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Unhappy with last update


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Yes, the title is harsh, but this needs to be said.


Exhibit A:


**_"Arcane Fury: This trait has been replaced by Arcane Prowess , which grants might for 8 seconds when you swap attunements._**


Eles already stack might **to oblivion **. You thought it was more important to remove some of their access to more guaranteed critical hits that make power damage viable, while decreasing their ability to get kills with condition damage, when they're not even the meta build for condition damage? Not to mention that the might stacks that eles can apply stand more chance to be corrupted/stripped the less *number* of boons they have on at any given moment what with Spellbreakers and the like running about.


Contrast that decision with this:


"In addition, we've evaluated some of the vulnerability applications via the trait system **_and have reworked some of the guaranteed high up-time traits, pushing the vulnerability into more guaranteed—but limited—moments during combat._** Finally, there have been a few profession-specific changes aimed at improving the general health of the game. "


I could honestly go on, but listing the plethora of bad decisions that directly contradict the ultimate stated goal of the latest patch notes would be exhausting and ultimately not that helpful; suffice to say that whoever is making these decisions needs a lesson in the importance of simplification for the sake of the health of this game mode, rather than piling on mechanics and power increases that ramp up complexity without offering any meaningful depth and variety of viable choices.


If this is the first of a bunch of balance changes to come, you haven't gotten off to a good start.

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Pretty grumpy about this, too. I really liked the Fury from that trait. The might stack is...nice? I guess? But really not needed.


Furthermore, it was impossible to maintain 100% fury uptime if you switched on CD, which was fine! It encouraged you to plan ahead and switch to get a momentary crit buff so you could try and land some of your harder hitting abilities.


Aaand just tested this. It's only 3-5 stacks of might if you switch on cooldown, which is better than nothing, but in comparison to what we had - bad.


Edit: In short, Anet, you had designed a very well thought-out trait that required forethought to activate and benefit from. You then replaced it with something that requires no thought whatsoever from the user, as eles are switching attunements all the time anyway. This is a buff to our passive effectiveness, but a nerf to active play. Please don't do that :(

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Furthermore, it was impossible to maintain 100% fury uptime if you switched on CD, which was fine! It encouraged you to plan ahead and switch to get a momentary crit buff so you could try and land some of your harder hitting abilities.


Precisely. Getting anything more significant than the base duration of fury from that trait would require a detrimental investment into boon uptime, as well as necessitate that all eles run weaver to abuse it (if you could even call it abuse?)


However, I'd like to clarify that I'm moreso highlighting this trait because it's such a blatant example of the disconnect that was shown in the recent patch, not necessarily to create a conversation specifically around the trait itself.


Very much worth noting that it is not just elementalists who were disappointed by this patch.

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This post resonate on how I feel, the game has become frustrating as an ele and not to mention their lack of diversity of builds in pvp, This just strips away a unique trait for that line. So seeing this change validates my choice to stop playing. The devs are on robot mode.

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> @"Uriel.6310" said:

> This post resonate on how I feel, the game has become frustrating as an ele and not to mention their lack of diversity of builds in pvp, This just strips away a unique trait for that line. So seeing this change validates my choice to stop playing. The devs are on robot mode.


I will be transparent and say that I main ele and so this was something that stuck out like a sore thumb, but there are a great many changes across other professions that were similarly disappointing. As a whole this patch was extremely disappointing.

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pretty sure they don't care about pvp anymore. They are focusing on pve balance, and arcane fury wasn't given _any_ thought at all.


they dropped vuln from air to make it harder to apply perma vuln, replaced it with fury, and then said "ok we don't need _two_ minor traits that give fury", and then deleted arcane fury. And no considering what effects that would have.

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This change would have been so much better if they weren't so stingy with the might.


Arcane needed a net buff for PvP Fresh Air Ele and various Weaver builds, this was more of a meh sidegrade.


They gave core Engineers the ability to apply mega self might stacks. Like, Blunderbus on 5 target dummies gives roughly 25 might stacks for 5 seconds. They did the same for Invo Revenant, a couple seconds of Facet of Darkness and you're stacked.


They should hotfix this to drop more might on swap, or longer duration if they're going to be cautious.





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The answer is yes.


Even the condi changes don't make sense. Conditions are supposed to be for the purpose of ignoring armor, not doing DoT. It makes way more sense with short durations, quick ramp-up, and middle-of-the-road damage with very limited access to cleanse and immunity. These changes just help reinforce all the existing problems - condi meta, too much damage, armor/toughness is pointless, and anti-condi is too important in your kit.

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its a real disappointment, not to mention bad timing. Ben has been awesome taking strides to connect with pvp community and the balance team just unthinkingly caused even more people to quit. the condi nerf was much needed and a nice idea but what is the point if the top 3 meta builds continue to overperform and outclass every other profession? this is just a small patch so here's hoping the backlash shakes things up a bit and gets balance team to rethink their direction though its hard to be optimistic at this point

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I think all of you clearly aren't seeing the whole picture. These devs just do this stuff cause they were assigned to do balance, not because they still love the game (perhaps that's just PvP, PvE excluded). And when a developer loses passion for what they do, we get this... Good thing we have another patch coming in 2 months :S

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > This change would have been so much better if they weren't so stingy with the might.


> Disagree. The ability to self- stack might 20+ without specing heavily for it is too strong. Power creep needs to go down, not up.


You are one of the 50% of forum posters who don't know what power creep is. Power creep is when you raise the overall power level of the game so it invalidates past content.


It's not power creep if it's not used by anything equal to the overall power level of the game. Edit: That's called a justified buff (without applying context.)


They just made it so I can blunderbuss 5 dummies on Engineer and get 25 might from one skill, yet, is Engineer causing power creep in PvP?

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> The patch did nothing to change the op condi dinamic.


> The fact remains, to run power you need:

> Power

> Crit

> Ferocity


> To run condi you need

> Condition damage


> Condi still builds offensive and defensive simultaneously, nothing changed here.


Since there are a million more factors, condi can overall be balanced, overpowered or underpowered and STILL only take one stat to power up. That's not likely to ever change, don't hold your breath eh

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> This change would have been so much better if they weren't so stingy with the might.


> Arcane needed a net buff for PvP Fresh Air Ele and various Weaver builds, this was more of a meh sidegrade.


> They gave core Engineers the ability to apply mega self might stacks. Like, Blunderbus on 5 target dummies gives roughly 25 might stacks for 5 seconds. They did the same for Invo Revenant, a couple seconds of Facet of Darkness and you're stacked.


> They should hotfix this to drop more might on swap, or longer duration if they're going to be cautious.


No, they should change it back and give us an additional second of fury to compensate for the fact that eles have had to put in 3x the work for passable results since HoT.


Or they could just revert this entire patch and have the balance team actually consult with the people who actually have to deal with the repercussions of these actions before doing anything again.


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> @"Leuca.5732" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > This change would have been so much better if they weren't so stingy with the might.

> >

> > Arcane needed a net buff for PvP Fresh Air Ele and various Weaver builds, this was more of a meh sidegrade.

> >

> > They gave core Engineers the ability to apply mega self might stacks. Like, Blunderbus on 5 target dummies gives roughly 25 might stacks for 5 seconds. They did the same for Invo Revenant, a couple seconds of Facet of Darkness and you're stacked.

> >

> > They should hotfix this to drop more might on swap, or longer duration if they're going to be cautious.


> No, they should change it back and give us an additional second of fury to compensate for the fact that eles have had to put in 3x the work for passable results since HoT.


> Or they could just revert this entire patch and have the balance team actually consult with the people who actually have to deal with the repercussions of these actions before doing anything again.



I think the Ele changes were awful overall, but there's no reverting it. Sorry.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:


> You are one of the 50% of forum posters who don't know what power creep is. Power creep is when you raise the overall power level of the game so it invalidates past content.


> It's not power creep if it's not used by anything equal to the overall power level of the game. Edit: That's called a justified buff (without applying context.)



Lol no. I bet that kool-aid was tasty.


It's power creep when engineer was competitive before HoT but needed massive buffs now to make out work. It's only not power creep when you accept that the power creep of the expansions is now the norm.


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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:


> > You are one of the 50% of forum posters who don't know what power creep is. Power creep is when you raise the overall power level of the game so it invalidates past content.

> >

> > It's not power creep if it's not used by anything equal to the overall power level of the game. Edit: That's called a justified buff (without applying context.)



> Lol no. I bet that kool-aid was tasty.


> It's power creep when engineer was competitive before HoT but needed massive buffs now to make out work. It's only not power creep when you accept that the power creep of the expansions is now the norm.



Expansions are power creep, they raise the bar and invalidate things like Engi. After the bar is irrevocably and permanently set higher, what I'm trying to explain to you is that making irrelevant content (Engi, PvP Weavers) usable again is not power creep, that's necessary maintenance.


Power creep only happens when you raise the bar. Google it.

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