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Corrupting boons on auto attack needs to be removed, the necro does not need this OP auto attack.


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The scourge is OP as it is corrupting and removing tons of boons. The scepter auto attack needs a rework.

Just by auto attacking a necro can corrupt tons of boons and on top of that deal massive condition damage.

Check what scepter auto attack does by clicking [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Putrid_Curse)


Please remove boon corruption on scepter auto attack, the necro does not need this on auto attack.

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Why don't you jump on a condition scourge, whip out a scepter and just see what kind of pitiful damage it does. If anything it needs a heavy buff. I'm sorry, but hitting "said" warrior with scepter for less than 200 dmg per hit, a bleed that ticks between 100-200, then on the 3rd swing induces poison that ticks around 100 and converts 1 boon to a condition needs a buff. Maybe it should be removing 2-3 buffs considering how terribad the damage is?

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> I don't understand why people want to balance Scourge by nerfing everything but Scourge.


This exactly.

There is no point in nerfing core necro. Core necro is not the one broken here, it is the elite spec. If you guys want something nerfed, as a rev main I want it more than anyone, nerf the scourge elite. Don't try to screw with core necro in the process.

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The scepter is used only because is the only condition weapon on the necromancer weapon set. The scepter isn't strong enough to compete with all the other condition weapons of this game. In a lot of situations the scepter isn't enough to inflict damage and the AA is one of the lesser rewarding thing you can spam using a necromancer (any kind of necro build).

Maybe for some low rank players a corruption on the 3AA may look insanely OP but at the end of the game that corruption don't change the game and don't make a necromancer win. If a necromancer win (expecially if win corrupting your boons) is because there's a large amount of Other skills that corrupt or remove boons and have other skills to inflict damage.

A necromancer that AA with the scepter is a necromancer that missed something, that don't have anything else in his pocket to throw out and spam. And you don't have to fear a necro like that because will be so bad that will never kill you.


In the end, the scepter AA don't even grant you LF, one of the reasons no one stay there to AA, not with a scepter. better AA with the staff and spam marks to be able to spam Fx skills and corrupt More boons (maybe aiming to your stability with a fast and huge corruption spam) and inflict hugely more damage with shade skills.


If you want to nerf Scourge, you're really doing bad.

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Problem with scourge is not single weapon which affects all other necro builds. Problem with scourge is how all effects stack on him with huge aoe and barrier.


Regardless I do agree that boon corrupt on auto attack wasn't really well thought idea when it also does bleed and poison.




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> @"Loop.8106" said:

> Scepter auto attack is not the underlying issue why Scourge is broken. Nerfing this will only push Condi Necro and Condi Reaper even further from being viable.

> I would aim the nerfs at the f2 corrupt and / or Punishment skills.


Are you telling me that by removing the boon corruption on auto attack the necro is all of a sudden going to be unplayable and not viable? Kid please!

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> Foo, Quaggan would rather nerf AoE boon corruption caused by shadez.


Not gona happen, this is a aoe game mainly, expect more aoe of everything in next expantion ;)

Its not a game based towards quagans but a game only towards skrits ;) and skirts love low effort aoe stacking, so expect that the only direction of the game.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > Foo, Quaggan would rather nerf AoE boon corruption caused by shadez.


> Not gona happen, this is a aoe game mainly, expect more aoe of everything in next expantion ;)

> Its not a game based towards quagans but a game only towards skrits ;) and skirts love low effect aoe stacking, so expect that the only direction of the game.


Hey, don't bring skritt into this. Most necros seem to be sylvari anyways... Blame them! Skritt are just innocent little cuties that are always on the lookout for more shinies. :3

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > Foo, Quaggan would rather nerf AoE boon corruption caused by shadez.

> >

> > Not gona happen, this is a aoe game mainly, expect more aoe of everything in next expantion ;)

> > Its not a game based towards quagans but a game only towards skrits ;) and skirts love low effect aoe stacking, so expect that the only direction of the game.


> Hey, don't bring skritt into this. Most necros seem to be sylvari anyways... Blame them! Skritt are just innocent little cuties that are always on the lookout for more shinies. :3


I hate the skirts, the first thing i notice them for first time i saw them, it felt it was a joke for the kind of player Anet wanted and whom this game was ment for, the players that how much awfull and illogical addons anet would add to the game if theres a reward and easy achievable those players would say "oh shinny!!!"

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No. The boon corrupt on auto is the only actually slow boon corrupt necro has, and it's on core necro. If you want to nerf scourge's boon corruption, the fact that it makes **Path of Corruption** one of the strongest traits in the game is where you should start.


When this trait was made, only core necro existed. Dark Path, core necro's skill that triggers it, has a 15s cooldown, and can only be used in shroud, and is a slow projectile with a long cast time. ie very easy to dodge

Scourge, on the other hand, makes it an instant cast AoE with 8s cooldown, and usable at any time.


I would make Path of Corruption trigger only while in shroud. This nerfs scourge's boon corruption while not touching reaper or core necro.



(Alternatively, see: suggestion I posted last month, involving shade damage being reactable instead of instant)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > > Foo, Quaggan would rather nerf AoE boon corruption caused by shadez.

> > >

> > > Not gona happen, this is a aoe game mainly, expect more aoe of everything in next expantion ;)

> > > Its not a game based towards quagans but a game only towards skrits ;) and skirts love low effect aoe stacking, so expect that the only direction of the game.

> >

> > Hey, don't bring skritt into this. Most necros seem to be sylvari anyways... Blame them! Skritt are just innocent little cuties that are always on the lookout for more shinies. :3


> I hate the skirts, the first thing i notice them for first time i saw them, it felt it was a joke for the kind of player Anet wanted and whom this game was ment for, the players that how much awfull and illogical addons anet would add to the game if theres a reward and easy achievable those players would say "oh shinny!!!"


Aww, how can you hate them when they're so cute though? :D It's not their fault they lack the ability to comprehend much. They reflect the personalities of rodents perfectly, too. They love their goodies and being able to stash them away in their little hidey holes. XD


I always wonder what's going on in their little minds. Like what if they're thinking about a lot more than what we know and we just don't know it because they have difficulty with communication? :P They could be secretly plotting to take over the world and we just don't know it yet! Mwahahaha!!!!


P.S. Sorry for derailing the thread! ^^;;

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Loop.8106" said:

> > Scepter auto attack is not the underlying issue why Scourge is broken. Nerfing this will only push Condi Necro and Condi Reaper even further from being viable.

> > I would aim the nerfs at the f2 corrupt and / or Punishment skills.


> Are you telling me that by removing the boon corruption on auto attack the necro is all of a sudden going to be unplayable and not viable? Kid please!


No what he is saying is that nerfing auto corrupt will do almost nothing to Scourge, but will heavily affect core necro and reaper. Which if you haven't noticed are trash tier.

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