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So when is WVW actually going to get some changes?


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No, we could care less about the ogrewatch rework. When is the wvw team gonna address these issues.


-AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!


-T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.


- Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)


I dunno, seems like all they add to this gamemode are some skins and call it a day. Who runs the show for wvw? Can we get an actual wvw dude running things that knows about the gamemode? I hear Sacrx is free, he's all over that Camelot Unchained game. I mean, the rewards are alright but the gamemode hasn't had any proper updates for awhile. GOD BLESS

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Noone runs the show there.

The balance patches are created focusing PVE.

The changes we grt are the result of PVERs crying over their classes and PVE dev team boosting/nerfing to make the PVERs happy.

WvW will remainas it stand.

It is up to you to accept it, adapt and try to have fun, lots and lots already did it and stopped caring with things like balance, competitivity, server pride, winning matchups, etc...


Move on to a new game. Lots and lots alrrady did it, and more do it evreryday...

No matter which decision you make, just remember, ANET doesnt care about it ??

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Ff xiv, bdo, archage getting remasterized in january, eso, lost ark comming in 2018, revelation online, blade & soul. There are some others i cant remember name right now.

And there are also the old but still good titles too, aion, lineage 2, wow, rf online, etc.

Considering popularity FF XIV and BDO are the most common destination for the guilds / players leaving.

I decided to stick around, at least till lost ark comes out. But i gave up hopes and goals on this game. Left my guild stopped going for raids and didnt buy the expansion. Now i mostly login, do my dailies, run around wvw for a while and chat with some friends. 60-120 min later i log out and go play PUBG ?

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> @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> Ff xiv, bdo, archage getting remasterized in january, eso, lost ark comming in 2018, revelation online, blade & soul. There are some others i cant remember name right now.

> And there are also the old but still good titles too, aion, lineage 2, wow, rf online, etc.

> Considering popularity FF XIV and BDO are the most common destination for the guilds / players leaving.

> I decided to stick around, at least till lost ark comes out. But i gave up hopes and goals on this game. Left my guild stopped going for raids and didnt buy the expansion. Now i mostly login, do my dailies, run around wvw for a while and chat with some friends. 60-120 min later i log out and go play PUBG ?


Yeah no, those MMO's are awful.

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AFK pip farming isn't an issue because most people try to find a low pop map for the chance to get the outnumbered buff...they don't stay in a queue'd map. Without staying semi-active, participation usually decays within 2-3 ticks anyway, and those that are truly AFK get booted for inactivity within that time frame as well.

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> @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

> AFK pip farming isn't an issue because most people try to find a low pop map for the chance to get the outnumbered buff...they don't stay in a queue'd map. Without staying semi-active, participation usually decays within 2-3 ticks anyway, and those that are truly AFK get booted for inactivity within that time frame as well.


Shhhh, but then who will all these people blame their losses on? Don't you remember that EBG is the only WvW map? You're not allowed to go into the other borderlands anymore, it just redirects you to EBG, right?

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

> > AFK pip farming isn't an issue because most people try to find a low pop map for the chance to get the outnumbered buff...they don't stay in a queue'd map. Without staying semi-active, participation usually decays within 2-3 ticks anyway, and those that are truly AFK get booted for inactivity within that time frame as well.


> Shhhh, but then who will all these people blame their losses on? Don't you remember that EBG is the only WvW map? You're not allowed to go into the other borderlands anymore, it just redirects you to EBG, right?


I love it! You hit the nail on the head!

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> @"Malerian.8435" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

> > > AFK pip farming isn't an issue because most people try to find a low pop map for the chance to get the outnumbered buff...they don't stay in a queue'd map. Without staying semi-active, participation usually decays within 2-3 ticks anyway, and those that are truly AFK get booted for inactivity within that time frame as well.

> >

> > Shhhh, but then who will all these people blame their losses on? Don't you remember that EBG is the only WvW map? You're not allowed to go into the other borderlands anymore, it just redirects you to EBG, right?


> I love it! You hit the nail on the head!



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.




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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Yes! Thank you. Thank you so much. It really gives me a lot of hope knowing you're here communicating with us. I started playing a few months ago, and I enjoyed PvE, but what WvW offered was such a great experience for me, as a new player, that I never actually left WvW. I went from rank 0 - 800 in three months, and never even finished the expansions. I was disheartened to find really passionate and competent players who had the general sense that they weren't prioritised or cared about. I love WvW, I love this game mode and the communities. So I'm really pleased to read you're still on the case WvW wise, and thank you again for addressing our concerns and reaching out.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Any support for making OS a WvW lobby, like PvP? It could share a lot of the same features, like allowing people to duel in a small arena, vendors, and other npc's, try out different stat combos on dummy golems or other players. It would probably have to be limited to each server for a variety of reasons, but I think it can be very useful.


I agree about t3 structures being too little reward, for sometimes too much effort. Please also consider looking at the siege cap, the amount of ac's and other bs that people can clump together is just disgusting. Also please fix emergency waypoints, 90% of the time I get kicked to spawn when taking it as soon as its popped, and a lot of other people are having this problem as well. Airship defense needs to be toned down a little, its too long, does too much damage, and too much CC. Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.


In regards to GvG, would there be anyway to expand the size of guild arenas in guild halls? And just make them generally better suited for WvW style fights. I mean who really needs all the extra crap in there, just make it a large enough flat space that is more comfortable to fight in, and allows enough players to fit in.

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Agreed with _X T D.6458_ on many points;


* Update OS parallel to PvP lobby (move players to OS once afk timer is over instead of kicking out of WvW entirely)

* Structure/objective reward scaling in regards to tiers would be a step in the right direction

* Guild hall arenas _need_ to have an _optional_ upgrade for assembling larger arenas catered to GvG; the arenas as they currently stand are far too small (irony of 'Guild Wars' in general when they don't even have enough space to GvG)


Thanks Raymond for keeping us updated, hope we can work together to bring more ideas to reality.

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> @"Malerian.8435" said:

> This again. Like please just stop. If you actually take time and read the forums you would know this has all been discussed. Anet will release updates when and if they have them ready. We might get lucky and they tell us before any major changes happen, but I am not holding my breath.


I will continue to make threads hammering my points home. Anet has responded so I say it was worth it. The siege humpers got their way and never stopped making threads destroying our game now it's our turn to make things right.




Make people fight and make combat number one defense!


SACRX for wvw president!


Nerf all tactics like invuln walls and gates!


Make wvw great again!



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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> **We're talking about** some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> **We've been talking** about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> **We've been talking** about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





I talked. I talked again. Hey hey I talked again. That's great!


Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Just do some stuff. In my little opinion the wvw devs havn't done anything seriously wrong if there are still ques to cry about.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Thanks for taking some time to answer!! We appreciate it :)



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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Sorry to be rude but...

All talk and no action doesnt help us much.

I mean, come on... DO something. Even if you fail terribly. Trust me, things cant really get that worst.

We started to continuously get 3 servers link. Soon to be 4, because 2 servers already isnt enough to fill a single BL. We are getting really few newcommers to wvw mode and Tons of players and guilds are actually leaving game.

Why is that? Because the situation is terrible.

Permalocked servers

Overstacked servers

Condition damage is way out of control

1-2 viable builds only, rest is useless

Lack of rewards for defending

Low rewards for caping a t3 structure

Still Way too much PVE crap on desert bl

Linking servers was not a good way to solve population problems

WvW should have a complete different skill group. I mean something like the builds for our classes: we have 2 sets of builds, being 1 for pve and other for wvw and they change automatically when we join each game mode. Same thing should happen to our skills. They should have different effects on wvw so that you could balance skills without fearing the pve players crying over boosts or nerfs..that way we could actually have WVW and PVP balance patches and PVE balance patches.


For the love of god: DO SOMETHING!!!

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Thanks for the answers! While the first two are longer term issues with WvW, the latter is a small but dedicated subset too and it's nice to see GvG getting some mention at last.


> @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> Condition damage is way out of control

> 1-2 viable builds only, rest is useless


> For the love of god: DO SOMETHING!!!


Good points other than these two. Condi does nothing: it's all power now. If anything, I'd say Balance is at a decent point with the exception of one outlier trait.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


are there also activities planned other than AFKers in OS? i miss the good old battles in the JP part of it but there is not really many people in there anymore. maybe even make a few capture points or one at the end in there for a special buff like +1-3 point for kills ( not stomp like bloodlust) and only 1 for all 3 teams so its important to keep and fight for it.




> @"X T D.6458" said:

> I Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.


i would prefer to see the adds on alpine towers/keeps removed as well as their healing skill below 50% to make it easier / faster to kill them solo or in small group and even possible when a zerg is nearby. as currently that healing below 50% when there are huge blobs fighting in outer will make it impossible for me to sneak kill them solo, if i happen to still be inside from a previous unsuccessful attempt. while in desert, its possible.

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