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In your opinion, what do you think happens to Balthazar at the end of Path of Fire?


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Nothing will go the way that we expect it to.


In a meta sense, we all expect to win in the end. I mean, this is a game and we are ostensibly the protagonist. I fully expect though that I will either:


1) By losing we win, in some way (The "We won but at what cost?" ending)

2) Lose to Balthazar but have something bigger step in at the last moment, (The Dea Ex Machina ending, possibly literally)

3) Win against Balthazar but how we got there means a dirty, dirty pact with undead hands (The GDI JOKO, AGAIN? ending)

4) This is all a fever dream and Kilroy Stonekin is, in fact, responsible as I have said all along (The "Oh crap, run" ending)

5) Something else that I haven't yet thought of because I don't have coffee yet (The Placeholder ending)


Either way though, I think it'll definitely be a twist. They're nothing if not as straight as a circle about their plots here, let's be honest. And I kind of love that even as I sit here going 'wow.... really?'

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We defeat Balthazar, but because he is a demigod we can't actually kill him. So the other gods step in and imprison him in the Fissure of Woe, and Palawa Joko takes Balthazars place as god of war, giving up his control of vabbi and kourna so the living races can take them back from the undead. LS4 will take place in the Fissure of Woe, and will be the storymode version of the next raid that will be Fissure of Woe.

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Just a few ideas.



1. He is sent to exile a la Abaddon.

2. He is stripped of all magic and reverts to his old human form to live the rest of his life as a powerless, coward of a human.

3. His physical body is destroyed, but his essence is scattered into the Mists.

4. He becomes so ashamed of defeat, he gets Tegon & Temar to destory him.



1. He gains the power he wants, but it overloads killing him.

2. The Six/Five appear the moment right before he gets what he wants and delay his progress further.

3. Kormir and/or Lyssa appear as a new or old ally in disguise and halt his progress. They battle and weaken him. He runs off.

4. He gains the power but is magically poisoned.

5. He gains what he wanted, but realizes that it's not enough and goes off somewhere to search for something stronger. His thirst is not sated. Something south...south of Cantha draw his attention.




1. Joko tries to help with a binding spell he knows but gets trapped with Balthazar inside a tomb. We trick them both.


2. Kralkatorrik aids us indirectly by powering up an ancient device, via magical intravenous therapy, that can remove magic from a being and put them in suspended animation. Plus, it puts Kral to sleep.


3. Abaddon came up with a plan to contain his godly peers, when he gave out magic. He knew there would be backlash. He observed from afar a place in the Mists. A special region. Unfortunately, he did not have enough time to enact the plan. We encounter a Djinn who knows about a scroll the Fallen god hid. Next, we find out through the scroll how to trap a powerful being permanently. The scroll shows a place in the Mists where no life/death can escape (infinite prison). The other gods had no knowledge of this place only Abaddon. Once we use the scroll it vanishes erasing all knowledge of its existence. We learn that there are things bigger and grander things that exist. And that the Six are none to wise at all.


4. We find out that the one who stole his power was his illegitimate son. [balthazar did not leave but stayed and a had relations with a woman. She bore a child and he stayed and watched. The other gods were angered by this. They all vowed not to get involved or attached to Tyria. He did not listen. He never appeared in front of his son. He kept his distance. Dwayna was displeased, but chose not to intervene. Melandru watched and told the others there is no need to bother. Thus is the way of nature. Kormir was not present, busy with other matters. Menzies heard about his nephew and enlisted some aid. They waited until Balthazar's son was old enough and whispered bad thoughts, made him witness false illusions, and shepherded anger inside his heart for Balthazar. They manipulated his son. They offered him a seat in the pantheon, but told him to drain his father's power. So, he obtains an artifact. One day he prayed to his father for strength and glory. Balthazar appeared...] When Balthazar fights us there's a moment of weakness. Frustratingly, he tries to explain his reason for doing this. Just then his son appears and cuts him off, his uncle smiling next to him. But instead of sparring him as he did the first time he beheads Balthazar and vanishes with his trophy.


5. Poobadoo licks him! And we find out that's Balthazar's weakness. He explodes and Poobadoo becomes a new demi god.

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Plot twist....


We manage to talk things out in the end, Balthazar dismantles his Forged and we find a way to empower him without ending Tyria and we team up to slay the one who usurped him... The Twin Serpent Mountains brothers! They are the true final boss. And with their deaths, Abazar can ascend to retain his place as god of warledge.


Then we hunt down Dhuum alongside Grenth.

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i hope for something bigger to happen, i hope for Aurene related fate cross to come with the gods.

I think the gods need to come back for the last confrontation, where we set the ground for the next living world.

I actually like this pattern, expansion then a living world season and then another preparation for living world. I really wish to see where Joko gets in all this as Elonian struggle between a fire dragon to the god of war.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> He dies... what else can we expect? Dwayna comes to help him? XD


Well why wouldn't Dwayna ? She must be good for something, right ? And I also wouldn't be so sure that we end up killing Balthazar, because then we need a new god (presumably) and we don't need that to happen again, no Abaddon 2.0 pls.

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There HAS TO BE a huge plot twist redeeming Balthazar and making him a relatable character, in some way or another. I'd hate so see him getting destroyed. Defeated and then, after hearing his reasons for being a total butt hole, sided with would be ok, but not destroyed.

If it all just ends with him being the cliché bad guy willing to destroy Tyria, and us or some other being kicking his butt and defeating him, I'll be very disappointed. Again.

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We will stop Balthazar but not killing him. in the end of Path of Fire we will be allies. We find out that Menzies is behind all this and we find out how Menzies has weakened Balthazar. Menzies is allied with Kralkatorric. Menzies found a way to led Kralkatorik into the Fissure of Woe... and in the domain of a god the elder dragons can absorb the power of a god. Now there exist an elder dragon with god powers.


Maybe this theory doesnt fit fully as the story has been currently been told but I like that idea a lot.

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