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How old are you? (take 2)


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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > > I’m not old enough to know but does age affect dexterity and reaction times? I’ve noticed most of the ESL pro gamers from other games are mostly in their 20s.

> > >

> > > Well, younger gamers are all thumbs when they have to move with WASD or arrow keys.

> > >

> >

> > “all thumbs” is that a UK phrase/idiom? I am American but heard Hyacinth Bucket say it in one of the Keeping up Appearances episode. My parents love that show. It used to be on Netflix


> "All thumbs" means basically to be clumsy/uncoordinated (similar to "I can't dance, I have two left feet!"). It probably originated somewhere in the UK, as I'm Australian and have heard that saying growing up.


> Grew up watching that show too. It used to be on actual television here ;)


That show was a permanent fixture on my parents Netflix acct. Hyacinth used the phrase on her neighbor who drops/breaks her fine bone china. I thought it meant somewhere along the line of clumsy or awkward. I’m from California and everyone here says ‘Dude’, it’s annoying haha.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> I had like my birthday a week or 2 ago and i already dont remember how old i am. Meh im to old for this.


I'm in my 20's and every single time someone asks me about my age I have to ask my husband how old I am. Not even kidding. I don't feel a day over 18 (and probably don't act it either haha). And no, there's no history of memory loss in my family. It's just me!

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > > I’m not old enough to know but does age affect dexterity and reaction times? I’ve noticed most of the ESL pro gamers from other games are mostly in their 20s.

> > >

> > > It stands to reason IRL fitness and diets can affect reaction times and decision making. As you get older, you slowly but steadily fall apart.

> >

> > Yeah I’m hoping that my diet and exercise would slow down the aging process. The idea of falling apart is frightening yet a sad reality.

> Diet and exercise do make a difference... but it needs to be the right kind of diet (low cholesterol and roughage) and the right kind of exercise program (I recommend free weights).

> For males, we start losing 1-2% of our muscle mass every year about the time we hit 40, plus testosterone levels drop dramatically. Your metabolism is heavily influenced by the amount of muscle mass and by your testosterone. A pound of fat, for instance, only burns one or two calories per day; a pound of muscle burns five or six calories per day, so it is important to maintain your muscle mass. Side benefits of weight training: stronger tendons and ligaments, making you less likely to incur injuries; and more bone mass which equates to more cartilage at the joints and more bone marrow. More bone marrow means you have higher red blood cell production which equates to better transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body (and better removal of the effects of "work" by your muscles), plus more white blood cells. Add in some cardiovascular workouts and your aerobic capacity dramatically increases.

> You won't necessarily live longer since genetics is a significant factor in your longevity, but quality of life is much better if you maintain a reasonable level of fitness. Real fitness, not rationalized fitness... Your eyesight is still going to fade; your reflexes will slow to some extent; the girls will start calling you a "dirty old man" no matter what; but at least you'll live long enough to become a "dirty old man"...

> At my age (yes, I'm one of the old farts) I doubt I could remember what to do with a girl if I ever caught one, anyway... ;)


I’m female but you gave amazing advice!


My mom tells me to reduce carb intake coz it will promote inflammation when I get older. I’m not a vegetarian but I avoid eating too much red meat coz they’re hard on my kidneys. It’s awesome to see health conscious gamers. For exercise, I enjoy jogging around a beautiful lake in the middle of a bustling city.


I’m from Northern CA (currently in Asia) so yeah I’m a bit of a health nut.

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> @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

> > > > I actually wouldn't be surprised if a lot of players were somewhere between 20-50 because a lot of GW2 players come from GW1.

> > >

> > > You’re probably right. However, the weird thing was that when GW2 had a competitive scene 2013-16, some of the players in NA couldn’t join because they were underage or couldn’t participate because of school. A couple GW2 streamers I follow are 18 and 20.

> >

> > Just because community consist of players from previous game, doesn't mean new players don't join. I personally didn't play GW1, i started to play GW2 because of pvp specifically (when it was still good and had hopes). However i know a lot of players that came to GW2 because of GW1. It is kind of same with WoW: it had faithful playerbase that came from wc3/starcraft.


> I once played starcraft and warcraft 3 (also 1 and 2, yes im game vet age :p ) and now guildwars (first 1 and then 2) . Funny fact the founders/first generation of anet devs have their roots in that blizzard games (and the creation of Battlenet :) )


I played Warcraft 1-3 and I remember hearing early on in the development of WoW that there had been a "massive schism" at Blizzard and "half the company" had quit. Then it was downgraded to actually just a few guys had quit, and mostly people who did back-end things like server design so it wasn't going to affect the final game much. I wish I'd paid more attention to the rumours that those guys were going to develop their own game, then I wouldn't have missed the first year of GW1.


Although sometimes I wonder what might have happened if instead Blizzard had conceded they were right and let them do whatever they wanted. A GW game set in Azaroth is basically what I wanted from WoW originally so sometimes it's frustrating to think how close it might have come to happening.


And incidentally I later learned that as well as people who do "boring" things like server design that's still considered furturistic a decade later (seriously, if I had £1 for every time I've been told it's impossible to update a game without taking it offline for a day I'd be rich) Anet also got the writer of one of my favourite Warcraft stories - Jeff Grubb who wrote The Last Guardian which finally got me to understand and (mostly) stop hating Medivh.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

> > I’m not old enough to know but does age affect dexterity and reaction times? I’ve noticed most of the ESL pro gamers from other games are mostly in their 20s.


> Age in most cases, but not all, does affect dexterity. But more than that, it affects stamina and focus, at least in my case. However, since most people don't raid or competitively PvP or WvW, what does it matter?


> I'll be 56 soon and I'm part of the first generation that grew up on video games (admittedly a faint shadow of what they have become today). I'm not going to stop playing just because I'm not interested in killing myself raiding. There's plenty of stuff in this game for a guy like me to do.


> The builds I tend to make aren't meta builds, but they're more fire and forget builds. Phantasm builds on a chronomancer, for example, rather than a shatter build. I still shatter when I can resummon 2 phantasms, but it's not nearly as active. Daredevil is a very very easy build, using staff and dual pistol, for people who want to take it easier and still clear content.


> I tend to stay away from eles and engies, not that I never play them but I don't play them as much or as hard. My engie is using a flame thrower build that works quite nicely that I call fire and forget. lol



I'll be 56 next month, it's similar for me. I tend to play the easy classes; ranger, reaper and guardian. My builds are comfortable and do well enough that I can solo the story and not die *all* the time in PvP.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > I had like my birthday a week or 2 ago and i already dont remember how old i am. Meh im to old for this.


> I'm in my 20's and every single time someone asks me about my age I have to ask my husband how old I am. Not even kidding. I don't feel a day over 18 (and probably don't act it either haha). And no, there's no history of memory loss in my family. It's just me!


Same pretty much.


Edit: except from the the husband part.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > I had like my birthday a week or 2 ago and i already dont remember how old i am. Meh im to old for this.

> >

> > I'm in my 20's and every single time someone asks me about my age I have to ask my husband how old I am. Not even kidding. I don't feel a day over 18 (and probably don't act it either haha). And no, there's no history of memory loss in my family. It's just me!


> Same pretty much.


> Edit: except from the the husband part.


Same here. If I need to tell someone how old I am I always have to stop and think about it, because it just doesn't seem right.


Fortunately at 32 (I think...yeah) I'm _mostly_ past the point where they're asking because they think I might be took young to buy/do something, so the hesitation doesn't look suspicious anymore, and I'm hopefully too young for them to think I'm going senile...so I guess I just look run-of-the-mill crazy.

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My husband collects old and new video game consoles. I think he has all of them including the ones from the 80s and 90s except the Atari ones. (2600, 7800 and Jaquar, although my dad has the 2600)


I don't like going to my husband's man cave/game room coz the mess, I get dizzy I can only capture one corner of the room. Lol.






I prefer PC games. They don't clutter!


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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > 49 here. I still remember when my mom brought home our first video game...PONG.


> My first home computer was a TRS 80 with a cassette drive.


My first was a ZX Spectrum which also had a cassette drive. That seems absurd now, but then I've always been of the opinion that the only thing cassettes had going for them was being smaller than records. For computers I think even the original floppy discs (the ones which were actually floppy) were better.


Still, could be useful for surprising the kids who know about cassette tapes and get irritated when adults expect them to be confused or surprised by their existence. "Ah, but did you know you could put computer programs on them too?"


(Although my friends kid recently asked her if she knew that computers could send email "just like phones!" so maybe we can continue to forget about tapes and still confused kids.)

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Older people are generally on the forums, the only kids who come here are the kids who are doing the hardcore content the raiders, the hardcore pvpers. Less then 1% of the population actually goes the the forums. Most players don't really care about things outside of there guild if that much, few come here to complain every now an again.


So if your trying to sample realize your sampling a fraction of players and of that fraction of players only a slice of that group who are willing to post on the forums.



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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> As of this moment, 2 respondents 80+. Rock on, older folks!


> @"Rpgtabbycat.5869" said:

>Also surprised by the number of pre-teens. I thought that count would be 0.


Most likely people just goofing around that selected those options as there is no way to validate how honest the voters are. If you subtract the results from the first two age range options and the last two you will probably get a more accurate distribution as far as forum members that voted.



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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > As of this moment, 2 respondents 80+. Rock on, older folks!


> > @"Rpgtabbycat.5869" said:

> >Also surprised by the number of pre-teens. I thought that count would be 0.


> Most likely people just goofing around that selected those options as there is no way to validate how honest the voters are. If you subtract the results from the first two age range options and the last two you will probably get a more accurate distribution as far as forum members that voted.


> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/7y7hbpjm.jpg)


Doesn't that would be just arbitrary? Why would someone do that just because "there is no way to validate how honest the voters are"?

There is a thread with a lot of old people talking about their physical problems just in the first page. IMO they very well could be the ones voting here.

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