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I've logged in once over the past couple months just to unlock the new living story. That's it


This game is so extremely beautiful, the combat I think beats any other game (even tera) by a long shot. The classes are very unique and the skills are awesome.


But I find 0 purpose to ever play this game which I hate. This game truly offers absolutely nothing in the long run.


I'm asking other players here to maybe help me see what I could be missing.


I have the armor and look that I want...what else can I achieve in this game?


Jumping puzzles are a little fun but serve 0 purpose. Events are fun but serve 0 purpose as the only thing you get is money which is 100% useless as all gold buys is cosmetic items which is useless as I already have the look I want.


I have played during beta and taken a lot of breaks, currently my longest one yet. I miss the combat and the feel of the world but with this game I never see absolutely any reason to never log in.


It feels like this game has truly truly turned into fashion wars. Once you unlock your look what's the point of ever logging into this game? You really don't get anything for playing but a useless currency.



What I'm really asking. To those who have decked out there character completely and have 0 use for gold in the game, what is it that keeps you playing this game? When you log in what do you do and why??

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things to do in game are directly proportional to how open you are to playing every aspect of it. What I have done the last couple months:


* Work on PoF map achieves.

* Get full 32-slot bags on my main.

* Get every legendary back, get my first PvP legendary armor (done with backs, missing ascended shards for armor).

* get to Fractal God (currently Fractal Prodigy).

* Finish third set of raid legendary armor.

* Get CMs for new wing.


Some of those, like Fractal God, will take me months if not the whole year.

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When I log in I do one of the following:

1. Map completions

2. Level up a character

3. Explore a map.

4. Do dailies (and Wintersday dailies during this event).

5. Do events hoping on items or drops.

6. Craft.

7. Try to get ascended gear (and failing).

8. Fractals (every so often).

9. /laugh at characters I find that I look funny/weird/silly.

10. Story.

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I log in because:


+ I like the combat system.

+ I like certain professions and how they play.

+ I sometimes run around zones, kill stuff and look at the virtual scenery.

+ Occasionally, I'll open the achievements tab and see if there's an achievement I could get.

+ Sometimes I feel like going into WvW and either roaming or blobbing as militia.


Above all, when I get tired or bored, I log out. It feels like people only find such games fun if there is some long-term goal they can strive for. I find that the typical approach to playing an MMO, advancing a goal, is overrated. It tends to promote lengthy, driven play sessions until the goal is reached. I play GW2 not just to get stuff, but to enjoy myself. If that means I don't play for hours every time I log in -- and I don't -- well, so be it.

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RP is what keeps a game like this alive for me. Not everyone is going to like writing stories or doing improv theater in text, but for those who do Tyria offers a whole lot of material to shape the lives of player characters. Right now my storylines with guildies include a norn and human tracking down the human's inheritance through finding the norn's mother for clues, a pair of nobles deeply in love now on the eve of their wedding with a pending honeymoon in Elona, a Priory magister sent to the desert with protective armor from the Priory's vaults, an ex-Seraph who got hauled back into the army during the Lake Doric emergency and is now a valet (and secretly a bodyguard) for an adventure-prone noble ... on hold I have a sylvari trekking through the wilds somewhere to find enough lava to toss in a Nightmare sword (she's very Arthurian questy, and goes overboard on these things), a human with Grenth-powers combined with a practical common sense outlook who must deal with revelations about the Gods ...


ANet doesn't give us detailed stories, but we sure can tell our own.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> I've logged in once over the past couple months just to unlock the new living story. That's it


> This game is so extremely beautiful, the combat I think beats any other game (even tera) by a long shot. The classes are very unique and the skills are awesome.


> But I find 0 purpose to ever play this game which I hate. This game truly offers absolutely nothing in the long run.


> I'm asking other players here to maybe help me see what I could be missing.


> I have the armor and look that I want...what else can I achieve in this game?


> Jumping puzzles are a little fun but serve 0 purpose. Events are fun but serve 0 purpose as the only thing you get is money which is 100% useless as all gold buys is cosmetic items which is useless as I already have the look I want.


> I have played during beta and taken a lot of breaks, currently my longest one yet. I miss the combat and the feel of the world but with this game I never see absolutely any reason to never log in.


> It feels like this game has truly truly turned into fashion wars. Once you unlock your look what's the point of ever logging into this game? You really don't get anything for playing but a useless currency.



> What I'm really asking. To those who have decked out there character completely and have 0 use for gold in the game, what is it that keeps you playing this game? When you log in what do you do and why??


Start a new character and tailor him/her the way you want :) Why do you only need one? Alts are fun! You can see more of the global story, experience more of Tyria's cultures as a participant. Have fun all over again, this time with a new perspective.


JMHO, this game has as much purpose as any other. Nothing you achieve here can't be achieved in other virtual worlds. Finding a purpose larger than fun and enjoyment isn't going to happen here any more than it will in WOW, SWTOR, Neverwinter or, say, the Mass Effect universe. And maybe it doesn't have to.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > My reason? To kill everything between here and my goal. Need I have of any other goal?


> But what is your goal? If you already had your perfect armor set and stats what are you aiming for?


I think I'm starting to see your problem. You think too much! ;)


Gearing up is only the first step. From there, you just go out and do things. Do you feel like running a dungeon or fractal? do it. Wanna play some PvP? Go for it. Wanna quaggan stomp someone in WvW? It'll take hours, but it'll be SO worth it.


If that's too easy, try gathering a full naked no weapon ascalon run. Most fun I've ever had. =)

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My personal aim in this game is to waste some time, and get entertained in the meanwhile. I don't feel the need to have a specific goal.


Things I tend to do in the game:

* Dailies - the ones I feel like

* World bosses - the ones I feel like

* Work on achievements - the ones I feel like

* Take one of my characters and progress it a bit. I have about 15 characters in various stages of the game. Long-term, I envision all of them will have gotten through all of PvE.

The one thing I **will not** do is force myself to play things that I won't enjoy for the purpose of getting "stuff" faster. Things come in their own time.


That's about it. Works for me, might or might not work for you.

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What do you do in other MMOs?

There’s always the gear treadmill on the others which this game doesn’t have. If that’s what you’re missing then this isn’t the game for you.

What else? Explore? Dungeons(fractals)? Achievements?

Maybe figure out what you like to do in other MMOs and see what’s the closest equivalent in this game.

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There are two answers to this. The first is that this is a game of setting goals. If you can't or won't set your own goals, then that's that. The game isn't tell you what to do. You have to determine that yourself.


I like making legendary weapons so that's what I do. Eventually I want them all.


But there's another aspect of the game and that's technique. Your stats won't improve past a certain point, but your technique will always improve. How well you do stuff is TRUE progression. There are dungeons that used to be hard that I can do quite easily now, because I've improved. And improving is a reward in and of itself.


Finally, I also have a guild that I enjoy, who I enjoy playing with. I enjoy helping other players reach there goals as well. This is, after all, an MMO. Without the community I wouldn't likely have played this game for five years straight without a break.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You said JPs are fun and events are fun. What more than _fun_ is the purpose of playing games?




I play for fun. Fun is the only reward I need.

I often explore and spend time doing things that are often very unrewarding, like mini dungeons. Map breaking. Decking out multiple characters. Levelling.

But there's also quite a few decorative this I want.


I spent all my gold and a tenner cash on the wintersday mounts.

I'm now saving for all those Xmas drinks for festive inbiber( or whatever it is), so I can work on saving for the winters presence over the year. I really hope I make it. I have about 1/3rd of the way atm.

I love the idea of snowing :D.

There's absolutely plenty to keep me going in this game.

I quite enjoy the feeling of not actually having to do anything. It's why i keep logging in, to do whatever I find fun at that moment.



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