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Should Gw2 friends interface be reworked a bit?


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Let me explain the current 3 options of friend followers and blocked is not enough, there are some people i would like to add to to following for example commanders etc and i would and option to add people who are not exactly my friend to interested parties or something but not friends. my suggestion is for lfg tool to have these categories:

1 - Friends

2 - Interesting people

3 - Following

4 - Followers

5 - Blocked

and also make it so blocked people cant join my parties squards whatever i make i dont want them even seeing my lfgs.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> when i look at this i get the idea you got this list from defiantart, nothing wrong with that but for in-game i would really not like to get followers.

> in an art website it's normal, in a game it can lead to really creepy things.


actually no its just my own idea xd nice to see deviantart has something similar, anyway you already have followers i have around 500 people that added me to friends and are following me without me even wanting them to follow me. because they can only use add to friends.

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It would be nice to sort out the people I play with the most into a category that sits them at the top if my friends list.


Move the LFG into its own window.


Having people on your block list not able to enter the party or squad your are in would be a problem, half the people can't enter a squad because some one has blocked them, or someone's friend can't enter a party because one of players has them on there block list. It just won't work.

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I actually would propose for the follower list to be removed. I don't need to know that list do i? :p

I added a lot of ppl to my fl bcos they are in follower list.. now I couldn't follow up who is who xD

Love the renaming option .. I can rename ppl to what ever I like :x

And when they pop online the renamed nick appear on the game chat as xxx is now online or yyy is now offline.. good for laugh sometimes

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No need for complication! Please keep it simple....


Me personally, I would need only two lists:

- People I add as friends, however with one request: If the list could be renamed? I put players in this list for different reasons (like for example, a good commander), and they are not necessarily friends.

- People I block.


Apart from this, I do not see what else can be needed.


Regarding followers, I agree with @Talindra.4958 : I don't understand the point of this list. What for? I mostly don't recognize the names into it and this is logic somehow, because I tend to believe that like me, many players add players as friends for all sort of reasons, else than being friends. To my eyes, the list of followers is rather a potential source of troubles like for example (already had that a few times): "I added you as friend but I see in my list of followers that you have not done same, why?" pfffff.....


Anyhow. That was my very personal opinion. :)

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:


> I’d really only like the follower list to be removed, and friending should be a mutual acceptance. That’s it.


I would approve of those changes. However, I remember saying so before and someone objected to the idea of removing follower. He was a streamer, who did not want to have to accept that many friend requests. So, I might suggest that friend requests would need to be accepted and allowing followers would be an option one could turn on -- or off.

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I don't care so much about the visuals, but one thing I want is to be able to only have a select list be able to PM me at any given time. I've had so much harassment from gold sellers and honestly I'm sick to death of them. I had a thread up in the old forums a while ago regarding this but nothing has been done.


What it would ideally be is a list of checkboxes saying who can and can't message you, like guild 1, guild 2, friends, followers, or anyone, and you would tick the boxes that you would be happy to have message you.


But then a bunch of people got their panties in a twist because "what if a newbie wants help and wants to message you!?!".

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> I don't care so much about the visuals, but one thing I want is to be able to only have a select list be able to PM me at any given time. I've had so much harassment from gold sellers and honestly I'm sick to death of them. I had a thread up in the old forums a while ago regarding this but nothing has been done.


> What it would ideally be is a list of checkboxes saying who can and can't message you, like guild 1, guild 2, friends, followers, or anyone, and you would tick the boxes that you would be happy to have message you.


> But then a bunch of people got their panties in a twist because "what if a newbie wants help and wants to message you!?!".


yup completely agree lfg tool is way to old and needs a redesign for more options, nothing wrong in wanting the ability to select who you want to play with or who can message you.

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> @"MarkoNS.3261" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > I don't care so much about the visuals, but one thing I want is to be able to only have a select list be able to PM me at any given time. I've had so much harassment from gold sellers and honestly I'm sick to death of them. I had a thread up in the old forums a while ago regarding this but nothing has been done.

> >

> > What it would ideally be is a list of checkboxes saying who can and can't message you, like guild 1, guild 2, friends, followers, or anyone, and you would tick the boxes that you would be happy to have message you.

> >

> > But then a bunch of people got their panties in a twist because "what if a newbie wants help and wants to message you!?!".


> yup completely agree lfg tool is way to old and needs a redesign for more options, nothing wrong in wanting the ability to select who you want to play with or who can message you.


Almost forgot about the lfg. Being able to put requirements on who can join parties would be great too. I used to do t4 fractals every single day until we lost people from our static and started pugging. I seriously wanted to kill someone because pugs are in general just *so* bad, and tend to just join any group without reading the descriptions.

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The only thing I use the friend list for is rude players. I immediately friend anyone in game that treats me badly. When I see them logged on I send them a pleasant greeting. Seriously, something like "Good to see you again" or "I had so much fun with you the last time we talked." Nine times out of ten I get ignored but every now and then they make amends and we actually have a fun gaming session. My friends that I actually see in flesh and blood are in a small guild with me that we created specifically to play this game together. Them, I'm rude to :)

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I'd like to see notes added to the friends list so that we can display both the person's Character/Account and a bit of info about them. Nicknames can be used for this but it's a tad awkward and can actually make it harder to remember a person when it obscures their account name. This would be especially useful for acquaintances that you may not do things with often and need to remember who they are. I'd also advocate for the block list to not indicate when a person is online nor what map they are in.

> @"MarkoNS.3261" said:

> and also make it so blocked people cant join my parties squards whatever i make i dont want them even seeing my lfgs.

While it may be nice in theory to prevent blocked people from joining your party/squad, how would it apply to large squads? If you have a group of 40 people, will the new member be rejected if any of the 40 have them blocked? What if the other 39 have them friended? Might it depend only if the commander has them blocked? How would that work for parties where there is no group leader? I think it could cause more confusion than benefit on the whole if players are automatically rejected from a group because of the block list.

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> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> I'd like to see notes added to the friends list so that we can display both the person's Character/Account and a bit of info about them. Nicknames can be used for this but it's a tad awkward and can actually make it harder to remember a person when it obscures their account name. This would be especially useful for acquaintances that you may not do things with often and need to remember who they are. I'd also advocate for the block list to not indicate when a person is online nor what map they are in.

> > @"MarkoNS.3261" said:

> > and also make it so blocked people cant join my parties squards whatever i make i dont want them even seeing my lfgs.

> While it may be nice in theory to prevent blocked people from joining your party/squad, how would it apply to large squads? If you have a group of 40 people, will the new member be rejected if any of the 40 have them blocked? What if the other 39 have them friended? Might it depend only if the commander has them blocked? How would that work for parties where there is no group leader? I think it could cause more confusion than benefit on the whole if players are automatically rejected from a group because of the block list.


parties used to have leaders with kicking powers like in every other game then people complained about being kicked or something and anet changed it. they just need to bring that back and implement a block list that people who are blocked for the guy who is making the party can not join its reasonable.

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