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Why is there no balance patch ?


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We have been waiting for a balance patch since PoF release. The minor adjustments we got have no effects or have made the situation even worse (buff of firebrands ? What the hell ??). There are some people having a clearer view that are trying to help you to make the game healthier, at this point it would be worth listening to them instead of the team you are paying for that purpose.

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> @"aelska.4609" said:

> We have been waiting for a balance patch since PoF release. The minor adjustments we got have no effects or have made the situation even worse (buff of firebrands ? What the hell ??). There are some people having a clearer view that are trying to help you to make the game healthier, at this point it would be worth listening to them instead of the team you are paying for that purpose.


Lesson Learned;


' Don't Trust Words. Trust Actions '

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Well they sorted out spellbreaker more or less. Baby steps.


4 months to get a 4 s increased CD on one skill. I am fine with baby steps, as long as they are frequent. One patch a week would not be too much in the current situation.


> @"Furious.2867" said:

> Limited resources is my guess


Thinking is not always an easy task for some people, indeed :p

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In theory , if they follow the old schedule, the next major balance patch is due in February. The minor one just received was apparently to address immediate concerns.


From where I sit there two general philosophies as to how Balance patches should be released. 1 is to have them on an ongoing basis where patches made at least monthly and the other is to have them on a cyclic period where they done as ANET does , once every 3 months and all patches implemented at the same time for all professions and issues.


There are upsides and downsides to each. With the former one gets the "illusion" something being done whereas very often a patch just introduces other things that lead to imbalances. if a gaming company has to make monthly/weekly patches to address balance issues they are in fact doing a poor job of the same. The major issue with this method is it takes time for the playerbase to learn to exploit of take advantage of the games mechanics and you simply can not get that feedback in so short a period of time.


The ANET system has issues all of its own and the major one is exploits or balance issues in game remain locked in for long periods of time. People give up playing in frustation as they feel nothing being done and the game no longer enjoyable for their chosen proffession when there another elevated well beyond their own or when game mechancis just make all gameplay an exercise in frustration.


I do still and have played an old school online text based game that has been around for a LONG time. While new skills and spells are introduced on an ongoing basis there little in the way of "patches" as all classes have been very well balanced over the years. Part of the reason that system works (and the spells , mechanics and professions have layers of complexity beyond what offered here) is that there no real PvP component. Another is that the game has been around a long time and it took that time to get it right.


GW2 is a different kettle of fish entirely. Fresh and new things are added on a relatively short time cycle and I do not think class "balance" as high a priority as just getting that new product out there and since it has a competitive PvP component , individual players will often feel motivated to crush an enemy no matter methods used and if it taking advantage of "balance" issues then they will seek out the flavor of the day professions or use game mechanics that best allow that.


It MY opinion that product is pushed out too quickly in the way of expansions. Very often old issues with traits skills and utilities are not addressed before another expansion released. In a perfect world NO new stuff would be introduced before all of those old issues addressed. In a perfect world there would be a period of at least a year where NO balance patches released at all because balance has been achieved. In a perfect world once a new expansion released the priority of all developers would be to use the first few months to address balance concerns wherein it gets to the point no more are needed.


That said, I am giving the viewpoint of a gamer and a consumer of the product with my own individual priorities as to what is important. ANET is in business to make a profit and apprently feel the larger playerbase is more interested in getting new content on a regular basis and feel this the best method to drive revenues and ensure retention and expansion of the playerbase. I feel this an error as it that PvP and WvW that can help keep players engaged over the long term once they tire of the open game PvE and that the same PvP and WvW can help keep players interested in the game between those expansions.


All of that said, I can not get angry over this. Having a different opinion does not mean ones own MUST be the right and only one. If one day the game no longer relevant to me and I no longer relevant to ANET , I just move on. It just a game after all.



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The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> I wonder what else balance team has to do, other than balancing stuff... :anguished:

> Would be nice to find out... but that would require... you know... communication :/


Actually it's not a balance team, they mostly just come up with new elite specs and balance sometimes as a side-project. And to be honest, I think they don't communicate because then we'd get confirmation that they are completely clueless. Well, maybe they know PvE, but I seriously doubt any of them even touches PvP/WvW.


I wonder if they play live too or only internally - If someone made them play in this meta for 8 hours straigth and I think they'd push out a new patch by the next day.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!


If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.


Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.


If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.


I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!


> If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.


> Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.


> If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.


> I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.


How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.

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The balances n bug fixes for classes only happen every 2-4 months....we had one already this month. Dont expect another till February at least...its been like this since day 1, 5 years ago. Reconize anet for what theyve been doing and how they been doing it and expect disappointment and lack of attention to the pvp community.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

> >

> > If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.

> >

> > Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.

> >

> > If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.

> >

> > I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.


> How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.


I said I don’t know how busy they are. The fact that work requires resources is not an assumption. All work requires resources. People on these forums always seem to assume devs do nothing and have all the time in the world to fix everything that players demand right now. The fact is I don’t know what they do so I don’t assume they have all the time in the world. Others shouldn’t either. But the forums are run by emotion so most of what is posted is not rational anyway.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

> > >

> > > If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.

> > >

> > > Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.

> > >

> > > If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.

> > >

> > > I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.

> >

> > How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.


> I said I don’t know how busy they are. The fact that work requires resources is not an assumption. All work requires resources. People on these forums always seem to assume devs do nothing and have all the time in the world to fix everything that players demand right now. The fact is I don’t know what they do so I don’t assume they have all the time in the world. Others shouldn’t either. But the forums are run by emotion so most of what is posted is not rational anyway.


When something is blantantly overpowered, they can release hotfixes within 6 hours...


Yet we go 4 months at a time with small cooldown changes to show for it. Obviously, they can push out patches quickly. They just don't.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > > > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

> > > >

> > > > If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.

> > > >

> > > > Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.

> > > >

> > > > If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.

> > > >

> > > > I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.

> > >

> > > How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.

> >

> > I said I don’t know how busy they are. The fact that work requires resources is not an assumption. All work requires resources. People on these forums always seem to assume devs do nothing and have all the time in the world to fix everything that players demand right now. The fact is I don’t know what they do so I don’t assume they have all the time in the world. Others shouldn’t either. But the forums are run by emotion so most of what is posted is not rational anyway.


> When something is blantantly overpowered, they can release hotfixes within 6 hours...


> Yet we go 4 months at a time with small cooldown changes to show for it. Obviously, they can push out patches quickly. They just don't.


Do you work for Anet on the development team? If not then how can you say it’s obvious. They can if they have the resources and deem it to be the best use of them. It’s not like the game requires any other work besides balance patches.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > > > > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

> > > > >

> > > > > If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.

> > > > >

> > > > > If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.

> > > > >

> > > > > I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.

> > > >

> > > > How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.

> > >

> > > I said I don’t know how busy they are. The fact that work requires resources is not an assumption. All work requires resources. People on these forums always seem to assume devs do nothing and have all the time in the world to fix everything that players demand right now. The fact is I don’t know what they do so I don’t assume they have all the time in the world. Others shouldn’t either. But the forums are run by emotion so most of what is posted is not rational anyway.

> >

> > When something is blantantly overpowered, they can release hotfixes within 6 hours...

> >

> > Yet we go 4 months at a time with small cooldown changes to show for it. Obviously, they can push out patches quickly. They just don't.


> Do you work for Anet on the development team? If not then how can you say it’s obvious. They can if they have the resources and deem it to be the best use of them. It’s not like the game requires any other work besides balance patches.


You _obviously_ didn't read what I said.


To give you an example, when ranger's shout heal received a boon sharing buff, outcry from the community caused Anet to slam the nerf hammer on it within _hours_. They can make these changes extremely quickly when they need to. There's no reason why it should take MONTHS to actually see anything change in the game... especially when PvP and WvW are in their current states.


I'm not sure if you PvP at all, but do you realize how many people actually quit? There's so little competition that the leaderboard is filled with garbage tier players. Even in the top 30 there are people no one has even heard of before. You'd think that there would be a sense of urgency to try to mend the situation. But nope. We'll still have to wait months and months for things that are completely broken to get buffed some more while things that are drastically in need of buffs are nerfed some more.


Anet doesn't even host PvP tournaments to encourage competition. They removed the option to play with friends. You literally can't even play with a team and the only incentive to make one is for the daily AT's and monthly (which no one really cares about anyways). The ATs and monthly are just free gold for good players.


Not to mention that WvW has been virtually ignored since release. It has been the EXACT same for years. The WvW population, back when it was healthy, had practically begged for GvG to be supported, yet Anet didn't even acknowledge them. Now that WvW has died off, there are no more WvW tournaments either, half the servers have been closed and merged due to population loss.


The game is a mess. But hey, at least we get more outfits on the gemstore and raids. 8)

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > > > > > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.

> > > > >

> > > > > How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.

> > > >

> > > > I said I don’t know how busy they are. The fact that work requires resources is not an assumption. All work requires resources. People on these forums always seem to assume devs do nothing and have all the time in the world to fix everything that players demand right now. The fact is I don’t know what they do so I don’t assume they have all the time in the world. Others shouldn’t either. But the forums are run by emotion so most of what is posted is not rational anyway.

> > >

> > > When something is blantantly overpowered, they can release hotfixes within 6 hours...

> > >

> > > Yet we go 4 months at a time with small cooldown changes to show for it. Obviously, they can push out patches quickly. They just don't.

> >

> > Do you work for Anet on the development team? If not then how can you say it’s obvious. They can if they have the resources and deem it to be the best use of them. It’s not like the game requires any other work besides balance patches.


> You _obviously_ didn't read what I said.


> To give you an example, when ranger's shout heal received a boon sharing buff, outcry from the community caused Anet to slam the nerf hammer on it within _hours_. They can make these changes extremely quickly when they need to. There's no reason why it should take MONTHS to actually see anything change in the game... especially when PvP and WvW are in their current states.


> I'm not sure if you PvP at all, but do you realize how many people actually quit? There's so little competition that the leaderboard is filled with garbage tier players. Even in the top 30 there are people no one has even heard of before. You'd think that there would be a sense of urgency to try to mend the situation. But nope. We'll still have to wait months and months for things that are completely broken to get buffed some more while things that are drastically in need of buffs are nerfed some more.


> Anet doesn't even host PvP tournaments to encourage competition. They removed the option to play with friends. You literally can't even play with a team and the only incentive to make one is for the daily AT's and monthly (which no one really cares about anyways). The ATs and monthly are just free gold for good players.


> Not to mention that WvW has been virtually ignored since release. It has been the EXACT same for years. The WvW population, back when it was healthy, had practically begged for GvG to be supported, yet Anet didn't even acknowledge them. Now that WvW has died off, there are no more WvW tournaments either, half the servers have been closed and merged due to population loss.


> The game is a mess. But hey, at least we get more outfits on the gemstore and raids. 8)


They apparently deemed it worth the resources. That’s the thing. They will put resources into whatever will make the most money. You can’t expect them not to. Apparently they make more money off of gem store items and raids than balancing pvp. It honestly makes sense. It’s not like it’s a subscription based game that they get monthly revenue off of. If a pvp player quits because they are unhappy with balance it’s not like they are losing money off of them. If they put a bunch of resources towards balance and the player doesn’t quit it’s not like they are really making money off of it either.


Gem store items make them money. So they put resources towards. I’m not saying that’s how it should be. I mainly do pvp on this game and others I have played. I am disappointed with the balance. I wish things would get fixed faster. I have left other games because of stuff like that. But they aren’t missing me. I can’t expect a business to not act like a business.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> The balances n bug fixes for classes only happen every 2-4 months....we had one already this month. Dont expect another till February at least...its been like this since day 1, 5 years ago. Reconize anet for what theyve been doing and how they been doing it and expect disappointment and lack of attention to the pvp community.


The devs said that last balance patch was off cycle and it is not going to interrupt the quarterly patches. It is certain that we will have a patch before next sPvP season starts. How big will it be, that is a different question.

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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > > > > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > > > > > > The current people that are responsible for balancing PvP are not doing a good job of it. We need balance balances more often & we need them to be good. There needs to be a survey conducted or something. It doesn't make sense to me how we have a game with great mechanics but poor handling/delivery. They say time and time again that the balance team =/= the pvp team. It makes no sense to me!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you are talking about a community survey then I think it would be a trash statistic to base balance on. People are much to biased whether they think they are or not. There would be too many people answering the survey based on emotion rather than actual thoughtful balance approach. People say devs are “clueless” only because they do something that they don’t agree with. I could say people whose balance opinions are different than mine are clueless as well. Doesn’t make me correct.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also, I don’t think people should judge frequency of balance patches without actually understanding what sort of effort that entails, the available resources, and the other demands on those resources. I’m sure the people at Anet have busy schedules. It would not be fair for me to judge them for not getting something done on my time table if I don’t actually know what all they have going on.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If people want more balance patches then Anet likely needs more resources. More resources costs more money. Those costs need to come from a revenue source. If players aren’t providing enough revenue then those resources will not be acquired. That’s just the way it works.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I would like more fequent balance patches too, but I understand how busy a work schedule can get.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How do you know how busy they are if they never communicate anything? Someone could argue the complete opposite of what you just said and it would still be worth nothing. You're assuming things.

> > > > >

> > > > > I said I don’t know how busy they are. The fact that work requires resources is not an assumption. All work requires resources. People on these forums always seem to assume devs do nothing and have all the time in the world to fix everything that players demand right now. The fact is I don’t know what they do so I don’t assume they have all the time in the world. Others shouldn’t either. But the forums are run by emotion so most of what is posted is not rational anyway.

> > > >

> > > > When something is blantantly overpowered, they can release hotfixes within 6 hours...

> > > >

> > > > Yet we go 4 months at a time with small cooldown changes to show for it. Obviously, they can push out patches quickly. They just don't.

> > >

> > > Do you work for Anet on the development team? If not then how can you say it’s obvious. They can if they have the resources and deem it to be the best use of them. It’s not like the game requires any other work besides balance patches.

> >

> > You _obviously_ didn't read what I said.

> >

> > To give you an example, when ranger's shout heal received a boon sharing buff, outcry from the community caused Anet to slam the nerf hammer on it within _hours_. They can make these changes extremely quickly when they need to. There's no reason why it should take MONTHS to actually see anything change in the game... especially when PvP and WvW are in their current states.

> >

> > I'm not sure if you PvP at all, but do you realize how many people actually quit? There's so little competition that the leaderboard is filled with garbage tier players. Even in the top 30 there are people no one has even heard of before. You'd think that there would be a sense of urgency to try to mend the situation. But nope. We'll still have to wait months and months for things that are completely broken to get buffed some more while things that are drastically in need of buffs are nerfed some more.

> >

> > Anet doesn't even host PvP tournaments to encourage competition. They removed the option to play with friends. You literally can't even play with a team and the only incentive to make one is for the daily AT's and monthly (which no one really cares about anyways). The ATs and monthly are just free gold for good players.

> >

> > Not to mention that WvW has been virtually ignored since release. It has been the EXACT same for years. The WvW population, back when it was healthy, had practically begged for GvG to be supported, yet Anet didn't even acknowledge them. Now that WvW has died off, there are no more WvW tournaments either, half the servers have been closed and merged due to population loss.

> >

> > The game is a mess. But hey, at least we get more outfits on the gemstore and raids. 8)


> They apparently deemed it worth the resources. That’s the thing. They will put resources into whatever will make the most money. You can’t expect them not to. Apparently they make more money off of gem store items and raids than balancing pvp. It honestly makes sense. It’s not like it’s a subscription based game that they get monthly revenue off of. If a pvp player quits because they are unhappy with balance it’s not like they are losing money off of them. If they put a bunch of resources towards balance and the player doesn’t quit it’s not like they are really making money off of it either.


> Gem store items make them money. So they put resources towards. I’m not saying that’s how it should be. I mainly do pvp on this game and others I have played. I am disappointed with the balance. I wish things would get fixed faster. I have left other games because of stuff like that. But they aren’t missing me. I can’t expect a business to not act like a business.


Yeah I understand. It's so annoying though. They literally just ignored and killed off 2/3 of their gamemodes.

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Although I agree that more balancing would be helpful, it's also important to note that there have been several patches since POF launch, including one to "soften" condi application burst.

In addition - since this is posted in "PVP" - it would not be appropriate to implement bigger changes before the current season ends for continuity purposes.

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You're not wrong, although, honestly, this season has been the one where they "worked" the most on balance mid-season.

The whole pvp and balance team philosophy of bimonthly balance and seasons is wrong, broken, not working, and strangling pvp to death.

Seasons need to be longer, much, much longer, instead of fostering intensive play to keep up with shorter seasons, which leads to burnout, they should do what almost all other games out there do, which is 6 -12 month long seasons.


With that there should be an increase in points for ranks, of course, but also at least bi-weekly updates (1 balance update every 2 weeks), allowing not only for actual fixing of balance problems, but to shuffle the meta now and then and keep the game interesting.


I mean they call them "seasons" but usually there's nothing different from season to season. It's always the same, you'll usually do minor changes, if any, to builds, and you have your points reset. End-result: Another farm.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > The balances n bug fixes for classes only happen every 2-4 months....we had one already this month. Dont expect another till February at least...its been like this since day 1, 5 years ago. Reconize anet for what theyve been doing and how they been doing it and expect disappointment and lack of attention to the pvp community.


> The devs said that last balance patch was off cycle and it is not going to interrupt the quarterly patches. It is certain that we will have a patch before next sPvP season starts. How big will it be, that is a different question.


Whens the next one scheduled? Early February late January? Ha. Anyway there big condi changed didnt really change condi and there effectiveness, they still hit just as hard if not harder then befor. so if this last update was considered a big change to condi by tje devs then what hope is there that any future balance patch will be effective as anyone hopes?

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