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Legendary weapons should be a step above ascended


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Legendary weapons are certainly a huge goal for any player. It wows other players with the visual and sound effects when your hero walks around with the rainbows of the bifrost or seeing firey footfalls of Rodgort.


To make them even more super they should supply a 5% bump in combo stats and weapon damage above an ascended weapon or armor piece.


Just something to think about this holiday season.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.


I couldn’t agree more. This is a very very bad idea for many reasons. They should stay as cosmetics only. You get them because of the wow factor not bc you need a bump in stats.

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> @"moonboi.1764" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.


> I couldn’t agree more. This is a very very bad idea for many reasons. They should stay as cosmetics only. You get them because of the wow factor not bc you need a bump in stats.


I can already see the raid lfg posts now if there were increased stats involved: lfm w1 full legendary only"



Yeah....no thanks.

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> @"Greasy.7609" said:

> Legendary weapons are certainly a huge goal for any player. It wows other players with the visual and sound effects when your hero walks around with the rainbows of the bifrost or seeing firey footfalls of Rodgort.


> To make them even more super they should supply a 5% bump in combo stats and weapon damage above an ascended weapon or armor piece.


> Just something to think about this holiday season.


First, no. Just no.

Second, if by, "wow other players," you mean encourage other players to avoid the person bearing the visually noisy eyesores, and to vote to kick them from instance groups...you are correct.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> > @"moonboi.1764" said:

> > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > The last thing this game needs is a gear treadmill and this is a push towards that.

> >

> > I couldn’t agree more. This is a very very bad idea for many reasons. They should stay as cosmetics only. You get them because of the wow factor not bc you need a bump in stats.


> I can already see the raid lfg posts now if there were increased stats involved: lfm w1 full legendary only"



> Yeah....no thanks


Again, I couldn’t agree more. Let’s keep this bad idea in 2017 and not bring it into the new year. It’s OP like this that keeps me away from the forums.

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2% Increase is fine, Ascended gear is entirely optional too.

What is with this automatic denial you guys make it seem like ascended gear is mandatory for anything outside of t4 fotm.


Disclaimer i own no legendary weapons, i do not plan to make them nor the armor i'm just a man who likes when people are rewarded for being a awesome. Why is B@D@ASS filtered anet please ._.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Do we really need to add fuel to the (lately banked) fire of, "Provide alternate PvE paths to legendary armor!"? Because, I can assure you that if if Legendary offered higher stats, the trickle of complaints about that we see now would get much, much bigger.


I would complain both on armour and of course on the price of legendaries in general as seeing the general price of an ascended is 40 to 50 while the usual price of a legendary is like 2000 or something, unless the equipment is like 40x stronger, that price needs to go away.

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Given the time curve needed to craft/get a legendary. The limitation of skins (I know you can change the skin, but that is making the legendary less). And the limitations on amount of more then one legendary (getting precursors for the vanilla game legendaries). All together I find this a terrible idea. It not only adds an immense geargrind, but it also limits you to commit to a specific playstyle and class. This game is and should always be beyond such limitations.

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Absolutely not!

There are plenty of _other_ games available out there if a gear treadmill is what you are after. They can leave anymore gear levels out of this one. I don't care how 'insignificant' or 'minor' you might feel "just 5%" is. There will be too many people that suddenly "require" that 5% for grouping purposes.

So no. Just no.


Legendary is fine remaining primarily cosmetic. The ability to stat swap out of combat is also a nice (non game breaking) feature. They should add the ability to add or build in swappable runes / sigils (depends on whether ur talking armor or weapons) as an additional 'perk' and that would ice the cake, imo. Without making them a "requirement"

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Well this suggestion was bound to happen... and no doubt will happen again.. and again.. and again.. until Anet gives in and provides Legendary items a stat boots to placate their players.


Why delay the inevitable.


Do I think this would be a massive train wreck, alienate huge portions of the player base, and cause massive fiscal loss to Anet.. yes.. yes I do.. but, lets get real, this request will never stop... so.. much like anything that is going to end badly., waiting will not improve the situation.

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It won't happen, because the main chunk of the end game is about your look and showing off your "skin prestige" not having a constant gear grind. But what I think should happen is that they get swappabe sigils. I don't think there's enough of them to change the economy drastically, and after all that costs armor gets them but not weapons?


The premium you pay/make for a legendary is 1. The visual prestige 2. The swappable stats 3. Swappable runes - which should be for all of them imo. They don't need anything more.

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