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So when is WVW actually going to get some changes?


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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> Oh yes i felt blessed with an official Anet answer that theyve been Talking about this and that,as we all should !...Ive been waiting since 2013 for something magically to happen.Patience is up.

Yeah well there's a time and place to be a hole, like you know when they're not saying anything, this isn't one of them.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > Oh yes i felt blessed with an official Anet answer that theyve been Talking about this and that,as we all should !...Ive been waiting since 2013 for something magically to happen.Patience is up.

> Yeah well there's a time and place to be a hole, like you know when they're not saying anything, this isn't one of them.



So now i was being an asshole for asking for action instead of talk ? Lmfao,get a grip.

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> @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> Noone runs the show there.

> The balance patches are created focusing PVE.

> The changes we grt are the result of PVERs crying over their classes and PVE dev team boosting/nerfing to make the PVERs happy.

> WvW will remainas it stand.

> It is up to you to accept it, adapt and try to have fun, lots and lots already did it and stopped caring with things like balance, competitivity, server pride, winning matchups, etc...

> Or

> Move on to a new game. Lots and lots alrrady did it, and more do it evreryday...

> No matter which decision you make, just remember, ANET doesnt care about it ??


Exactly right! WvW really is just the NEW PvE! Sure you got real people you're fighting but after all is said and done it's just another place to find loot and possibly some challenges... but mostly it's just blob and loot... just like PvE...rock on!

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > > I just hope they show some love to the little guilds out there that try to keep the game mode diverse instead of focusing too much on 30+ man group guilds.

> >

> > An idea to help small scale guilds with their stealthy playstyle :

> > Let ballistas damage spy balloons (from the watchtower upgrade). So the tactic is disabled for a few minutes once you shoot it out of the air!

> >

> > Not my idea initially, but I think it's a good one.


> well there are already ways to work around that watchtower but i am not sure if they are intended.

> the issue with ballistas shooting down the watchtower..for how long will that last? if its short, this will already be a signal to check the tower and if it is long, no point in watchtowers anymore. i do think with watchtowers people dont check their towers on the map as often as without them, as most got used to the tower doing the job for them.

> good roamers are able to open any tower without getting marked on the map and with only few it is flipped really fast. so i think people letting the towers scout for them is an advantage for roamers while it is very obvious when a zerg is going to attack a tower as most zergs got pug that will get marked even if the commander tries to be sneaky.


> i still hope they will change the rewards for taking an objective to become a total number of exp, karma etc depending on objective and tier and then distribute it between all the people that took part, this way you get alot more if you flip a keep with 5 people than with 50. but then again that is only wxp and karma while most of the reward is comming from kills, i am not sure if loot from kills could be done the same. like you get 10 heavy loot bags for a 1 on 1 roaming kill while in 50 vs 50 you only get one from every 5th kill on average. but this could cause too much work for the server as i am not sure how loot is generated.


Yes I kind of agree that many people rely on the watchtower... BUT for the older experienced folks that actually watch the map we see the swords, yes 30 seconds after they hit but we do see them.. sadly that's not many people. When I'm running a havoc group I get so many comments from people asking how the hell I know that a group is somewhere, and where they're most likely going etc. The simple fact is that most people that are in wvw these days don't understand how to watch a map etc. Ah well... WvW is the new PvE... as I said in my last reply.. rock on!

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Some of you guys man...

> He came in here and answered some questions about potential future plans, something they don't do, take it as an early Christmas gift that they are actually talking and planning on what to do next, and not just sitting there letting wvw slide on it's current way with links for the rest of it's life like we all normally think.


> A revamp of wvw will take a lot of time and planning, it's not something you flip a switch and do overnight, do something wrong with the revamp and you risk losing the rest of your players in wvw, they have to make sure they do it properly to make most of the players happy to move to a new system. Sounds like they probably need to finalize ideas and plans to take to the higher ups before making changes.


> So cut them some slack and be glad to know they're working on changes.


> > @"Zenral.3958" said:

> > I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.


> They're the wvw team, not the balance team.



Agree on most levels.. but... Remember the switch to Desert Borderlands "overnight"! Although there was lots of whining about WvW before that, I can pretty much say from experience that this ONE 'flip of the switch overnight' did more to hurt WvW than pretty much everything else that's been done. Since then they fixed DBL so that it's actually nice to play, but so so many people went away during that time.. and many didn't come back. Now we get the "balance" changes, aka world linking, then the new improved condi meta that, imo, has really hurt WvW more than it's helped, and so on.


Yes I'm glad they're talking... I would be more glad if they did something good.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> > Move on to a new game. Lots and lots alrrady did it, and more do it evreryday...


> Suggestions?


If you are seriously asking this question. Then I can't recommend any. Just do the rest of us gamers a favor. And stay in your misery filled state of fun that GW2 provide. You would more then likely not make it in any of the decent MMOs on the market anyways. I actually almost pity you to be honest. ALMOST! :sunglasses: :trollface:

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.


> And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).


> Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?


> Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??



> Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....



The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Some of you guys man...

> > He came in here and answered some questions about potential future plans, something they don't do, take it as an early Christmas gift that they are actually talking and planning on what to do next, and not just sitting there letting wvw slide on it's current way with links for the rest of it's life like we all normally think.

> >

> > A revamp of wvw will take a lot of time and planning, it's not something you flip a switch and do overnight, do something wrong with the revamp and you risk losing the rest of your players in wvw, they have to make sure they do it properly to make most of the players happy to move to a new system. Sounds like they probably need to finalize ideas and plans to take to the higher ups before making changes.

> >

> > So cut them some slack and be glad to know they're working on changes.

> >

> > > @"Zenral.3958" said:

> > > I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.

> >

> > They're the wvw team, not the balance team.

> >


> Agree on most levels.. but... Remember the switch to Desert Borderlands "overnight"! Although there was lots of whining about WvW before that, I can pretty much say from experience that this ONE 'flip of the switch overnight' did more to hurt WvW than pretty much everything else that's been done. Since then they fixed DBL so that it's actually nice to play, but so so many people went away during that time.. and many didn't come back. Now we get the "balance" changes, aka world linking, then the new improved condi meta that, imo, has really hurt WvW more than it's helped, and so on.


> Yes I'm glad they're talking... I would be more glad if they did something good.


Most of us do remember. And it was a huge change that was received horribly. The recent tweak to balance with a note that more small tweaks would come after watching a bit was the most encouraging thing in a while. Then the note that they are looking as tweaks to the population, Gvgs and scoring..


Yes, I want action. I don't want huge changes all at once because the mode would likely be damaged even more (and YES, that is possible)


So, while I don't believe that his post means anything more than the post itself, I am trying to take it as a sign that they have learned from making sweeping changes.


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Would be nice if you guys figure out a good/fair way to cash out pips when we're ready to quit wvw so we can get the rewards from the remainder of our decaying participation without actually having to idle in a map to get it. Or instead of killing our participation once we leave wvw, why not just put it in stasis...so that when we come back to play we're at whatever participation level we were at and can just pick up where we left off?


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> >

> > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> >

> > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> >

> > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> >

> >

> > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> >


> The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless


Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> > >

> > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> > >

> > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> > >

> > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> > >

> > >

> > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> > >

> >

> > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless


> Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!


It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > I wouldn't mind having Emergency WPs having a longer CD say, 45 mins or an hour, if the WP stayed opened a little longer - extra 30 to 60s, respectively


> I would. I prefer having the old way point system back. Open every 3 min. Then we can extend emergency wp cd


I agree the old system was better but realistically speaking they will more than likely not revert to it due to GH upgrades. Even that point though isn't as valuable anymore due to skirmish chests.

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> @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > > I wouldn't mind having Emergency WPs having a longer CD say, 45 mins or an hour, if the WP stayed opened a little longer - extra 30 to 60s, respectively

> >

> > I would. I prefer having the old way point system back. Open every 3 min. Then we can extend emergency wp cd


> I agree the old system was better but realistically speaking they will more than likely not revert to it due to GH upgrades. Even that point though isn't as valuable anymore due to skirmish chests.


The old system was better in every way except for spending gold to upgrade. All they had to do was instead of paying gold to upgrade you could pay with karma or battle tokens. ez pz fix but now the game makes it ez to upgrade everything and it's not very interactive.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > > @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > > > I wouldn't mind having Emergency WPs having a longer CD say, 45 mins or an hour, if the WP stayed opened a little longer - extra 30 to 60s, respectively

> > >

> > > I would. I prefer having the old way point system back. Open every 3 min. Then we can extend emergency wp cd

> >

> > I agree the old system was better but realistically speaking they will more than likely not revert to it due to GH upgrades. Even that point though isn't as valuable anymore due to skirmish chests.


> The old system was better in every way except for spending gold to upgrade. All they had to do was instead of paying gold to upgrade you could pay with karma or battle tokens. ez pz fix but now the game makes it ez to upgrade everything and it's not very interactive.


Agree. I feel like there's a difference between quality of life and making things easier.


This is removing content. So many lost game play, things to do, things to pay attention to, ways to customize, and so on

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> > > >

> > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> > > >

> > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> > > >

> > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> > > >

> > >

> > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

> >

> > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!


> It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.


nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!

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Holy shit this was unexpected and i appreciate the communication and the chance for us to speak about our experience around it.


Afk pip farmers is a huge issue. There are two aspects of them. Those who walk a dolly, or kill a sentry and then afk in spawn. All whilst the rest of us are gimped because those players miss in our defense/attack line on the borders. The second part of this is that they also do not only afk, but they also waste all the supplies in keeps/towers by reparing walls being trebbed which is just waste of supplies. I literally seen (mostly in NA, but do happen in EU too) people standing next to a wall reparing for each hit until the keep/tower is empty and then vulnerable for taking. When being told off they just say it is made that way so they can pipfarm. This really need to be fixed. There should not be contribution towards pips to repair walls or gates at all imo.


Rewards for taking tier 3 structures is something we always lacked. The champ bags is just not showing the effort it is to take such keep. Maybe add rewards like memory of battles which we need a lot of now and at least i are constantly low on them or some sort of special reward chest for tier 3 stuff. Memory of battle could also be added to the pip chests. Because there is really nothing in there that i need. I have it all and several k of everything so more things in pip reward chest like memory of battle would be great.

Tactivators are honestly fine. Dragon banner could be toned down some, but the rest really is fine.


GvG this got me to jump high when i read it. This would be something that would not only make old guilds happy but also create new guilds that want to be a part of it and even bring back old players to try it out. A leaderboard, a arena big enough like OS for example which you mentioned, and rules ofc. Few reminders. Don't over complicate it. Don't add anything PvE related in to it like killing a champ bear or what not, just simple GvG. Don't forget small guilds. Make sure bigger guild with 20-30 can GvG but also add a group of maybe 5-10, but separate leader boards.


Other things to consider. Siege. First of all, please remove all old siege. It is annoying when people build them, they are pretty worthless and it is not very hard to get superior. I get it on my alt accounts without playing much on them, people just need to understand how to get them.

Troll siege. Some people siege cap maps and there is nothing we can do about it but watch the troll build it and then siege click it to make sure we stay capped. If cap is being hit, please make a way to remove them. I don't have a suggestion for it that i think will work so i leave that for you who know what you can do.

Also please make siege cap inside of a keep/tower (and also make the same outside for enemies attacking) As it is now we can see 6 trebs 8 shield gens and ac in just a small area from attackers. It should not be that we can use the shields to cover everything. It is not working well. And the same on the inside. We should not be able to have like 10 ac in a small area to make a choke point and then shields on that. It is not healthy.


And we also need better ways to defend. And i don't mean we need better siege or more. We need better places to place siege on, because as it is now siege favors attackers. As an easy example. Fire keep is by far the easier way to siege the outer down. You can stand up on hills, were we can not hit with mortars or any other siege but attackers can hit us. At the same time they can pretty much hit anything from the outside with weapon damage or siege. Walls are not broad enough at least on some points.. Some improvements have been done lately (fire keep and sunny i seen), but more of that need to be made. Ofc not overmade so that it i to hard to kill siege, but not as it is now were it favors attackers.


I could write so much more but i stop here. Thank you again for communication, it is really appreciated.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:


> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.


Remember for GvGs: Simpler is better.


So if you make a seperate WvW map (or multiple to accommodate multiple GvGs) for this kind of thing, you don't need to go mad decorating it. A simple flat box map with waypoints is more than good enough for those kinds of battles and presumably much easier to make.







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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> > > > >

> > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> > > > >

> > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

> > >

> > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

> >

> > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.


> nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!


"active" offense and defense on keeps is a bunch of pvd and siege with no reward. It's not fun for any guild or decent commander it's only fun if there is a fight between 2 groups in the keep but they could just do that outside the keep lol. Sounds like a nsppt style of play that you're describing

> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Another map would be great. Honestly... who was lead designer for the alpine map? Get them on the phone! :D


WVW issues need to be addressed before they can even think about making a map. A water map with ships would be dope but i don't think that should be on top of the list of things to do in wvw.



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> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


What if they implemented "map bonus rewards" from PVE into WVW? For instance, every few towers captured, players defeated, etc. will earn us an extra pip. That would be some awesome incentive to be more active.



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> @"Elyk Mai.6401" said:

> > > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> > We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


> What if they implemented "map bonus rewards" from PVE into WVW? For instance, every few towers captured, players defeated, etc. will earn us an extra pip. That would be some awesome incentive to be more active.




Players defeated maybe. Not towers or camps flipped. That creates too much of an incentive to k-train.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Elyk Mai.6401" said:

> > > > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> > > We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> >

> > What if they implemented "map bonus rewards" from PVE into WVW? For instance, every few towers captured, players defeated, etc. will earn us an extra pip. That would be some awesome incentive to be more active.

> >

> >


> Players defeated maybe. Not towers or camps flipped. That creates too much of an incentive to k-train.


I dunno. I feel like anything that grants you wvw participation would be fair game. If the problem is afkers then the risk of a k-train is almost a good thing. (Wouldn't mind farming those PVE hero k-trainers either. :D)

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Honestly, i think its fine to have t3 structures be weaker, if they would not take literal HOURS to upgrade.


So let's look at the most prevalent example, the eastern and western towers of the home borderlands, these get 1 dolyak each from the northern camp, which takes a long time even with the speed upgrade.


In a recent night, with close to no interference (i think around 4 dolyaks were killed?), and the northern camp held straight for 6 and a half hours with constant superspeed passive, we still missed 10 yaks for t3.


So of course the t3 structures have to be defendable, since its a drama to upgrade them (at least some of them).


If they however changed the dolyaks paths a bit (e.g. have the eastern/western camps run their yaks around the north instead of the south to the main keep) and poked the costs for upgrades down to 15, 30, 60 yaks or something along these line, then we could be talking about making the defenses weaker.


As far as siegewars goes: Idk, i really liked the old huge sieges, with blobs fighting each other in keeps, but i dislike the fact you had to have a scout permanently, or the keep would be gone in 3 minutes, even on t3 (which let me tell you, used to be an even worse pain the arse to upgrade, at least for keeps).


So i don't know about a perfect balance here, i doubt it exists. Maybe nerf the gates, so there is a clear distinction between using a catapult (ranged, not putting yourself at risk) and a ram (fast, high damage but risky).


Ye, that alongside a sight obstruction so you can't just kill all the wallsiege, and then put a cata next to the walls could work. Or, yknow have a cata have friendly fire upon impact so they can only be used at range like they were supposed to.


Also, walls being unable to be repaired until completely broken might be something to experiment with here, so if you siege them they actually have to come out to fight you eventually.


All in all, i am interested in what they will do, but i am glad something is about to change.

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