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ArenaNet Forum Chats Coming!

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" Gaile, what time of day will things kick off? I can push to be at my computer by 9 am Pacific, and easily be at it by 10 am Pacific. I'd love to know if pushing is needed :)


The subforum is live **now!** You can post any time between now and Friday afternoon. Gogogogo!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" Gaile, what time of day will things kick off? I can push to be at my computer by 9 am Pacific, and easily be at it by 10 am Pacific. I'd love to know if pushing is needed :)


> The subforum is live **now!** You can post any time between now and Friday afternoon. Gogogogo!


I can't find the topic anymore, I found it like 5 mins ago but after a refresh it was gone.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" Gaile, what time of day will things kick off? I can push to be at my computer by 9 am Pacific, and easily be at it by 10 am Pacific. I'd love to know if pushing is needed :)

> >

> > The subforum is live **now!** You can post any time between now and Friday afternoon. Gogogogo!


> I can't find the topic anymore, I found it like 5 mins ago but after a refresh it was gone.


Oh, that may be because I flubbed my intro and didn't lock it, and so I remade it. The subforum -- that's where the action is -- can be found here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/march-2018%3A-lws4-episode-2

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" Gaile, what time of day will things kick off? I can push to be at my computer by 9 am Pacific, and easily be at it by 10 am Pacific. I'd love to know if pushing is needed :)

> > >

> > > The subforum is live **now!** You can post any time between now and Friday afternoon. Gogogogo!

> >

> > I can't find the topic anymore, I found it like 5 mins ago but after a refresh it was gone.


> Oh, that may be because I flubbed my intro and didn't lock it, and so I remade it. The subforum -- that's where the action is -- can be found here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/march-2018%3A-lws4-episode-2


That was it, thanks Gaile.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Here's an update for you on the ArenaNet Forum Chats. As you can see ~glances at calendar~ it's now the end of February, but don't worry -- we have not forgotten this concept, and we intend to start the series very soon! In fact, I think the reason for the adjustment in the inaugural chat will be apparent when you read on...


> What's in store? I'm glad you asked. :D


> We've been talking internally, and reading your thoughts specifically about the AFCs coupled with your general feedback, as well. This has led us to a few ideas:

> * It would be great if the first ArenaNet Forum Chat focuses on Living World Season 4, Episode 2. This would fulfill a pretty broadly expressed request, that in addition to the wonderful Dev Celebrations on the day of an episode's release, we also have another conversation opportunity a bit later, after you've had a chance to play the episode and come up with feedback, questions, ideas, and such. I'll reach out to the Ep 2 Team tomorrow and see who's on board, then fill you in later on who will be participating.

> * The series will take place about monthly, as opposed to bi-weekly, because we agree with what some of you shared: A monthly cadence will fit better in the developer schedule and will be more productive and meaningful. (I already have a nice idea for the topic of April's chat. :) )

> * We'll kick off the AFC series on Thursday, March 15. We're thinking that it may be good to have a focused hour or two of conversation -- that is, responding to forum posts -- over a couple of days, rather than one chat on a single day. This will depend on the developers' schedules, of course, but it sounds as if this is a solid option that may even offer the ability to get back to a question the second day, if a dev wants to check into something in order to respond or if someone is available only on one of the two days.

> * We'll have a way to gather questions, so that if you cannot attend during the AFC, you still may be able to post your comment or question. The chat will have a solid end time, of course, but we'll be sure to preserve all questions and answers afterwards.


> The logistics -- where, who, when, that sort of thing -- will come later, but for now, I hope you find this information of interest, and I look forward to seeing a whole bunch of you during the chat.


hey Gaile


Quick tip for next time. Send out a mail when its going to happen.

Now you've restricted your audience to only the people who were lucky enough to read this post by chance.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:


> hey Gaile


> Quick tip for next time. Send out a mail when its going to happen.

> Now you've restricted your audience to only the people who were lucky enough to read this post by chance.


I like that idea and will see if it's possible for us to do it.


I am hoping that once the monthly chats become better known, people will start looking for the announcement on the forums, or may seek the announcement thread, when they realize one is coming up. I'll noodle on how we could make the upcoming chats more visible, but due to dev schedules I probably only want to announce out a single month, since new projects come along, team member priorities change, and I'd hate to "commit" us to a date six months in advance, only to find that that is the very week we're releasing a new episode. :o


I do agree with you, though, that it would be splendid to get more eyes on the AFCs, and thanks for the suggestion!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> >

> > hey Gaile

> >

> > Quick tip for next time. Send out a mail when its going to happen.

> > Now you've restricted your audience to only the people who were lucky enough to read this post by chance.


> I like that idea and will see if it's possible for us to do it.


> I am hoping that once the monthly chats become better known, people will start looking for the announcement on the forums, or may seek the announcement thread, when they realize one is coming up. I'll noodle on how we could make the upcoming chats more visible, but due to dev schedules I probably only want to announce out a single month, since new projects come along, team member priorities change, and I'd hate to "commit" us to a date six months in advance, only to find that that is the very week we're releasing a new episode. :o


> I do agree with you, though, that it would be splendid to get more eyes on the AFCs, and thanks for the suggestion!


Thanks for your reasoning, Gaile

If I may offer a suggestion.

I don't know how far in advance you know the date/time you aim for. But you could send the mail or activate the website banner a single day in advance. Or 3 hours prior.


(But now i do have your attention, are the normal coloured Destroyer Wings (not vinetouched green) on the table?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Can we get some more AFC's here on the forums? It has been a nice way to get some improved communication between the ArenaNet teams and the GW2 community, but the last ArenaNet forum chat has been quite a while ago. I would love to put these on the agenda again.


holy necro batman!

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> Hmm I didn't realise the last one was already a year ago :open_mouth: . They even skipped the living world ones we used to have when every episode came. Basically since layoffs (or specific since Gaile left) we have have seen no single AMA anymore. Even layoffs is a year ago almost.


A year already? Damn, time flies at a scary rate...

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> Hmm I didn't realise the last one was already a year ago :open_mouth: . They even skipped the living world ones we used to have when every episode came. Basically since layoffs (or specific since Gaile left) we have have seen no single AMA anymore. Even layoffs is a year ago almost.


Exactly since Gaile left. This was her project and initiative, and probably had a lot of wrangling she had to do behind the scenes that others aren't so able/willing to do. That said, they were fun and well-received on the whole, so perhaps this (totally valid) necro may spark the dev memory about the Forum Chats and get them going once more.

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This makes me wonder... we do have that broadcast show from @"Rubi Bayer.8493" with devs and all sorts of employees working on current stuffs. Maybe this ama thing could be inserted into these broadcasts.. As in... ask some questions in forum in a specific thread and we will answer some we picked out of there in the show based on the topic of speech and the available employees that will be present in the show? Sounds like a win-win... We can ask some questions and more ppl will be watching them broadcasts (and ofcourse Anet can still pick in advance what they want to answer to). This may also ask less time from individual employees to browse the forums for all those dozen questions asked in ama's. Just some idea...

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> This makes me wonder... we do have that broadcast show from @"Rubi Bayer.8493" with devs and all sorts of employees working on current stuffs. Maybe this ama thing could be inserted into these broadcasts.. As in... ask some questions in forum in a specific thread and we will answer some we picked out of there in the show based on the topic of speech and the available employees that will be present in the show? Sounds like a win-win... We can ask some questions and more ppl will be watching them broadcasts (and ofcourse Anet can still pick in advance what they want to answer to). This may also ask less time from individual employees to browse the forums for all those dozen questions asked in ama's. Just some idea...


Isn't that exactly what they do for Guild Chat anyway? I know Rubi asked for some questions on the forums after Ep1 dropped and a decent number were posed to each of the teams they brought on after they talked about things they worked on in general.


I don't usually watch much Guild Chat because my time to invest in online vids isn't usually there, but it is a solid place to host these Q&As. Might just need more of a push because some of the info that comes out is interesting in the context provided

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> This makes me wonder... we do have that broadcast show from @"Rubi Bayer.8493" with devs and all sorts of employees working on current stuffs. Maybe this ama thing could be inserted into these broadcasts.. As in... ask some questions in forum in a specific thread and we will answer some we picked out of there in the show based on the topic of speech and the available employees that will be present in the show? Sounds like a win-win... We can ask some questions and more ppl will be watching them broadcasts (and ofcourse Anet can still pick in advance what they want to answer to). This may also ask less time from individual employees to browse the forums for all those dozen questions asked in ama's. Just some idea...


Here you go:






...and more (Use the 'Search' feature)

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