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Should Winds of Disenchantment Be Removed From WvW?


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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Can we get OP removed from WvW instead? Seriously... just move better. Bubbles are good for WvW. The strategy to WvW is all about good movement, and mindgames.


> You haven't been confronted with the seven consecutively placed winds on a zerg. Not even two dodge rolls can get you out of that. And I'm fine with leaving WvW, means you have less people to fight and adds more to boring gameplay.


We have all been there. We all died there. We decided to not whine about it.


Again. Echantment collaps is the Problem.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> winds is not the problem, enchantmant collapse with not ICD is tho.



Do no remove WoD, it's a great way to stop zergs from just running at each other and instead promote more strategy.

Winds of Disenchantment can be avoided to a certain degree, yes you will probably loose a boon or two in every fight to the bubbles but the real problem is Enchantment Collapse which cannot be avoided, as a few randoms are standing in the bubbles the entire zerg suffers with no counterplay other than to give up and go home.


I play Spellbreaker myself and have played both with and without Enchantment Collapse and the difference in big fights is huge.

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Between yes and no then hell yeah, but my opinion is more that they should re-work it. Overall it need to be changed and not work as it does today. The size and duration is a issue as well.


Eles elite was totally remade when HoT came out and it was not even remotely close to op as this is now so a total makeover of the elite is possible and should be done and rather sooner then later because it is literally destroying the fun in WvW. One skill should not be allowed to do so. I know that the whole point of the new warrior spec is made for this, but again one skill should not run WvW.

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It's ok when there is a huge space to fight in. But when coordinated in all those tight spaces that wvw maps have an abundance of and it's totally OP.


Range, aoe, number of targets affected all need a nerf. Make the bubble smaller and make it affect 5 targets maximum, and remove the 'blocks projectiles'. I remember when mesmers used to have a similar bubble skill and that was nerfed so hard it ceased to be used at all- so why should this not be nerfed to hell.


I'd start with removing the block projectiles portion of it and nerf number of targets and number of buffs removed. Why should this skill affect so many targets when most other aoe skills affect 5 or 3? (metoer shower nerfed into the ground...).


Not sure how you counter it when you're trying to push across a bridge against a well co ordinated guild group... 'ltp' becomes 'lt use range and never push'. If you have equal numbers it's a complete pain. Mexican stand off occurs.


I did however find the perfect counter: set up a sup ballista. Forces them to either try and push to destroy it or concede ground- either way it moves the fight into more open ground where you can then actually play the game.

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Should be a 3rd option of "No" but with caveats. No it shouldn't exist in it's current form. I do think it should go on cool down with both berserker stance and endure pain. At no point should either (or both) of these be activated allowing someone to run in freely at will and drop the bubble where they wish. This is beyond stupid design. If either of those skills are used, WoD should go on cool down with them.


I can just see it now, next warrior elite summons a party of legendary defenders at their side for 2 min on a 30s cool down.

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