250 to 300 times at something, IN A ROW, OVER THE COURSE OF FOUR YEARS, not even getting halfway done with the task, that's not mental. That is a INABILITY TO PERFORM THE TASK. PERIOD.


> Put another way, a 10 year old child is not asked to fly a SR-71. A 10 year old child is not placed in charge of an aircraft carrier. You instead train, observe, and test many individuals until you find a few that CAN do these tasks. To have ANY chance at completing the WD JP, you need to be a highly trained jumper as you have eloquently pointed out. And that IS MY POINT... NO ONE SHOULD **NEED** TO BE SUCH A JUMPER. The shoulders are a reward associated with a festival. It's supposed to be FUN. Entertaining. NOT A BLEEPING RUDDY NIGHTMARE.


> An alternative needs to be added. Or the WD JP needs to be pulled out of the bloody instance so that someone like me who HATES, LOATHES and DETESTS JP's can use his BRAIN, NOT HIS REFLEXES, NOT HIS HAND TO EYE COORDINATION (or lack of it!) to complete this insane task.


Do you have any RL friends or family members you could let do that JP for you next time? I really doubt they are going to change that JP even more and teleporting is not an option, so kinda only solution for this is to find outside help. Let someone else do this JP for you.


If even that is not okay, then perhaps you should just finally forget the shoulders even tho they do seem to be REALLY important for you.

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@"Nightshade.5924" When you are ready to accept that the JP is a requirement, come back and let us know you are willing to try to go about it in a different way. I have little doubt that you can learn to jump well enough to succeed at the JP.


> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> The only way that a person could help me is to be able to transport me to the end of the WD JP.

That's factually incorrect. That's just a way of avoiding it.


> Like the way that I've finished most of the JP's I've tried in the last year. I have tried this JP WAY more than any other JP IN THE GAME, and I'm really at the point that I'm done.

I can relate. As I said, I am bad at JPs. The only reason I can do any of them is because I practiced, because I took advice from others, because I didn't stop just because I was bad at it.


> When you fail 250 to 300 times at something, IN A ROW, OVER THE COURSE OF FOUR YEARS, not even getting halfway done with the task, that's not mental.

It could be all sorts of things, including having become so frustrated that you reject alternatives.


I know it's an annoying cliche, but sometimes it really is a matter of working smarter, not harder.

I literally did the LA (sharkmaw) JP more than 300 times in order to get better at jumping. It took me an hour the first time (if I recall correctly) and it was only after lots and lots of practice (running it several times a day on different toons) that I was able to do it reliably.



No, it's not. Or at least, I don't accept it just because you insist that it's true, because I don't think you're in a position to make an objective determination. (I'm not either, for your case: I don't know you well enough to say.)



> Put another way, a 10 year old child is not asked to fly a SR-71. A 10 year old child is not placed in charge of an aircraft carrier. You instead train, observe, and test many individuals until you find a few that CAN do these tasks. To have ANY chance at completing the WD JP, you need to be a highly trained jumper as you have eloquently pointed out. And that IS MY POINT... NO ONE SHOULD **NEED** TO BE SUCH A JUMPER. The shoulders are a reward associated with a festival. It's supposed to be FUN. Entertaining. NOT A BLEEPING RUDDY NIGHTMARE.

That's a terrible analogy that fails at so many levels. It conflates all sorts of different ideas.

* The shoulder rewards are intended as an extra, optional reward. They are intended to be fun for those willing to spend the coin and the effort, not for all players.

* You do not have to be a "highly trained jumper." You just have to be moderately successful at it, which is a matter of practice.

* No one is asking a kid to fly an SR-71 or run an aircraft carrier or anything like that. You are responsible for yourself and no one else. You get to train up to it.


> An alternative needs to be added.

No, you want one to be added. The game doesn't need it for an optional skin.


> Or the WD JP needs to be pulled out of the bloody instance so that someone like me who HATES, LOATHES and DETESTS JP's can use his BRAIN, NOT HIS REFLEXES, NOT HIS HAND TO EYE COORDINATION (or lack of it!) to complete this insane task.

Well, that's the bigger problem, isn't it? You've talked yourself out of it.


Let's consider it a different way. What if the gold-sink requirement of the skin was 80-90k gold instead of 800-900 gold. Then you'd seriously consider whether it was worth spending the time to learn how to earn & save up that much money, and spend less time doing other things you enjoy in game in order to make that happen. You might hate, loathe, and detest farming, which would make that decision more painful for you. And you might decide to do it anyhow, grumbling about the cost... because you really wanted the skin.


How is this situation different, other than the specific requirement? It's still a seemingly insurmountable barrier and it's still a matter of deciding whether it's important enough to accept the odious aspects and figure out whatever needs to be figured out to make it happen.


As I said at the top, when you're ready, let us know. There are plenty of folks ready, willing, and able to help.

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