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[Poll] Town Clothes Unlocks

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So, as we all know (or are learning), town clothes are available in game again as outfits! That's great, but they are either now VERY expensive, unobtainable, or PAINFULLY expensive.


I wanted to take a poll to see how people would like town clothes to be reincorporated back into GW2 without playing the TP.


Purely theoretical (but it'd be nice if ANet noticed).


As for options:

1. Personal story: you'd be given a choice as to what one you'd unlock once completing the tutorial, and again after level 30 story. This makes it so you unlock it during your time in your home instance before you get out into the wider world.


2. Level Rewards: it'd be a shame just getting only cultural town clothes, but them's the bricks. You'd unlock it at the same time the game introduces you to the wardrobe. Nice for new players and a pat on the back for veterans.


3. Crafting: simple, a decent way for another materials sink, and if it is with low level mats, newer players can acquire it if they want, and it maintains a mid-level value for veterans in material costs.


4. Gem Store: Easy enough. Doesn't hurt to have more options, and it supports the devs without gipping the veterans who bought it years ago.


5. As Is Currently: My least favourite, but still valid. Outfits are not a "right for all characters", just another way to play Fashion Wars 2. It maintains the status quo and keeps value on them. Unfortunately, it also means one day all Town Clothes will be gone.


Let's see your thoughts.

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The trend of recent years is to make the once unavailable ... available. I am sure they already have plans to offer these outfits in other ways, maybe even via the gem shop.


Right before the Wintersday update, 100-105 gold would get you 400 gems, so an 800-gem outfit would cost 200-230 gold. When the patch dropped, most of these tonics were available well below that price point. At the moment, they are spiking, but I expect that some will drop as people find the ones that tucked away to use "some day." (Spoiler alert: today is _someday_.)


I made the mistake of selling the ones I had, because I couldn't imagine ANet would implement the outfits this way. After all, lots of people who got tonics in place of town clothes asked for refunds, lots sold them on the TP because a tonic isn't an outfit, and many gave them away to friends. Thus in a lot of cases, the people who own them are speculators, not original owners (I have nothing against speculators; I just wouldn't have designed a system that worked best for them and worse for original owners).


Still, I'm okay with how things are, as long as they make the outfits available through other means, eventually.

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I'm content with like 400 gems or less in the gem store so long as they fix the dyes.

The first dye slot usually dictates the color of both the tops and bottoms.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Jv8ikOw.jpg "")

Unless you remove the dye, in which it returns to the tonic's initial colors.

![](https://i.imgur.com/vwx5eOg.jpg "")

more examples here:


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Gem Store.


I know, I know... But you have to remember, they did give refunds back when they made the Town Clothes into tonics. AND we got to keep the tonics. Honestly, I'm shocked and thrilled that they allowed us to get the outfits for free if we had the tonics still.


I expect to see the tonics, or the outfits themselves, for sale soon on the gem store. Maybe at a reduced price compared to most outfits, but I have no problems with ANet making a few gems off of doing this for us. This is something that has long been requested, and people have stated that they'd be willing to throw some gems at it. And now, here it is.

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I voted for gemstore merely cause they were originally purchased through there. and i feel this would help drive the price in the TP way down again.(im no expert but hey, maybe it does?) I bought mine, back in the day, from the gemstore and wouldn't mind doing so again now they they are actually useful. Then again this is just my opinion so....yep.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Gem Store.


> I know, I know... But you have to remember, they did give refunds back when they made the Town Clothes into tonics. AND we got to keep the tonics. Honestly, I'm shocked and thrilled that they allowed us to get the outfits for free if we had the tonics still.


I wonder if I can still get refunds for the items I bought that were then basically removed from the game. It's been years and I did convert the town clothes to tonics I sold for like 2g in the trading post.. I'm still salty about that.

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I picked gem store. I guess personal story would be fine, but since I completed it already, it would all just be unlocked for me? I've done it 9 times, nearly, don't want to buy a character slot and level a character again just for that.


The tonics were all created from clothing that was purchased in the gem store. Now, people are getting to roll the tonics on the TP for gold. Let us buy the outfits with gems, as they were originally intended.


Oh, and I have some suggestions for pairing some old pieces to make an outfit. :)

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> How do you get them so I can see what the choices are?

> I'm sure there won't be one choice I like, but I at least want to see before I go "I hate them all" as it's not fair to judge without seeing.


Go to the Black Lion shell in Lion's Arch, there's a BL Merchant in there who will trade the tonics for the outfits. You can right-click and preview the outfits there. It shows you what they look like with the base colors.

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> @"Spazzmatica.9704" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > How do you get them so I can see what the choices are?

> > I'm sure there won't be one choice I like, but I at least want to see before I go "I hate them all" as it's not fair to judge without seeing.


> Go to the Black Lion shell in Lion's Arch, there's a BL Merchant in there who will trade the tonics for the outfits. You can right-click and preview the outfits there. It shows you what they look like with the base colors.


Well after seeing them... I'll stick to my last statement.

Hot pants, panty shot, or 1930s race car driver pants.


I'm not missing out on anything it seems.

Rather they were armour skins as I would want the top from either Dragon Emblem or Common Clothing.

The bottoms though... no thanks.

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This really turned me into a salt mine. I had most of these clothing pieces back when you could equip them individually (before the outfit system), and ANet said they probably wouldn't make these pieces usable like that again... I guess I just figured wth probably won't make them into OUTFITS four years later either...and refunded them. (Because tonics are lame and not worth the price of the original pieces.) The Riding Clothes Outfit was literally my fashion back in them days! It was cool having some not completely ridiculous looking armor (and many of these are way better options for medium and light armor classes). Guess I just wished we could have purchased them via gem shop along with trading in the tonics... :/

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To be honest, I like any of those ideas except leaving them as-is. I enjoy the majority of town clothes, and as an RPer, they're really practical, especially for my heavy armour characters. Crafting would be a good alternative, I think - it doesn't require veteran players to replay the personal story, and also doesn't involve people spending a Lot of real life money on simple outfits.


(Luckily I had one of the tonics already, but I wish I'd gotten more beforehand.)

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considering most of the town cloths were gemstore prior to the removal of town cloths (i think the casual outfit being the only exception being given to the player by default) i'm going to assume this is a way they can reintroduce those styles as gemstore outfits (and possibly give the casual as a freebie given at the end of the first story instance upon a new character)


using some examples for possible expectation on pricing the designer hoodie; the outfit was worth 400 gems, though the hoodie was just a shirt https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Designer_Hoodie

Khaki cargo shorts; just pants were 150 gems, but were converted to a full outfit https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Khaki_Cargo_Shorts

the Air rider package gave 4 peices of townclothings and a toy and was worth 650 gems, the toy alone is 250 gems so 400 gems for the outfit. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Air_Rider_Package


im going to be assuming town cloth outfits will be worth about 400 gems. defently will be nice to see these outfits return after 3 years of them being gone (they were removed in the 2014 april feature pack)

as for the casual outfit since originally a set was given to each character made free, just create some arbitrary achievement to get it once per account: probably something simple like reach level 10

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Considering only the racial town clothing was free, while the rest were gemstore purchases back-when, I'd wager settling for gemstore purchase for the ones you don't have currently, would be fair. Or the occassional BL chest drop.


I only wish the dye channels weren't as horribly configured on them as they are. I'd love to color only my hoodie without making my entire lowerbody the same color.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Gem Store.


> I know, I know... But you have to remember, they did give refunds back when they made the Town Clothes into tonics. AND we got to keep the tonics. Honestly, I'm shocked and thrilled that they allowed us to get the outfits for free if we had the tonics still.


> I expect to see the tonics, or the outfits themselves, for sale soon on the gem store. Maybe at a reduced price compared to most outfits, but I have no problems with ANet making a few gems off of doing this for us. This is something that has long been requested, and people have stated that they'd be willing to throw some gems at it. And now, here it is.


Absolutely. The town clothes fill so many little check boxes on the community wishlist, because we've pined for those simple, modest designs. I'll be waiting for them.

(Still, it'd be nice to have in-game ways to get one or three, but I'm not being picky about this update!)


Except for the dye thing @"Spazzmatica.9704" brought up. Liiittle tweak on those, pretty please?


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